    private void PlaceInfluencer(GameObject influencer)
        //Call influence display update at end

        //make a ray from the mouse
        ray = overheadCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        LayerMask layerMask = ~(1 << 2);

        //cast a ray and check if it is valid
        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1000, layerMask) && (hit.transform == terrain.transform || hit.transform == bridge.transform))
            //get location for the map array manipulation
            Vector2 hitLocation = new Vector2(hit.point.x, hit.point.z);

            //manipulate the coordinates into mapData coordinates
            int xLoc = (int)(hitLocation.x + (x / 2));

            int yLoc = -1 * (int)(hitLocation.y - (y / 2));

            //validate the coordinates
            if (xLoc >= 0 && xLoc < x && yLoc >= 0 && yLoc < y && mapData[xLoc, yLoc])
                //create a world location from the mapData coordinates
                Vector3 placementLocation = new Vector3(xLoc - (x / 2) + .5f, hit.point.y, -yLoc + y / 2 - .5f);

                //create the new influencer
                GameObject tempInfluencer = Instantiate(influencer, placementLocation, Quaternion.identity);

                //set the influencer's stored coordinates to be used in the influence map creation
                Influencer tempInf = tempInfluencer.GetComponent <Influencer>();
                tempInf.SetMapLocation(xLoc, yLoc);

                //if it is set to green team
                if (team)
                    tempInfluencer.transform.parent = GreenTeamParent.transform;
                //else it is set to red team
                    tempInfluencer.transform.parent = RedTeamParent.transform;
        InfluenceMap.Instance.gameObject.GetComponent <InfluenceMapDisplay>().UpdateDisplay();