        public FastestTreeSerialisationNotPossibleException(string typeName, ImpossibleMemberDetails memberIfAny) : base(GetMessage(typeName, memberIfAny))
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Null/blank {nameof(typeName)} specified");

            TypeName    = typeName;
            MemberIfAny = memberIfAny;
        private static string GetMessage(string typeName, ImpossibleMemberDetails memberIfAny)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeName))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Null/blank {nameof(typeName)} specified");

            if (memberIfAny == null)
                return($"The type {typeName} does not allow optimal fastest tree binary serialisation - since no specific member is identified as a problem, it is presumably because the type is a non-sealed class");

            return($"The type {typeName} does not allow optimal fastest tree binary serialisation because the member {memberIfAny.Name} of type {memberIfAny.TypeName} does not allow it (presumably because the type is a non-sealed class)");