/// <summary> /// Exports the blacklists. /// </summary> /// <param name="blacklistModel">The blacklists model.s</param> private void ExportBlacklists(BlacklistModel blacklistModel) { var importExport = new ImportExport(); importExport.WriteDataToXmlFile(blacklistModel, Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Blacklist.xml")); MessageBox.Show(this.languageManager.GetWord("BlacklistSavedTest"), this.languageManager.GetWord("BlacklistSavedCaption"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }
private void buttonImportCSV() { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); string str = (string)comboBoxseletedTable.SelectedItem; string str1 = ""; string str2 = ""; switch (str) { case "Controller": importexport.AddControllers(filename); break; case "POU": str1 = (string)comboBoxSelect1.SelectedItem; importexport.AddPOU(filename, str1.ToLower()); break; case "Board": break; case "Channel": break; case "Variable": str1 = (string)comboBoxSelect1.SelectedItem; str2 = (string)comboBoxSelect2.SelectedItem; importexport.AddVariable(filename, str1.ToLower(), str2.ToLower()); break; case "BOOL": str1 = (string)comboBoxSelect1.SelectedItem; str2 = (string)comboBoxSelect2.SelectedItem; importexport.AddBOOL(filename, str1.ToLower(), str2.ToLower()); break; case "REAL": str1 = (string)comboBoxSelect1.SelectedItem; str2 = (string)comboBoxSelect2.SelectedItem; importexport.AddREAL(filename, str1.ToLower(), str2.ToLower()); break; case "HMI": break; case "Alarm": break; case "FormalParameter": importexport.AddFormalParameter(filename); break; } this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void btnAccount_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { mainWindow.mAccount.mID = textboxId.Text; ImportExport importExport = new ImportExport(); importExport.exportAccount(mainWindow.mAccount); MessageBox.Show("저장 완료!"); }
void btnConnect_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { bool tag = (bool)this.btnConnect.Tag; if (tag) { //They want to cancel the connect. try { this._client.CancelAsync(null); } catch { } this._client.Dispose(); //Set form. this.barProg.IsIndeterminate = false; this.btnConnect.Tag = false; this.btnConnect.Content = "_Get Projects"; this.grdEntry.IsEnabled = true; } else { if (this.txbServer.Text.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".asmx") || this.txbServer.Text.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".aspx")) { MessageBox.Show("Your server url cannot contain a page in its address.", "Invalid Server URL", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); } else { //Start the connections. this.barProg.IsIndeterminate = true; this.barProg.Foreground = (Brush) new System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter().ConvertFrom(this._resources.GetString("barForeColor")); this.grdEntry.IsEnabled = false; this.btnConnect.Content = "_Cancel"; this.btnConnect.Tag = true; this.txtStatus.Text = "Connecting to server..."; this.cmbProjectList.Items.Clear(); this.grdAvailProjs.IsEnabled = false; //Create new client. ImportExport client = new ImportExport(); client.Connection_Authenticate2Completed += new Connection_Authenticate2CompletedEventHandler(client_ActionCompleted); client.User_RetrieveByUserNameCompleted += new User_RetrieveByUserNameCompletedEventHandler(client_ActionCompleted); client.Project_RetrieveCompleted += new Project_RetrieveCompletedEventHandler(client_ActionCompleted); this._client = client; this._client.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer(); this._client.Url = new Uri(this.txbServer.Text + Connect.SpiraProject.URL_APIADD).AbsoluteUri; this._client.Connection_Authenticate2Async(this.txbUserID.Text, this.txbUserPass.Password, this._resources.GetString("strAddinProgNamePretty")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Connect.logEventMessage("wpfNewSpiraProject::btnConnect_Click", ex, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } }
/// <summary>Hit when the client is finishe getting a list of Requirements.</summary> /// <param name="sender">The client that caused the event.</param> /// <param name="evt">Event Args.</param> private void client_FinishRequirement(object sender, Requirement_RetrieveCompletedEventArgs evt) { try { ImportExport client = (ImportExport)sender; ObjectState evtObj = (ObjectState)evt.UserState; //Make the current node and the existing parent node. TreeViewItem reqItemNode = new TreeViewItem(); TreeViewItem reqNode = (TreeViewItem)((TreeViewItem)this.trvProject.Items[evtObj.NodeNumber]).Items[NODE_REQUIREMENTNUM]; reqItemNode = reqNode; if (evt.Error == null) { //Add child nodes. int numCounted = 0; foreach (RemoteRequirement Req in evt.Result) { if (!Req.Summary) { numCounted++; TreeViewItem reqDetNode = new TreeViewItem(); reqDetNode.Header = createNodeHeader("imgRequirement", Req.Name); reqDetNode.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseButtonEventHandler(tree_NodeDoubleClick); reqDetNode.Tag = Connect.SpiraProject.GenerateToString(evtObj.Project) + Connect.SpiraProject.CHAR_RECORD + "RQ:" + Req.RequirementId.ToString(); reqItemNode.Items.Add(reqDetNode); } } //Set the image & change text. if (numCounted > 0) { reqItemNode = this.changeNodeText(reqItemNode, this._resources.GetString("strRequirements") + " (" + numCounted.ToString() + ")"); } //Clean up. removeClient(client); } else { //Set error flag on node. reqItemNode = changeNodeImage(reqItemNode, "imgError"); reqItemNode.Items.Clear(); reqItemNode.ToolTip = new TextBlock() { Text = evt.Error.Message }; //Error, clean up. removeClient(client); } } catch (Exception ex) { Connect.logEventMessage("wpfProjectTree::client_FinishRequirement", ex, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } }
public virtual void ShareBatch(ApiCall call) { SiteDb siteDb = call.WebSite != null?call.WebSite.SiteDb() : null; var formreader = Kooboo.Lib.NETMultiplePart.FormReader.ReadForm(call.Context.Request.PostData); if (siteDb == null) { Guid siteId; if (!Guid.TryParse(formreader.FormData["SiteId"], out siteId)) { return; } var website = Kooboo.Data.GlobalDb.WebSites.Get(siteId); siteDb = website.SiteDb(); } if (siteDb == null) { return; } var tempFolder = Kooboo.Data.AppSettings.TempDataPath; var exportfile = ImportExport.ExportInter(siteDb); if (!File.Exists(exportfile)) { return; } var postdata = InitData(formreader, call); var zipbytes = IOHelper.ReadAllBytes(exportfile); postdata.Bytes = zipbytes; if (zipbytes.Length > AppSettings.MaxTemplateSize) { throw new Exception(Data.Language.Hardcoded.GetValue("Exceed max template size", call.Context)); } postdata.ByteHash = Kooboo.Lib.Security.Hash.ComputeGuid(zipbytes); Kooboo.IndexedDB.Serializer.Simple.SimpleConverter <TemplateDataModel> converter = new IndexedDB.Serializer.Simple.SimpleConverter <TemplateDataModel>(); var postbytes = converter.ToBytes(postdata); string url = UrlHelper.Combine(AppSettings.ThemeUrl, "/_api/receiver/template"); var response = HttpHelper.PostData(url, new Dictionary <string, string>(), postbytes); if (!response) { throw new Exception(Data.Language.Hardcoded.GetValue("Share template failed", call.Context)); } }
public void ImportExportAccessTest() { sample = new GameObject(); sample.AddComponent <ImportExport>(); test = sample.GetComponent <ImportExport>(); Assert.AreNotEqual(test, null); // Debug.Log(test.Dialogues.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImportExportTests"/> class. /// </summary> public ImportExportTests() { this.MockRepository = MockRepositoryFactory.Get(); this.SerializerSettings = JsonSerializerSettingsFactory.Get(); this.Mapper = MapperFactory.Get(); this.MockImport = MockImportFactory.Get(); this.MockExport = MockExportFactory.Get(); this.ImportExport = new ImportExport(MockRepository.Object, this.SerializerSettings, Mapper, MockImport.Object, MockExport.Object); }
private void buttonImportBATCH() { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { ParentMainForm.WriteToOutputWindows("File " + filename + " does not exist"); return; } string str; int count = 0; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename)) { while ((str = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { str = str.ToLower(); string[] _strs = str.Split(new Char[] { ',', '(', ')' }); count = _strs.Count(); if ((count >= 2) && (_strs[0] == "addcontrollers")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddControllers(_strs[1]); continue; } if ((count >= 3) && (_strs[0] == "addpou")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddPOU(_strs[1], _strs[2]); continue; } if ((count >= 4) && (_strs[0] == "addvariable")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddVariable(_strs[1], _strs[2], _strs[3]); continue; } if ((count >= 4) && (_strs[0] == "addbool")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddBOOL(_strs[1], _strs[2], _strs[3]); continue; } if ((count >= 4) && (_strs[0] == "addreal")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddREAL(_strs[1], _strs[2], _strs[3]); continue; } if ((count >= 2) && (_strs[0] == "addformalparameter")) { ImportExport importexport = new ImportExport(ParentMainForm); importexport.AddFormalParameter(_strs[1]); continue; } } reader.Close(); } }
public static void StartImport() { Console.Clear(); SetFileName("CSV\\csv.csv"); ImportExport import = new ImportExport(fileName); Console.WriteLine("Naciśnij dowolny klawisz aby wrócić do Menu..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void targetExportButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (targetlistBox.SelectedItem == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetlistBox.SelectedItem.ToString())) { return; } ImportExport.ExportTargetFilter(targetlistBox.SelectedItem.ToString()); }
public CurveFileImportExportDialog(ImportExport importExport) { FilePath = ""; InitializeComponent(); _importExport = importExport; openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = Paths.ImportExportPath; openFileDialog.DefaultExt = ".xml"; openFileDialog.Filter = "Curve file|*.xml"; }
private void exportToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ImportExport == null) { ImportExport = new ImportExport(Client); } ImportExport.ImportExport_Load(null, null); enableControl(ImportExport); }
void OnGUI() { ScriptableObject target = this; SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(target); SerializedProperty stringsProperty = so.FindProperty("tiles"); string[] brushNames = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Brushes)); brushSelected = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(brushSelected, brushNames, brushNames.Length, EditorStyles.miniButtonMid, GUILayout.Height(50f)); EditorGUILayout.Space(); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Level")) { GenerateLevelWindow.Init(); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Save Level")) { ImportExport.Export(MainWindow.lvl.Tex); } if (GUILayout.Button("Load Level")) { MainWindow.lvl.Tex = ImportExport.Import(); } if (GUILayout.Button("New Level")) { CreateNewLevelWindow.Init(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (tiles != null) { string[] tileNames = new string[tiles.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { if (tiles[i].name == "") { tiles[i].name = "Tile " + i; } tileNames[i] = tiles[i].name; } tileSelected = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(tileSelected, tileNames, 1, EditorStyles.radioButton); } EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(stringsProperty, true); // True means show children so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); // Remember to apply modified properties }
public ActionResult AddQuest(HttpPostedFileBase file, int id_subject, int id_thematic) { try { var dao = new QuestionDao(); var session = (AdminLogin)Session[CommonConstants.USER_SESSION]; if (session.id_permission == 2) { return(View("Error")); } ViewBag.AdminName = session.name; var ad = new ImportExport(); HttpPostedFileBase upload = Request.Files["file"]; string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), "cauhoi.xlsx"); if (file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/uploads"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); } var data = ad.ReadFromExcelfile(path, ""); int id = dao.InsertList(data, id_thematic); if (id > 0) { SetViewBag(id_subject); //để thông báo thêm thành công SetNotice("Hệ thống đã thêm thành công " + id.ToString() + " câu hỏi", "success"); return(RedirectToAction("QDetail", new { id = id_subject })); } else { var dao2 = new SubjectDao().ViewDetail(id_subject); TempData["subject_name"] = dao2.subject_name; TempData["id_subject"] = id_subject; SetViewBag(id_subject); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Thêm câu hỏi không thành công."); } } catch { var dao2 = new SubjectDao().ViewDetail(id_subject); TempData["subject_name"] = dao2.subject_name; TempData["id_subject"] = id_subject; SetViewBag(id_subject); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Thêm câu hỏi không thành công. Vui lòng kiểm tra file!"); } var dao3 = new SubjectDao().ViewDetail(id_subject); TempData["subject_name"] = dao3.subject_name; TempData["id_subject"] = id_subject; SetViewBag(id_subject); return(View()); }
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fileName = Factory.GUIController.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export background as...", Constants.IMAGE_FILE_FILTER); if (fileName != null) { Bitmap bmp = Factory.NativeProxy.GetBitmapForBackground(_room, cmbBackgrounds.SelectedIndex); ImportExport.ExportBitmapToFile(fileName, bmp); bmp.Dispose(); } }
private void restockExportListB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (restockListSelect.Text != String.Empty) { ImportExport.ExportRestock(restockListSelect.Text); } else { Restock.AddLog("Item list not selected!"); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (mAccount.mID == null) { mAccount.mID = "default"; mAccount.mNowPlayingList = new NowPlayingList(); } ImportExport importExport = new ImportExport(); importExport.exportAccount(mAccount); }
private static void CreateWithParameters(RSAParameters parameters) { RSAParameters exportedPrivate; using (RSA rsa = RSA.Create(parameters)) { exportedPrivate = rsa.ExportParameters(true); } ImportExport.AssertKeyEquals(parameters, exportedPrivate); }
private object ImportOldGameThread(object parameter) { ImportGameResult result = new ImportGameResult(); string gameToLoad = (string)parameter; result.LoadedGame = Factory.NativeProxy.ImportOldGame(gameToLoad); Dictionary <int, Sprite> spriteList = Factory.NativeProxy.LoadSpriteDimensions(); result.Errors = ImportExport.ImportOldEditorDatFile(gameToLoad, result.LoadedGame, spriteList); ImportExport.CreateInteractionScripts(result.LoadedGame, result.Errors); return(result); }
public ActionResult Download(string clientid, string historyid) { string filePath = @"D:/temp"; //Server.MapPath(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileManagementPath"]); ImportExport im = new ImportExport(clientid); ExportEvent ev = im.getExportEvent(historyid); string actualFilePath = filePath + "" + ev.FolderPath; string filename = Path.GetFileName(actualFilePath); byte[] fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(actualFilePath); return(File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, filename)); }
/// <summary> /// Uploads the configuration. /// </summary> private bool UploadConfig(DeploymentProfile profile) { string configFileName = GetTempFileName(); try { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; DateTime t0 = DateTime.UtcNow; // prepare an archive ImportExport importExport = new ImportExport(); importExport.ExportToArchive(configFileName, project, instance, profile.UploadSettings); FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo(configFileName); long configFileSize = configFileInfo.Length; // upload the configuration ConnectionSettings connSettings = profile.ConnectionSettings.Clone(); connSettings.ScadaInstance = instance.Name; IAgentClient agentClient = new AgentWcfClient(connSettings); agentClient.UploadConfig(configFileName, profile.UploadSettings.ToConfigOpions()); // restart the services if (profile.UploadSettings.RestartServer && (profile.UploadSettings.IncludeBase || profile.UploadSettings.IncludeServer)) { agentClient.ControlService(ServiceApp.Server, ServiceCommand.Restart); } if (profile.UploadSettings.RestartComm && (profile.UploadSettings.IncludeBase || profile.UploadSettings.IncludeComm)) { agentClient.ControlService(ServiceApp.Comm, ServiceCommand.Restart); } // show result Cursor = Cursors.Default; ScadaUiUtils.ShowInfo(string.Format(AppPhrases.UploadConfigComplete, Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalSeconds), configFileSize)); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; appData.ProcError(ex, AppPhrases.UploadConfigError); return(false); } finally { // delete temporary file try { File.Delete(configFileName); } catch { } } }
private void ContextMenuEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem item = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender; if (item.Name == MENU_ITEM_EXPORT_TO_FILE) { string fileName = Factory.GUIController.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export palette...", PALETTE_FILE_FILTER); if (fileName != null) { try { ImportExport.ExportPaletteToFile(fileName); Factory.GUIController.ShowMessage("Palette exported successfully.", MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { Factory.GUIController.ShowMessage("There was an error exporting the palette. The error message was '" + ex.Message + "'. Please retry.", MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } else if (item.Name == MENU_ITEM_REPLACE_FROM_FILE) { if (Factory.GUIController.ShowQuestion("This will replace your entire palette with one from the file you select. Are you sure you want to do this?") == DialogResult.Yes) { PaletteEntry[] newPalette = ImportPalette(); if (newPalette != null) { for (int i = 0; i < newPalette.Length; i++) { newPalette[i].ColourType = Factory.AGSEditor.CurrentGame.Palette[i].ColourType; Factory.AGSEditor.CurrentGame.Palette[i] = newPalette[i]; } palettePanel.Invalidate(); Factory.NativeProxy.PaletteColoursChanged(Factory.AGSEditor.CurrentGame); } } } else if (item.Name == MENU_ITEM_IMPORT_FROM_FILE) { PaletteEntry[] newPalette = ImportPalette(); if (newPalette != null) { for (int i = 0; i < _selectedIndexes.Count; i++) { int palIndex = _selectedIndexes[i]; newPalette[palIndex].ColourType = Factory.AGSEditor.CurrentGame.Palette[palIndex].ColourType; Factory.AGSEditor.CurrentGame.Palette[palIndex] = newPalette[palIndex]; } palettePanel.Invalidate(); } } }
private void FormMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Organization org = new Organization(); Type type = new Type(); Tovar tovar = new Tovar(); ImportExport impexp = new ImportExport(); TovarInOrganization tovinorg = new TovarInOrganization(); org.Load(); type.Load(); tovar.Load(); impexp.Load(); tovinorg.Load(); }
private void FormMain_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { Organization org = new Organization(); Type type = new Type(); Tovar tovar = new Tovar(); ImportExport impexp = new ImportExport(); TovarInOrganization tovinorg = new TovarInOrganization(); org.Save(); type.Save(); tovar.Save(); impexp.Save(); tovinorg.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ImportSearchesCommand" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path.</param> /// <param name="options">The options.</param> public ImportSearchesCommand(string path, CommandLineOptions options) { _path = path; _options = options; this.Repository = Program.Repository; this.Import = new Import(); this.Export = new Export(); this.Mapper = MapperFactory.Get(); this.SerializerSettings = JsonSerializerSettingsFactory.Get(); this.ImportExport = new ImportExport(Repository, SerializerSettings, Mapper, Import, Export); }
public void TestLoadURDFRobotFromCSV(string modelName, int expNumLinks) { string csvFilename = GetCSVPath(modelName); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(csvFilename)) { List <Link> links = ImportExport.LoadURDFRobotFromCSV(reader.BaseStream); Assert.Equal(expNumLinks, links.Count); foreach (Link link in links) { Assert.NotNull(link); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExportPeopleCommand" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="options">The options.</param> public ExportPeopleCommand(CommandLineOptions options) { _options = options; this.Repository = Program.Repository; this.Import = new Import(); this.Export = new Export(); this.Mapper = MapperFactory.Get(); this.SerializerSettings = JsonSerializerSettingsFactory.Get(); _fullPath = Path.Combine(Program.ExportDirectory, $"PeopleExport-{DateTime.Now}.csv"); this.ImportExport = new ImportExport(Repository, SerializerSettings, Mapper, Import, Export); }
public Guid Use(ApiCall call) { string SiteName = call.GetValue("SiteName"); if (!Data.GlobalDb.WebSites.CheckNameAvailable(SiteName, call.Context.User.CurrentOrgId)) { throw new Exception(Data.Language.Hardcoded.GetValue("SiteName is taken", call.Context)); } string RootDomain = call.GetValue("RootDomain"); string SubDomain = call.GetValue("SubDomain"); string FullDomain = RootDomain; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SubDomain)) { if (FullDomain.StartsWith(".")) { FullDomain = SubDomain + FullDomain; } else { FullDomain = SubDomain + "." + FullDomain; } } string downloadcode = call.GetValue("DownloadCode"); string url = UrlHelper.Combine(AppSettings.ThemeUrl, "/_api/download/package/" + downloadcode); if (call.Context.User != null) { url += "?userid=" + call.Context.User.Id.ToString(); } var download = DownloadHelper.DownloadFile(url, "zip"); if (download == null) { throw new Exception(Data.Language.Hardcoded.GetValue("template package not found", call.Context)); } MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(download); var newsite = ImportExport.ImportZip(memory, call.Context.User.CurrentOrgId, SiteName, FullDomain, call.Context.User.Id); return(newsite.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Downloads the configuration. /// </summary> private bool DownloadConfig(DeploymentProfile profile) { string configFileName = GetTempFileName(); try { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; DateTime t0 = DateTime.UtcNow; // download the configuration ConnectionSettings connSettings = profile.ConnectionSettings.Clone(); connSettings.ScadaInstance = instance.Name; IAgentClient agentClient = new AgentWcfClient(connSettings); agentClient.DownloadConfig(configFileName, profile.DownloadSettings.ToConfigOpions()); // import the configuration ImportExport importExport = new ImportExport(); importExport.ImportArchive(configFileName, project, instance, out ConfigParts foundConfigParts); FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo(configFileName); long configFileSize = configFileInfo.Length; // set the modification flags BaseModified = foundConfigParts.HasFlag(ConfigParts.Base); InterfaceModified = foundConfigParts.HasFlag(ConfigParts.Interface); InstanceModified = foundConfigParts.HasFlag(ConfigParts.Server) || foundConfigParts.HasFlag(ConfigParts.Comm) || foundConfigParts.HasFlag(ConfigParts.Web); // show result Cursor = Cursors.Default; ScadaUiUtils.ShowInfo(string.Format(AppPhrases.DownloadConfigComplete, Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow - t0).TotalSeconds), configFileSize)); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; appData.ProcError(ex, AppPhrases.DownloadConfigError); return(false); } finally { // delete temporary file try { File.Delete(configFileName); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="columnName">The name of the column that this filter applies to; appears on the left side of the condition</param> /// <param name="conditionOperator">The operator that will be used to separate the column name from the value (e.g. "equals to")</param> /// <param name="paramName">The name of the query parameter</param> /// <param name="value">The raw value that will appear on the right side of the condition</param> public RowFilterConditionBase(ImportExport.Filters.ConditionOperators conditionOperator, string columnName, string paramName, object value) { Contract.Requires(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName)); Contract.Requires(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paramName)); Contract.Requires(paramName.StartsWith("@")); Contract.Requires(value != null); _legacyMode = false; this.ColumnName = columnName; this.ParameterName = paramName; this.Value = value; this.ConditionOperator = conditionOperator; ValidateCondition(); Construct(); BuildSql(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the blacklist dialog load event. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event args.</param> private void BlacklistDialogLoad(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Blacklist.xml"))) { return; } var importExport = new ImportExport(); var blacklistModel = importExport.LoadConfigFromXmlFile(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Blacklist.xml")) ?? new(); this.LoadDataToTable(blacklistModel); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace, ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void ExportCharacter(Character character, string fileName) { try { if (fileName.ToLower().EndsWith(NEW_CHARACTER_FILE_EXTENSION)) { ImportExport.ExportCharacterNewFormat(character, fileName, _agsEditor.CurrentGame); } else { ImportExport.ExportCharacter272(character, fileName, _agsEditor.CurrentGame); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { _guiController.ShowMessage("An error occurred exporting the character file. The error was: " + ex.Message, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
private void btnMove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (cbSourceOrg.Text == "" || cbDestOrg.Text == ""|| label7.Text == "") throw new Exception(); if (lbSourceOrgTotars.DataSource == null) throw new Exception(); TovarInOrganization new_tovar = new TovarInOrganization((Organization)cbDestOrg.SelectedItem, (Tovar)lbSourceOrgTotars.SelectedItem); TovarInOrganization tovInOrg = new TovarInOrganization(); foreach (TovarInOrganization obj in TovarInOrganization.TovarInOrganizations) { if ((Tovar)lbSourceOrgTotars.SelectedItem == obj.Tovar && (Organization)cbSourceOrg.SelectedItem == obj.Organization) tovInOrg = obj; } TovarInOrganization.TovarInOrganizations.Remove(tovInOrg); ImportExport tmp = new ImportExport(cbSourceOrg.Text, cbDestOrg.Text, (string)label7.Text,(Organization)cbSourceOrg.SelectedItem); lbSourceOrgTotars.DataSource = ((Organization)cbSourceOrg.SelectedItem).Tovars; lbDestOrgTovars.DataSource = ((Organization)cbDestOrg.SelectedItem).Tovars; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Коректно заповніть поля або створіть організацію!Пустий список!"); } }
//private void btnChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // if (btnChange.Text == "Change") // { // txtDecCrit.ReadOnly = false; // txtRegStd.ReadOnly = false; // btnChange.Text = "Save"; // } // else if (btnChange.Text == "Save") // { // txtDecCrit.ReadOnly = true; // txtRegStd.ReadOnly = true; // btnChange.Text = "Change"; // } //} private void btnImportIVs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VBTools.ImportExport import = new ImportExport(); DataTable dt = import.Input; if (dt == null) return; string[] headerCaptions = { "Model Variables", "Imported Variables" }; Dictionary<string, string> fields = new Dictionary<string, string>(_mainEffects); //if (_mainEffects.ContainsKey("ID") == false) // fields.Add("ID", "ID"); //frmColumnMapper colMapper = new frmColumnMapper(_mainEffects, dt, headerCaptions, true); frmColumnMapper colMapper = new frmColumnMapper(_referencedVariables, dt, headerCaptions, true); DialogResult dr = colMapper.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = colMapper.MappedTable; int errndx = 0; if (!recordIndexUnique(dt, out errndx)) { MessageBox.Show("Unable to import datasets with non-unique record identifiers.\n" + "Fix your datatable by assuring unique record identifier values\n" + "in the ID column and try importing again.\n\n" + "Record Identifier values cannot be blank or duplicated;\nencountered " + "error near row " + errndx.ToString(), "Import Data Error - Cannot Import This Dataset", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } dgvVariables.DataSource = dt; } else return; //DataColumn dc = new DataColumn("IVRowIdx", typeof(int)); //dt.Columns.Add(dc); //dc.SetOrdinal(0); foreach (DataGridViewColumn dvgCol in dgvVariables.Columns) { dvgCol.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; } //for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // dt.Rows[i]["IVRowIdx"] = i; //} //dgvVariables.Columns[0].Visible = false; setViewOnGrid(dgvVariables); btnMakePredictions.Enabled = false; }
private void btnImportIVs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VBTools.ImportExport import = new ImportExport(); DataTable dt = import.Input; if (dt == null) return; string[] headerCaptions = { "Model Variables", "Imported Variables" }; frmColumnMapper colMapper = new frmColumnMapper(_mainEffects, dt, headerCaptions, false); DialogResult dr = colMapper.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = colMapper.MappedTable; dgvVariables.DataSource = dt; } foreach (DataGridViewColumn dvgCol in dgvVariables.Columns) dvgCol.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; }
private void btnImportObs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VBTools.ImportExport import = new ImportExport(); DataTable dt = import.Input; if (dt == null) return; string[] headerCaptions = { "Obs IDs", "Obs" }; Dictionary<string, string> obsColumns = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //obsColumns.Add("id", "id"); obsColumns.Add(pls_model.target, pls_model.target); frmColumnMapper colMapper = new frmColumnMapper(obsColumns, dt, headerCaptions, false); DialogResult dr = colMapper.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = colMapper.MappedTable; dgvObs.DataSource = dt; } string target = pls_model.target; for(int indx=0; indx<dgvObs.RowCount; indx++) if (Convert.ToDouble(dgvObs.Rows[indx].Cells[target].Value) > pls_model.regulatory_threshold ) dgvObs.Rows[indx].Cells[target].Style.ForeColor = Color.Red; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dvgCol in dgvObs.Columns) dvgCol.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; }
private void ShowExportDialog() { ImportExport dialog = new ImportExport(); dialog.Options = _options; dialog.EnterExportMode(ImportExport.ExporPanelTab.Schedule); dialog.ShowDialog(); }
private void ShowImportDialog() { ImportExport dialog = new ImportExport(); dialog.Options = _options; dialog.EnterImportMode(); dialog.ShowDialog(); LoadTasks(); }
private void btnImportObs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VBTools.ImportExport import = new ImportExport(); DataTable dt = import.Input; if (dt == null) return; string[] headerCaptions = { "Obs IDs", "Obs" }; //Dictionary<string, string> obsColumns = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // obsColumns.Add("ID", "ID"); //obsColumns.Add("Observation", "Observation"); string[] obsColumns = { "ID", "Observation" }; frmColumnMapper colMapper = new frmColumnMapper(obsColumns, dt, headerCaptions, true); DialogResult dr = colMapper.ShowDialog(); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { dt = colMapper.MappedTable; dgvObs.DataSource = dt; } else return; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dvgCol in dgvObs.Columns) dvgCol.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; setViewOnGrid(dgvObs); }