 /// <summary>
 /// NOTE: this method does not carry over termVector
 ///  booleans nor docValuesType; the indexer chain
 ///  (TermVectorsConsumerPerField, DocFieldProcessor) must
 ///  set these fields when they succeed in consuming
 ///  the document
 /// </summary>
 public FieldInfo AddOrUpdate(string name, IndexableFieldType fieldType)
     // TODO: really, indexer shouldn't even call this
     // method (it's only called from DocFieldProcessor);
     // rather, each component in the chain should update
     // what it "owns".  EG fieldType.indexOptions() should
     // be updated by maybe FreqProxTermsWriterPerField:
     return(AddOrUpdateInternal(name, -1, fieldType.Indexed, false, fieldType.OmitNorms, false, fieldType.IndexOptions, fieldType.DocValueType, null));
 public MyField()
     fieldType = new IndexableFieldTypeAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates any added <seealso cref="FacetField"/>s into normal fields for indexing.
        /// <para>
        /// <b>NOTE:</b> you should add the returned document to IndexWriter, not the
        /// input one!
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Document Build(TaxonomyWriter taxoWriter, Document doc)
            // Find all FacetFields, collated by the actual field:
            IDictionary <string, IList <FacetField> > byField = new Dictionary <string, IList <FacetField> >();

            // ... and also all SortedSetDocValuesFacetFields:
            IDictionary <string, IList <SortedSetDocValuesFacetField> > dvByField = new Dictionary <string, IList <SortedSetDocValuesFacetField> >();

            // ... and also all AssociationFacetFields
            IDictionary <string, IList <AssociationFacetField> > assocByField = new Dictionary <string, IList <AssociationFacetField> >();

            var seenDims = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (IndexableField field in doc.Fields)
                if (field.FieldType == FacetField.TYPE)
                    FacetField             facetField = (FacetField)field;
                    FacetsConfig.DimConfig dimConfig  = GetDimConfig(facetField.dim);
                    if (dimConfig.MultiValued == false)
                        CheckSeen(seenDims, facetField.dim);
                    string             indexFieldName = dimConfig.IndexFieldName;
                    IList <FacetField> fields;
                    if (!byField.TryGetValue(indexFieldName, out fields))
                        fields = new List <FacetField>();
                        byField[indexFieldName] = fields;

                if (field.FieldType == SortedSetDocValuesFacetField.TYPE)
                    var facetField = (SortedSetDocValuesFacetField)field;
                    FacetsConfig.DimConfig dimConfig = GetDimConfig(facetField.Dim);
                    if (dimConfig.MultiValued == false)
                        CheckSeen(seenDims, facetField.Dim);
                    string indexFieldName = dimConfig.IndexFieldName;
                    IList <SortedSetDocValuesFacetField> fields;
                    if (!dvByField.TryGetValue(indexFieldName, out fields))
                        fields = new List <SortedSetDocValuesFacetField>();
                        dvByField[indexFieldName] = fields;

                if (field.FieldType == AssociationFacetField.TYPE)
                    AssociationFacetField  facetField = (AssociationFacetField)field;
                    FacetsConfig.DimConfig dimConfig  = GetDimConfig(facetField.dim);
                    if (dimConfig.MultiValued == false)
                        CheckSeen(seenDims, facetField.dim);
                    if (dimConfig.Hierarchical)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("AssociationFacetField cannot be hierarchical (dim=\"" + facetField.dim + "\")");
                    if (dimConfig.RequireDimCount)
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("AssociationFacetField cannot requireDimCount (dim=\"" + facetField.dim + "\")");

                    string indexFieldName = dimConfig.IndexFieldName;
                    IList <AssociationFacetField> fields;
                    if (!assocByField.TryGetValue(indexFieldName, out fields))
                        fields = new List <AssociationFacetField>();
                        assocByField[indexFieldName] = fields;

                    // Best effort: detect mis-matched types in same
                    // indexed field:
                    string type;
                    if (facetField is IntAssociationFacetField)
                        type = "int";
                    else if (facetField is FloatAssociationFacetField)
                        type = "float";
                        type = "bytes";
                    // NOTE: not thread safe, but this is just best effort:
                    string curType;
                    if (!assocDimTypes.TryGetValue(indexFieldName, out curType))
                        assocDimTypes[indexFieldName] = type;
                    else if (!curType.Equals(type))
                        throw new System.ArgumentException("mixing incompatible types of AssocationFacetField (" + curType + " and " + type + ") in indexed field \"" + indexFieldName + "\"; use FacetsConfig to change the indexFieldName for each dimension");

            Document result = new Document();

            ProcessFacetFields(taxoWriter, byField, result);
            processSSDVFacetFields(dvByField, result);
            ProcessAssocFacetFields(taxoWriter, assocByField, result);

            //System.out.println("add stored: " + addedStoredFields);

            foreach (IndexableField field in doc.Fields)
                IndexableFieldType ft = field.FieldType;
                if (ft != FacetField.TYPE && ft != SortedSetDocValuesFacetField.TYPE && ft != AssociationFacetField.TYPE)

        public override void ProcessFields(IndexableField[] fields, int count)

            bool doInvert = Consumer.Start(fields, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                IndexableField     field     = fields[i];
                IndexableFieldType fieldType = field.FieldType();

                // TODO FI: this should be "genericized" to querying
                // consumer if it wants to see this particular field
                // tokenized.
                if (fieldType.Indexed && doInvert)
                    bool analyzed = fieldType.Tokenized && DocState.Analyzer != null;

                    // if the field omits norms, the boost cannot be indexed.
                    if (fieldType.OmitNorms && field.GetBoost() != 1.0f)
                        throw new System.NotSupportedException("You cannot set an index-time boost: norms are omitted for field '" + field.Name() + "'");

                    // only bother checking offsets if something will consume them.
                    // TODO: after we fix analyzers, also check if termVectorOffsets will be indexed.
                    bool checkOffsets    = fieldType.IndexOptions == FieldInfo.IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS;
                    int  lastStartOffset = 0;

                    if (i > 0)
                        FieldState.Position_Renamed += analyzed ? DocState.Analyzer.GetPositionIncrementGap(fieldInfo.Name) : 0;

                     * To assist people in tracking down problems in analysis components, we wish to write the field name to the infostream
                     * when we fail. We expect some caller to eventually deal with the real exception, so we don't want any 'catch' clauses,
                     * but rather a finally that takes note of the problem.

                    bool succeededInProcessingField = false;

                    TokenStream stream = field.GetTokenStream(DocState.Analyzer);
                    // reset the TokenStream to the first token

                        bool hasMoreTokens = stream.IncrementToken();

                        FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed = stream;

                        IOffsetAttribute            offsetAttribute  = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute <IOffsetAttribute>();
                        IPositionIncrementAttribute posIncrAttribute = FieldState.AttributeSource_Renamed.AddAttribute <IPositionIncrementAttribute>();

                        if (hasMoreTokens)

                                // If we hit an exception in stream.next below
                                // (which is fairly common, eg if analyzer
                                // chokes on a given document), then it's
                                // non-aborting and (above) this one document
                                // will be marked as deleted, but still
                                // consume a docID

                                int posIncr = posIncrAttribute.PositionIncrement;
                                if (posIncr < 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("position increment must be >=0 (got " + posIncr + ") for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                if (FieldState.Position_Renamed == 0 && posIncr == 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("first position increment must be > 0 (got 0) for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                int position = FieldState.Position_Renamed + posIncr;
                                if (position > 0)
                                    // NOTE: confusing: this "mirrors" the
                                    // position++ we do below
                                else if (position < 0)
                                    throw new System.ArgumentException("position overflow for field '" + field.Name() + "'");

                                // position is legal, we can safely place it in fieldState now.
                                // not sure if anything will use fieldState after non-aborting exc...
                                FieldState.Position_Renamed = position;

                                if (posIncr == 0)

                                if (checkOffsets)
                                    int startOffset = FieldState.Offset_Renamed + offsetAttribute.StartOffset();
                                    int endOffset   = FieldState.Offset_Renamed + offsetAttribute.EndOffset();
                                    if (startOffset < 0 || endOffset < startOffset)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("startOffset must be non-negative, and endOffset must be >= startOffset, " + "startOffset=" + startOffset + ",endOffset=" + endOffset + " for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                    if (startOffset < lastStartOffset)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("offsets must not go backwards startOffset=" + startOffset + " is < lastStartOffset=" + lastStartOffset + " for field '" + field.Name() + "'");
                                    lastStartOffset = startOffset;

                                bool success = false;
                                    // If we hit an exception in here, we abort
                                    // all buffered documents since the last
                                    // flush, on the likelihood that the
                                    // internal state of the consumer is now
                                    // corrupt and should not be flushed to a
                                    // new segment:
                                    success = true;
                                    if (!success)
                            } while (stream.IncrementToken());
                        // trigger streams to perform end-of-stream operations
                        // TODO: maybe add some safety? then again, its already checked
                        // when we come back around to the field...
                        FieldState.Position_Renamed += posIncrAttribute.PositionIncrement;
                        FieldState.Offset_Renamed   += offsetAttribute.EndOffset();

                        if (DocState.MaxTermPrefix != null)
                            string msg = "Document contains at least one immense term in field=\"" + fieldInfo.Name + "\" (whose UTF8 encoding is longer than the max length " + DocumentsWriterPerThread.MAX_TERM_LENGTH_UTF8 + "), all of which were skipped.  Please correct the analyzer to not produce such terms.  The prefix of the first immense term is: '" + DocState.MaxTermPrefix + "...'";
                            if (DocState.InfoStream.IsEnabled("IW"))
                                DocState.InfoStream.Message("IW", "ERROR: " + msg);
                            DocState.MaxTermPrefix = null;
                            throw new System.ArgumentException(msg);

                        /* if success was false above there is an exception coming through and we won't get here.*/
                        succeededInProcessingField = true;
                        if (!succeededInProcessingField)
                        if (!succeededInProcessingField && DocState.InfoStream.IsEnabled("DW"))
                            DocState.InfoStream.Message("DW", "An exception was thrown while processing field " + fieldInfo.Name);

                    FieldState.Offset_Renamed += analyzed ? DocState.Analyzer.GetOffsetGap(fieldInfo.Name) : 0;
                    FieldState.Boost_Renamed  *= field.GetBoost();

                // LUCENE-2387: don't hang onto the field, so GC can
                // reclaim
                fields[i] = null;

 internal void Update(IndexableFieldType ft)
     Update(ft.Indexed, false, ft.OmitNorms, false, ft.IndexOptions);
 internal void Update(IndexableFieldType ft)
     Update(ft.Indexed, false, ft.OmitNorms, false, ft.IndexOptions);