protected override List <TableSchema> GetProviderSpecificTables(DataConnection dataConnection) { if (!HaveAccessForCalculationViews) { return(new List <TableSchema>()); } var result = ( from v in GetViewsWithParameters(dataConnection) join p in GetParametersForViews(dataConnection) on v.TableID equals p.ProcedureID into pgroup where (IncludedSchemas.Count == 0 || IncludedSchemas.Contains(v.SchemaName)) && (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 || !ExcludedSchemas.Contains(v.SchemaName)) && (IncludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || IncludedCatalogs.Contains(v.SchemaName)) && (ExcludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || !ExcludedCatalogs.Contains(v.SchemaName)) select new ViewWithParametersTableSchema { ID = v.TableID, CatalogName = v.CatalogName, SchemaName = v.SchemaName, TableName = v.TableName, Description = v.Description, IsDefaultSchema = v.IsDefaultSchema, IsView = v.IsView, TypeName = ToValidName(v.TableName), Columns = new List <ColumnSchema>(), ForeignKeys = new List <ForeignKeySchema>(), Parameters = ( from pr in pgroup join dt in DataTypes on pr.DataType equals dt.TypeName into g1 from dt in g1.DefaultIfEmpty() let systemType = GetSystemType(pr.DataType, null, dt, pr.Length ?? 0, pr.Precision, pr.Scale) orderby pr.Ordinal select new ParameterSchema { SchemaName = pr.ParameterName, SchemaType = GetDbType(pr.DataType, dt, pr.Length ?? 0, pr.Precision, pr.Scale, pr.UDTCatalog, pr.UDTSchema, pr.UDTName), IsIn = pr.IsIn, IsOut = pr.IsOut, IsResult = pr.IsResult, Size = pr.Length, ParameterName = ToValidName(pr.ParameterName), ParameterType = ToTypeName(systemType, !pr.IsIn), SystemType = systemType ?? typeof(object), DataType = GetDataType(pr.DataType, null, pr.Length, pr.Precision, pr.Scale), ProviderSpecificType = GetProviderSpecificType(pr.DataType), IsNullable = pr.IsNullable } ).ToList() } ).ToList(); var columns = from c in GetColumns(dataConnection) join v in result on c.TableID equals v.ID orderby c.Ordinal select new { v, c, dt = GetDataType(c.DataType) }; foreach (var column in columns) { var dataType = column.c.DataType; var systemType = GetSystemType(dataType, column.c.ColumnType, column.dt, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale); var isNullable = column.c.IsNullable; column.v.Columns.Add(new ColumnSchema { Table = column.v, ColumnName = column.c.Name, ColumnType = column.c.ColumnType ?? GetDbType(dataType, column.dt, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale, null, null, null), IsNullable = isNullable, MemberName = ToValidName(column.c.Name), MemberType = ToTypeName(systemType, isNullable), SystemType = systemType ?? typeof(object), DataType = GetDataType(dataType, column.c.ColumnType, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale), ProviderSpecificType = GetProviderSpecificType(dataType), SkipOnInsert = column.c.SkipOnInsert || column.c.IsIdentity, SkipOnUpdate = column.c.SkipOnUpdate || column.c.IsIdentity, IsPrimaryKey = false, PrimaryKeyOrder = -1, IsIdentity = column.c.IsIdentity, Description = column.c.Description, }); } return(result.Cast <TableSchema>().ToList()); }
public override DatabaseSchema GetSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options = null) { if (options is GetTablesSchemaOptions) { var opt = options as GetTablesSchemaOptions; if (options == null) { opt = new GetTablesSchemaOptions(); } IncludedSchemas = GetHashSet(options.IncludedSchemas, options.StringComparer); ExcludedSchemas = GetHashSet(options.ExcludedSchemas, options.StringComparer); IncludedCatalogs = GetHashSet(options.IncludedCatalogs, options.StringComparer); ExcludedCatalogs = GetHashSet(options.ExcludedCatalogs, options.StringComparer); var includedTables = GetHashSet(opt.IncludedTables, options.StringComparer); var excludedTables = GetHashSet(opt.ExcludedTables, options.StringComparer); GenerateChar1AsString = options.GenerateChar1AsString; var dbConnection = (DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection; InitProvider(dataConnection); DataTypes = GetDataTypes(dataConnection); DataTypesDic = new Dictionary <string, DataTypeInfo>(DataTypes.Count, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (var dt in DataTypes) { if (!DataTypesDic.ContainsKey(dt.TypeName)) { DataTypesDic.Add(dt.TypeName, dt); } } List <TableSchema> tables; List <ProcedureSchema> procedures; if (options.GetTables) { tables = ( from t in GetTables(dataConnection) where (IncludedSchemas.Count == 0 || IncludedSchemas.Contains(t.SchemaName)) && (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 || !ExcludedSchemas.Contains(t.SchemaName)) && (IncludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || IncludedCatalogs.Contains(t.CatalogName)) && (ExcludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || !ExcludedCatalogs.Contains(t.CatalogName)) && (includedTables.Count == 0 || includedTables.Contains(t.TableName)) && (excludedTables.Count == 0 || !excludedTables.Contains(t.TableName)) select new TableSchema { ID = t.TableID, CatalogName = t.CatalogName, SchemaName = t.SchemaName, TableName = t.TableName, Description = t.Description, IsDefaultSchema = t.IsDefaultSchema, IsView = t.IsView, TypeName = ToValidName(t.TableName), Columns = new List <ColumnSchema>(), ForeignKeys = new List <ForeignKeySchema>(), IsProviderSpecific = t.IsProviderSpecific } ).ToList(); var pks = GetPrimaryKeys(dataConnection); #region Columns var columns = from c in GetColumns(dataConnection) join pk in pks on c.TableID + "." + c.Name equals pk.TableID + "." + pk.ColumnName into g2 from pk in g2.DefaultIfEmpty() join t in tables on c.TableID equals t.ID orderby c.Ordinal select new { t, c, dt = GetDataType(c.DataType), pk }; foreach (var column in columns) { var dataType = column.c.DataType; var systemType = GetSystemType(dataType, column.c.ColumnType, column.dt, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale); var isNullable = column.c.IsNullable; var columnType = column.c.ColumnType ?? GetDbType(dataType, column.dt, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale); column.t.Columns.Add(new ColumnSchema { Table = column.t, ColumnName = column.c.Name, ColumnType = columnType, IsNullable = isNullable, MemberName = ToValidName(column.c.Name), MemberType = ToTypeName(systemType, isNullable), SystemType = systemType ?? typeof(object), DataType = GetDataType(dataType, column.c.ColumnType, column.c.Length, column.c.Precision, column.c.Scale), ProviderSpecificType = GetProviderSpecificType(dataType), SkipOnInsert = column.c.SkipOnInsert || column.c.IsIdentity, SkipOnUpdate = column.c.SkipOnUpdate || column.c.IsIdentity, IsPrimaryKey = != null, PrimaryKeyOrder = ?? -1, IsIdentity = column.c.IsIdentity, Description = column.c.Description, Length = column.c.Length, Precision = column.c.Precision, Scale = column.c.Scale, }); } #endregion #region FK var fks = GetForeignKeys(dataConnection); foreach (var fk in fks.OrderBy(f => f.Ordinal)) { var thisTable = (from t in tables where t.ID == fk.ThisTableID select t).FirstOrDefault(); var otherTable = (from t in tables where t.ID == fk.OtherTableID select t).FirstOrDefault(); if (thisTable == null || otherTable == null) { continue; } var thisColumn = (from c in thisTable.Columns where c.ColumnName == fk.ThisColumn select c).SingleOrDefault(); var otherColumn = (from c in otherTable.Columns where c.ColumnName == fk.OtherColumn select c).SingleOrDefault(); if (thisColumn == null || otherColumn == null) { continue; } var key = thisTable.ForeignKeys.FirstOrDefault(f => f.KeyName == fk.Name); if (key == null) { key = new ForeignKeySchema { KeyName = fk.Name, MemberName = ToValidName(fk.Name), ThisTable = thisTable, OtherTable = otherTable, ThisColumns = new List <ColumnSchema>(), OtherColumns = new List <ColumnSchema>(), CanBeNull = true, }; thisTable.ForeignKeys.Add(key); } key.ThisColumns.Add(thisColumn); key.OtherColumns.Add(otherColumn); } #endregion var pst = GetProviderSpecificTables(dataConnection); if (pst != null) { tables.AddRange(pst); } } else { tables = new List <TableSchema>(); } if (options.GetProcedures) { #region Procedures var sqlProvider = dataConnection.DataProvider.CreateSqlBuilder(); var procs = GetProcedures(dataConnection); var procPparams = GetProcedureParameters(dataConnection); var n = 0; if (procs != null) { procedures = ( from sp in procs where (IncludedSchemas.Count == 0 || IncludedSchemas.Contains(sp.SchemaName)) && (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 || !ExcludedSchemas.Contains(sp.SchemaName)) && (IncludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || IncludedCatalogs.Contains(sp.CatalogName)) && (ExcludedCatalogs.Count == 0 || !ExcludedCatalogs.Contains(sp.CatalogName)) join p in procPparams on sp.ProcedureID equals p.ProcedureID into gr select new ProcedureSchema { CatalogName = sp.CatalogName, SchemaName = sp.SchemaName, ProcedureName = sp.ProcedureName, MemberName = ToValidName(sp.ProcedureName), IsFunction = sp.IsFunction, IsTableFunction = sp.IsTableFunction, IsResultDynamic = sp.IsResultDynamic, IsAggregateFunction = sp.IsAggregateFunction, IsDefaultSchema = sp.IsDefaultSchema, Parameters = ( from pr in gr join dt in DataTypes on pr.DataType equals dt.TypeName into g1 from dt in g1.DefaultIfEmpty() let systemType = GetSystemType(pr.DataType, null, dt, pr.Length, pr.Precision, pr.Scale) orderby pr.Ordinal select new ParameterSchema { SchemaName = pr.ParameterName, SchemaType = GetDbType(pr.DataType, dt, pr.Length, pr.Precision, pr.Scale), IsIn = pr.IsIn, IsOut = pr.IsOut, IsResult = pr.IsResult, Size = pr.Length, ParameterName = ToValidName(pr.ParameterName ?? "par" + ++n), ParameterType = ToTypeName(systemType, true), SystemType = systemType ?? typeof(object), DataType = GetDataType(pr.DataType, null, pr.Length, pr.Precision, pr.Scale), ProviderSpecificType = GetProviderSpecificType(pr.DataType), } ).ToList() } into ps where ps.Parameters.All(p => p.SchemaType != "table type") select ps ).ToList(); var current = 1; var isActiveTransaction = dataConnection.Transaction != null; if (GetProcedureSchemaExecutesProcedure && isActiveTransaction) { throw new LinqToDBException("Cannot read schema with GetSchemaOptions.GetProcedures = true from transaction. Remove transaction or set GetSchemaOptions.GetProcedures to false"); } if (!isActiveTransaction) { dataConnection.BeginTransaction(); } try { foreach (var procedure in procedures) { if (!procedure.IsResultDynamic && (!procedure.IsFunction || procedure.IsTableFunction) && options.LoadProcedure(procedure)) { var commandText = sqlProvider.ConvertTableName(new System.Text.StringBuilder(), procedure.CatalogName, procedure.SchemaName, procedure.ProcedureName).ToString(); LoadProcedureTableSchema(dataConnection, procedure, commandText, tables); } options.ProcedureLoadingProgress(procedures.Count, current++); } } finally { if (!isActiveTransaction) { dataConnection.RollbackTransaction(); } } } else { procedures = new List <ProcedureSchema>(); } var psp = GetProviderSpecificProcedures(dataConnection); if (psp != null) { procedures.AddRange(psp); } #endregion } else { procedures = new List <ProcedureSchema>(); } return(ProcessSchema(new DatabaseSchema { DataSource = GetDataSourceName(dbConnection), Database = GetDatabaseName(dbConnection), ServerVersion = dbConnection.ServerVersion, Tables = tables, Procedures = procedures, ProviderSpecificTypeNamespace = GetProviderSpecificTypeNamespace(), DataTypesSchema = DataTypesSchema, }, options)); } return(base.GetSchema(dataConnection, options)); }