private byte[] RenderHighlightedObject(IndigoObject mol, IndigoObject query) { query.aromatize(); IndigoObject matcher = indigo.substructureMatcher(mol); foreach (IndigoObject match in matcher.iterateMatches(query)) { foreach (IndigoObject queryAtom in query.iterateAtoms()) { IndigoObject atom = match.mapAtom(queryAtom); atom.highlight(); foreach (IndigoObject nei in atom.iterateNeighbors()) { if (!nei.isPseudoatom() && !nei.isRSite() && nei.atomicNumber() == 1) { nei.highlight();; } } } foreach (IndigoObject bond in query.iterateBonds()) { match.mapBond(bond).highlight(); } } indigo.setOption("render-coloring", false); mol.dearomatize(); mol.layout(); return(renderer.renderToBuffer(mol)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a depiction of the chemical structure as a bitmap. /// </summary> /// <param name="width">The desired width in pixels.</param> /// <param name="height">The desired height in pixels.</param> /// <returns>The bitmap depicting the chemical structure.</returns> public Bitmap ToBitmap(int width, int height) { Bitmap bitmap = null; try { using (Indigo indigo = new Indigo()) { IndigoRenderer indigoRenderer = new IndigoRenderer(indigo); indigo.setOption("render-coloring", true); indigo.setOption("render-image-size", width, height); indigo.setOption("render-label-mode", "hetero"); indigo.setOption("render-margins", 10, 10); indigo.setOption("render-output-format", "png"); indigo.setOption("render-relative-thickness", 1.6f); IndigoObject structure = CreateIndigoStructure(indigo); structure.dearomatize(); structure.layout(); bitmap = indigoRenderer.renderToBitmap(structure); structure.Dispose(); } } catch { bitmap = Properties.Resources.Error; } return(bitmap); }