public Importer(DeltinScript deltinScript, FileGetter fileGetter, Uri initial)
     _deltinScript = deltinScript;
     _diagnostics  = deltinScript.Diagnostics;
     _fileGetter   = fileGetter;
        // The binding parameter is an ImportedFile
        public void ExecuteRemoveFileCommand(object param)
            var file = param as IImportedFile;

            if (file == null)

            // now there is at least 1 normal file in the dropdown, so show the Please message
            ImportedFiles[0].RowType = ImportedFileRowTypes.PleaseSelect;

            // always select the special row
            SelectedImportedFile = ImportedFiles[0];

            // ???
            file.IsSelected = WebsiteDatasets.Count > 0;
            Manager.IsNewDatasetIncluded = true;

            string datasetTypeName = null;

            if (file.DataSetFile.Dataset == null || file.DataSetFile.Dataset.ContentType == null)
                var provider = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IDomainSessionFactoryProvider>();
                using (var session = provider.SessionFactory.OpenStatelessSession())
                    datasetTypeName = session.Query <Dataset>()
                                      .Where(d => d.Id == file.DataSetFile.DatasetId)
                                      .Select(d => d.ContentType.Name)
                datasetTypeName = file.DataSetFile.Dataset.ContentType.Name;

            Manager.IsTrendingYearUpdated = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(datasetTypeName) && (datasetTypeName.Contains("Inpatient Discharge") || datasetTypeName.Contains("ED Treat And Release"));
        internal IEnumerable <Import> ResolveImport(
            IMSBuildEvaluationContext fileContext,
            string thisFilePath,
            ExpressionNode importExpr,
            string importExprString,
            string sdk)
            //FIXME: add support for MSBuildUserExtensionsPath, the context does not currently support it
            if (importExprString.IndexOf("$(MSBuildUserExtensionsPath)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)
                yield break;

            //TODO: can we we re-use this context? the propvals may change between evaluations
            var context = new MSBuildCollectedValuesEvaluationContext(fileContext, PropertyCollector);

            bool foundAny   = false;
            bool isWildcard = false;

            foreach (var filename in context.EvaluatePathWithPermutation(importExpr, Path.GetDirectoryName(thisFilePath)))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))

                if (!ImportedFiles.Add(filename))
                    foundAny = true;

                var wildcardIdx = filename.IndexOf('*');

                //arbitrary limit to skip improbably short values from bad evaluation
                const int MIN_WILDCARD_STAR_IDX    = 15;
                const int MIN_WILDCARD_PATTERN_IDX = 10;
                if (wildcardIdx > MIN_WILDCARD_STAR_IDX)
                    isWildcard = true;
                    var lastSlash = filename.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
                    if (lastSlash < MIN_WILDCARD_PATTERN_IDX)
                    if (lastSlash > wildcardIdx)

                    string[] files;
                    try {
                        var dir = filename.Substring(0, lastSlash);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(dir))

                        //finding the folder's enough for this to "count" as resolved even if there aren't any files in it
                        foundAny = true;

                        var pattern = filename.Substring(lastSlash + 1);

                        files = Directory.GetFiles(dir, pattern);
                    } catch (Exception ex) when(IsNotCancellation(ex))
                        LoggingService.LogError($"Error evaluating wildcard in import candidate '{filename}'", ex);

                    foreach (var f in files)
                        Import wildImport;
                        try {
                            wildImport = GetCachedOrParse(importExprString, f, sdk, File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(f));
                        } catch (Exception ex) when(IsNotCancellation(ex))
                            LoggingService.LogError($"Error reading wildcard import candidate '{files}'", ex);
                        yield return(wildImport);


                Import import;
                try {
                    var fi = new FileInfo(filename);
                    if (!fi.Exists)
                    import = GetCachedOrParse(importExprString, filename, sdk, fi.LastWriteTimeUtc);
                } catch (Exception ex) when(IsNotCancellation(ex))
                    LoggingService.LogError($"Error reading import candidate '{filename}'", ex);

                foundAny = true;
                yield return(import);


            //yield a placeholder for tooltips, imports pad etc to query
            if (!foundAny)
                yield return(new Import(importExprString, sdk, null, DateTime.MinValue));

            // we skip logging for wildcards as these are generally extensibility points that are often unused
            // this is here (rather than being folded into the next condition) for ease of breakpointing
            if (!foundAny && !isWildcard)
                if (PreviousRootDocument == null && failedImports.Add(importExprString))
                    LoggingService.LogDebug($"Could not resolve MSBuild import '{importExprString}'");