private static QCTestSet UpdateExistingTestSet(BusinessFlow businessFlow, QCTestSet mappedTestSet, string uploadPath, ObservableList <ExternalItemFieldBase> testSetFields) { QCTestSet testSet = ImportFromQCRest.GetQCTestSet(mappedTestSet.Id.ToString()); //set item fields for test set foreach (ExternalItemFieldBase field in testSetFields) { if (field.ToUpdate || field.Mandatory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.ExternalID) == false && field.SelectedValue != "NA") { if (testSet.ElementsField.ContainsKey(field.ID)) { testSet.ElementsField[field.ExternalID] = field.SelectedValue; } } } } testSet.ElementsField["name"] = businessFlow.Name; try { QCItem item = ConvertObjectValuesToQCItem(testSet, ResourceType.TEST_SET, true); ALMResponseData response = QCRestAPIConnect.UpdateEntity(ResourceType.TEST_SET, testSet.Id, item); return(QCRestAPIConnect.GetTestSetDetails(testSet.Id)); } catch (Exception ex) { Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, $"Method - {MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name}, Error - {ex.Message}"); return(null); } }
public static bool ExportExceutionDetailsToALM(BusinessFlow bizFlow, ref string result, ObservableList <ExternalItemFieldBase> runFields, bool exectutedFromAutomateTab, PublishToALMConfig publishToALMConfig = null) { result = string.Empty; if (bizFlow.ExternalID == "0" || String.IsNullOrEmpty(bizFlow.ExternalID)) { result = GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.BusinessFlow) + ": " + bizFlow.Name + " is missing ExternalID, cannot locate QC TestSet without External ID"; return(false); } try { //get the BF matching test set QCTestSet testSet = ImportFromQCRest.GetQCTestSet(bizFlow.ExternalID);//bf.externalID holds the TestSet TSTests collection id if (testSet != null) { //get the Test set TC's QCTestInstanceColl qcTSTests = QCRestAPIConnect.GetTestInstancesOfTestSet(testSet.Id); //list of TSTest's on main TestSet in TestLab //get all BF Activities groups ObservableList <ActivitiesGroup> activGroups = bizFlow.ActivitiesGroups; if (activGroups.Count > 0) { foreach (ActivitiesGroup activGroup in activGroups) { if ((publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.OnlyPassed && activGroup.RunStatus == ActivitiesGroup.eActivitiesGroupRunStatus.Passed) || (publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.OnlyFailed && activGroup.RunStatus == ActivitiesGroup.eActivitiesGroupRunStatus.Failed) || publishToALMConfig.FilterStatus == FilterByStatus.All) { QCTestInstance tsTest = null; //go by TC ID = TC Instancs ID tsTest = qcTSTests.Find(x => x.TestId == activGroup.ExternalID && x.Id == activGroup.ExternalID2); if (tsTest == null) { //go by Linked TC ID + TC Instancs ID tsTest = qcTSTests.Find(x => ImportFromQCRest.GetTSTestLinkedID(x) == activGroup.ExternalID && x.Id == activGroup.ExternalID2); } if (tsTest == null) { //go by TC ID tsTest = qcTSTests.Find(x => x.TestId == activGroup.ExternalID); } if (tsTest != null) { //get activities in group List <Activity> activities = (bizFlow.Activities.Where(x => x.ActivitiesGroupID == activGroup.Name)).Select(a => a).ToList(); string TestCaseName = PathHelper.CleanInValidPathChars(tsTest.Name); if ((publishToALMConfig.VariableForTCRunName == null) || (publishToALMConfig.VariableForTCRunName == string.Empty)) { String timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); publishToALMConfig.VariableForTCRunName = "GingerRun_" + timeStamp; } QCRun runToExport = new QCRun(); foreach (ExternalItemFieldBase field in runFields) { if (field.ToUpdate || field.Mandatory) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.SelectedValue) == false && field.SelectedValue != "NA") { runToExport.ElementsField.Add(field.ExternalID, field.SelectedValue); } else { try { runToExport.ElementsField.Add(field.ExternalID, "NA"); } catch { } } } } runToExport.ElementsField["name"] = publishToALMConfig.VariableForTCRunNameCalculated; runToExport.ElementsField["test-id"] = tsTest.TestId; runToExport.ElementsField["testcycl-id"] = tsTest.Id; runToExport.ElementsField["cycle-id"] = tsTest.CycleId; runToExport.ElementsField["duration"] = "0"; runToExport.ElementsField["subtype-id"] = ""; runToExport.ElementsField["owner"] = ALMCore.AlmConfig.ALMUserName; QCItem itemToExport = ConvertObjectValuesToQCItem(runToExport, ResourceType.TEST_RUN); ALMResponseData responseData = QCRestAPIConnect.CreateNewEntity(ResourceType.TEST_RUN, itemToExport); if (!responseData.IsSucceed) { result = "Failed to create run using rest API"; return(false); } QCRun currentRun = QCRestAPIConnect.GetRunDetail(responseData.IdCreated); // Attach ActivityGroup Report if needed if (publishToALMConfig.ToAttachActivitiesGroupReport) { if ((activGroup.TempReportFolder != null) && (activGroup.TempReportFolder != string.Empty) && (System.IO.Directory.Exists(activGroup.TempReportFolder))) { //Creating the Zip file - start string targetZipPath = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(activGroup.TempReportFolder).ToString(); string zipFileName = targetZipPath + "\\" + TestCaseName.ToString() + ""; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(zipFileName)) { ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(activGroup.TempReportFolder, zipFileName); } else { System.IO.File.Delete(zipFileName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(activGroup.TempReportFolder, zipFileName); } System.IO.Directory.Delete(activGroup.TempReportFolder, true); //Creating the Zip file - finish //Attaching Zip file - start //AttachmentFactory attachmentFactory = (AttachmentFactory)run.Attachments; //TDAPIOLELib.Attachment attachment = (TDAPIOLELib.Attachment)attachmentFactory.AddItem(System.DBNull.Value); //attachment.Description = "TC Ginger Execution HTML Report"; //attachment.Type = 1; //attachment.FileName = zipFileName; //attachment.Post(); //Attaching Zip file - finish System.IO.File.Delete(zipFileName); } } //create run with activities as steps QCRunStepColl runSteps = ImportFromQCRest.GetRunSteps(currentRun.Id); int index = 1; foreach (QCRunStep runStep in runSteps) { //search for matching activity based on ID and not order, un matching steps need to be left as No Run string stepName = runStep.Name; Activity matchingActivity = activities.Where(x => x.ExternalID == runStep.ElementsField["desstep-id"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (matchingActivity != null) { switch (matchingActivity.Status) { case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Failed: runStep.Status = "Failed"; List <Act> failedActs = matchingActivity.Acts.Where(x => x.Status == Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Failed).ToList(); string errors = string.Empty; foreach (Act act in failedActs) { errors += act.Error + Environment.NewLine; } runStep.Actual = errors; break; case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.NA: runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "N/A"; runStep.ElementsField["actual"] = "NA"; break; case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Passed: runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "Passed"; runStep.ElementsField["actual"] = "Passed as expected"; break; case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Skipped: runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "N/A"; runStep.ElementsField["actual"] = "Skipped"; break; case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Pending: runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "No Run"; runStep.ElementsField["actual"] = "Was not executed"; break; case Amdocs.Ginger.CoreNET.Execution.eRunStatus.Running: runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "Not Completed"; runStep.ElementsField["actual"] = "Not Completed"; break; } } else { //Step not exist in Ginger so left as "No Run" unless it is step data if (runStep.Name.ToUpper() == "STEP DATA") { runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "Passed"; } else { runStep.ElementsField["status"] = "No Run"; } } QCItem stepToUpdate = ConvertObjectValuesToQCItem(runStep, ResourceType.RUN_STEP); ALMResponseData stepDataForUpdate = QCRestAPIConnect.UpdateEntity(ResourceType.RUN_STEP, runStep.Id, stepToUpdate); index++; } //get all execution status for all steps ObservableList <string> stepsStatuses = new ObservableList <string>(); foreach (QCRunStep runStep in runSteps) { stepsStatuses.Add(runStep.Status); } //update the TC general status based on the activities status collection. if (stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "Failed").Count() > 0) { currentRun.Status = "Failed"; } else if (stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "No Run").Count() == runSteps.Count || stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "N/A").Count() == runSteps.Count) { currentRun.Status = "No Run"; } else if (stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "Passed").Count() == runSteps.Count || (stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "Passed").Count() + stepsStatuses.Where(x => x == "N/A").Count()) == runSteps.Count) { currentRun.ElementsField["status"] = "Passed"; } else { currentRun.ElementsField["status"] = "Not Completed"; } QCItem runToUpdate = ConvertObjectValuesToQCItem(currentRun, ResourceType.TEST_RUN); ALMResponseData runDataForUpdate = QCRestAPIConnect.UpdateEntity(ResourceType.TEST_RUN, currentRun.Id, runToUpdate); } else { //No matching TC was found for the ActivitiesGroup in QC result = "Matching TC's were not found for all " + GingerDicser.GetTermResValue(eTermResKey.ActivitiesGroups) + " in QC/ALM."; } } if (result != string.Empty) { return(false); } } } else { //No matching Test Set was found for the BF in QC result = "No matching Test Set was found in QC/ALM."; } if (result == string.Empty) { result = "Export performed successfully."; return(true); } else { return(false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { result = "Unexpected error occurred- " + ex.Message; Reporter.ToLog(eLogLevel.ERROR, "Failed to export execution details to QC/ALM", ex); return(false); } return(false); // Remove it at the end }
public QCTestSet GetQCTestSet(string testSetID) { return(ImportFromQCRest.GetQCTestSet(testSetID)); }