internal static void OpenInclude() { Thread gothread = new Thread((ThreadStart) delegate { string LineNum = NppFunctions.GetLine(NppFunctions.GetLineNumber()); OpenMember Member = Include.HandleInclude(LineNum); if (Member != null) { string FileLoc = ""; FileLoc = IBMiUtilities.DownloadMember(Member.GetLibrary(), Member.GetObject(), Member.GetMember()); if (FileLoc != "") { NppFunctions.OpenFile(FileLoc, true); } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to download member " + Member.GetLibrary() + "/" + Member.GetObject() + "." + Member.GetMember() + ". Please check it exists and that you have access to the remote system."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to parse out member."); } }); gothread.Start(); }