private void RebuildIndex(ISearchIndex index, bool isRemoteIndex = false) { if (IndexCustodian.IsRebuilding(index)) { WriteVerbose($"Skipping full index rebuild for {index.Name} because it's already running."); var job = Sitecore.Jobs.JobManager.GetJob($"{"Index_Update"}_IndexName={index.Name}"); if (job == null || !AsJob) { return; } WriteVerbose($"Background job existed: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } else { WriteVerbose($"Starting full index rebuild for {index.Name}."); var job = (isRemoteIndex) ? IndexCustodian.FullRebuildRemote(index) : IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index); if (job == null || !AsJob) { return; } WriteVerbose($"Background job created: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } }
public virtual void RebuildCognitiveIndexes() { List <string> cogIndexes = new List <string>(); var nodes = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetConfigNodes("contentSearch/configuration/indexes/index"); foreach (XmlNode n in nodes) { var id = n.Attributes?["id"]; if (id == null || !id.Value.StartsWith("cognitive")) { continue; } var dbNode = n.SelectSingleNode("locations/crawler/Database"); var value = dbNode?.FirstChild?.InnerText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { continue; } cogIndexes.Add(value); } foreach (var dbName in cogIndexes) { var searchIndex = ContentSearch.GetIndex(GetCognitiveIndexName(dbName)); IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(searchIndex); } }
protected virtual void UpdateIndex(BulkLoadContext context, ICollection <ItemChange> itemChanges, Database database, ISearchIndex index) { Job job = null; if (!context.ShouldUpdateIndex(index)) { context.Log.Warn($"Skipping updating index '{index.Name}' because its empty."); return; } var touchedPercentage = (uint)Math.Ceiling((double)itemChanges.Count / Math.Max(1, index.Summary.NumberOfDocuments) * 100); if (context.IndexRebuildThresholdPercentage.HasValue && touchedPercentage > context.IndexRebuildThresholdPercentage.Value) { context.Log.Info($"Rebuilding index '{index.Name}' because {touchedPercentage}% is changed."); job = IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index); } else if (context.Destination != null && !itemChanges.Any(ic => ic.Deleted) && // Refresh doesn't do deletes. context.IndexRefreshThresholdPercentage.HasValue && touchedPercentage > context.IndexRefreshThresholdPercentage.Value) { context.Log.Info($"Refreshing index '{index.Name}' from '{context.Destination.ItemPath}' because {touchedPercentage}% is changed."); job = IndexCustodian.Refresh(index, new SitecoreIndexableItem(database.GetItem(new ID(context.Destination.ItemId)))); } else { var sitecoreIds = GetItemsToIndex(itemChanges, database); context.Log.Info($"Updating index '{index.Name}' with {sitecoreIds.Count} items."); job = IndexCustodian.IncrementalUpdate(index, sitecoreIds); } job.Wait(); }
public void Migrate() { try { IndexCustodian.PauseIndexing(); var stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); var database = Database.GetDatabase(_configuration.TargetDatabase); using (new DatabaseSwitcher(database)) { using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { foreach (var root in _configuration.Roots) { _migrationHelper.MigrateRoot(root.SourceItemId); } } } stopWatch.Stop(); Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Info(String.Format("[FieldMigrator] Migration Completed in {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed), this); } finally { IndexCustodian.ResumeIndexing(); } }
private void RebuildIndex(ISearchIndex index, bool isRemoteIndex = false) { if (IndexCustodian.IsRebuilding(index)) { WriteVerbose($"Skipping full index rebuild for {index.Name} because it's already running."); var jobManager = TypeResolver.ResolveFromCache <IJobManager>(); var job = jobManager.GetJob($"Index_Update_IndexName={index.Name}"); if (job == null || !AsJob) { return; } WriteVerbose($"Background job existed: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } else { WriteVerbose($"Starting full index rebuild for {index.Name}."); var indexManager = TypeResolver.ResolveFromCache <IIndexManager>(); var job = indexManager.FullRebuild(index, isRemoteIndex); if (job == null || !AsJob) { return; } WriteVerbose($"Background job created: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } }
public override IEnumerable <TestingSearchResultItem> GetActiveTests(DataUri hostItemDataUri = null, string searchText = null, ID deviceId = null) { TestingSearch testingSearch = new TestingSearch(); ISearchIndex testingSearchIndex = Sitecore.ContentTesting.ContentSearch.TestingSearch.GetTestingSearchIndex(); if (testingSearchIndex == null) { return(Enumerable.Empty <TestingSearchResultItem>()); } int num = 0; while (IndexCustodian.IsRebuilding(testingSearchIndex) && num < 10) { Thread.Sleep(200); num++; } if (hostItemDataUri != null) { testingSearch.HostItem = hostItemDataUri; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText)) { testingSearch.SearchText = searchText; } if (deviceId != (ID)null) { testingSearch.DeviceId = deviceId; } return(testingSearch.GetRunningTests()); }
public void Run(ITaskOutput output, NameValueCollection metaData) { // Create the standard users CreateSecurityAccounts.CreateAccounts(); // Rebuild the core and master indexes IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_core_index"), true); IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_master_index"), true); }
protected virtual void RemoveItemFromCaches(IItemMetadata metadata, string databaseName) { try { if (databaseName != Database.Name) { return; } // this is a bit heavy handed, sure. // but the caches get interdependent stuff - like caching child IDs // that make it difficult to cleanly remove a single item ID from all cases in the cache // either way, this should be a relatively rare occurrence (from runtime changes on disk) // and we're preserving prefetch, etc. Seems pretty zippy overall. CacheManager.ClearAllCaches(); if (metadata == null) { return; } if (metadata.TemplateId == TemplateIDs.Template.Guid || metadata.TemplateId == TemplateIDs.TemplateField.Guid || (metadata.Path != null && metadata.Path.EndsWith("__Standard Values", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { Database.Engines.TemplateEngine.Reset(); } if (_syncConfiguration != null && (_syncConfiguration.UpdateLinkDatabase || _syncConfiguration.UpdateSearchIndex)) { var item = GetSourceItemFromId(new ID(metadata.Id), true); if (item == null) { return; } if (_syncConfiguration.UpdateLinkDatabase) { Globals.LinkDatabase.UpdateReferences(item); } if (_syncConfiguration.UpdateSearchIndex) { foreach (var index in ContentSearchManager.Indexes) { IndexCustodian.UpdateItem(index, new SitecoreItemUniqueId(item.Uri)); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { // we catch this because this method runs on a background thread. If an unhandled exception occurs there, the app pool terminates and that's Naughty(tm). Log.Error($"[Unicorn] Exception occurred while processing a background item cache removal on {metadata?.Path ?? "unknown item"}", ex, this); } }
private void RefreshItem(ISearchIndex index, IIndexable indexable, string itemPath) { WriteVerbose($"Starting index rebuild for item {itemPath} in {index.Name}."); var job = IndexCustodian.Refresh(index, indexable); if (job != null && AsJob) { WriteVerbose($"Background job created: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } }
private void DeleteItem(ISearchIndex index, IIndexableId indexableId, string itemPath) { WriteVerbose($"Removing item {itemPath} from index {index.Name}."); var job = IndexCustodian.DeleteItem(index, indexableId); if (job != null && AsJob) { WriteVerbose($"Background job created: {job.Name}"); WriteObject(job); } }
private bool ChangeTemplate(Item startItem, Item sourceTemplateItem, Item targetTemplateItem, StringBuilder sBuilder, bool @checked) { bool result = false; if (chkFastandFurious.Checked) { // using (new SecurityDisabler()) using (new ProxyDisabler()) using (new DatabaseCacheDisabler()) using (new EventDisabler()) using (new BulkUpdateContext()) { try { sBuilder.AppendLine("ChangeTemplate Started In Fast And Furious way"); // IndexCustodian.PauseIndexing(); ChangeTemplateExecute(startItem, sourceTemplateItem, targetTemplateItem, sBuilder); if (@checked) { foreach (Item item in startItem.Children) { ChangeTemplateExecute(item, sourceTemplateItem, targetTemplateItem, sBuilder); } } } finally { IndexCustodian.ResumeIndexing(); } } } else { sBuilder.AppendLine("ChangeTemplate Started In Slow and Steady way"); // Process Main Item ChangeTemplateExecute(startItem, sourceTemplateItem, targetTemplateItem, sBuilder); if (@checked) { foreach (Item item in startItem.Children) { ChangeTemplateExecute(item, sourceTemplateItem, targetTemplateItem, sBuilder); } } } result = true; return(result); }
protected virtual void RemoveItemFromCaches(IItemMetadata metadata, string databaseName) { if (databaseName != Database.Name) { return; } // this is a bit heavy handed, sure. // but the caches get interdependent stuff - like caching child IDs // that make it difficult to cleanly remove a single item ID from all cases in the cache // either way, this should be a relatively rare occurrence (from runtime changes on disk) // and we're preserving prefetch, etc. Seems pretty zippy overall. Database.Caches.DataCache.Clear(); Database.Caches.ItemCache.Clear(); Database.Caches.ItemPathsCache.Clear(); Database.Caches.PathCache.Clear(); if (metadata == null) { return; } if (metadata.TemplateId == TemplateIDs.Template.Guid || metadata.TemplateId == TemplateIDs.TemplateField.Guid || metadata.Path.EndsWith("__Standard Values", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Database.Engines.TemplateEngine.Reset(); } if (_syncConfiguration.UpdateLinkDatabase || _syncConfiguration.UpdateSearchIndex) { var item = GetItemFromId(new ID(metadata.Id), true); if (item == null) { return; } if (_syncConfiguration.UpdateLinkDatabase) { Globals.LinkDatabase.UpdateReferences(item); } if (_syncConfiguration.UpdateSearchIndex) { foreach (var index in ContentSearchManager.Indexes) { IndexCustodian.UpdateItem(index, new SitecoreItemUniqueId(item.Uri)); } } } }
protected virtual void UpdateSearchIndexes(Item[] items, ILogger logger) { logger?.Info(""); logger?.Info("[I] Updating search indexes for changed items."); foreach (var index in ContentSearchManager.Indexes) { var changes = items.Select(change => new SitecoreItemUniqueId(change.Uri)); IndexCustodian.IncrementalUpdate(index, changes); } logger?.Debug($"> Queued updates for {items.Length} items in the search indexes. Will run async."); }
void HandleTweet(ITweet tweet) { if ((from tag in tweet.Hashtags where tag.Text == HashtagTrigger select tag).Any()) { Log.Info("Index rebuild triggered from Twitter by '{0}'".FormatWith(tweet.Creator.Name), this); CrawlingLog.Log.Info("Index rebuild triggered from Twitter by '{0}'".FormatWith(tweet.Creator.Name)); if (IndexCustodian.IsIndexingPaused(m_index) || IndexCustodian.IsRebuilding(m_index)) { CrawlingLog.Log.Warn("Indexing call muted"); Log.Info("Indexing call muted", this); return; } IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(m_index); } }
public void RunPostDeployAction(XDocument deployedItems, IPostDeployActionHost host, string parameter) { string[] indexNames = this.GetContentSearchIndexes(parameter); foreach (var indexName in indexNames) { var index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName.Trim()); if (index == null) { host.LogMessage("The Content Search Index with name {0} supplied does not exist.", indexName); continue; } host.LogMessage("Rebuilding index {0}...", indexName); IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index, true); host.LogMessage("Rebuild of index {0} complete", indexName); } }
public override ConversationResponse Respond(LuisResult result, ItemContextParameters parameters, IConversation conversation) { var message = ""; var index = (string)conversation.Data[IndexKey]; if (index == "All") { IndexCustodian.RebuildAll(new [] { IndexGroup.Experience }); message = "All indexes are being rebuilt"; } else { var searchIndex = ContentSearchWrapper.GetIndex(index); IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(searchIndex); message = $"The {index} index is being rebuilt"; } return(ConversationResponseFactory.Create(message)); }
public override ConversationResponse Respond(LuisResult result, ItemContextParameters parameters, IConversation conversation) { var message = ""; var index = (string)conversation.Data[IndexKey]; if (index == AllOption) { IndexCustodian.RebuildAll(new [] { IndexGroup.Experience }); message = Translator.Text("Chat.Intents.RebuildIndex.AllRebuiltMessage"); } else { var searchIndex = ContentSearchWrapper.GetIndex(index); IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(searchIndex); message = string.Format(Translator.Text("Chat.Intents.RebuildIndex.RebuildIndexMessage"), index); } return(ConversationResponseFactory.Create(message)); }
private void RebuildIndex() { try { var index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(_indexName); if (index != null) { IndexRebuilding.Visible = true; IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index, true); } else { IndexNotFound.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { IndexRebuildError.Text = ex.Message; IndexRebuildError.Visible = true; } }
public IHttpActionResult Rebuild([FromBody] string indexname) { if (!IsAuthenticated) { return(Unauthorized()); } using (new UserSwitcher(Context.Site.Domain.GetFullName(this.ApiUser), false)) { if (!Context.User.IsAdministrator) { return(Unauthorized()); } var index = ContentSearchManager.Indexes.SingleOrDefault(idx => idx.Name == indexname); var payload = new IndexingUpdate { IndexName = index.Name, State = State.Started, NumberOfDocuments = index.Summary.NumberOfDocuments, LastUpdated = index.Summary.LastUpdated, IndexRebuildMilliseconds = IndexHealthHelper.GetIndexRebuildTime(index.Name), IndexRebuildTime = IndexingEventHandler.BuildTime(index) }; if (index.Group == IndexGroup.Experience || !ContentSearchManager.Locator.GetInstance <ISearchIndexSwitchTracker>().IsIndexOn(index.Name)) { payload.State = State.NotStarting; return(new JsonResult <IndexingUpdate>(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings(), Encoding.UTF8, this)); } else { var job = IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index, true); payload.Job = job.DisplayName; payload.State = State.Started; return(new JsonResult <IndexingUpdate>(payload, new JsonSerializerSettings(), Encoding.UTF8, this)); } } }
private void RebuildIndex(string indexName) { try { Diagnostics.Log.Info(string.Format("Rebuilding index {0}", indexName), this); ISearchIndex index = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex(indexName); if (index != null) { IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index); //while (IndexCustodian.IsRebuilding(index)) //{ // Thread.Sleep(1000); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { Diagnostics.Log.Error("Error Rebuilding Index", ex, this); } }
public IJob FullRebuild(ISearchIndex index, bool isRemote) { var job = (isRemote) ? IndexCustodian.FullRebuildRemote(index) : IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(index); return(job == null ? null : new SpeJob(job)); }
public void Run() { CrawlingLog.Log.Debug($"[Index={this.index.Name}] RemoteRebuildStrategy triggered.", null); IndexCustodian.FullRebuildRemote(this.index, true); }
/// <summary> /// processes each field against the data provided by subclasses /// </summary> public string Process() { using (new Sitecore.Data.BulkUpdateContext()) { Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.Indexing.Enabled = false; #region process IEnumerable <object> importItems; var removedItems = Enumerable.Empty <object>(); IndexCustodian.PauseIndexing(); try { importItems = GetImportData(); } catch (Exception ex) { importItems = Enumerable.Empty <object>(); Log("Connection Error", ex.Message); } long line = 0; try { //Loop through the data source foreach (var importRow in importItems) { line++; var newItemName = GetNewItemName(importRow); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newItemName)) { continue; } var thisParent = GetParentNode(importRow, newItemName); if (thisParent.IsNull()) { throw new NullReferenceException("The new item's parent is null"); } CreateNewItem(thisParent, importRow, newItemName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("Error (line: " + line + ")", ex.Message); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MissingItemsQuery)) { try { removedItems = SyncDeletions(); line = 0; //Loop through the data source foreach (var removeRow in removedItems) { line++; var itemName = GetNewItemName(removeRow); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName)) { continue; } var thisParent = GetParentNode(removeRow, itemName); if (thisParent.IsNull()) { throw new NullReferenceException("The new item's parent is null"); } RemoveItem(thisParent, removeRow, itemName); Log("Removed Missing Item", itemName + " was removed from Sitecore"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("SyncDeletions Error (line: " + line + ")", ex.Message); } } IndexCustodian.ResumeIndexing(); var lineNumber = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HistorySnapshotQuery)) { try { TakeHistorySnapshot(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log("TakeHistorySnapshot Error (line: " + lineNumber + ")", ex.Message); } } //if no messages then you're good if (log.Length < 1 || !log.ToString().Contains("Error")) { Log("Success", "the import completed successfully"); } return(log.ToString()); #endregion Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.Indexing.Enabled = true; } }
// TODO: while EventDisabler breaks template creation, see if you can find a way around that, maybe by raising the event manually or by manually sending it to the client: Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.SendMessage((object) this, $"template:added(id={template.ID})") /// <summary> /// Imports the templates in the given set by creating them in Sitecore /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Note that item paths are used as unique identifiers for each template. Note that the import /// will not overwrite existing items /// </remarks> /// <param name="templates">The set of JSON templates to import</param> /// <param name="templateRoot">The root item to import all of the templates under</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool ImportTemplates(List <JsonSitecoreTemplate> templates, Item templateRoot = null) { // get the root item to add the templates to templateRoot = templateRoot ?? GetTemplateRoot(); var shouldPauseIndexing = false; if (SitecoreUMLConfiguration.Instance.DisableIndexingDuringImport) { shouldPauseIndexing = true; IndexCustodian.PauseIndexing(); } try { // get the templates to be used when adding the new items var templateTemplate = _database.GetTemplate(Sitecore.TemplateIDs.Template); var templateFolderTemplate = _database.GetTemplate(Sitecore.TemplateIDs.TemplateFolder); var templateSectionTemplate = _database.GetTemplate(Sitecore.TemplateIDs.TemplateSection); var templateFieldTemplate = _database.GetTemplate(Sitecore.TemplateIDs.TemplateField); // caches the added items by their original path (i.e. not the full Sitecore path) to boost // performance while setting base templates var addedItemsCache = new Dictionary <string, Item>(); using (new SecurityDisabler()) using (new DatabaseCacheDisabler()) { // create the templates foreach (var jsonTemplate in templates) { // 1. make the full Sitecore path to the template var path = templateRoot.Paths.Path + jsonTemplate.Path; // if the path already exists then log a message and move onto the next template if (_database.GetItem(path) != null) { Log.Warn($"SitecoreUML Import Warning: Item with path '{path}' skipped as an item with that path already exists", this); continue; } // 2. add the template and its parent folders (if necessary) var templateItem = _database.CreateItemPath(path, templateFolderTemplate, templateTemplate); addedItemsCache.Add(jsonTemplate.Path, templateItem); // NOTE: adding the field section was moved into the add fields loop, due to the added support // for controlling field sections in UML documentation //// 3. add a field section to the new template //var templateSectionItem = templateItem.Add(SitecoreUMLConfiguration.Instance.DefaultFieldSectionName, templateSectionTemplate); var addedTemplateSectionItems = new Dictionary <string, Item>(); // 4. add the fields to the new template var standardValuesToAdd = new List <Tuple <ID, string> >(); foreach (var jsonField in jsonTemplate.Fields) { // if the field type name/alias is not recognized then log a message and skip it if (!SitecoreUMLConfiguration.Instance.UmlFieldTypeAliases.ContainsKey(jsonField.FieldType)) { Log.Warn($"SitecoreUML Import Warning: Field type name or alias {jsonField.FieldType} was not recognized. Field {jsonField.Name} will be skipped for template {jsonTemplate.Name}.", this); continue; } // get the field type from the field type name/alias var fieldType = SitecoreUMLConfiguration.Instance.UmlFieldTypeAliases[jsonField.FieldType]; // add/get the template section item Item templateSectionItem; var templateSectionName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonField.SectionName) ? jsonField.SectionName : SitecoreUMLConfiguration.Instance.DefaultFieldSectionName; if (addedTemplateSectionItems.ContainsKey(templateSectionName)) { templateSectionItem = addedTemplateSectionItems[templateSectionName]; } else { templateSectionItem = templateItem.Add(templateSectionName, templateSectionTemplate); addedTemplateSectionItems.Add(templateSectionName, templateSectionItem); } // add the field var templateFieldItem = (TemplateFieldItem)templateSectionItem.Add(jsonField.Name, templateFieldTemplate); // update the field based on the imported data templateFieldItem.BeginEdit(); templateFieldItem.Sortorder = jsonField.SortOrder; templateFieldItem.Type = fieldType; templateFieldItem.Title = jsonField.Title; templateFieldItem.Source = jsonField.Source; if (jsonField.Shared) { templateFieldItem.InnerItem[TemplateFieldIDs.Shared] = "1"; } if (jsonField.Unversioned) { templateFieldItem.InnerItem[TemplateFieldIDs.Unversioned] = "1"; } templateFieldItem.EndEdit(); // if set, add StandardValue to the list of those to be aded if (jsonField.StandardValue != null) { standardValuesToAdd.Add( new Tuple <ID, string>(templateFieldItem.ID, jsonField.StandardValue)); } } // 5. add the standard values item and set the values, if appropriate if (!standardValuesToAdd.Any()) { continue; } var standardValuesItem = new TemplateItem(templateItem).CreateStandardValues(); using (new EditContext(standardValuesItem)) { foreach (var standardValueToAdd in standardValuesToAdd) { standardValuesItem[standardValueToAdd.Item1] = standardValueToAdd.Item2; } } } // get the Standard Template, which will be the default base template (only added if no other base templates) var standardTemplate = _database.GetTemplate(Sitecore.TemplateIDs.StandardTemplate); var standardTemplateIDStr = standardTemplate.ID.ToString(); // set the base templates foreach (var jsonTemplate in templates) { Item item; // if we skipped adding the item (already existed) then skip it here too if (!addedItemsCache.TryGetValue(jsonTemplate.Path, out item)) { continue; } string baseTemplatesFieldValue = null; foreach (var baseTemplatePath in jsonTemplate.BaseTemplates) { Item baseTemplateItem; // if the base template isn't newly added we still want to make it a base template if (!addedItemsCache.TryGetValue(baseTemplatePath, out baseTemplateItem)) { baseTemplateItem = _database.GetItem(templateRoot.Paths.Path + baseTemplatePath); } baseTemplatesFieldValue = baseTemplatesFieldValue != null ? $"{baseTemplatesFieldValue}|{baseTemplateItem.ID}" : $"{baseTemplateItem.ID}"; } // set the Base Templates field value using (new EditContext(item)) { item[Sitecore.FieldIDs.BaseTemplate] = baseTemplatesFieldValue ?? standardTemplateIDStr; } } } } finally { if (shouldPauseIndexing) { IndexCustodian.ResumeIndexing(); } } return(true); }
public IJob DeleteItem(ISearchIndex index, IIndexableId indexableId) { var job = IndexCustodian.DeleteItem(index, indexableId); return(job == null ? null : new SpeJob(job)); }
public IJob Refresh(ISearchIndex index, IIndexable indexable) { var job = IndexCustodian.Refresh(index, indexable); return(job == null ? null : new SpeJob(job)); }
public void ImportItems(DataItem dataItem) { IndexCustodian.PauseIndexing(); _itemRepository.Add(dataItem); IndexCustodian.ResumeIndexing(); }
public virtual Job FullRebuild(ISearchIndex searchIndex) { return(IndexCustodian.FullRebuild(searchIndex)); }
private void RebuildInxdexes([NotNull] string databaseName) { Debug.ArgumentNotNull(databaseName, nameof(databaseName)); IndexCustodian.RebuildAll(); }