protected void Showvalues() { int incidentid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["incidentid"]); ObjIncident = ObjIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); ObjIncidentStates = ObjIncidentStates.Get_By_id(incidentid); // drpTechnician.SelectedValue = ObjIncidentStates.Technicianid.ToString(); drpCategory.SelectedValue = ObjIncidentStates.Categoryid.ToString(); BindDropSubCategory(); drpSubcategory.SelectedValue = ObjIncidentStates.Subcategoryid.ToString(); // drpPriority.SelectedValue = ObjIncidentStates.Priorityid.ToString(); txtTitle.Text = ObjIncident.Title.ToString(); if (ObjIncident.Description != null) { txtDescription.Text = ObjIncident.Description.ToString(); } UserLogin_mst objUsr = new UserLogin_mst(); ContactInfo_mst objInfo = new ContactInfo_mst(); objInfo = objInfo.Get_By_id(ObjIncident.Requesterid); objUsr = objUsr.Get_By_id(ObjIncident.Requesterid); txtUsername.Text = objUsr.Username; txtEmail.Text = objInfo.Emailid; ViewState["UserCreate"] = "Exist"; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strStatusClose = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString().Trim(); string statusString = ""; int incidentid = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString[0]); Objincident = Objincident.Get_By_id(incidentid); Objincidentstate = Objincidentstate.Get_By_id(incidentid); Objincidentresoution = Objincidentresoution.Get_By_id(incidentid); objstatus = objstatus.Get_By_id(Objincidentstate.Statusid); statusString = objstatus.Statusname.ToString(); if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower()) { lbltcktno.Text = Objincident.Incidentid.ToString(); lblcreatedate.Text = Objincident.Createdatetime.ToString(); if (Objincidentstate.AssignedTime != null) { lblstarttime.Text = Objincidentstate.AssignedTime.ToString(); } lblendtime.Text = Objincident.Completedtime.ToString(); Objcategory = Objcategory.Get_By_id(Objincidentstate.Categoryid); lblcomponenteffected.Text = Objcategory.CategoryName.ToString(); lbldescription.Text = Objincident.Title.ToString(); string bb = Objincidentresoution.Resolution.ToString(); string stripped = Regex.Replace(bb, @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty); lblresolution.Text = stripped.ToString(); //bind data to data bound controls and do other stuff objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(Objincident.Requesterid); lblcustomer.Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(Objincidentstate.Technicianid); lblengineer.Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); objstatus = objstatus.Get_By_id(Objincidentstate.Statusid); lblrcaresult.Text = objstatus.Statusname.ToString(); } Response.Clear(); //this clears the Response of any headers or previous output Response.Buffer = true; //make sure that the entire output is rendered simultaneously /// ///Set content type to MS Excel sheet ///Use "application/msword" for MS Word doc files ///"application/pdf" for PDF files /// Response.ContentType = "application/"; StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); //System.IO namespace should be used HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWriter); /// ///Render the entire Page control in the HtmlTextWriter object ///We can render individual controls also, like a DataGrid to be ///exported in custom format (excel, word etc) /// this.RenderControl(htmlTextWriter); Response.Write(stringWriter.ToString()); Response.End(); }
protected void BindIncidentToProblem() { if (Session["IncidentToProblem"] != null) { int incidentid = Convert.ToInt32(Session["IncidentToProblem"].ToString()); Incident_mst objIncident = new Incident_mst(); IncidentStates objIncidentStates = new IncidentStates(); objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); objIncidentStates = objIncidentStates.Get_By_id(incidentid); objuser = objuser.Get_By_id(objIncident.Requesterid); if (objIncidentStates.Priorityid != 0) { drpPriority.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Priorityid); } if (objIncidentStates.Categoryid != 0) { drpCategory.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Categoryid); BindDropSubCategory(); } if (objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid != 0) { drpSubcategory.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid); } if (objIncidentStates.Technicianid != 0) { drpTechnician.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Technicianid); } txtDescription.Text = objIncident.Description; txtTitle.Text = objIncident.Title; if (objuser.Userid != 0) { ContactInfo_mst objInfo = new ContactInfo_mst(); objInfo = objInfo.Get_By_id(objuser.Userid); txtUsername.Text = objuser.Username; txtEmail.Text = objInfo.Emailid; ViewState["UserCreate"] = "Exist"; } } }
protected void BindIncidentToProblem() { if (Session["IncidentToProblem"] != null) { int incidentid = Convert.ToInt16(Session["IncidentToProblem"].ToString()); Incident_mst objIncident = new Incident_mst(); IncidentStates objIncidentStates = new IncidentStates(); objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); objIncidentStates = objIncidentStates.Get_By_id(incidentid); objuser = objuser.Get_By_id(objIncident.Requesterid); if (objIncidentStates.Priorityid != 0) { drpPriority.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Priorityid); } if (objIncidentStates.Categoryid != 0) { drpCategory.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Categoryid); BindDropSubCategory(); } if (objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid != 0) { drpSubcategory.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid); } if (objIncidentStates.Technicianid != 0) { drpTechnician.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStates.Technicianid); } txtDescription.Text = objIncident.Description; txtTitle.Text = objIncident.Title; if (objuser.Userid != 0) { ContactInfo_mst objInfo = new ContactInfo_mst(); objInfo = objInfo.Get_By_id(objuser.Userid); txtUsername.Text = objuser.Username; txtEmail.Text = objInfo.Emailid; ViewState["UserCreate"] = "Exist"; } } }
protected void grdvwRequest_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { /////Add Exception handilng try catch change by vishal 21-05-2012 try { System.Drawing.ColorConverter colConvert = new ColorConverter(); BLLCollection<ColorScheme_mst> colColor = new BLLCollection<ColorScheme_mst>(); if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { #region Autogenerate Serial number Label lblSerial = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblSerial"); lblSerial.Text = i.ToString(); i++; #endregion int TotalTimeSpentonCall; int TotalResolutionTime; int varIncidentid = Convert.ToInt32(((Label)e.Row.FindControl("incidentid")).Text.ToString()); string varCreateDatetime = e.Row.Cells[9].Text; string varStatusOpen = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString(); string varStatusClose = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString(); string varStatusOnHold = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOnHold.ToString(); string varStatusResolved = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusResolved.ToString(); #region Bind Data Row at Run time with requesterid to Requester name int requesterid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[3].Text); //objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(requesterid); objContactmst = objContactmst.Get_By_id(requesterid); //if (objUser.Userid != 0) //{ // e.Row.Cells[3].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); // //e.Row.Cells[3].Text = objContactmst.Firstname.ToString(); //} //else { e.Row.Cells[3].Text = ""; } //if (objUser.Userid != 0) //{ //e.Row.Cells[3].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); if (objContactmst.Firstname != null) { e.Row.Cells[3].Text = objContactmst.Firstname.ToString(); } // }else { e.Row.Cells[3].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at Run Time with Createdbyid to Created by name int createdbyid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[4].Text); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(createdbyid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[4].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[4].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at Run Time with technicianid to technician name int technicianid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[5].Text); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(technicianid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Statusid to Status int statusid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[6].Text); objStatus = objStatus.Get_By_id(statusid); if (objStatus.Statusid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = objStatus.Statusname.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Priorityid to Priority int priorityid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[7].Text); objPriority = objPriority.Get_By_id(priorityid); if (objPriority.Priorityid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[7].Text = objPriority.Name.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[7].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Siteid to Site int siteid = Convert.ToInt32(e.Row.Cells[8].Text); objSite = objSite.Get_By_id(siteid); if (objSite.Siteid != 0) { string custSiteName; int custid = 0; colCustToSite = objCustToSite.Get_All_By_siteid(objSite.Siteid); foreach (CustomerToSiteMapping objCuToSite in colCustToSite) { custid = objCuToSite.Custid; } objCustomer = objCustomer.Get_By_id(custid); e.Row.Cells[8].Text = objCustomer.Customer_name + "/" + objSite.Sitename.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[8].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Open Calls,According to define SLA if (varStatusOpen.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { Incident_mst obj = new Incident_mst(); obj = obj.Get_By_id(varIncidentid); if (obj.Incidentid != 0) { if (obj.Slaid != 0) { #region Declare local variables,and objects of various classes int percent; ProcessEscalateEmail objPro = new ProcessEscalateEmail(); #endregion #region Get Total Resolution time define for particular SLA and Time Spent on Request TotalResolutionTime = objPro.GetResolutionTimeInMins(obj.Slaid); TotalTimeSpentonCall = objIncident.Get_TimeSpentonRequest(varIncidentid, siteid, varCreateDatetime, DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (TotalTimeSpentonCall < 0) { TotalTimeSpentonCall = 0; } #endregion #region Calculate Percent if (TotalResolutionTime != 0) { percent = (TotalTimeSpentonCall * 100) / TotalResolutionTime; } else { percent = 0; } #endregion ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusOpen); foreach (ColorScheme_mst objCol in colColor) { if (objCol.Percnt_to != 0) { if (percent >= objCol.Percnt && percent <= objCol.Percnt_to) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } else { if (percent >= objCol.Percnt) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } } } else { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus("NonSLA"); foreach (ColorScheme_mst objCol in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Close Calls if (varStatusClose.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusClose); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { try { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } catch (Exception ex) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString("White"); } } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to On Hold Calls if (varStatusOnHold.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusOnHold); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Resolved Calls if (varStatusResolved.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusResolved); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { string myScript; myScript = "<script language=javascript>alert('Exception - '" + ex + "');</script>"; Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("MyScript", myScript); return; } }
protected void grdvwRequest_RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { System.Drawing.ColorConverter colConvert = new ColorConverter(); BLLCollection <ColorScheme_mst> colColor = new BLLCollection <ColorScheme_mst>(); if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { #region Autogenerate Serial number Label lblSerial = (Label)e.Row.FindControl("lblSerial"); lblSerial.Text = i.ToString(); i++; #endregion int TotalTimeSpentonCall; int TotalResolutionTime; int varIncidentid = Convert.ToInt16(((Label)e.Row.FindControl("incidentid")).Text.ToString()); string varCreateDatetime = e.Row.Cells[9].Text; string varStatusOpen = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString(); string varStatusClose = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString(); string varStatusOnHold = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOnHold.ToString(); string varStatusResolved = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusResolved.ToString(); #region Bind Data Row at Run time with requesterid to Requester name int requesterid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[3].Text); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(requesterid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[3].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[3].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at Run Time with Createdbyid to Created by name int createdbyid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[4].Text); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(createdbyid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[4].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[4].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at Run Time with technicianid to technician name int technicianid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[5].Text); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(technicianid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = objUser.Username.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[5].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Statusid to Status int statusid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[6].Text); objStatus = objStatus.Get_By_id(statusid); if (objStatus.Statusid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = objStatus.Statusname.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[6].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Priorityid to Priority int priorityid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[7].Text); objPriority = objPriority.Get_By_id(priorityid); if (objPriority.Priorityid != 0) { e.Row.Cells[7].Text = objPriority.Name.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[7].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Bind Datarow at run time with Siteid to Site int siteid = Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[8].Text); objSite = objSite.Get_By_id(siteid); if (objSite.Siteid != 0) { string custSiteName; int custid = 0; colCustToSite = objCustToSite.Get_All_By_siteid(objSite.Siteid); foreach (CustomerToSiteMapping objCuToSite in colCustToSite) { custid = objCuToSite.Custid; } objCustomer = objCustomer.Get_By_id(custid); e.Row.Cells[8].Text = objCustomer.Customer_name + "/" + objSite.Sitename.ToString(); } else { e.Row.Cells[8].Text = ""; } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Open Calls,According to define SLA if (varStatusOpen.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { Incident_mst obj = new Incident_mst(); obj = obj.Get_By_id(varIncidentid); if (obj.Incidentid != 0) { if (obj.Slaid != 0) { #region Declare local variables,and objects of various classes int percent; ProcessEscalateEmail objPro = new ProcessEscalateEmail(); #endregion #region Get Total Resolution time define for particular SLA and Time Spent on Request TotalResolutionTime = objPro.GetResolutionTimeInMins(obj.Slaid); TotalTimeSpentonCall = objIncident.Get_TimeSpentonRequest(varIncidentid, siteid, varCreateDatetime, DateTime.Now.ToString()); if (TotalTimeSpentonCall < 0) { TotalTimeSpentonCall = 0; } #endregion #region Calculate Percent percent = (TotalTimeSpentonCall * 100) / TotalResolutionTime; #endregion ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusOpen); foreach (ColorScheme_mst objCol in colColor) { if (objCol.Percnt_to != 0) { if (percent >= objCol.Percnt && percent <= objCol.Percnt_to) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } else { if (percent >= objCol.Percnt) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } } } else { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus("NonSLA"); foreach (ColorScheme_mst objCol in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(objCol.Colorname); } } } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Close Calls if (varStatusClose.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusClose); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { try { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } catch (Exception ex) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString("White"); } } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to On Hold Calls if (varStatusOnHold.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusOnHold); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } } #endregion #region Apply Color Coding to Resolved Calls if (varStatusResolved.ToLower() == objStatus.Statusname.ToString().ToLower()) { ColorScheme_mst objColor = new ColorScheme_mst(); colColor = objColor.Get_All_By_CallStatus(varStatusResolved); foreach (ColorScheme_mst obj in colColor) { e.Row.BackColor = (System.Drawing.Color)colConvert.ConvertFromString(obj.Colorname); } } #endregion } }
public void SentmailUser(int userid, int incidentid, string status) { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); //added by lalit 02 nov to get resolution and show it to user when call closed mail goes to user objIncidentResolution = objIncidentResolution.Get_By_id(incidentid); //end objSite = objSite.Get_By_id(objIncident.Siteid); objAreaManager = objAreaManager.Get_By_id(objSite.Siteid); objIncidentStates = objIncidentStates.Get_By_id(incidentid); objPriority = objPriority.Get_By_id(objIncidentStates.Priorityid); objUser = objUser.Get_By_id(objIncident.Requesterid); objC_info = objC_info.Get_By_id(userid); objtech = objtech.Get_By_id(objIncidentStates.Technicianid); colemailid = objemail.Get_All_userid(userid); string strStatusOpen = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString(); string strStatusClose = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString(); string strYourSinscerely = Resources.MessageResource.strYourSinscerely.ToString(); string strContactNumber = Resources.MessageResource.strContactNumber.ToString(); if (strStatusOpen.ToLower() == status.ToLower()) { foreach (UserEmail obj1 in colemailid) { if (obj1.Emailid != null) { obj.From = Resources.MessageResource.strAdminEmail.ToString(); obj.To = obj1.Emailid; obj.CC = objAreaManager.Email; obj.Subject = "Call Logged. Ticket Id : " + incidentid; obj.Body = "Dear " + objC_info.Firstname + ",<br/><br/> Thank you for contacting IT Service desk, please find below the new Ticket Id details for your future reference.<br/><br/><b>Incident Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id :</b> " + incidentid + "<br/><b>Site :</b> " + objSite.Sitename + "<br/><b>Logged Date & Time :</b> " + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Description :</b> " + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Priority :</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>Username :</b> " + objUser.Username + "<br/><b>EstimatedResolutionTime :</b> " + GetResolutionTimeInHours(objIncident.Slaid) + "<br/><b>Email Address :</b> " + objC_info.Emailid + "<br/><br/> For any other support, kindly get in touch with us at " + strContactNumber + ".<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/><br/> <b> " + strYourSinscerely + "</b>"; obj.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strSMTPServer.ToString(); obj.SentMail(); string varPriority = Resources.MessageResource.strPriorityHigh.ToString(); if (objPriority.Priorityid != 0) { if (objPriority.Name.ToLower() == varPriority.ToLower()) { SentMailToSDM(objSite.Siteid, incidentid, objUser.Userid); } } } } //if (objC_info.Emailid != null) //{ // obj.From = Resources.MessageResource.strAdminEmail.ToString(); // obj.To = objC_info.Emailid; // obj.Subject = " New Call Logged. Ticket Id : " + incidentid; // obj.Body = "Dear User,<br/> Thank you for contacting Service desk, please find below the Ticket Id details for your future reference.<br/><br/><b>Complaints Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id :</b>" + incidentid + "<br/><b>Title of Call :</b>" + objIncident.Title + " <br/><b>Site :</b>" + objSite.Sitename + "<br/><b>Logged Date & Time   :</b>" + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Description :</b>" + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Priority :</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>UserName :</b>" + objUser.Username + "<br/><b>Mail Address :</b>" + objC_info.Emailid + "<br/><br/> For any other support kindly get in touch with us at <b>" + strContactNumber + "</b>.<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/> <b>" + strYourSinscerely + "</b>"; // obj.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strSMTPServer.ToString(); // //obj.SentMail(); // string varPriority = Resources.MessageResource.strPriorityHigh.ToString(); // if (objPriority.Priorityid != 0) // { // if (objPriority.Name.ToLower() == varPriority.ToLower()) // { // SentMailToSDM(objSite.Siteid, incidentid, objUser.Userid); // } // } //} } if (strStatusClose.ToLower() == status.ToLower()) { foreach (UserEmail obj1 in colemailid) { if (obj1.Emailid != null) { int id = Convert.ToInt16(objIncident.Incidentid); string varServerName1; string varfeedbackmode; varServerName1 = Resources.MessageResource.serverNameForChangePage.ToString(); //added by lalit to check feedback mode. feedback should add in mail or not. //fetching value from resouce file which is from appsettting page. varfeedbackmode = Resources.MessageResource.UserFeedbackmode.ToString(); string url11; url11 = "http://" + varServerName1 + "/" + getpath() + "/LoginPageAccess/CustomerFeedback.aspx?userid=" + userid + "&Clid=" + objIncident.Incidentid; //url11 = "../LoginPageAccess/CustomerFeedback.aspx?userid=" + userid + "&Clid=" + objIncident.Incidentid; if (objC_info.Emailid != null) { // string url; // url = "<a href=" + url11 + "&userid=" + objC_info.Firstname + " '>Your Feedback</a>"; string url = "<a href=" + url11 + " '>Your Feedback</a>"; obj.From = Resources.MessageResource.strAdminEmail.ToString(); obj.To = obj1.Emailid; obj.CC = objAreaManager.Email; obj.Subject = "Call Closed Ticket id : " + incidentid; //added by lalit if (varfeedbackmode == "0") //0 means default mode where user will not recieve link in mail to give feedback { obj.Body = "Dear " + objC_info.Firstname + ",<br/><br/> <b>Incident Status:</b> Issue Resolved and call closed by <b>" + objtech.Username + "</b> on <b>" + objIncident.Completedtime + ".<br/><br/></b>We are pleased to confirm that the Service Call reported by you has been attended and resolved, should there be any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Service Desk." + "<br/><br/><b>Incident Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id :</b> " + incidentid + "<br/><b>Site :</b> " + objSite.Sitename + "<br/><b>Logged Date & Time :</b> " + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Closed Date & Time :</b> " + objIncident.Completedtime + "<br/><b>Description :</b> " + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Resolution :</b> " + objIncidentResolution.Resolution + "<br/><b>Priority :</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>Username :</b> " + objUser.Username + "<br/><b>Email Address :</b> " + objC_info.Emailid + "<br/><br/> For any other support, kindly get in touch with us at " + strContactNumber + ".<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/><br/> <b>" + strYourSinscerely + "</b>"; } else { obj.Body = "Dear " + objC_info.Firstname + ",<br/><br/> <b>Incident Status:</b> Issue Resolved and call closed by <b>" + objtech.Username + "</b> on <b>" + objIncident.Completedtime + ".<br/><br/></b>We are pleased to confirm that the Service Call reported by you has been attended and resolved, should there be any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Service Desk." + "<br/><br/><b>Incident Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id :</b> " + incidentid + "<br/><b>Site :</b> " + objSite.Sitename + "<br/><b>Logged Date & Time :</b> " + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Closed Date & Time :</b> " + objIncident.Completedtime + "<br/><b>Description :</b> " + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Resolution :</b> " + objIncidentResolution.Resolution + "<br/><b>Priority :</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>Username :</b> " + objUser.Username + "<br/><b>Email Address :</b> " + objC_info.Emailid + "<br/><br/> For any other support, kindly get in touch with us at " + strContactNumber + ".<br/><br/>To give feedback click on " + url + ".<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/><br/> <b>" + strYourSinscerely + "</b>"; } obj.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strSMTPServer.ToString(); obj.SentMail(); } } } //int id = Convert.ToInt16(objIncident.Incidentid); //string varServerName1; //varServerName1 = Resources.MessageResource.serverNameForChangePage.ToString(); //// varServerName = ""; //string url11; //url11 = "http://" + varServerName1 + "/BESTN/LoginPageAccess/CustomerFeedback.aspx?incident=" + id; //if (objC_info.Emailid != null) //{ // string url; // url = "<a href=" + url11 + "&userid=" + objC_info.Firstname + " '>Your Feedback</a>"; // obj.From = Resources.MessageResource.strAdminEmail.ToString(); // obj.To = objC_info.Emailid; // obj.Subject = "Call Closed Ticket id : " + incidentid; // obj.Body = "Dear User,<br/> <b>Complaint Status:</b>Problem solved and call closed by <b>" + objtech.Username + "</b> on <b>" + objIncident.Completedtime + "</b>.We are pleased to inform you that your reported Service Call has been attended and problem solved as informed by our engineer.<br/>Should there be any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Service Desk on 0120 4393941, quoting your Ticket Reference Number. " + "<br/><br/><b>Complaints Details : </b> <br/><br/><b>Ticket Id :</b>" + incidentid + "<br/><b>Title of Call :</b>" + objIncident.Title + " <br/><b>Site :</b>" + objSite.Sitename + "</br><b>Logged Date & Time   :</b>" + objIncident.Createdatetime + "<br/><b>Description :</b>" + objIncident.Description + "<br/><b>Priority :</b> " + objPriority.Name + "<br/><b>UserName :</b>" + objUser.Username + "<br/><b>Mail Address :</b>" + objC_info.Emailid + "<br/><br/> For any other support kindly get in touch with us at <b>" + strContactNumber + "</b>.<br/><br/> <b>This is an auto generated mail. Please do not reply.</b><br/><br/><b>Your Feedback</b><br/><br/>" + url + "<br/><br/><b>Yours sincerely,</b><br/> <b>" + strYourSinscerely + "</b>"; // obj.SmtpServer = obj.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strSMTPServer.ToString(); // // obj.SentMail(); //} } }
protected void SendEmail(int incidentid, int level, int slaid) { SentEmail objEmail = new SentEmail(); #region Sent Mail for Level 1 Escalation if (level == 1) { objLevel1 = objLevel1.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel1 != null) { string varemail = objLevel1.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel1 = objCheckLevel1.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel1.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel1Escalate obj = new CheckLevel1Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level1escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel1Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 2 Escalation if (level == 2) { objLevel2 = objLevel2.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel2.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel2.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel2 = objCheckLevel2.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel2.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel2Escalate obj = new CheckLevel2Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level2escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel2Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards <br/> Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Sent Mail for Level 3 Escalation if (level == 3) { objLevel3 = objLevel3.Get_By_Slaid(slaid); if (objLevel3.Slaid != 0) { string varemail = objLevel3.Emailid; string[] arrEmail = varemail.Split(','); int lengthCount = Convert.ToInt32(arrEmail.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < lengthCount - 1; i++) { string emailId = arrEmail[i].ToString(); if (emailId != "," && emailId != "") { objIncident = objIncident.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objIncident != null) { objCheckLevel3 = objCheckLevel3.Get_By_id(incidentid); if (objCheckLevel3.Incidentid == 0) { CheckLevel3Escalate obj = new CheckLevel3Escalate(); obj.Incidentid = incidentid; obj.Level3escalate = true; obj.Insert(); objEmail.To = emailId; objEmail.From = Resources.MessageResource.strEmailFromLevel3Escalate.ToString(); objEmail.Subject = "Problem Not Resolve for Call -" + objIncident.Title; objEmail.Body = "Dear Sir, The Current Request is not Solved whose Incident Id is " + objIncident.Incidentid + " and Title of Call is " + objIncident.Title + " Thanks & Regards Admin"; objEmail.SmtpServer = Resources.MessageResource.strMailServer.ToString(); objEmail.SentMail(); } } } } } } #endregion }
protected void FunctionUpdate() { #region Get incidentid from QueryString int incidentid = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString[0]); #endregion #region Declare Local Variable // Declare local Variable int historyid; int varTotalTimeSpentonCall = 0; int SLAid; string userName; int userid = 0; string strCreateDatetime = ""; string statusString; string strStatusOpen; string strStatusClose; string strStatusResolved; string strStatusOnHold; bool FlagTechnicianId; bool FlagCloseStatus; int requesttypeid; string OldStatusString; FlagTechnicianId = false; FlagCloseStatus = false; string oldCompletedTime = ""; Incident_mst objIncidentOld = new Incident_mst(); IncidentStates objIncidentStatesOld = new IncidentStates(); bool FlagClosedStatus = true; string VarResolutionAdded = ""; #endregion #region Fetch Current User // Fetch Current User and assign to local variable userName MembershipUser User = Membership.GetUser(); userName = User.UserName.ToString(); #endregion #region Fetch Data from MessageResource file and assign to Local Variable statusString = GetStatusString(Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue)); strStatusOpen = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOpen.ToString().Trim(); strStatusClose = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusClose.ToString().Trim(); strStatusResolved = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusResolved.ToString().Trim(); strStatusOnHold = Resources.MessageResource.strStatusOnHold.ToString().Trim(); #endregion # region Get SLAid by Calling Function Get_By_SLAid() ,via Passing Parameter siteid and priorityid SLAid = objIncident.Get_By_SLAid(Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue)); requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(Resources.MessageResource.strRequestTypeId.ToString()); if (requesttypeid == Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue)) { SLAid = 0; } #endregion #region On the basis of Username ,get Userid by calling Function Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(),via passing parameter Username and organizationid if (userName != "") { objOrganization = objOrganization.Get_Organization(); objUser = objUser.Get_UserLogin_By_UserName(userName, objOrganization.Orgid); if (objUser.Userid != 0) { userid = objUser.Userid; } } #endregion //#region Insert value in IncidentHistory Table ,for every update of Page //if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower()) //{ // if (Session["ResolutionAdded"] != null) // { // VarResolutionAdded = Session["ResolutionAdded"].ToString(); // } // if (VarResolutionAdded == "true") // { // objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; // objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; // objIncidentHistory.Operation = "closed"; // objIncidentHistory.Insert(); // Session["ResolutionAdded"] = "false"; // } // else { FlagClosedStatus = false; } //} //else if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusResolved.ToLower()) //{ // objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; // objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; // objIncidentHistory.Operation = "resolved"; // objIncidentHistory.Insert(); //} //else //{ // objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; // objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; // objIncidentHistory.Operation = "update"; // objIncidentHistory.Insert(); //} //#endregion #region Insert value in IncidentHistory Table ,for every update of Page if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower()) { objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; objIncidentHistory.Operation = "closed"; objIncidentHistory.Insert(); } else if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusResolved.ToLower()) { if (Session["ResolutionAdded"] != null) { VarResolutionAdded = Session["ResolutionAdded"].ToString(); } if (VarResolutionAdded == "true") { objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; objIncidentHistory.Operation = "resolved"; objIncidentHistory.Insert(); Session["ResolutionAdded"] = "false"; } else { FlagClosedStatus = false; } //objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; //objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; //objIncidentHistory.Operation = "resolved"; //objIncidentHistory.Insert(); } else { objIncidentHistory.Incidentid = incidentid; objIncidentHistory.Operationownerid = userid; objIncidentHistory.Operation = "update"; objIncidentHistory.Insert(); } #endregion #region Get the Current historyid by calling function Get_Current_IncidentHistoryid() historyid = objIncidentHistory.Get_Current_IncidentHistoryid(); #endregion #region Find Current value of Incident and IncidentStates object ,By Calling Function Get_By_id(),via passing incidentid objIncidentOld = objIncidentOld.Get_By_id(incidentid); objIncidentStatesOld = objIncidentStatesOld.Get_By_id(incidentid); #endregion if (FlagClosedStatus == true) { #region Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table ,By Comparing Current value and Updated Values if (objIncidentOld.Incidentid != 0 && objIncidentStatesOld.Incidentid != 0) { #region Declare local variable string columnName; string prev_value; string curnt_value; #endregion #region If site value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.Siteid != Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnSiteid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentOld.Siteid); curnt_value = drpSite.SelectedValue; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Department value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.Deptid != Convert.ToInt32(drpDepartment.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnDeptid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentOld.Deptid); curnt_value = drpDepartment.SelectedValue; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Mode value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.Modeid != Convert.ToInt32(drpMode.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnModeid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentOld.Modeid); curnt_value = drpMode.SelectedValue; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If SLA value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.Slaid != SLAid) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnSLAid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentOld.Slaid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(SLAid); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Requesttype value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Requesttypeid != Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnRequesttypeid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Requesttypeid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpRequestType.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Priority value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Priorityid != Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnPriorityid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Priorityid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpPriority.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Category value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Categoryid != Convert.ToInt32(drpCategory.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnCategoryid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Categoryid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpCategory.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If SubCategory value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Subcategoryid != Convert.ToInt32(drpSubcategory.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnSubcategoryid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Subcategoryid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpSubcategory.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region If Status value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Statusid != Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue)) { string Statusprev; string StatusCurrent; columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnstatusid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Statusid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpStatus.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); Statusprev = GetStatusString(Convert.ToInt32(objIncidentStatesOld.Statusid)); StatusCurrent = GetStatusString(Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue)); if (Statusprev.ToLower() == strStatusOpen.ToLower() && StatusCurrent.ToLower() == strStatusOnHold.ToLower()) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnStarttime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } if (Statusprev.ToLower() == strStatusOnHold.ToLower() && StatusCurrent.ToLower() != strStatusOnHold.ToLower()) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.srColumnEndtime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } //Added by lalit //if current techncian is wintel and current status is closed then string prev_valuetechid = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Technicianid); if (StatusCurrent == "Closed") { // if (prev_valuetechid == "11740") if (IsSLANeedsToBeStopped(prev_valuetechid) == 1) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.srColumnEndtime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } } //end //end lalit } #endregion #region If technician value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentStatesOld.Technicianid != Convert.ToInt32(drpTechnician.SelectedValue)) { string columnNametechid = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnTechnicianid.ToString(); string prev_valuetechid = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Technicianid); string curnt_valuetechid = Convert.ToString(drpTechnician.SelectedValue); // string Id = ""; //if (curnt_valuetechid == "11740" && prev_valuetechid!="11740") if (IsSLANeedsToBeStopped(curnt_valuetechid) == 1 && IsSLANeedsToBeStopped(prev_valuetechid) == 0) { string StatusCurrent = GetStatusString(Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue)); if (StatusCurrent.ToLower() != strStatusOnHold.ToLower()) { //insert start time if (StatusCurrent.ToLower() != strStatusOnHold.ToLower()) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnStarttime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); //end } //insert techcianid objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnNametechid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_valuetechid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_valuetechid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); //end //insert assigntime if (objIncidentStatesOld.AssignedTime == null) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnAssignedTime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } else { columnName = "AssignedTime"; prev_value = objIncidentStatesOld.AssignedTime; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } //end } } else { //if prev value- progress eng columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnTechnicianid.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentStatesOld.Technicianid); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpTechnician.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); if (objIncidentStatesOld.AssignedTime == null) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnAssignedTime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } else { columnName = "AssignedTime"; prev_value = objIncidentStatesOld.AssignedTime; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } // if (prev_valuetechid == "11740") if (IsSLANeedsToBeStopped(prev_valuetechid) == 1) { string StatusCurrent = GetStatusString(Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue)); if (StatusCurrent.ToLower() != strStatusOnHold.ToLower()) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.srColumnEndtime.ToString(); prev_value = "0"; curnt_value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } //end } //then insert end time 0 //end //else //end } if (Convert.ToInt32(drpTechnician.SelectedValue) != 0) { objSentMailtoUser.SentmailTechnician(Convert.ToInt32(drpTechnician.SelectedValue), objIncidentOld.Incidentid); } FlagTechnicianId = true; } #endregion #region If External Ticket value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.ExternalTicketNo == null) { objIncidentOld.ExternalTicketNo = " "; } if (objIncidentOld.ExternalTicketNo.ToString().Trim() != txtExternalTicket.Text.ToString().Trim()) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////change done by meenakshi int flag = Convert.ToInt32(Session["flag"]); if (flag == 1) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnExternalTicket.ToString(); prev_value = objIncidentOld.ExternalTicketNo.ToString().Trim(); txtExternalTicket.Text = (string)Session["compname"]; curnt_value = txtExternalTicket.Text.ToString().Trim(); //curnt_value =(string) Session["compname"]; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } } #endregion #region If Vendor value is changed,Insert into IncidentHistoryDiff table if (objIncidentOld.VendorId == null) { objIncidentOld.ExternalTicketNo = "0"; } if (objIncidentOld.VendorId != Convert.ToInt32(drpVendor.SelectedValue)) { columnName = Resources.MessageResource.strColumnVendorId.ToString(); prev_value = Convert.ToString(objIncidentOld.VendorId); curnt_value = Convert.ToString(drpVendor.SelectedValue); objIncidentHistoryDiff.Historyid = historyid; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Columnname = columnName; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Current_value = curnt_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Prev_value = prev_value; objIncidentHistoryDiff.Insert(); } #endregion #region Check Old status is closed and current status is closed,then Assign value to localvariable FlagCloseStatus=true and used later OldStatusString = GetStatusString(objIncidentStatesOld.Statusid); strCreateDatetime = objIncidentOld.Createdatetime; if (strStatusClose.ToLower() == OldStatusString.ToLower() && statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower()) { FlagCloseStatus = true; oldCompletedTime = objIncidentOld.Completedtime; } #endregion } #endregion } if (FlagClosedStatus == true) { #region Update values in Incident Table objIncident.Incidentid = incidentid; objIncident.Siteid = Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue); objIncident.Deptid = Convert.ToInt32(drpDepartment.SelectedValue); objIncident.Title = lblTitle.Text; objIncident.Description = lblDescription.Text; objIncident.Modeid = Convert.ToInt32(drpMode.SelectedValue); objIncident.Slaid = SLAid; objIncident.Active = true; if (drpAMCCall.Text.ToUpper() == "YES") { objIncident.AMCCall = true; } else if (drpAMCCall.Text.ToUpper() == "NO") { objIncident.AMCCall = false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////change done by meenakshi///////////////////////// //objIncident.ExternalTicketNo = txtExternalTicket.Text.ToString().Trim(); objIncident.ExternalTicketNo = (string)(Session["compname"]); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////end///////////////////////////////// objIncident.VendorId = Convert.ToInt32(drpVendor.SelectedValue); //#region If Current status is closed,then Assign Completed time #region If Current status is resolved,then Assign Completed time if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusResolved.ToLower()) { #region If FlagCloseStatus=flase ie Currrent status is closed ,and old status is not Closed if (FlagCloseStatus == false) { objIncident.Completedtime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); varTotalTimeSpentonCall = objIncident.Get_TimeSpentonRequest(incidentid, Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue), strCreateDatetime, DateTime.Now.ToString()); } else { objIncident.Completedtime = oldCompletedTime; varTotalTimeSpentonCall = objIncident.Get_TimeSpentonRequest(incidentid, Convert.ToInt32(drpSite.SelectedValue), strCreateDatetime, oldCompletedTime); } #endregion } //added by lalit 27 march if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower()) { #region If FlagCloseStatus=flase ie Currrent status is closed ,and old status is not Closed varTotalTimeSpentonCall = objIncident.Timespentonreq; objIncident.Completedtime = oldCompletedTime; #endregion } //end lalit if (varTotalTimeSpentonCall <= 0) { varTotalTimeSpentonCall = 0; } if (lblextension.Text != "") { objIncident.Extension = Convert.ToInt64(lblextension.Text); } //if (lblAMCcall.Text != "") //{ // objIncident.AMCCall = Convert.ToInt32(lblAMCcall.Text); //} objIncident.Timespentonreq = varTotalTimeSpentonCall; objIncident.Update(); //if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusClose.ToLower() && FlagClosedStatus == true) if (statusString.ToLower() == strStatusResolved.ToLower() && FlagClosedStatus == true) { objSentMailtoUser.SentmailUser(objIncidentOld.Requesterid, objIncidentOld.Incidentid, "closed"); } #endregion #endregion } if (FlagClosedStatus == true) { #region Update Values in IncidentStates objIncidentStates.Incidentid = incidentid; objIncidentStates.Categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(drpCategory.SelectedValue); objIncidentStates.Subcategoryid = Convert.ToInt32(drpSubcategory.SelectedValue); objIncidentStates.Technicianid = Convert.ToInt32(drpTechnician.SelectedValue); if (FlagTechnicianId == true) { objIncidentStates.AssignedTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } objIncidentStates.Statusid = Convert.ToInt32(drpStatus.SelectedValue); objIncidentStates.Priorityid = Convert.ToInt32(drpPriority.SelectedValue); objIncidentStates.Requesttypeid = Convert.ToInt32(drpRequestType.SelectedValue); objIncidentStates.Update(); #endregion } #region Callint Updatepanel1() function to display value in Non Editable Mode UpdatePanel1(); #endregion HistoryUpdatePanel(); }