private void SendMail() { EmailDetails details = new EmailDetails(); try { bool resultv = false; IncentiveBusiness b = new IncentiveBusiness(); SendMailObject obj = new SendMailObject(); string memberid = txtMemberId.Text.Trim(); string emailid = b.SelectAuthorEmailId(memberid); string point = txtPointsAwarded.Text; string year = DdlYear.SelectedValue; details.FromEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromAddress"].ToString(); details.ToEmail = emailid; details.Module = "APA"; details.EmailSubject = "Additional Point Award"; details.Type = ""; details.Id = ""; string FooterText = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FooterText"].ToString(); details.MsgBody = "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #3300cc; font-family: Verdana\"><h4>Dear Sir/Madam,</h4> <br>" + "<p>An additional incentive point for the year '" + year + "' is awarded '" + point + "' for more than 6 publication.</p>" + "<br>" + "<br>" + FooterText + " </b><br><b> </b></span>"; resultv = obj.InsertIntoEmailQueue(details); if (resultv == true) { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Mail Sent successfully')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); btnSave.Enabled = false; } else { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Problem while sending mail')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); btnSave.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Problem while sending mail')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); log.Error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.StackTrace); btnSave.Enabled = false; } }
private void SendMail() { EmailDetails details = new EmailDetails(); IncentiveBusiness b = new IncentiveBusiness(); SendMailObject obj = new SendMailObject(); Business e = new Business(); try { bool resultv = false; int rowIndex = 0; string emailid = null; details.Module = "IPE"; string AuthorName = null; string Isstudent = null; details.EmailSubject = "Incentive Point Adjustment"; string empcode = txtboxMemberId.Text; string type = e.selectMemberType(empcode, txtReferenceId.Text); if (type == "M") { //Isstudent = "N"; emailid = b.SelectAuthorEmailId(empcode); AuthorName = b.SelectAuthorName(empcode); Session["AuthorName"] = AuthorName; if (emailid == "") { int result; //string AuthorName; AuthorName = b.SelectAuthorName(empcode); result = e.insertEmailtrackerIncentive(AuthorName, details, txtReferenceId.Text); } } else { //Isstudent = "S"; emailid = b.SelectStudentEmailId(empcode, txtReferenceId.Text); AuthorName = b.SelectStudentAuthorName(empcode, txtReferenceId.Text); Session["AuthorName"] = AuthorName; if (emailid == "") { int result; AuthorName = b.SelectStudentAuthorName(empcode, txtReferenceId.Text); result = e.insertEmailtrackerIncentive(AuthorName, details, txtReferenceId.Text); //Session["AuthorName"] = AuthorName; } } details.FromEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromAddress"].ToString(); if (emailid != "") { details.ToEmail = emailid; } string hremailid = b.SelectHRMailID(empcode, type, txtReferenceId.Text); string InstWiseHRMailid = b.SelectInstwiseHRMailid(empcode, type, txtReferenceId.Text); if (details.ToEmail != null && details.ToEmail != "") { if (InstWiseHRMailid != null) { if (InstWiseHRMailid != "") { if (details.ToEmail != null) { details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail + "," + InstWiseHRMailid; } else { details.ToEmail = InstWiseHRMailid; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { if (InstWiseHRMailid != null) { if (InstWiseHRMailid != "") { if (details.ToEmail != null) { details.ToEmail = InstWiseHRMailid; } else { details.ToEmail = InstWiseHRMailid; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list = b.SelectHODMailid(empcode, type, txtReferenceId.Text); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { if (j == 0) { if (list[j].ToString() != "") { details.HODmailid = list[j].ToString(); } } else { if (list[j].ToString() != "") { details.HODmailid = details.HODmailid + ',' + list[j].ToString(); } } } if (details.ToEmail != null && details.ToEmail != "") { if (hremailid != null) { if (hremailid != "") { details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail + "," + hremailid; } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { if (hremailid != null) { if (hremailid != "") { details.ToEmail = hremailid; } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { // details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } if (details.ToEmail != null && details.ToEmail != "") { if (details.HODmailid != null) { if (details.HODmailid != "") { details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail + "," + details.HODmailid; //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail + "," + hremailid + "," + details.HODmailid; } else { //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { if (details.HODmailid != null) { if (details.HODmailid != "") { details.ToEmail = details.HODmailid; //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail + "," + hremailid + "," + details.HODmailid; } else { //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } else { //details.ToEmail = details.ToEmail; } } // details.CCEmail = hremailid; // details.CCEmail = Session["emailId"].ToString(); details.Module = "IPE"; details.EmailSubject = "Incentive Point Adjustment"; //details.Type = DropDownListPublicationEntry.SelectedValue; details.Id = txtReferenceId.Text; string FooterText = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FooterText"].ToString(); string isStudent = Session["IsStudent"].ToString(); if (isStudent == "Y") { if (type == "S") { details.MsgBody = "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #3300cc; font-family: Verdana\"><h4>Dear Sir/Madam,</h4> <br>" + "<p>For Certificate of Appreciation and encashment of research incentive points, request you to contact student research section of your institution/department along with the Bank detail form available in RMS Portal.</p>" + "<b>Incentive points with the rating : " + txtTotalPoint.Text + "" + Session["Numbertype"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + "Author Name : " + Session["AuthorName"].ToString() + "<br>" + "Publication Id : " + txtReferenceId.Text + "<br>" + "Article Name :" + Session["Title"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + FooterText + " </b><br><b> </b></span>"; } else { details.MsgBody = "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #3300cc; font-family: Verdana\"><h4>Dear Sir/Madam,</h4> <br>" + //"<b> Incentive points with the rating '" + total.Text + "' added. <br> " + "<b>Incentive points with the rating : " + txtTotalPoint.Text + " " + Session["Numbertype"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + "Author Name : " + Session["AuthorName"].ToString() + "<br>" + "Publication Id : " + txtReferenceId.Text + "<br>" + "Article Name :" + Session["Title"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + FooterText + " </b><br><b> </b></span>"; } } else { if (type == "S") { details.MsgBody = "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #3300cc; font-family: Verdana\"><h4>Dear Sir/Madam,</h4> <br>" + "<p>For encashment of research incentive points, request you to contact student research section of your institution/department along with the Bank detail form available in RMS Portal.</p>" + "<b>Incentive points with the rating : " + txtTotalPoint.Text + " " + Session["Numbertype"].ToString() + "<br>" + //"<b> Incentive points with the rating '" + total.Text + "' added. <br> " + "<br>" + "Author Name : " + Session["AuthorName"].ToString() + "<br>" + "Publication Id : " + txtReferenceId.Text + "<br>" + "Article Name :" + Session["Title"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + FooterText + " </b><br><b> </b></span>"; } else { details.MsgBody = "<span style=\"font-size: 10pt; color: #3300cc; font-family: Verdana\"><h4>Dear Sir/Madam,</h4> <br>" + //"<b> Incentive points with the rating '" + total.Text + "' added. <br> " + "<b>Incentive points with the rating : " + txtTotalPoint.Text + " " + Session["Numbertype"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + "Author Name : " + Session["AuthorName"].ToString() + "<br>" + "Publication Id : " + txtReferenceId.Text + "<br>" + "Article Name :" + Session["Title"].ToString() + "<br>" + "<br>" + FooterText + " </b><br><b> </b></span>"; } } if (details.ToEmail != "" && details.ToEmail != null) { resultv = obj.InsertIntoEmailQueue(details); } IncentiveData obj3 = new IncentiveData(); IncentiveBusiness C = new IncentiveBusiness(); if (emailid == "") { string AuthorName1 = Session["AuthorName"].ToString(); obj3 = C.CheckUniqueIdIncentive(txtReferenceId.Text, "JA", details); int data = C.updateEmailtrackerIncentive(txtReferenceId.Text, "JA", details, obj3, AuthorName1); } if (resultv == true) { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Mail Sent successfully')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); } else { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Problem while sending mail')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { string CloseWindow1 = "alert('Problem while sending mail')"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "newWindow", CloseWindow1, true); log.Error(ex.Message); log.Error(ex.StackTrace); } }
protected void BtnSendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { IncentiveBusiness b = new IncentiveBusiness(); EmailDetails details = new EmailDetails(); SendMailObject obj = new SendMailObject(); details.FromEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FromAddress"].ToString(); string finance_emailid = Session["emailId"].ToString(); int Index = ((GridViewRow)((sender as Control)).NamingContainer).RowIndex; string employeeid = Gridview.Rows[Index].Cells[0].Text; string referenceid = Gridview.Rows[Index].Cells[1].Text; string transctiontype = Gridview.Rows[Index].Cells[5].Text; Session["transctiontype"] = transctiontype; Session["MemberId"] = employeeid; Session["referenceid"] = referenceid; string membertype = Gridview.Rows[Index].Cells[6].Text; string emailid = null; if (membertype == "M") { emailid = b.SelectAuthorEmailId(employeeid); } else { //emailid = b.SelectStudentAuthorEmailId(employeeid); string id = ""; emailid = b.SelectStudentEmailId(employeeid, id); } string hr_emaild = b.SelectHREmailId(employeeid, referenceid, transctiontype); PanelSendMail.Visible = true; if (emailid != "") { txtTo.Text = hr_emaild + ',' + emailid; } else { txtTo.Text = hr_emaild; } txtCC.Text = finance_emailid; foreach (GridViewRow row in Gridview.Rows) { if (row.RowIndex == Index) { row.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#A1DCF2"); } else { row.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.StackTrace); log.Error(ex.Message); //return obj1; } }