public void SetUp() { CheckDisposed(); if (m_mock != null) { m_mock.Dispose(); } m_mock = InMemoryFdoCache.CreateInMemoryFdoCache(); m_mock.InitializeWritingSystemEncodings(); m_mock.InitializeLangProject(); m_lp = m_mock.Cache.LangProject; }
public void SetUp() { CheckDisposed(); if (m_cache != null) { m_cache.Dispose(); } m_cache = InMemoryFdoCache.CreateInMemoryFdoCache(); m_cache.InitializeWritingSystemEncodings(); ILgWritingSystemFactory lgwsf = m_cache.Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor; m_ws = lgwsf.get_EngineOrNull(InMemoryFdoCache.s_wsHvos.En); }
public void Init() { StringUtils.InitIcuDataDir(); m_inMemoryCache = InMemoryFdoCache.CreateInMemoryFdoCache(); m_inMemoryCache.InitializeLangProject(); m_inMemoryCache.Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor.BypassInstall = true; m_inMemoryCache.InitializeWritingSystemEncodings(); m_dlgWsProps = new DummyWritingSystemPropertiesDialog(m_inMemoryCache.Cache); // "show" the dialog box (the actually gui will never be loaded) // When in test mode the dialog will not call its base ShowDialog m_dlgWsProps.CallShowDialog(); }
public void VernacularWsListAdd() { m_inMemoryCache.InitializeWritingSystemEncodings(); // Setup so the order in the Analysis WS list should be: English, French, // English IPA and Spanish. SetupVernWss(); // Disable all these buttons so we can verify that they will be enabled after // adding a new writing system. m_dlg.OkButton.Enabled = false; m_dlg.VernWsDeleteButton.Enabled = false; m_dlg.VernWsModifyButton.Enabled = false; m_dlg.VernWsMoveUpButton.Enabled = false; m_dlg.VernWsMoveDownButton.Enabled = false; // Add a new writing system to the cache. int newWsHvo = m_inMemoryCache.SetupWs("no"); LgWritingSystem ws = m_inMemoryCache.CreateWritingSystem(m_inMemoryCache.Cache, newWsHvo, "no", new int[] { (int)InMemoryFdoCache.s_wsHvos.En }, new string[] { "new one" }); m_dlg.SimulateVernAddingWs(ws); VerifyWritingSystemOrder(m_dlg.VernWsList, new string[] { "English", "French", "English IPA", "Spanish", "new one" }); // Verify that the new writing system is the selected one. Assert.AreEqual(ws, (LgWritingSystem)m_dlg.VernWsList.SelectedItem, "New writing system is not selected."); // Verify that the correct items are checked. VerifyCheckedWritingSystems(m_dlg.VernWsList, new string[] { "English", "French", "new one" }, true); // Verify that the correct items are not checked. VerifyCheckedWritingSystems(m_dlg.VernWsList, new string[] { "English IPA", "Spanish" }, false); Assert.IsTrue(m_dlg.OkButton.Enabled); Assert.IsTrue(m_dlg.VernWsDeleteButton.Enabled); Assert.IsTrue(m_dlg.VernWsModifyButton.Enabled); Assert.IsTrue(m_dlg.VernWsMoveUpButton.Enabled); Assert.IsTrue(m_dlg.VernWsMoveDownButton.Enabled); }