// Player laps void Res(InSim insim, IS_RES RES) { try { var conn = GetConnection(RES.PLID); if (PointSystem == true) { if (RES.Confirm == ConfirmationFlags.CONF_PENALTY_30) { insim.Send(conn.UCID, "^8You've been fined ^1-1 ^8points for ^230-SECOND PENALTY"); conn.points -= 1; conn.Disqualified = true; } if (RES.Confirm == ConfirmationFlags.CONF_PENALTY_45) { insim.Send(conn.UCID, "^8You've been fined ^1-4 ^8points for ^245-SECOND PENALTY"); conn.points -= 4; conn.Disqualified = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { LogTextToFile("InSim-Errors", "[" + RES.PLID + "] " + " NCN - Exception: " + e, false); } }
void HotLapValidity(InSim insim, IS_HLV HLV) { Connections CurrentConnection = GetConnection(HLV.PLID); if (TrackName != "") { if (HLV.HLVC == HlvcFlags.Wall) { if (CurrentConnection.SentMSG == false) { insim.Send(CurrentConnection.UCID, "^3CAR CONTACT WITH WALL, HOTLAP INVALIDATED."); CurrentConnection.SentMSG = true; } } } if (HLV.HLVC == HlvcFlags.Ground) { if (CurrentConnection.SentMSG == false) { insim.Send(CurrentConnection.UCID, "^3CAR CONTACT WITH GRASS, HOTLAP INVALIDATED."); CurrentConnection.SentMSG = true; } } }
public void SendWelcomeMessage() { _inSim.Send( new IS_MSL { Msg = "System Connneted", ReqI = 3 } ); }
private void ButtonGorunumu(InSim insim, IS_MCI mci) { try { IS_NCN conn = new IS_NCN(); string[] buttons1 = { string.Format(textBox1.Text), string.Format(textBox2.Text), string.Format(textBox3.Text), string.Format(textBox4.Text), }; for (byte i = 0, id = 1, top = (byte)numericUpDown1.Value; i < buttons1.Length; i++, id++, top += (byte)numericUpDown5.Value) { insim.Send(new IS_BTN { ReqI = 255, UCID = conn.UCID, ClickID = id, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK | ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT, T = top, L = (byte)numericUpDown2.Value, W = (byte)numericUpDown3.Value, H = (byte)numericUpDown4.Value, Text = buttons1[i], }); } string[] buttons2 = { string.Format(textBox5.Text), string.Format(textBox6.Text), string.Format(textBox7.Text), string.Format(textBox8.Text), }; for (byte i = 0, id = 5, top = (byte)numericUpDown6.Value; i < buttons2.Length; i++, id++, top += (byte)numericUpDown10.Value) { insim.Send(new IS_BTN { ReqI = 255, UCID = conn.UCID, ClickID = id, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK | ButtonStyles.ISB_LEFT, T = top, L = (byte)numericUpDown7.Value, W = (byte)numericUpDown8.Value, H = (byte)numericUpDown9.Value, Text = buttons2[i], }); } } catch { } }
public void send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string text = message.Text; { IS_MSX mst = new IS_MSX(); mst.Msg = text; insim.Send(mst); } message.Clear(); //message.Multiline = false; //message.Multiline = true; }
private void HandlePacket(InSim insim, IS_ISM packet) { // joined multiplayer host, request players and state be sent insim.Send( new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT= TinyType.TINY_NPL }, // request player packets new IS_TINY { ReqI = 1, SubT= TinyType.TINY_SST } // request state packet ); }
private async void BatchSendAsync() { if (isSending) { Debug.WriteLine("already sending"); return; } isSending = true; while (true) { var packets = GetPacketBatch(); insim.Send(packets.ToArray()); // wait and see if any more packets added. await Task.Delay(BatchDelay); Debug.WriteLine("just waited " + BatchDelay + " ms"); // if not then bye bye if (this.packets.Count == 0) { break; } } isSending = false; }
public void SendCommandMessage(InSim _inSim, string message) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MST { Msg = message, ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void RCC_RemoveAll(InSim _inSim) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MST { Msg = "/rcc_all", ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void SendLocalMessage(InSim _inSim, string message) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MSL { Msg = message, ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void RCM_ShowAll(InSim _inSim) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MST { Msg = "/rcm_all", ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void RCM_SetMessage(InSim _inSim, string text) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MST { Msg = "/rcm " + text, ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void SendToPitLane(InSim _inSim, string name) { _inSim.Send( new IS_MST { Msg = "/pitlane " + name, ReqI = 1 } ); }
void OnStateChange(InSim insim, IS_STA STA) { try { if (TrackName != STA.Track) { TrackName = STA.Track; insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 255 }); } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("" + e, "AN ERROR OCCURED"); insim.Send(255, "^8An error occured: ^1{0}", e); } }
// Player laps void Laps(InSim insim, IS_LAP LAP) { try { var conn = GetConnection(LAP.PLID); conn.ERaceTime = LAP.ETime; conn.LapsDone = LAP.LapsDone; conn.LapTime = LAP.LTime; conn.NumStops = LAP.NumStops; if (conn.SentMSG == false) { if (conn.Disqualified == true) { insim.Send(conn.UCID, "^3[" + TrackName + "] ^8INVALID LAP. FALSE START."); conn.Disqualified = false; insim.Send("/p_clear " + conn.UName); } else { insim.Send(conn.UCID, "^3[" + TrackName + "] ^8Completed a lap: ^3" + string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", (int)_connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Minutes, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Seconds, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Milliseconds.ToString().Remove(0, 1)) + " ^8- ^3" + conn.CarName); conn.SentMSG = true; conn.CurrentMapHotlap = string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", (int)_connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Minutes, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Seconds, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Milliseconds.ToString().Remove(0, 1)); SqlInfo.updateTime(TrackName, string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", (int)_connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Minutes, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Seconds, _connections[conn.UCID].LapTime.Milliseconds.ToString().Remove(0, 1)), conn.UName); } } conn.SentMSG = false; conn.Disqualified = false; } catch (Exception e) { LogTextToFile("InSim-Errors", "[" + LAP.PLID + "] " + " NCN - Exception: " + e, false); } }
public void RequestAllConnections(InSim _inSim) { _inSim.Send( new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN, ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void RequestSTA(InSim _inSim) { _inSim.Send( new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 1 } ); }
void RunInSim() { // Bind packet events. insim.Bind <IS_NCN>(NewConnection); insim.Bind <IS_NPL>(NewPlayer); insim.Bind <IS_MSO>(MessageReceived); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(MultiCarInfo); insim.Bind <IS_CNL>(ConnectionLeave); insim.Bind <IS_CPR>(ClientRenames); insim.Bind <IS_PLL>(PlayerLeave); insim.Bind <IS_STA>(OnStateChange); insim.Bind <IS_BTC>(ButtonClicked); insim.Bind <IS_BFN>(ClearButtons); insim.Bind <IS_VTN>(VoteNotify); insim.Bind <IS_AXI>(AutocrossInformation); // Initialize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", // Port = 29999, Admin = "2910", Prefix = '!', Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_MSO_COLS, Interval = 1000 }); insim.Send(new[] { new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_ISM, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_MCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 255 }, new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST, ReqI = 255 }, }); insim.Send(255, 0, "^3NOTE: ^8InSim connected with version ^2" + InSimVersion); }
public void RequestPlayersOnTrack(InSim _inSim) { _inSim.Send( new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL, ReqI = 1 } ); }
public void create1Object(InSim _inSim) { if (objectClock > 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { IS_AXM axmDelete = new IS_AXM { PMOAction = ActionFlags.PMO_DEL_OBJECTS }; ObjectInfo simpleObjectDelete = new ObjectInfo { X = (short)(layouts[i].objectX * 16), Y = (short)(layouts[i].objectY * 16), Zbyte = (byte)(layouts[i].objectZ * 4), Heading = (byte)layouts[i].objectHeading, Index = (byte)layouts[i].objectIndex, Flags = 0 }; axmDelete.Info.Add(simpleObjectDelete); _inSim.Send( axmDelete ); layouts[i].objectHeading += generator.Next(6) + 3; IS_AXM axmCreate = new IS_AXM { PMOAction = ActionFlags.PMO_ADD_OBJECTS }; ObjectInfo simpleObjectCreate = new ObjectInfo { X = (short)(layouts[i].objectX * 16), Y = (short)(layouts[i].objectY * 16), Zbyte = (byte)(layouts[i].objectZ * 4), Heading = (byte)layouts[i].objectHeading, Index = (byte)layouts[i].objectIndex, Flags = 0 }; axmCreate.Info.Add(simpleObjectCreate); _inSim.Send( axmCreate ); objectClock = 0; } } else { objectClock++; } }
public static void ISM(InSim insim, IS_ISM ISM) { try { insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCN }); insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NCI }); insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_NPL }); insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_SST }); insim.Send(new IS_TINY { ReqI = 2, SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI }); } catch (InSimException IEx) { Logger.Error(IEx.Message, Logger.Types.ISM); } }
private void DrawClickables() { insim.Send(new IS_BTN() { ReqI = 5, L = 80, T = 40, H = 5, W = 40, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK | ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, ClickID = 66, Text = "Control mode: " + control, UCID = 0 }); insim.Send(new IS_BTN() { ReqI = 5, L = 40, T = 15, H = 5, W = 40, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK | ButtonStyles.ISB_DARK, ClickID = 67, Text = "speedmod: " + speedmod, UCID = 0, TypeIn = 4, Caption = "enter new speed mod" }); var i = 0; foreach (var p in paths.paths) { BTNC((byte)(PATH_CLICKID + i), 140, (byte)(25 + i * 5), 20, 5, "^7" + p.Name); i++; } }
private void OnStateChange(InSim insim, IS_STA STA) { try { if (TrackName != STA.Track) { TrackName = STA.Track; insim.Send(new IS_TINY { SubT = TinyType.TINY_AXI, ReqI = 255 }); } } catch (Exception EX) { LogTextToFile("packetError", "STA - " + EX.Message); } }
// BuTton FunctioN (IS_BFN, SHIFT + I) void ClearButtons(InSim insim, IS_BFN BFN) { try { insim.Send(BFN.UCID, "^8InSim buttons cleared ^7(SHIFT + I)"); } catch (Exception e) { var conn = _players[BFN.UCID]; conn.NoColPlayername = StringHelper.StripColors(conn.PName); LogTextToFile("error", "[" + conn.UCID + "] " + conn.NoColPlayername + "(" + _connections[BFN.UCID].UName + ") BFN - Exception: " + e, false); } }
// Button type void ButtonType(InSim insim, IS_BTT BTT) { try { switch (BTT.ClickID) { case 32: onepts = BTT.Text; insim.Send(new IS_BTN { UCID = BTT.UCID, ReqI = 32, ClickID = 32, BStyle = ButtonStyles.ISB_LIGHT | ButtonStyles.ISB_CLICK, H = 4, W = 5, T = 73, // up to down L = 102, // left to right Text = "" + BTT.Text, TypeIn = 3, Caption = "^0Amount of points to reward 1st place" }); break; case 33: twopts = BTT.Text; break; case 34: threepts = BTT.Text; break; case 35: fourpts = BTT.Text; break; } } catch (Exception e) { LogTextToFile("error", "[" + BTT.UCID + "] " + StringHelper.StripColors(_connections[BTT.UCID].PName) + "(" + _connections[BTT.UCID].UName + ") BTT - Exception: " + e, false); } }
// Vote notify (cancel votes) private void VoteNotify(InSim insim, IS_VTN VTN) { try { var test = VTN.UCID; foreach (var conn in _connections.Values) { if (conn.UCID == VTN.UCID) { if (VTN.Action == VoteAction.VOTE_END) { if (_connections[VTN.UCID].IsAdmin != true) { insim.Send("/cv"); } } if (VTN.Action == VoteAction.VOTE_RESTART) { if (_connections[VTN.UCID].IsAdmin != true) { insim.Send("/cv"); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { var conn = _players[VTN.UCID]; conn.NoColPlayername = StringHelper.StripColors(conn.PName); LogTextToFile("error", "[" + conn.UCID + "] " + conn.NoColPlayername + "(" + _connections[VTN.UCID].UName + ") - VTN - Exception: " + e, false); } }
// BuTton FunctioN (IS_BFN, SHIFT+I SHIFT+B) void ClearButtons(InSim insim, IS_BFN BFN) { try { insim.Send(BFN.UCID, "^8InSim buttons cleared ^7(SHIFT + I)"); UpdateGui(BFN.UCID, true); if (_connections[BFN.UCID].inAP == true) { _connections[BFN.UCID].inAP = false; } } catch (Exception e) { LogTextToFile("error", "[" + BFN.UCID + "] " + StringHelper.StripColors(_connections[BFN.UCID].PName) + "(" + _connections[BFN.UCID].UName + ") BFN - Exception: " + e, false); } }
private void OnTinyReceived(InSim insim, IS_TINY TINY) { if (TINY.SubT == TinyType.TINY_AXC) { try { if (Layoutname != "None") { insim.Send("Layout ^1" + Layoutname + " ^3cleared"); } Layoutname = "None"; } catch (Exception EX) { LogTextToFile("packetError", "AXC - " + EX.Message); } } }
private void OnAutocrossInformation(InSim insim, IS_AXI AXI) { try { if (AXI.NumO != 0) { Layoutname = AXI.LName; if (AXI.ReqI == 0) { insim.Send("Layout ^1" + Layoutname + " ^3loaded"); } } } catch (Exception EX) { LogTextToFile("packetError", "AXI - " + EX.Message); } }
// Autocross information void AutocrossInformation(InSim insim, IS_AXI AXI) { try { if (AXI.NumO != 0) { LayoutName = AXI.LName; if (AXI.ReqI == 0) { insim.Send(255, "^8Layout ^2" + LayoutName + " ^8loaded"); } } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { InSim insim = new InSim(); // Initialize InSim insim.Initialize(new InSimSettings { Host = "", Port = 29999, Admin = "123123", Flags = InSimFlags.ISF_MCI | InSimFlags.ISF_CON, Interval = 1000, IName = "EmirhanPala", }); // Send message to LFS insim.Send("/msg Canlı button, InSim-EmirhanPala!"); insim.Bind <IS_MCI>(ButtonGorunumu); }
// void Loop(System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient uc) void Loop(InSim.Connect insimConnection ) { bool InRace = false; bool InQual = false; bool flagFirst = true; bool flagShowInfo = true; // System.Net.IPEndPoint remoteEP = new System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, 0); while (true) { // byte[] recvPacket = uc.Receive(ref remoteEP); byte[] recvPacket = insimConnection.Receive(); #if MONO #else if (remoteEP.Port != ((System.Net.IPEndPoint)uc.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port) { Console.WriteLine("Received UDP packet from unknown port {0}", ((System.Net.IPEndPoint)uc.Client.RemoteEndPoint).Port); continue; } #endif if (recvPacket.Length > 3) { string packetHead = insimConnection.packetHead(recvPacket); uint verifyID = insimConnection.verifyID(recvPacket); // if (packetHead != "MCI") // Console.WriteLine(packetHead); switch (packetHead) { case "TINY"://confirm ack with ack // Keep ALIVE InSim.Decoder.TINY tiny = new InSim.Decoder.TINY(recvPacket); // Keep alive connection if (tiny.SubT == "TINY_NONE") { byte[] stiny = InSim.Encoder.TINY_NONE(); insimConnection.Send(stiny, stiny.Length); } break; case "RST": InSim.Decoder.RST rst = new InSim.Decoder.RST(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Race STart : Lap " + rst.RaceLaps + " Qual :" + rst.QualMins); /* Décalé sur REO à cause de posGrid */ // If in Race and new restart, Generate Stat ( For live lfsStat ) // On End of Race, générate Statistics if (InRace == true) { InRace = false; Console.WriteLine("End OF RACE by Race STart"); #if WINDOWS Console.Title = consoleTitle; #endif switch (exportOnRaceSTart) { case "yes": if (askForFileNameOnRST) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportRaceStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportRaceStats(generateFileName()); } break; case "ask": Console.Write("> Export Stats? [yes/no]: "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || answer.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (askForFileNameOnRST) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportRaceStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportRaceStats(generateFileName()); } } break; case "no": break; } } /**/ // On End of Race, générate Statistics if (InQual == true) { InQual = false; Console.WriteLine("End OF Qual by Race STart"); #if WINDOWS Console.Title = consoleTitle; #endif switch (exportOnRaceSTart) { case "yes": if (askForFileNameOnRST) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportQualStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportQualStats(generateFileName()); } break; case "ask": Console.Write("> Export Stats? [yes/no]: "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || answer.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (askForFileNameOnRST) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportQualStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportQualStats(generateFileName()); } } break; case "no": break; } } Console.WriteLine("Race STart"); #if WINDOWS Console.Title = "Lap : 1"; #endif if (rst.RaceLaps != 0) { InRace = true; InQual = false; } if (rst.QualMins != 0) { InQual = true; InRace = false; } raceStat.Clear(); UCIDToUN.Clear(); PLIDToUCID.Clear(); // Get All Connections byte[] rstncn = InSim.Encoder.NCN(); insimConnection.Send(rstncn, rstncn.Length); // Get All Players byte[] rstnpl = InSim.Encoder.NPL(); insimConnection.Send(rstnpl, rstnpl.Length); // Get Reo byte[] nplreo = InSim.Encoder.REO(); insimConnection.Send(nplreo, nplreo.Length); break; case "REN": if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("Race ENd (return to entry screen)"); break; case "NCN": InSim.Decoder.NCN newConnection = new InSim.Decoder.NCN(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("New ConN Username:{0} Nickname:{1} ConnectionNumber:{2}",newConnection.userName,newConnection.nickName,newConnection.UCID)); // Console.WriteLine( newConnection.UCID.ToString() + " ConN Username <" + newConnection.userName + "> nickName <" + newConnection.nickName + ">" ); // On reconnect player, RAZ infos et restart UCIDToUN[newConnection.UCID] = new UN(newConnection.userName, newConnection.nickName); if (newConnection.UCID == 0) currInfoRace.HName = newConnection.nickName; break; case "CNL": if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("ConN Leave (end connection is moved down into this slot)"); InSim.Decoder.CNL lostConnection = new InSim.Decoder.CNL(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Username:{0} Nickname:{1} ConnectionNumber:{2}", (UCIDToUN[lostConnection.UCID] as UN ).userName, (UCIDToUN[lostConnection.UCID] as UN).nickName, lostConnection.UCID) ); break; case "NPL": int LastPosGrid; if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("New PLayer joining race (if number already exists, then leaving pits)"); InSim.Decoder.NPL newPlayer = new InSim.Decoder.NPL(recvPacket); int removePLID = PLIDbyNickName(newPlayer.nickName); // Console.WriteLine("Nick:" + newPlayer.nickName); // Console.WriteLine("Old PLID:" + removePLID + " New : " + newPlayer.PLID); LastPosGrid = 0; if (InRace == true) { if (removePLID > 0) { if ((raceStat[removePLID] as raceStats).finished == false) { LastPosGrid = (raceStat[removePLID] as raceStats).gridPos; raceStat.Remove(removePLID); PLIDToUCID.Remove(removePLID); } else { if (newPlayer.PLID != removePLID) { raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] = raceStat[removePLID]; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).PLID = newPlayer.PLID; raceStat.Remove(removePLID); PLIDToUCID.Remove(removePLID); } } } } if (InQual == true) { if (removePLID > 0) { if (newPlayer.PLID != removePLID) { raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] = raceStat[removePLID]; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).PLID = newPlayer.PLID; raceStat.Remove(removePLID); PLIDToUCID.Remove(removePLID); } } } PLIDToUCID[newPlayer.PLID] = newPlayer.UCID; string nplUserName = UserNameByUCID( newPlayer.UCID); if (!raceStat.ContainsKey(newPlayer.PLID)) { raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] = new raceStats ( newPlayer.UCID , newPlayer.PLID ); if( LastPosGrid != 0 ) (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).gridPos = LastPosGrid; } (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).UCID = newPlayer.UCID; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).userName = nplUserName; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).nickName = newPlayer.nickName; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).allUN[nplUserName] = new UN(nplUserName, newPlayer.nickName); (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).CName = newPlayer.CName; (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).Plate = newPlayer.Plate; if( InQual ) (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).finPLID = newPlayer.PLID; string addInfo = ""; for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { if (((uint)(newPlayer.Flags) & (uint)(2 << i)) != 0) addInfo += ((InSim.Decoder.NPL.PlayerFlags)(2 << i)).ToString() + " "; } (raceStat[newPlayer.PLID] as raceStats).sFlags = addInfo; break; case "PLP": if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("PLayer Pits (go to settings - stays in player list)"); InSim.Decoder.PLP plp = new InSim.Decoder.PLP(recvPacket); break; case "PLL": if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("PLayer Leave race (spectate - leaves player list, all are shunted down)"); InSim.Decoder.PLL pll = new InSim.Decoder.PLL(recvPacket); break; case "CPR": InSim.Decoder.CPR cpr = new InSim.Decoder.CPR(recvPacket); (UCIDToUN[cpr.UCID] as UN).nickName = cpr.newNickName; if (UCIDToPLID(cpr.UCID) != -1) (raceStat[UCIDToPLID(cpr.UCID)] as raceStats).nickName = cpr.newNickName; if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Conn Player {0} Rename from {1} to {2}, id:{3}", (UCIDToUN[cpr.UCID] as UN).userName, (UCIDToUN[cpr.UCID] as UN).nickName, cpr.newNickName, cpr.UCID)); break; case "CLR": if(debugmode)Console.WriteLine("CLear Race - all players removed from race in one go"); raceStat.Clear(); break; case "PIT": // NEW PIT : (pit stop) InSim.Decoder.PIT pitDec = new InSim.Decoder.PIT(recvPacket); string pitNickName = (UCIDToUN[(int)PLIDToUCID[pitDec.PLID]] as UN).nickName; string pitUserName = (UCIDToUN[(int)PLIDToUCID[pitDec.PLID]] as UN).userName; (raceStat[pitDec.PLID] as raceStats).updatePIT(pitDec); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("PIT OF " + (UCIDToUN[pitDec.PLID] as UN).nickName); // Console.WriteLine("PIT OF >" + pitNickName + "< >" + pitUserName + "<"); break; case "PSF": // NEW PSF : (pit stop finished) InSim.Decoder.PSF pitFin = new InSim.Decoder.PSF(recvPacket); (raceStat[pitFin.PLID] as raceStats).updatePSF(pitFin.PLID, pitFin.STime ); break; case "LAP": InSim.Decoder.LAP lapDec = new InSim.Decoder.LAP(recvPacket); string lapNickName = (UCIDToUN[(int)PLIDToUCID[lapDec.PLID]] as UN).nickName; string lapUserName = (UCIDToUN[(int)PLIDToUCID[lapDec.PLID]] as UN).userName; if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("LAP time " + lapUserName); // In qual use RES instead of Lap if (InQual == true) { break; } (raceStat[lapDec.PLID] as raceStats).UpdateLap((lapDec.LTime), (raceStat[lapDec.PLID] as raceStats).numStop, lapDec.LapsDone ); if (flagShowInfo) Console.WriteLine("Lap" + lapDec.LapsDone + " " + (raceStat[lapDec.PLID] as raceStats).userName + " -> " + raceStats.LfstimeToString(lapDec.LTime)); if (lapDec.LapsDone > currInfoRace.currLap) { currInfoRace.currLap = lapDec.LapsDone; #if WINDOWS Console.Title = "Lap : " + (lapDec.LapsDone +1).ToString(); #endif } break; // case "SP1": // case "SP2": // case "SP3": case "SPX": InSim.Decoder.SPX splitdec = new InSim.Decoder.SPX(recvPacket); // Assign temporary nickname to Player ID if (splitdec.STime == timeConv.HMSToLong(60, 0, 0)) break; (raceStat[splitdec.PLID] as raceStats).UpdateSplit(splitdec.Split, splitdec.STime); if( flagShowInfo ) Console.WriteLine("SP" + splitdec.Split + " " + (raceStat[splitdec.PLID] as raceStats).userName + " = " + raceStats.LfstimeToString(splitdec.STime )); if (splitdec.Split == 1) { if( currInfoRace.maxSplit < 1 ) currInfoRace.maxSplit = 1; } if (splitdec.Split == 2) { if (currInfoRace.maxSplit < 2) currInfoRace.maxSplit = 2; } if (splitdec.Split == 3) { if (currInfoRace.maxSplit < 3) currInfoRace.maxSplit = 3; } break; case "RES": InSim.Decoder.RES result = new InSim.Decoder.RES(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("RESult (qualify or finish)"); if (InRace == true) { if (flagShowInfo) Console.WriteLine("RES " + result.ResultNum.ToString() + ":" + exportstats.lfsStripColor(result.nickName)); } int lplid = result.PLID; if (result.PLID == 0) lplid = PLIDbyNickName(result.nickName); // Retreive current PLID with the Finish PLID, in case of player spectate and rejoin race after finish lplid = PLIDbyFinPLID(lplid); if (lplid != -1 && InRace == true) (raceStat[lplid] as raceStats).UpdateResult(result.TTime, result.ResultNum, result.CName, result.Confirm, result.NumStops); if (lplid != -1 && InQual == true) { if (flagShowInfo) Console.WriteLine("Lap " + (raceStat[lplid] as raceStats).userName + " -> " + raceStats.LfstimeToString(result.BTime)); (raceStat[lplid] as raceStats).UpdateQualResult(result.TTime, result.BTime, result.NumStops, result.Confirm, result.LapDone, result.ResultNum, result.NumRes ); } break; case "FIN": // New Insim Packet InSim.Decoder.FIN fin = new InSim.Decoder.FIN(recvPacket); // if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("FINISH (qualify or finish)"); (raceStat[fin.PLID] as raceStats).finished = true; (raceStat[fin.PLID] as raceStats).finPLID = fin.PLID; break; case "REO": InSim.Decoder.REO pacreo = new InSim.Decoder.REO(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("REOrder (when race restarts after qualifying)"); if (pacreo.ReqI != 0) // Ignore and get Only if requested { for (int i = 0; i < pacreo.NumP; i++) { int PLID = (int)pacreo.PLID[i]; if (!raceStat.ContainsKey(PLID)) { raceStat[PLID] = new raceStats(0, PLID); } (raceStat[PLID] as raceStats).gridPos = i + 1; } } break; case "STA": // Console.WriteLine("STATE"); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("STAte"); InSim.Decoder.STA state = new InSim.Decoder.STA(recvPacket); if (flagFirst == true && (state.Flags & 512) == 512) { flagFirst = false; // Get All Connections byte[] ncn = InSim.Encoder.NCN(); insimConnection.Send(ncn, ncn.Length); // Get All Players byte[] npl = InSim.Encoder.NPL(); insimConnection.Send(npl, npl.Length); } currInfoRace.currentTrackName = state.ShortTrackName; currInfoRace.weather = state.Weather; currInfoRace.wind = state.Wind; currInfoRace.raceLaps = state.RaceLaps; currInfoRace.qualMins = state.QualMins; if (currInfoRace.raceLaps == 0) currInfoRace.sraceLaps = "Practice"; else if (currInfoRace.raceLaps < 100) currInfoRace.sraceLaps = currInfoRace.raceLaps.ToString(); else if (currInfoRace.raceLaps < 191) currInfoRace.sraceLaps = ((currInfoRace.raceLaps - 100) * 10 + 100).ToString(); else if (currInfoRace.raceLaps < 239) currInfoRace.sraceLaps = (currInfoRace.raceLaps - 190).ToString(); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Current track:" + currInfoRace.currentTrackName); // On End of Race, générate Statistics if (state.RaceInProg == 0 && InRace == true) { InRace = false; Console.WriteLine("End OF RACE by STAte"); #if WINDOWS Console.Title = consoleTitle; #endif switch (exportOnSTAte) { case "yes": if (askForFileNameOnSTA) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportRaceStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportRaceStats(generateFileName()); } break; case "ask": Console.Write("> Export Stats? [yes/no]: "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || answer.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (askForFileNameOnSTA) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportRaceStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportRaceStats(generateFileName()); } } break; case "no": break; } } // On End of Race, générate Statistics if (state.RaceInProg == 0 && InQual == true) { InQual = false; Console.WriteLine("End of Qual by STAte"); #if WINDOWS Console.Title = consoleTitle; #endif switch (exportOnSTAte) { case "yes": if (askForFileNameOnSTA) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportQualStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportQualStats(generateFileName()); } break; case "ask": Console.Write("> Export Stats? [yes/no]: "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || answer.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if (askForFileNameOnSTA) { Console.Write("> Enter name of stats: "); exportQualStats(Console.ReadLine()); } else { exportQualStats(generateFileName()); } } break; case "no": break; } } break; /* case "MSS": InSim.Decoder.MSS mss = new InSim.Decoder.MSS(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Message received Username:{0} Player name:{1} Message:{2}",mss.UserName,mss.PlayerName,mss.Message); string nicknamewithoutcolors = mss.PlayerName; ackReq = false; break; */ case "MSO": InSim.Decoder.MSO msg = new InSim.Decoder.MSO(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Message received:" + msg.message); if (msg.message.StartsWith("!ver")) Ver(msg.PLID); if (msg.UserType == 1) { string schat = exportstats.lfsColorToHtml(NickNameByUCID(msg.UCID)) + ":" + exportstats.lfsChatTextToHtml(msg.message); currInfoRace.chat.Add(schat); } break; case "ISM": InSim.Decoder.ISM multi = new InSim.Decoder.ISM(recvPacket); if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Insim Multi:" + multi.HName); // Get All Connections byte[] ismncn = InSim.Encoder.NCN(); insimConnection.Send(ismncn, ismncn.Length); // Get All Players byte[] ismnpl = InSim.Encoder.NPL(); insimConnection.Send(ismnpl, ismnpl.Length); break; case "MCI": InSim.Decoder.MCI mci = new InSim.Decoder.MCI(recvPacket ); for (int i = 0; i < System.Math.Min(8, mci.numOfPlayers); i++) { if (raceStat.ContainsKey(mci.compCar[i].PLID)) { (raceStat[mci.compCar[i].PLID] as raceStats).updateMCI(mci.compCar[i].speed); } } break; case "FLG": // NEW FLG : (yellow or blue flags) InSim.Decoder.FLG flg = new InSim.Decoder.FLG(recvPacket); if (flg.OffOn == 1 && flg.Flag == 1 && (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inBlue == false) { // Blue flag On (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).blueFlags++; (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inBlue = true; } if (flg.OffOn == 1 && flg.Flag == 2 && (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inYellow == false) { // Yellow flag On (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).yellowFlags++; (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inYellow = true; } if (flg.OffOn == 0 && flg.Flag == 1) { // Blue flag Off (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inBlue = false; } if (flg.OffOn == 0 && flg.Flag == 2) { // Yellow flag Off (raceStat[flg.PLID] as raceStats).inYellow = false; } break; case "PEN": // NEW PEN : (penalty) InSim.Decoder.PEN pen = new InSim.Decoder.PEN(recvPacket); (raceStat[pen.PLID] as raceStats).UpdatePen(pen.OldPen,pen.NewPen,pen.Reason); break; case "NLP": break; case "VTC": break; case "VTN": // Insim Vote break; case "VTA": // Insim Vote Action break; case "III": // NEW III : InSimInfo break; case "PLA": // NEW PLA : (Pit LAne) break; case "TOC": // NEW TOC : (take over car) #region TOC InSim.Decoder.TOC toc = new InSim.Decoder.TOC(recvPacket); if ( !raceStat.ContainsKey(toc.PLID) ) { break; } currInfoRace.isToc = true; int OldPLID = UCIDToPLID(toc.NewUCID); PLIDToUCID.Remove(OldPLID); raceStat.Remove(OldPLID); string oldUserName = (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).userName; string oldNickName = (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).nickName; (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).nickName = (UCIDToUN[toc.NewUCID] as UN).nickName; (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).userName = (UCIDToUN[toc.NewUCID] as UN).userName; (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).allUN[(UCIDToUN[toc.NewUCID] as UN).userName] = new UN( (UCIDToUN[toc.NewUCID] as UN).userName, (UCIDToUN[toc.NewUCID] as UN).nickName ); string newUserName = (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).userName; string newNickName = (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).nickName; (raceStat[toc.PLID] as raceStats).updateTOC(oldNickName, oldUserName, newNickName, newUserName); Console.WriteLine("<<<--------------------- TOC: " + oldUserName + "-->" + newUserName + "--------------------->>>"); PLIDToUCID[toc.PLID] = toc.NewUCID; #endregion break; /* case "TOC": // NEW TOC : (take over car) if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Take over CVar"); break; */ case "PFL": // NEW PFL : (player help flags) break; case "CCH": // NEW CCH : (camera changed) break; case "AXI": // send an IS_AXI break; // autocross cleared case "AXC": break; default: if (debugmode) Console.WriteLine("Unknown packet received:" + packetHead); // Console.WriteLine("Unknown packet received:" + packetHead); break; } // Not Used in insim 4 /* if (ackReq) { byte[] ackPack = InSim.Encoder.ACK(verifyID); insimConnection.Send(ackPack, ackPack.Length); } */ } } }