public override double Solve(ImplicitMatrix A, double[] x, double[] b, out int out_StepsPerformed)
        ExplicitMatrix B = A.AsExplicitMatrix();
        int            n = A.GetN();

        ClearVectorWithValue(x, 0d);
        int steps2 = 0;


        for (; steps2 < m_SolverSteps; steps2++)
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double sigma = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    if (j != i)
                        sigma = sigma + B.GetValue(i, j) * x[j];

                xnext[i] = (b[i] - sigma) / B.GetValue(i, i);
            double d = 0;
            A.MatrixTimesVector(xnext, r);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x[i] = xnext[i];
                d   += (r[i] - b[i]) * (r[i] - b[i]);
            if (d < m_SolverEpsilon)

        out_StepsPerformed = steps2;
    // Solve Ax = b for a symmetric, positive definite matrix A
    // A is represented implicitly by the function "matVecMult"
    // which performs a matrix vector multiple Av and places result in x
    // "n" is the length of the vectors x and b
    // "epsilon" is the error tolerance
    // "steps", as passed, is the maximum number of steps, or 0 (implying MAX_STEPS)
    // Upon completion, "steps" contains the number of iterations taken
    public override double Solve(ImplicitMatrix A, double[] x, double[] b, out int out_StepsPerformed)
        int    n = A.GetN();
        int    i, iMax;
        double alpha, beta, rSqrLen, rSqrLenOld, u;


        if (x.Length != b.Length)
            throw new System.Exception("Sizes do not match");
        else if (x.Length != A.GetN())
            throw new System.Exception("Sizes do not match!" + x.Length + " " + A.GetN());
        else if (x.Length != n)
            throw new System.Exception("Sizes do not match!");

        vecAssign(n, x, b);           //x:=b

        vecAssign(n, r, b);           //r:=b
        A.MatrixTimesVector(x, temp); // temp := Ab
        vecDiffEqual(n, r, temp);     //r := r-temp = b- Ab

        rSqrLen = vecSqrLen(n, r);
        vecAssign(n, d, r);//d := r = b-Ab

        i = 0;
        if (m_SolverSteps > 0 && !float.IsInfinity(m_SolverSteps))
            iMax = m_SolverSteps;
            iMax = MAX_STEPS;

        if (rSqrLen > m_SolverEpsilon)
            if (logging)
                Debug.Log("start - eps = " + m_SolverEpsilon + ", iter = " + m_SolverSteps + " A = ");
                Debug.Log("b = " + VectorToString(b));
            while (i < iMax)
                A.MatrixTimesVector(d, t);
                u = vecDot(n, d, t);
                if (double.IsInfinity(u))
                    throw new System.Exception("u = infinity");

                if (System.Math.Abs(u) <= double.Epsilon)
                    //Debug.Log("(SolveConjGrad) d'Ad = 0\n");

                // How far should we go?
                alpha = rSqrLen / u;

                // Take a step along direction d
                vecAssign(n, temp, d);          //temp = d
                vecTimesScalar(n, temp, alpha); //temp = alpha * temp = alpha* d
                vecAddEqual(n, x, temp);

                //Debug.Log (toString (temp));
                //Debug.Log (u);
                //Debug.Log (toString(d));
                //Debug.Log (toString(t));
                // if (i % 64 != 0)
                    vecAssign(n, temp, t);
                    vecTimesScalar(n, temp, alpha);
                    vecDiffEqual(n, r, temp);

                 * else
                 * {
                 *  // For stability, correct r every 64th iteration
                 *  vecAssign(n, r, b);
                 *  A.MatrixTimesVector(x, temp);
                 *  vecDiffEqual(n, r, temp);
                 * }
                rSqrLenOld = rSqrLen;
                rSqrLen    = vecSqrLen(n, r);

                // Converged! Let's get out of here
                if (rSqrLen <= m_SolverEpsilon)

                // Change direction: d = r + beta * d
                beta = rSqrLen / rSqrLenOld;
                vecTimesScalar(n, d, beta);
                vecAddEqual(n, d, r);
            if (logging)
                Debug.Log("Residual sq: " + rSqrLen);
                Debug.Log("Result: x =" + VectorToString(x) + " steps: " + i);
        out_StepsPerformed = i;
    public override double Solve(ImplicitMatrix A, double[] x, double[] b, out int out_StepsPerformed)
        // Reset previous state first.
        iter    = 0;
        rho     = 0d;
        rho_old = 0d;
        rlbl    = 0;

        int n = A.GetN();


        int job_next   = cg_rc(n, b, x, r, z, p, q, 1);
        int iterations = 1;

        while (true)
            switch (job_next)
            case 1:
                // compute Q = A * P;
                ClearVectorWithValue(q, 0);
                A.MatrixTimesVector(p, q);

            case 2:
                // solve M*Z=R, where M is the preconditioning matrix;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    z[i] = r[i];     // choose M = identity matrix

            case 3:
                // compute R = R - A * X;
                ClearVectorWithValue(temp, 0);
                A.MatrixTimesVector(x, temp);
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    r[i] = r[i] - temp[i];

            case 4:
                // check the residual R for convergence.
                //               If satisfactory, terminate the iteration.
                //               If too many iterations were taken, terminate the iteration.
                double rSqrLen = vecSqrLen(n, r);

                // Converged! Let's get out of here
                if (rSqrLen <= m_SolverEpsilon || iterations >= m_SolverSteps)
                    out_StepsPerformed = iterations;
                    if (logging)
            job_next = cg_rc(n, b, x, r, z, p, q, 2);