public static void Main(string[] args) { var system = ActorSystem.Create("HelloWorld"); var actor = system.ActorOf(MyActor.Props()); Console.WriteLine($"Actor Path: [{actor.Path}]"); var actor2 = system.ActorSelection(actor.Path); var inbox = Inbox.Create(system); inbox.Send(actor, new ToWhom("小明")); var resp = (Response)inbox.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)).Result; Console.WriteLine($"receive message: {resp.Message}"); var resp2 = (Response)actor.Ask(new ToWhom("小華"), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5.0)).Result; Console.WriteLine($"receive message: {resp2.Message}"); actor.Tell(new ToWhom("小黃"), inbox.Receiver); var resp3 = (Response)inbox.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5.0)).Result; Console.WriteLine($"receive message: {resp3.Message}"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("End!!"); }
public async Task <IWaitResult> Start(TimeSpan?timeout = null) { if (!_allExpectedMessages.IsEmpty) { throw new WaiterIsFinishedException(); } using (var inbox = Inbox.Create(_system)) { foreach (var type in ConditionBuilder.MessageFilters.Keys) { _subscriber.Subscribe(type, inbox.Receiver); } var finalTimeout = timeout ?? _defaultTimeout; await WaitForMessages(inbox, finalTimeout).TimeoutAfter(finalTimeout); foreach (var type in ConditionBuilder.MessageFilters.Keys) { _subscriber.Unsubscribe(inbox.Receiver, type); } return(new WaitResult(_allExpectedMessages)); } }
public async Task Execute(ICommand command, IMessageMetadata metadata = null, CommandConfirmationMode confirmationMode = CommandConfirmationMode.Projected) { var envelopedCommand = new MessageMetadataEnvelop(command, metadata ?? CreateEmptyCommandMetadata(command)); if (confirmationMode == CommandConfirmationMode.None) { _commandExecutorActor.Tell(envelopedCommand); return; } var inbox = Inbox.Create(_system); _commandExecutorActor.Tell(envelopedCommand, inbox.Receiver); var msg = await inbox.ReceiveAsync(_defaultTimeout); if (CheckMessage(confirmationMode, msg)) { return; } msg = await inbox.ReceiveAsync(_defaultTimeout); if (CheckMessage(confirmationMode, msg)) { return; } throw new TimeoutException("Command execution took to long"); }
public void EnsureStoped(IActorRef actor) { using Inbox inbox = Inbox.Create(ActorSystem); inbox.Watch(actor); ActorSystem.Stop(actor); inbox.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); }
public PeaResult Start(PeaSettings settings, IEvaluationInitData initData) { var inbox = Inbox.Create(System); PeaResult result = null; try { inbox.Send(SystemActor, new CreateSystem(settings)); var response = inbox.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); if (response is CreatedSuccessfully) { inbox.Send(SystemActor, new InitEvaluator(initData)); result = (PeaResult)inbox.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); } } catch (Exception e) { result = new PeaResult(new List <string>() { e.ToString() }, new List <IEntity>()); } //var response = await SystemActor.Ask(new CreateSystem(settings)); //if (response is CreatedSuccessfully) //{ //result = await SystemActor.Ask(new InitEvaluator(initData)); //} return(result); }
public void Publish_to_stream() { var pooledWorkers = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create <Worker>() .WithRouter( new ConsistentHashingPool(4, m => (m as DoWorkMessage)?.Id)), "PooledWorker"); Sys.EventStream.Subscribe(pooledWorkers, typeof(DoWorkMessage)); var inbox = Inbox.Create(Sys); Sys.EventStream.Subscribe(inbox.Receiver, typeof(WorkDoneMessage)); int totalCount = 10; while (--totalCount > 0) { foreach (var m in Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(i => new DoWorkMessage(Guid.NewGuid()))) { Sys.EventStream.Publish(m); var msg = (WorkDoneMessage)inbox.Receive(); Assert.AreEqual(m.Id, msg.Id); Console.WriteLine($"work {m.Id} done by {msg.Executor}"); } Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); } Console.WriteLine("received all messages"); }
public void EnsureStoped(IActorRef actor) { Inbox inbox = Inbox.Create(ActorSystem); inbox.Watch(actor); ActorSystem.Stop(actor); inbox.Receive(Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan); }
/// <summary> /// Create new instance of pbx proxy /// </summary> /// <returns>ActorPbxProxy</returns> public ActorPbxProxy GetNewActorPbxProxy() { //Esto lo hago para reemplazar el método GetActorPbxProxy() //que antes llamaba desde el program.cs para inciar solo un callmanager Inbox inboxPbxProxy = Inbox.Create(systemq); actorPbxProxy = new ActorPbxProxy(inboxPbxProxy, actorMsgRouter); return(actorPbxProxy); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare Simulation Environment /// </summary> /// <param name="debug">Enables AKKA-Global message Debugging</param> public Simulation(SimulationConfig simConfig) { Config config = (simConfig.Debug) ? ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(GetConfiguration()) /* else */ : ConfigurationFactory.Load(); ActorSystem = ActorSystem.Create(SimulationContextName, config); simConfig.Inbox = Inbox.Create(ActorSystem); SimulationContext = ActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new SimulationContext(simConfig)), SimulationContextName); }
public static ActorPaths CreateActorPaths(TestKit testKit, IActorRef simContext) { var simSystem = testKit.CreateTestProbe(); var inbox = Inbox.Create(system: testKit.Sys); var agentPaths = new ActorPaths(simulationContext: simContext, systemMailBox: inbox.Receiver); agentPaths.SetSupervisorAgent(systemAgent: simSystem); agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Contract, testKit.CreateTestProbe()); agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Dispo, testKit.CreateTestProbe()); agentPaths.Guardians.Add(GuardianType.Production, testKit.CreateTestProbe()); return(agentPaths); }
private async Task TerminateActor(IActorRef persistActor) { var inbox = Inbox.Create(_system); inbox.Watch(persistActor); persistActor.Tell(PoisonPill.Instance); var terminated = await inbox.ReceiveAsync(); if (!(terminated is Terminated)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public void Run(NameValueCollection appSettings) { if (IsRunning) { return; } IsRunning = true; Report.Prefix = appSettings["TargetPrefix"]; _actorSystem = new ConnectorActors("PI2MV", appSettings, _eventLog); _itemSense = new ItemSenseProxy(appSettings); _inbox = Inbox.Create(_actorSystem.System); _actorSystem.ReportZoneMap(_itemSense.GetZoneMap(appSettings["TargetZoneMap"])); _itemSense.ConsumeQueue(new AmqpRegistrationParams(), _actorSystem.ProcessAmqp()); _actorSystem.StartReconciliation(fromTime => _itemSense.GetRecentItems(fromTime)); }
private static async Task ShutDownHubActor(GridDomainNode node, string id, IActorRef aggregateActor, IActorRef aggregateHubActor, TimeSpan?timeout = null) { using (var inbox = Inbox.Create(node.System)) { inbox.Watch(aggregateActor); aggregateHubActor.Tell(new ShutdownChild(id)); var msg = await inbox.ReceiveAsync(timeout ?? node.DefaultTimeout); if (!(msg is Terminated)) { throw new UnexpectedMessageExpection($"Expected {typeof(Terminated)} but got {msg}"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Quick test of actor usage. /// </summary> public static void ActorTest() { using (ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create("TaskRunner")) { IActorRef controller = actorSystem.ActorOf <TaskController>("TaskController"); const int taskCount = 20; Log.Verbose("{ActorName}: Calling controller to run {TaskCount} tasks...", nameof(Program), taskCount); for (int taskId = 1; taskId <= taskCount; taskId++) { controller.Tell( new RunTask("do something #" + taskId) ); } Log.Verbose( "{ActorName}: Stopping controller...", nameof(Program) ); controller.Tell(Shutdown.Instance); // Wait for task controller to observe the completion of all outstanding task. using (Inbox inbox = Inbox.Create(actorSystem)) { while (true) { inbox.Send(controller, GetOutstandingTaskCount.Instance); OutstandingTaskCount outstandingTaskCount = (OutstandingTaskCount)inbox.ReceiveWhere( message => message is OutstandingTaskCount ); if (outstandingTaskCount.Count == 0) { break; } Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) ); } } Log.Verbose("{ActorName}: Done.", nameof(Program)); } }
/// <summary> /// Prepare Simulation Environment /// </summary> /// <param name="simConfig">Several Simulation Configurations</param> public Simulation(SimulationConfig simConfig) { Config config = (simConfig.DebugAkka) ? ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(GetConfiguration(NLog.LogLevel.Debug)) /* else */ : ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(GetConfiguration(NLog.LogLevel.Info)); ActorSystem = ActorSystem.Create(SimulationContextName, config); // // ********* Not Ready Yet ******************* /// // // if(simConfig.AddApplicationInsights) // { // var monitor = new ActorAppInsightsMonitor(SimulationContextName); // var monitorExtension = ActorMonitoringExtension.RegisterMonitor(ActorSystem, monitor); // } simConfig.Inbox = Inbox.Create(ActorSystem); SimulationContext = ActorSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new SimulationContext(simConfig)), SimulationContextName); }
public async Task <IWaitResults> Start(TimeSpan?timeout = null) { using (var inbox = Inbox.Create(_system)) { foreach (var type in _messageTypesToSubscribe) { _subscriber.Subscribe(type, inbox.Receiver); } var finalTimeout = timeout ?? _defaultTimeout; await WaitForMessages(inbox, finalTimeout) .TimeoutAfter(finalTimeout); foreach (var type in _messageTypesToSubscribe) { _subscriber.Unsubscribe(inbox.Receiver, type); } return(new WaitResults(_allExpectedMessages)); } }
static void InboxDemo() { var system = ActorSystem.Create("mysystem"); var target = system.ActorOf(Props.Create <Worker>()); var inbox = Inbox.Create(system); inbox.Send(target, "hello"); try { var result = inbox.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Equals("world"); Console.WriteLine($"Inbox.Receive={result}"); } catch (TimeoutException tExc) { Console.WriteLine($"TimeoutException:{tExc.Message}"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"总异常:{e.Message}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var system = ActorSystem.Create("EventSourcing"); var store = system.ActorOf <CartStore>("store"); var gateway = system.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new CartsGateway(store)), "carts"); //var logger = system.ActorOf<ConsoleLogger>("logger"); //system.EventStream.Subscribe(logger, typeof(CartInitializedEvent)); //system.EventStream.Subscribe(logger, typeof(ItemAddedEvent)); //system.EventStream.Subscribe(logger, typeof(ItemRemovedEvent)); var inbox = Inbox.Create(system); inbox.Send(gateway, new InitializeCartCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Cart1", "melkio")); inbox.Send(gateway, new AddItemCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Cart1", "item1", 5)); inbox.Send(gateway, new AddItemCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Cart1", "item2", 1)); inbox.Send(gateway, new RemoveItemCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Cart1", "item1", 3)); inbox.Send(gateway, new RemoveItemCommand(Guid.NewGuid(), "Cart1", "item2", 2)); var stop = false; do { try { var response = inbox.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Console.WriteLine(response.GetType()); } catch (Exception) { stop = true; } } while (!stop); Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Esta clase inicia el sistema de actores, crea un router de mensajes y una instancia del proxy para la pbx /// </summary> public QActorSystem(SystemConfiguration systemConfig) { this.systemConfig = systemConfig; //conf sanples // //Conf Dispatcher // //loggers = [""Akka.Logger.Serilog.SerilogLogger, Akka.Logger.Serilog""] var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(@" akka { log-config-on-start = on stdout-loglevel = DEBUG loglevel = DEBUG loggers = [""Akka.Logger.Serilog.SerilogLogger, Akka.Logger.Serilog""] actor { provider = ""Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRefProvider, Akka.Remote"" debug { receive = on autoreceive = on lifecycle = on event-stream = on unhandled = on } my-pinned-dispatcher { type = ""PinnedDispatcher"" executor = ""fork-join-executor"" } inbox { inbox-size=100000 } } remote { dot-netty.tcp { port = 8081 hostname = public-hostname = localhost } } }"); //Creo logger para actores, life cycle, y demas del sistema de actores. Serilog.Core.Logger logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .WriteTo.ColoredConsole() .MinimumLevel.Debug() .CreateLogger(); Serilog.Log.Logger = logger; //Esto es necesario para que akka utilice el serilog SerilogLogger serifake; Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRef fackeRef; systemq = ActorSystem.Create("clover-q", config); //systemq.Log.Info("Sistema de acotores iniciado."); Inbox inboxPbxProxy = Inbox.Create(systemq); Inbox inboxStateProxy = Inbox.Create(systemq); Inbox inboxLoginProxy = Inbox.Create(systemq); //Este actor se encarga de acceder al sistema de persistencia (DB) actorDataAccess = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorDataAccess()).WithDispatcher(""), "ActorDataAccess"); //Este actor se encarga de generar el queuelog actorQueueLog = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorQueueLog()).WithDispatcher(""), "ActorQueueLog"); //Creo el calldistributor, este actor es el que al recibir una llamada nueva intenta rutearla a un agente libre, //tambien recibe mensajes del actorStateProxy para mantener el estado de los dispositivos de los agentes actorCallDistributor = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorCallDistributor(actorDataAccess, actorQueueLog)).WithDispatcher(""), "CallDistributor"); //Este actor se encarga de recibir mensajes desde la API REST con Nancy actorRestApiGW = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorRestApiGW(actorCallDistributor)).WithDispatcher(""), "ActorRestApiGW"); actorMsgRouter = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorMsgRouter(actorCallDistributor)).WithDispatcher(""), "MsgRouter"); actorMemberLoginService = systemq.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new ActorMemberLoginService(actorCallDistributor, actorDataAccess, inboxStateProxy.Receiver)).WithDispatcher(""), "MemberLoginService"); actorPbxProxy = new ActorPbxProxy(inboxPbxProxy, actorMsgRouter); actorStateProxy = new ActorStateProxy(inboxStateProxy, actorCallDistributor); actorLoginProxy = new ActorLoginProxy(inboxLoginProxy, actorMemberLoginService); }
public InboxSpec() : base("") //Default is 1000 but just to make sure these tests don't fail we set it { _inbox = Inbox.Create(Sys); }
public InboxSpec() { _inbox = Inbox.Create(sys); }