    private AITurn ComputeTurn()
        float[,] influenceMap = InfluenceMap.GetInfluenceMap(MapInfos, Team.Player);

        InfluenceMapDrawer drawer = GameObject.Find("InfluenceMapDrawer").GetComponent <InfluenceMapDrawer>();

        drawer.influenceMap = influenceMap;

        AITurn turn = new AITurn();

        turn.Actions = new List <AIAction>();

        AIActionMovement movement = new AIActionMovement();

        movement.GetHighestScore(influenceMap, CurrentCell.X, CurrentCell.Z, (int)MapInfos.Size.x, (int)MapInfos.Size.y, AttributesSheet.GetAttribute(AttributeType.MovementPoint));

        /* while (enough AP to use a skill || enough MP to move) {
         *  // if (enough AP to use a skill) {
         *      - Get Available Skills
         *      if (health == low && has a healing skill)
         *          Use healing skill
         *      else {
         *          - Get potential targets in Range
         *          - Get skill cellTarget
         *          - Add potential kills to turn
         *          - Add potential damage to turn
         *      }
         *  } else (Move) {
         *      GetInfluenceMap(Team.Player);
         *      AIActionMovement movement = new AIActionMovement();
         *      if (CurrentHealth > 50%) {
         *          GetHighestScore();
         *      } else
         *          GetLowestScore();
         *      turns.Action.Add(movement);
         *  }
    Vector3 GetTargetPosition()
        float[,] map = m_influenceMap.GetInfluenceMap();
        float minPosValue     = 100.0f;
        float currentPosValue = 0.0f;

        List <Vector3> positions  = new List <Vector3>();
        Vector3        currentPos = transform.position;

        // Kernel of 3x3 square
        if (m_kernelSize == 3)
            // Loop through all to find the position with the smallest value
            for (int y = 1; y < m_mapSize - 1; y = y + m_kernelSize)
                for (int x = 1; x < m_mapSize - 1; x = x + m_kernelSize)
                    currentPosValue = map[x - 1, y + 1] + map[x, y + 1] + map[x + 1, y + 1]
                                      + map[x - 1, y] + map[x, y] + map[x + 1, y]
                                      + map[x - 1, y - 1] + map[x, y - 1] + map[x + 1, y - 1];

                    // Check if current value is the smallest one and replace list with the new value
                    if (currentPosValue < minPosValue)
                        minPosValue = currentPosValue;
                        positions.Add(m_influenceMap.Indices2World(x, y));
                    // Check if position is close enough and add to list
                    else if (Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Min(currentPosValue, minPosValue)) < 0.5f)
                        positions.Add(m_influenceMap.Indices2World(x, y));
                    // Do nothing if the position is not of interest

        // Randomise between the values in the list of positions
        currentPos = positions[Mathf.RoundToInt((Random.Range(0, positions.Count)))];