static void Main(string[] args) { var parsedResult = Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args); parsedResult.WithParsed(options => { try { using (Impersonation.LogonUser(options.Domain, options.Username, options.Password, LogonType.Interactive)) { var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = options.Command; process.StartInfo.Arguments = options.Arguments; process.Start(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } }); parsedResult.WithNotParsed((error) => { Console.ReadKey(); }); }
// TODO-osy: Use Entity Framework public IList <Contact> FindAccountContacts(string accountId) { const string storedProcedureName = "sp_findAccountContacts"; var contacts = new List <Contact>(); // IMPORTANT: You have to use LogonType.NewCredentials!!! // using (var impersonation = Impersonation.LogonUser(DOMAIN, USERNAME, PASSWORD, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { using (DbConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = storedProcedureName; command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@accountID", accountId)); using (var dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (dataReader.Read()) { var contact = new Contact(); contact.ContactId = Convert.ToString(dataReader["contactID"]); contact.FirstName = Convert.ToString(dataReader["firstName"]); contact.LastName = Convert.ToString(dataReader["lastName"]); contact.ContactType = Convert.ToString(dataReader["contactType"]); contact.Function = Convert.ToString(dataReader["function"]); contacts.Add(contact); } } } } } return(contacts); }
public WSUS() { // I use impersonation to use other logon than mine. Remove the following "using" if not needed using (Impersonation.LogonUser("mydomain.local", "admin_account_wsus", "Password", LogonType.Batch)) { ComputerTargetScope scope = new ComputerTargetScope(); IUpdateServer server = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer("wsus_server.mydomain.local", false, 80); ComputerTargetCollection targets = server.GetComputerTargets(scope); // Search targets = server.SearchComputerTargets("any_server_name_or_ip"); // To get only on server FindTarget method IComputerTarget target = FindTarget(targets, "any_server_name_or_ip"); Console.WriteLine(target.FullDomainName); IUpdateSummary summary = target.GetUpdateInstallationSummary(); UpdateScope _updateScope = new UpdateScope(); // See in UpdateInstallationStates all other properties criteria _updateScope.IncludedInstallationStates = UpdateInstallationStates.Downloaded; UpdateInstallationInfoCollection updatesInfo = target.GetUpdateInstallationInfoPerUpdate(_updateScope); int updateCount = updatesInfo.Count; foreach (IUpdateInstallationInfo updateInfo in updatesInfo) { Console.WriteLine(updateInfo.GetUpdate().Title); } } }
public void ImpersonateUser() { string currentUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; using (var impersonation = Impersonation.LogonUser(DOMAIN, USERNAME, PASSWORD, LogonType.Network)) { var impersonatedUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; } }
public void ImpersonateContainerUser(Action f) { using (Impersonation.LogonUser("", user.UserName, user.GetCredential().Password, LogonType.Interactive)) { lock (_ioLock) { f(); } } }
public string SaveFile(HttpPostedFileBase file, string path, string documento, out string exception, out string pathsaved, string ejercicio) { string ex = ""; //string exdir = ""; // Get the name of the file to upload. string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); // must be declared in the class above // Specify the path to save the uploaded file to. //string savePath = path + documento + "\\";//RSG 01.08.2018 string savePath = path + ejercicio + "\\" + documento + "\\";//RSG 01.08.2018 // Create the path and file name to check for duplicates. string pathToCheck = savePath; // Append the name of the file to upload to the path. savePath += fileName; string saveFileDev = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["saveFileDev"]; try { if (saveFileDev == "1") { //Guardar el archivo file.SaveAs(savePath); } else { //file to domain //Parte para guardar archivo en el servidor string serverDocs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocs"], serverDocsUser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocsUser"], serverDocsPass = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocsPass"]; using (Impersonation.LogonUser(serverDocs, serverDocsUser, serverDocsPass, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { //Guardar el archivo file.SaveAs(savePath); } } } catch (Exception e) { ex = ""; ex = fileName; Log.ErrorLogApp(e, "Files", "SaveFile"); } pathsaved = savePath; exception = ex; return(fileName); }
public void ObserveAFCachePerUser() { AFElement element1 = AFObject.FindObject(elementPath) as AFElement; AFElement element2 = AFObject.FindObject(elementPath) as AFElement; Assert.Same(element1, element2); // You'll need a local user named 'testuser' with password // '@bcd1234' to run this case. using (Impersonation.LogonUser( null, "testuser", "@bcd1234", LogonType.Network)) { element2 = AFObject.FindObject(elementPath) as AFElement; } Assert.NotSame(element1, element2); }
public string createDir(string path, string documento, string ejercicio) { string ex = ""; // Specify the path to save the uploaded file to. string savePath = path + ejercicio + "\\" + documento + "\\";//RSG 01.08.2018 // Create the path and file name to check for duplicates. string pathToCheck = savePath; Log.Info(pathToCheck); try { string saveFileDev = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["saveFileDev"]; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(pathToCheck)) { //No existe, se necesita crear if (saveFileDev == "1") { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathToCheck); } else { string serverDocs = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocs"], serverDocsUser = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocsUser"], serverDocsPass = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverDocsPass"]; using (Impersonation.LogonUser(serverDocs, serverDocsUser, serverDocsPass, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pathToCheck); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.ErrorLogApp(e, "Files", "createDir"); ex = "No se puede crear el directorio para guardar los archivos"; } return(ex); }
private bool ValidateIOPermission(string path) { string user = ""; string pass = ""; string dom = ""; user = getUserPrel(); pass = getPassPrel(); dom = getDomPrel(); try { using (Impersonation.LogonUser(dom, user, pass, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { try { if (Directory.Exists(path)) { return(true); } else { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { return(false); } }
public List <Byte[]> GetViolationImagesById(long ViolationNotificationId) { try { using (Impersonation.LogonUser("AGHQSRV453", @"AUH-POLICE\stcadmin", "P@ssword1", LogonType.Network)) { List <Byte[]> lst = new List <byte[]>(); Byte[] img = null; var lstImages = stcDataContext.ViolationImageViews .Where(image => image.ActivityId == ViolationNotificationId && image.ImageCategoryId == (int)STC.Projects.ClassLibrary.DAL.Utilities.ImageCategory.Photo) .Select(url => url.BinaryLocationURI).ToList(); if (lstImages != null) { foreach (var uriString in lstImages) { img = (new WebClient()).DownloadData(new Uri(uriString)); if (img != null) { lst.Add(img); } } return(lst); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Copy the source folder content into a destination folder /// </summary> /// <param name="srcPath">source folder</param> /// <param name="destPath">destination folder</param> /// <returns>true if success</returns> private bool CopyFolderAndFilesWithImpersonation(string configID, string srcPath, string domainSrc, string userSrc, string passSrc, string destPath, string domainDest, string userDest, string passDest, out Exception outEx) { outEx = null; myCollection = new ConcurrentQueue <CopyOperation>(); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; bool finished = false; Exception srcError = null; Exception destError = null; Thread thSource = new Thread(() => { try { //FileLogging.Log($"begin thSrc.", LogLevel.Info); using (Impersonation.LogonUser(domainSrc, userSrc, passSrc, LogonType.Network))//LogonType.Interactive { WindowsIdentity wid_current = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); //FileLogging.Log($"impersonated thSrc. {wid_current.Name}", LogLevel.Info); //scan all of the directories var lstDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(srcPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); dirCount = lstDirectories.LongCount(); foreach (string dirPath in lstDirectories) { CopyOperation coFolder = new CopyOperation { Operation = OperationType.WriteFolder, Argument = dirPath.Replace(srcPath, string.Empty) }; FillQueue(myCollection, queueTHRESHOLD, destError, coFolder); if (forceExceptionalStop) { return; } //FileLogging.Log($"q-d: {coFolder.Argument}", LogLevel.Info); } //scan all files var lstFiles = Directory.GetFiles(srcPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); fileCount = lstFiles.LongCount(); foreach (string newPath in lstFiles) { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(newPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Delete | FileShare.Read)) { int readB; long offset = 0; while ((readB = fs.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize)) > 0) { CopyOperation coFile = new CopyOperation { Operation = OperationType.WriteFile, Argument = newPath.Replace(srcPath, string.Empty), Offset = offset, Content = buffer.SubArray(0, readB) }; FillQueue(myCollection, queueTHRESHOLD, destError, coFile); if (forceExceptionalStop) { return; } //FileLogging.Log($"q-f: {coFile.Argument} - {coFile.Offset}", LogLevel.Info); offset += readB; } } } //YEY! finished = true; //wic.Undo(); } } catch (Exception err) { srcError = err; forceExceptionalStop = true; finished = true; } }); Thread thDest = new Thread(() => { try { //FileLogging.Log($"begin thDest.", LogLevel.Info); Thread.Sleep(200); long dirIndex = 0, fileIndex = 0; string lastFile = string.Empty; DateTime lastSent = DateTime.MinValue; int copyPercent; using (Impersonation.LogonUser(domainDest, userDest, passDest, LogonType.NewCredentials))//LogonType.NewCredentials { WindowsIdentity wid_current = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); //FileLogging.Log($"impersonated thDest. {wid_current.Name}", LogLevel.Info); while (!finished || myCollection.Count > 0) { while (myCollection.Count == 0 && !forceExceptionalStop) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (forceExceptionalStop) { return; } CopyOperation item = null; if (myCollection.TryDequeue(out item)) { switch (item.Operation) { case OperationType.WriteFolder: string newFolder = UncCombine(destPath, item.Argument); Directory.CreateDirectory(newFolder); dirIndex++; break; case OperationType.WriteFile: string destFile = UncCombine(destPath, item.Argument); using (var fs = ((item.Offset == 0) && File.Exists(destFile)) ? File.Create(destFile) : File.OpenWrite(destFile)) { fs.Seek(item.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(item.Content, 0, item.Content.Length); } if (destFile != lastFile) { fileIndex++; lastFile = destFile; } break; default: break; } //update report status DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if (now > lastSent) { copyPercent = Convert.ToInt32(20 * (dirCount > 0 ? (double)dirIndex / dirCount : 1) + 80 * (fileCount > 0 ? (double)fileIndex / fileCount : 1)); lastSent = now + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(SignalRController.SIGNALR_REFRESH_INTERVAL); ReportAgentStatus(item.Operation == OperationType.WriteFolder ? StatusType.CopyFolders : StatusType.CopyFiles, item.Operation == OperationType.WriteFolder ? $"Copy folders in progress {dirIndex}/{dirCount} ..." : $"Copy files in progress {fileIndex}/{fileCount} ..." , copyPercent, configID); } } else { throw new ArgumentException("Could not extract item from queue"); } } } } catch (Exception err) { destError = err; forceExceptionalStop = true; } }); //clear exception forceExceptionalStop = false; thDest.Start(); thSource.Start(); //wait to complete or fail thSource.Join(); thDest.Join(); myCollection = new ConcurrentQueue <CopyOperation>(); if (srcError != null) { outEx = srcError; logger.Error($"srcErr: {srcError}"); return(false); } if (destError != null) { outEx = destError; logger.Error($"destErr: {destError}"); return(false); } if (externalError != null) { outEx = externalError; logger.Debug($"externalError: {destError}"); return(false); } logger.Error($"LAN Copy completed!"); return(true); }
public string generarArchivo(decimal docum, string accion, string fechacon)//MGC-14-12-2018 Modificación fechacon { string errorMessage = ""; try { string dirFile = ""; DOCUMENTO doc = db.DOCUMENTOes.Where(x => x.NUM_DOC == docum).Single(); TSOL ts = db.TSOLs.Where(tsi => tsi.ID == doc.TSOL_ID).FirstOrDefault(); string txt = ""; string msj = ""; string[] cc; string cta = ""; string carpeta = "in";//MGC 22-10-2018 Archivo local en servidor //Obtener la configuración de la url desde app setting string url_prel = ""; try { //url_prel = db.APPSETTINGs.Where(aps => aps.NOMBRE.Equals("URL_PREL") && aps.ACTIVO == true).FirstOrDefault().VALUE.ToString();//MGC 22-10-2018 Archivo local en servidor //url_prel += @"POSTING";//MGC 22-10-2018 Archivo local en servidor url_prel = getDirPrel(carpeta); dirFile = url_prel; } catch (Exception e) { dirFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL_PREL"].ToString() + @"in"; } //MGC 22-10-2018 Archivo local en servidor //Verificar si el directorio existe y si hay permiso bool existd = ValidateIOPermission(dirFile); //El direcorio existe if (existd) { //dirFile = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["URL_PREL"].ToString() + @"POSTING"; string docname = dirFile + @"\INBOUND_PREL" + ts.ID.Substring(0, 3) + docum.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0') + "-1"; //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado --> string variable = ""; string accionhead = ""; //Preliminar if (accion == "P") { variable = "ACCION_CREAR"; fechacon = "";//MGC-14-12-2018 Modificación fechacon } else if (accion == "R") { variable = "ACCION_BC"; fechacon = "";//MGC-14-12-2018 Modificación fechacon } else if (accion == "A") { variable = "ACCION_CONTABILIZAR"; } //Obtener el nombre de la acción desde la bd en APPSETTING try { accionhead = db.APPSETTINGs.Where(aps => aps.NOMBRE.Equals(variable) && aps.ACTIVO == true).FirstOrDefault().VALUE.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { } //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado <-- doc.FECHAC = Fecha("D", Convert.ToDateTime(doc.FECHAC)); List <DetalleContab> det = new List <DetalleContab>(); //MemoryStream stIn = new MemoryStream(); string user = ""; string pass = ""; string dom = ""; user = getUserPrel(); pass = getPassPrel(); dom = getDomPrel(); using (Impersonation.LogonUser(dom, user, pass, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { try { FileStream fs = null; fs = new FileStream(docname, FileMode.CreateNew); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)) { string belnr = ""; string bjahr = ""; string bukrs = ""; if (accion == "R") { belnr = doc.NUM_PRE + ""; bjahr = doc.EJERCICIO_PRE + ""; bukrs = doc.SOCIEDAD_PRE + ""; } //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado --> sw.WriteLine( "1" + "|" + ts.TIPO_DOCFILE.Trim() + "|" + doc.NUM_DOC + "|" + accionhead.Trim() + "|" + belnr + "|" + bjahr + "|" + bukrs //MGC 19-10-2018 Cambio en archivo ); //sw.WriteLine(""); //MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado <-- //Formato a fecha mes, día, año sw.WriteLine( "2" + "|" + doc.DOCUMENTO_SAP + "|" + doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + String.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", doc.FECHAC).Replace(".", "") + "|" + //Formato MGC doc.MONEDA_ID.Trim() + "|" + //+ "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado doc.REFERENCIA.Trim() + "|" + doc.CONCEPTO + "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado "" + "|" + "" + "|" + doc.TIPO_CAMBIO //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado + "|" + fechacon //MGC-14-12-2018 Modificación fechacon//MGC 13-10-2018 Modificaión fecha ); //sw.WriteLine("");//MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo //for (int i = 0; i < det.Count; i++) //Obtener los rows H List <DOCUMENTOP> lh = doc.DOCUMENTOPs.Where(docl => docl.ACCION == "H").ToList(); List <DOCUMENTOP> ld = doc.DOCUMENTOPs.Where(docl => docl.ACCION == "D").ToList(); //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------> List <CLAVES_CONTA> cls = new List <CLAVES_CONTA>(); //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves a partir del tipo de solicitud cls = db.CLAVES_CONTA.Where(clsi => clsi.TSOL == doc.TSOL_ID).ToList(); //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------< //MGC 30-10-2018 Valores en el renglón H for (int i = 0; i < lh.Count; i++) { string post = ""; string postk = ""; //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------> CLAVES_CONTA clsi = cls.Where(c => c.DH == lh[i].ACCION).FirstOrDefault(); if (clsi != null) { post = clsi.BSCHLL; postk = clsi.BSCHL; } //if (lh[i].ACCION == "H") //{ // post = "P"; // if (doc.TSOL_ID == "NCC" | doc.TSOL_ID == "NCS") // { // postk = "50"; // } // else // { // postk = "31"; // } //} //else if (lh[i].ACCION == "D") //{ // post = "G"; // if (doc.TSOL_ID == "NCC" | doc.TSOL_ID == "NCS") // { // postk = "21"; // } // else // { // postk = "40"; // } //} //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------< string cuenta = lh[i].CUENTA + ""; string ccosto = lh[i].CCOSTO + ""; string imputacion = lh[i].IMPUTACION + ""; sw.WriteLine( //det[i].POS_TYPE + "|" + "3" + "|" + post + "|" + doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COMP_CODE + "|" + // //det[i].BUS_AREA + "|" + "|" + //det[i].POST_KEY + "|" + postk + "|" + cuenta.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].ACCOUNT + "|" + ccosto.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COST_CENTER + "|" + imputacion.Trim() + "|" + lh[i].MONTO + "|" + //det[i].BALANCE + "|" + lh[i].TEXTO + "|" + //det[i].TEXT + "|" + //det[i].SALES_ORG + "|" + //det[i].DIST_CHANEL + "|" + "|" + "|" + //det[i].DIVISION + "|" + "|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //det[i].INV_REF + "|" + //det[i].PAY_TERM + "|" + //det[i].JURIS_CODE + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + //"|" + //det[i].CUSTOMER + "|" + //det[i].PRODUCT + "|" + "|" + "|" + lh[i].MWSKZ + "|" + //det[i].TAX_CODE + "|" + //det[i].PLANT + "|" + //det[i].REF_KEY1 + "|" + //det[i].REF_KEY3 + "|" + //det[i].ASSIGNMENT + "|" + //det[i].QTY + "|" + //det[i].BASE_UNIT + "|" + //det[i].AMOUNT_LC + "|" + //det[i].RETENCION_ID + "|" "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" ); } //MGC 30-10-2018 Valores en el renglón D for (int i = 0; i < ld.Count; i++) { string post = ""; string postk = ""; //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------> CLAVES_CONTA clsi = cls.Where(c => c.DH == ld[i].ACCION).FirstOrDefault(); if (clsi != null) { post = clsi.BSCHLL; postk = clsi.BSCHL; } //if (ld[i].ACCION == "H") //{ // post = "P"; // if (doc.TSOL_ID == "NCC" | doc.TSOL_ID == "NCS") // { // postk = "50"; // } // else // { // postk = "31"; // } //} //else if (ld[i].ACCION == "D") //{ // post = "G"; // if (doc.TSOL_ID == "NCC" | doc.TSOL_ID == "NCS") // { // postk = "21"; // } // else // { // postk = "40"; // } //} //MGC 30-10-2018 Obtener las claves de contabilización ------------------------------------------------< string cuenta = ld[i].CUENTA + ""; string ccosto = ld[i].CCOSTO + ""; string imputacion = ld[i].IMPUTACION + ""; sw.WriteLine( //det[i].POS_TYPE + "|" + "3" + "|" + post + "|" + doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COMP_CODE + "|" + // //det[i].BUS_AREA + "|" + "|" + //det[i].POST_KEY + "|" + postk + "|" + cuenta.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].ACCOUNT + "|" + ccosto.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COST_CENTER + "|" + imputacion.Trim() + "|" + ld[i].MONTO + "|" + //det[i].BALANCE + "|" + ld[i].TEXTO + "|" + //det[i].TEXT + "|" + //det[i].SALES_ORG + "|" + //det[i].DIST_CHANEL + "|" + "|" + "|" + //det[i].DIVISION + "|" + "|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //"|" + //det[i].INV_REF + "|" + //det[i].PAY_TERM + "|" + //det[i].JURIS_CODE + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + //"|" + //det[i].CUSTOMER + "|" + //det[i].PRODUCT + "|" + "|" + "|" + ld[i].MWSKZ + "|" + //det[i].TAX_CODE + "|" + //det[i].PLANT + "|" + //det[i].REF_KEY1 + "|" + //det[i].REF_KEY3 + "|" + //det[i].ASSIGNMENT + "|" + //det[i].QTY + "|" + //det[i].BASE_UNIT + "|" + //det[i].AMOUNT_LC + "|" + //det[i].RETENCION_ID + "|" "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" + "|" ); } //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES --> for (int i = 0; i < doc.DOCUMENTORs.Count; i++) { sw.WriteLine( "4" + "|" + "W" + "|" + doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WITHT + "|" + doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WT_WITHCD + "|" + doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).BIMPONIBLE + "|" + doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).IMPORTE_RET //+ "|" //MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo ); } //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES <-- //sw.Close(); sw.Close(); //using (Stream stOut = reqFTP.GetRequestStream()) //{ // stOut.Write(stIn.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stIn.Length); //} } } catch (Exception e) { errorMessage = "Error al generar el archivo txt preliminar " + e.Message; } } } else { errorMessage = "Error con el directorio para crear archivo"; } ////MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado --> //string variable = ""; //string accionhead = ""; ////Preliminar //if(accion == "P") //{ // variable = "ACCION_CREAR"; //}else if(accion == "R") //{ // variable = "ACCION_BC"; //} //else if (accion == "A") //{ // variable = "ACCION_CONTABILIZAR"; //} ////Obtener el nombre de la acción desde la bd en APPSETTING //try //{ // accionhead = db.APPSETTINGs.Where(aps => aps.NOMBRE.Equals(variable) && aps.ACTIVO == true).FirstOrDefault().VALUE.ToString(); //}catch(Exception e) //{ //} ////MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado <-- //doc.FECHAC = Fecha("D", Convert.ToDateTime(doc.FECHAC)); //List<DetalleContab> det = new List<DetalleContab>(); //var dir = new Files().createDir(dirFile);//RSG 01.08.2018 ////Evaluar que se creo el directorio //if (dir.Equals("")) //{ // using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(docname)) // { // string belnr = ""; // string bjahr = ""; // string bukrs = ""; // if (accion == "R") // { // belnr = doc.NUM_PRE + ""; // bjahr = doc.EJERCICIO_PRE + ""; // bukrs = doc.SOCIEDAD_PRE + ""; // } // //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado --> // sw.WriteLine( // "1"+ "|" + // ts.TIPO_DOCFILE.Trim() + "|" + // doc.NUM_DOC+"|" + // accionhead.Trim() + "|"+ // belnr + "|"+ // bjahr + "|"+ // bukrs + "|" // ); // sw.WriteLine(""); // //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado <-- // //Formato a fecha mes, día, año // sw.WriteLine( // "2" + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTO_SAP + "|" + // doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + // String.Format("{0:MM.dd.yyyy}", doc.FECHAC).Replace(".", "") + "|"+ // doc.MONEDA_ID.Trim() + "|" + // //+ "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // doc.REFERENCIA + "|"+ // doc.CONCEPTO + "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // "X" + "|"+ // doc.TIPO_CAMBIO + "|" //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // + "" // ); // sw.WriteLine(""); // //for (int i = 0; i < det.Count; i++) // for (int i = 0; i < doc.DOCUMENTOPs.Count; i++) // { // string post = ""; // string postk = ""; // if (doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).ACCION == "H") // { // post = "P"; // postk = "31"; // } // else if (doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).ACCION == "D") // { // post = "G"; // postk = "40"; // } // sw.WriteLine( // //det[i].POS_TYPE + "|" + // "3" + "|" + // post + "|" + // doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COMP_CODE + "|" + // // //det[i].BUS_AREA + "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].POST_KEY + "|" + // postk + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).CUENTA + "|" +//det[i].ACCOUNT + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).CCOSTO + "|" +//det[i].COST_CENTER + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).IMPUTACION + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).MONTO + "|" +//det[i].BALANCE + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).TEXTO + "|" + //det[i].TEXT + "|" + // //det[i].SALES_ORG + "|" + // //det[i].DIST_CHANEL + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].DIVISION + "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].INV_REF + "|" + // //det[i].PAY_TERM + "|" + // //det[i].JURIS_CODE + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].CUSTOMER + "|" + // //det[i].PRODUCT + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTOPs.ElementAt(i).MWSKZ + "|" +//det[i].TAX_CODE + "|" + // //det[i].PLANT + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY1 + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY3 + "|" + // //det[i].ASSIGNMENT + "|" + // //det[i].QTY + "|" + // //det[i].BASE_UNIT + "|" + // //det[i].AMOUNT_LC + "|" + // //det[i].RETENCION_ID + "|" // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" // ); // } // //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES --> // for (int i = 0; i < doc.DOCUMENTORs.Count; i++) // { // sw.WriteLine( // "4" + "|" + // "W" + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WITHT + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WT_WITHCD + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).BIMPONIBLE + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).IMPORTE_RET + "|" + // "" // ); // } // //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES <-- // sw.Close(); // } //} //else //{ // errorMessage = dir; //} //MGC prueba FTP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> //Obtener la configuración de la url desde app setting //string ftpServerIP = ""; //try //{ // ftpServerIP = db.APPSETTINGs.Where(aps => aps.NOMBRE.Equals("URL_FTP_PRELIMINAR") && aps.ACTIVO == true).FirstOrDefault().VALUE.ToString(); // url_prel += @"POSTING"; // dirFile = url_prel; //} //catch (Exception e) //{ //} //string targetFileName = "/SAP/POSTING/INBOUND_PREL" + ts.ID.Substring(0, 2) + docum.ToString().PadLeft(10, '0') + "-1.txt"; ////string ftpServerIP = ""; ////string targetFileName = "/SAP/POSTING/prueba.txt"; //string username = "******"; //string password = "******"; //Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format("ftp://{0}/{1}", ftpServerIP, targetFileName)); //FtpWebRequest reqFTP = (FtpWebRequest)FtpWebRequest.Create(uri); //reqFTP.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password); //reqFTP.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; //reqFTP.KeepAlive = false; //reqFTP.UsePassive = false; //MemoryStream stIn = new MemoryStream(); //using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stIn)) //{ // string belnr = ""; // string bjahr = ""; // string bukrs = ""; // if (accion == "R") // { // belnr = doc.NUM_PRE + ""; // bjahr = doc.EJERCICIO_PRE + ""; // bukrs = doc.SOCIEDAD_PRE + ""; // } // //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado --> // sw.WriteLine( // "1" + "|" + // ts.TIPO_DOCFILE.Trim() + "|" + // doc.NUM_DOC + "|" + // accionhead.Trim() + "|" + // belnr + "|" + // bjahr + "|" + // bukrs //MGC 19-10-2018 Cambio en archivo // ); // //sw.WriteLine(""); //MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo // //DETDOC |TIPODOC|ACCION|BELNR|GJAHR|BUKRS DETDOC EJE FACSINOC|CONTABILIZAR|10000000|2018|1010| //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado <-- // //Formato a fecha mes, día, año // sw.WriteLine( // "2" + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTO_SAP + "|" + // doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + // String.Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}", doc.FECHAC).Replace(".", "") + "|" + //Formato MGC // doc.MONEDA_ID.Trim() + "|" + // //+ "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // doc.REFERENCIA.Trim() + "|" + // doc.CONCEPTO + "|" + //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // "" + "|" + // "" + "|" + // doc.TIPO_CAMBIO //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado // ); // //sw.WriteLine("");//MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo // //for (int i = 0; i < det.Count; i++) // //Obtener los rows H // List<DOCUMENTOP> lh = doc.DOCUMENTOPs.Where(docl => docl.ACCION == "H").ToList(); // List<DOCUMENTOP> ld = doc.DOCUMENTOPs.Where(docl => docl.ACCION == "D").ToList(); // for (int i = 0; i < lh.Count; i++) // { // string post = ""; // string postk = ""; // if (lh[i].ACCION == "H") // { // post = "P"; // postk = "31"; // } // else if (lh[i].ACCION == "D") // { // post = "G"; // postk = "40"; // } // string cuenta = lh[i].CUENTA+""; // string ccosto = lh[i].CCOSTO + ""; // string imputacion = lh[i].IMPUTACION + ""; // sw.WriteLine( // //det[i].POS_TYPE + "|" + // "3" + "|" + // post + "|" + // doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COMP_CODE + "|" + // // //det[i].BUS_AREA + "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].POST_KEY + "|" + // postk + "|" + // cuenta.Trim() + "|" +//det[i].ACCOUNT + "|" + // ccosto.Trim() + "|" +//det[i].COST_CENTER + "|" + // imputacion.Trim() + "|" + // lh[i].MONTO + "|" +//det[i].BALANCE + "|" + // lh[i].TEXTO + "|" + //det[i].TEXT + "|" + // //det[i].SALES_ORG + "|" + // //det[i].DIST_CHANEL + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].DIVISION + "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].INV_REF + "|" + // //det[i].PAY_TERM + "|" + // //det[i].JURIS_CODE + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].CUSTOMER + "|" + // //det[i].PRODUCT + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // lh[i].MWSKZ + "|" +//det[i].TAX_CODE + "|" + // //det[i].PLANT + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY1 + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY3 + "|" + // //det[i].ASSIGNMENT + "|" + // //det[i].QTY + "|" + // //det[i].BASE_UNIT + "|" + // //det[i].AMOUNT_LC + "|" + // //det[i].RETENCION_ID + "|" // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" // ); // } // for (int i = 0; i < ld.Count; i++) // { // string post = ""; // string postk = ""; // if (ld[i].ACCION == "H") // { // post = "P"; // postk = "31"; // } // else if (ld[i].ACCION == "D") // { // post = "G"; // postk = "40"; // } // string cuenta = ld[i].CUENTA + ""; // string ccosto = ld[i].CCOSTO + ""; // string imputacion = ld[i].IMPUTACION + ""; // sw.WriteLine( // //det[i].POS_TYPE + "|" + // "3" + "|" + // post + "|" + // doc.SOCIEDAD_ID.Trim() + "|" + //det[i].COMP_CODE + "|" + // // //det[i].BUS_AREA + "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].POST_KEY + "|" + // postk + "|" + // cuenta.Trim() + "|" +//det[i].ACCOUNT + "|" + // ccosto.Trim() + "|" +//det[i].COST_CENTER + "|" + // imputacion.Trim() + "|" + // ld[i].MONTO + "|" +//det[i].BALANCE + "|" + // ld[i].TEXTO + "|" + //det[i].TEXT + "|" + // //det[i].SALES_ORG + "|" + // //det[i].DIST_CHANEL + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //det[i].DIVISION + "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].INV_REF + "|" + // //det[i].PAY_TERM + "|" + // //det[i].JURIS_CODE + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // //"|" + // //det[i].CUSTOMER + "|" + // //det[i].PRODUCT + "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // ld[i].MWSKZ + "|" +//det[i].TAX_CODE + "|" + // //det[i].PLANT + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY1 + "|" + // //det[i].REF_KEY3 + "|" + // //det[i].ASSIGNMENT + "|" + // //det[i].QTY + "|" + // //det[i].BASE_UNIT + "|" + // //det[i].AMOUNT_LC + "|" + // //det[i].RETENCION_ID + "|" // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" + // "|" // ); // } // //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES --> // for (int i = 0; i < doc.DOCUMENTORs.Count; i++) // { // sw.WriteLine( // "4" + "|" + // "W" + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WITHT + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).WT_WITHCD + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).BIMPONIBLE + "|" + // doc.DOCUMENTORs.ElementAt(i).IMPORTE_RET //+ "|" //MGC 17-10-2018.2 Adaptación a archivo // ); // } // //MGC 11-10-2018 Acciones para el encabezado RETENCIONES <-- // //sw.Close(); // sw.Flush(); // using (Stream stOut = reqFTP.GetRequestStream()) // { // stOut.Write(stIn.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stIn.Length); // } //} //FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)reqFTP.GetResponse(); //response.Close(); //MGC prueba FTP----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< //if (tab.RELACION != 0 && tab.RELACION != null) //{ // return generarArchivo(docum, Convert.ToInt32(tab.RELACION)); //} //else //{ //return ""; //} } catch (Exception e) { //return "Error al generar el documento contable " + e.Message; errorMessage = "Error al generar el archivo txt preliminar " + e.Message; } return(errorMessage); }
/// <summary> /// Creates PDF document from given content. See /// </summary> /// <param name="outputFile"></param> /// <param name="content"></param> /// <param name="options"></param> /// <returns>Object { bool Success, string FileName, byte[] ResultAsByteArray }</returns> public static Output CreatePdf([PropertyTab] FileProperties outputFile, [PropertyTab] DocumentContent content, [PropertyTab] Options options) { try { Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); DocumentDefinition docContent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DocumentDefinition>(content.ContentJson); var document = new Document(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(docContent.Title)) { document.Info.Title = docContent.Title; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(docContent.Author)) { document.Info.Author = docContent.Author; } PageSetup.GetPageSize(docContent.PageSize.ConvertEnum <PageFormat>(), out Unit width, out Unit height); var section = document.AddSection(); SetupPage(section.PageSetup, width, height, docContent); // index for stylename var elementNumber = 0; // add page elements foreach (var pageElement in docContent.DocumentElements) { var styleName = $"style_{elementNumber}"; var style = document.Styles.AddStyle(styleName, "Normal"); switch (pageElement.ElementType) { case ElementTypeEnum.Paragraph: SetFont(style, ((ParagraphDefinition)pageElement).StyleSettings); SetParagraphStyle(style, ((ParagraphDefinition)pageElement).StyleSettings, false); AddTextContent(section, ((ParagraphDefinition)pageElement).Text, style); break; case ElementTypeEnum.Image: AddImage(section, (ImageDefinition)pageElement, width); break; case ElementTypeEnum.Table: SetFont(style, ((TableDefinition)pageElement).StyleSettings); SetParagraphStyle(style, ((TableDefinition)pageElement).StyleSettings, true); AddTable(section, (TableDefinition)pageElement, width, style); break; case ElementTypeEnum.PageBreak: section = document.AddSection(); SetupPage(section.PageSetup, width, height, docContent); break; default: break; } ++elementNumber; } string fileName = Path.Combine(outputFile.Directory, outputFile.FileName); int fileNameIndex = 1; while (File.Exists(fileName) && outputFile.FileExistsAction != FileExistsActionEnum.Overwrite) { switch (outputFile.FileExistsAction) { case FileExistsActionEnum.Error: throw new Exception($"File {fileName} already exists."); case FileExistsActionEnum.Rename: fileName = Path.Combine(outputFile.Directory, $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFile.FileName)}_({fileNameIndex}){Path.GetExtension(outputFile.FileName)}"); break; } fileNameIndex++; } // save document var pdfRenderer = new PdfDocumentRenderer(outputFile.Unicode) { Document = document }; pdfRenderer.RenderDocument(); if (outputFile.SaveToDisk) { if (!options.UseGivenCredentials) { pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Save(fileName); } else { var domainAndUserName = GetDomainAndUserName(options.UserName); using (Impersonation.LogonUser(domainAndUserName[0], domainAndUserName[1], options.Password, LogonType.NewCredentials)) { pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Save(fileName); } } } byte[] resultAsBytes = null; if (options.GetResultAsByteArray) { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { pdfRenderer.PdfDocument.Save(stream, false); resultAsBytes = stream.ToArray(); } } return(new Output { Success = true, FileName = fileName, ResultAsByteArray = resultAsBytes }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (options.ThrowErrorOnFailure) { throw; } return(new Output { Success = false, ErrorMessage = ex.Message }); } }
public IHttpActionResult PostPrintLabel(LabelToPrintModel dat) { LabelPrintModels db = new LabelPrintModels(); DateTime dt; bool noDate = dat.NoDate; if (!noDate) { dt = (DateTime)dat.SellOrUseBy; } else { dt = DateTime.Today; } DateTime packDate = dt; string shift = dat.Shift; decimal dWeight = 0m; int fullLbs = 0; decimal remaindOzs = 0; decimal kgConv = 0m; string wtStr = ""; string fullItem = dat.Id.ToString().PadLeft(5, '0'); bool incrementJulian = dat.JulianPlusOne; string fakeJulian = incrementJulian ? ((DateTime.Today.DayOfYear) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') : DateTime.Today.DayOfYear.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); bool isWalMart = dat.IsWm; int useByDays = dat.UseByDays; string bCodeDateVal = ""; if (isWalMart && dat.UseByDays > 0) { dt = dt.AddDays(useByDays); } bCodeDateVal = dt.ToString("yyMMdd"); if (isWalMart) { using (JDE_PRODUCTIONEntities dbJDcn = new JDE_PRODUCTIONEntities()) { ItemsMasterModel im = dbJDcn.F4101 .Where(p => p.IMLITM == fullItem) .Select(p => new ItemsMasterModel { ItemFull = p.IMLITM.Trim(), ItemDesc = p.IMDSC1.Trim(), BrandAbbrv = p.IMSRP4.Trim(), BrandFull = (from c in dbJDcn.F0005 where c.DRSY == "41" && c.DRRT.ToUpper() == "S4" && c.DRKY.Trim() == p.IMSRP4.Trim() select c.DRDL01.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(), GTIN = p.IMAITM.Trim(), WalmartCode = (from y in dbJDcn.F4104 where y.IVLITM.Trim() == p.IMLITM && y.IVXRT.ToUpper() == "UC" select y.IVCITM.Trim()).FirstOrDefault() ?? "" }).SingleOrDefault(); if (im != null) { string secondBcString = shift + im.ItemFull + fakeJulian + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + dat.CooId; //See if we need to use alternate label AltLabelItem useAltTemplate = db.AltLabelItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemNum == fullItem); string voicePickCode = VoiceCode.Compute(im.GTIN, secondBcString, null); string lilDigits = voicePickCode.Substring(0, 2); string bigDigits = voicePickCode.Substring(2, 2); if (dat.UseByDays > 0) { packDate = packDate.AddDays(dat.UseByDays); } string PrintDate = packDate.ToString("MMM dd"); //useAltTemplate != null && useAltTemplate.ShowJulianNoSellby == true ? fakeJulian : dt.ToString("MMM dd"); string PrintDateFixed = dt.ToString("MMM dd"); string btwFile = dat.UseByDays > 0 ? (im.WalmartCode == ""? "Base4by2NEWWalMartdesignWleadTimeNOUPC" : "Base4by2NEWWalMartdesignWleadTime" ) :im.WalmartCode == "" ? "Base4by2NEWWalMartdesignNOUPC" : "Base4by2NEWWalMartdesign" ; string cooo = db.COO_List.FirstOrDefault(p => p.idx == dat.CooId).LongName; using (Impersonation.LogonUser("MANN", "bartender", "vodkagimlet", LogonType.Interactive)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); //Fork if using alternate template sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{0}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{1}"" /R=3 /P /C={2}", btwFile, dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\",\"{14}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, PrintDate, im.ItemDesc, dat.SrcAddress, secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, "", im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum, bCodeDateVal); sb.AppendLine(); try { File.WriteAllText(@"\\mann-forms\Data\FileFromMannLabels.csv", sb.ToString()); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } finally { db.Dispose(); } } } else { return(BadRequest("Item Not found")); } } } else { using (JDE_PRODUCTIONEntities dbJDcn = new JDE_PRODUCTIONEntities()) { ItemsMasterModel im = dbJDcn.F4101 .Where(p => p.IMLITM == fullItem) .Select(p => new ItemsMasterModel { ItemFull = p.IMLITM.Trim(), ItemDesc = p.IMDSC1.Trim(), BrandAbbrv = p.IMSRP4.Trim(), BrandFull = (from c in dbJDcn.F0005 where c.DRSY == "41" && c.DRRT.ToUpper() == "S4" && c.DRKY.Trim() == p.IMSRP4.Trim() select c.DRDL01.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(), GTIN = p.IMAITM.Trim(), WalmartCode = dat.WalmartCode }).SingleOrDefault(); double?waight = dbJDcn.F574101 .Where(p => p.QTLITM == fullItem) .Select(p => p.QTZ57BINO).FirstOrDefault(); if (waight.HasValue) { //TODO test only //waight += 587; dWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(((double)(waight) / 100)); fullLbs = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(dWeight / 16)); remaindOzs = (dWeight % 16); kgConv = Math.Round(dWeight * 0.0283495231m, 2); if (fullLbs > 0) { if (remaindOzs > 0) { wtStr = $"NET WT. {dWeight} OZ ({fullLbs} LB {remaindOzs} OZ) {kgConv} kg"; } else { wtStr = $"NET WT. {dWeight} OZ ({fullLbs} LB) {kgConv} kg"; } } else { wtStr = $"NET WT. {dWeight} OZ ({remaindOzs} OZ) {kgConv} kg"; } } if (im != null) { string secondBcString = shift + im.ItemFull + fakeJulian + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2) + dat.CooId; //See if we need to use alternate label AltLabelItem useAltTemplate = db.AltLabelItems.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ItemNum == fullItem); string voicePickCode = VoiceCode.Compute(im.GTIN, secondBcString, null); string lilDigits = voicePickCode.Substring(0, 2); string bigDigits = voicePickCode.Substring(2, 2); string PrintDate = useAltTemplate != null && useAltTemplate.ShowJulianNoSellby == true ? fakeJulian : dt.ToString("MMM dd"); string PrintDateFixed = dt.ToString("MM/dd/yy"); string PrintDateFixedShort = dt.ToString("MMMdd"); bool item = im.WalmartCode != ""; string btwFile = item ? "Base4by2WalMartdesign" : "Base4by2design"; string cooo = db.COO_List.FirstOrDefault(p => p.idx == dat.CooId).LongName; using (Impersonation.LogonUser("MANN", "bartender", "vodkagimlet", LogonType.Interactive)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (noDate) { sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\Base4by2designNoDate.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{0}"" /R=3 /P /C={1}", dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, "", im.ItemDesc, dat.SrcAddress, secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, "", im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum); } else { if (useAltTemplate == null) { sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{0}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{1}"" /R=3 /P /C={2}", btwFile, dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, PrintDate, im.ItemDesc, dat.SrcAddress, secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, dat.UsebyLang, im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum); } else { if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "Base4by2designHidelocation") { sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{0}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{1}"" /R=3 /P /C={2}", btwFile, dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, PrintDate, im.ItemDesc, "", secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, dat.UsebyLang, im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "CVF_Opt_Format") { sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{0}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{1}"" /R=3 /P /C={2}", useAltTemplate.AlterLabel, dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, PrintDate, im.ItemDesc, useAltTemplate.CustProdId, secondBcString, lilDigits, bigDigits, useAltTemplate.ShowJulianNoSellby == true ? "" : dat.UsebyLang, dat.CrewNum); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "USFoods_Opt_Format") { int firstDigit = im.ItemDesc.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray()); if (firstDigit > 5) { firstDigit -= 1; } string itemDescMinusNumerical = im.ItemDesc.Substring(0, firstDigit); sb.Append($@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{useAltTemplate.AlterLabel}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{dat.PrinterName}"" /R=3 /P /C={dat.Qty.ToString()}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.Append($@"""{ im.ItemFull}"",""{ im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13)}"",""{cooo}"",""{PrintDateFixedShort}"",""{itemDescMinusNumerical}"",""{useAltTemplate.CustProdId}"",""{secondBcString}"",""{lilDigits}"",""{bigDigits}"",""{PrintDateFixed}"",""{dat.CrewNum}"",""{wtStr}"""); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "USFoods_Opt_Format_2") { int firstDigit = im.ItemDesc.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray()); if (firstDigit > 5) { firstDigit -= 1; } string itemDescMinusNumerical = im.ItemDesc.Substring(0, firstDigit); sb.Append($@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{useAltTemplate.AlterLabel}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{dat.PrinterName}"" /R=3 /P /C={dat.Qty.ToString()}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.Append($@"""{ im.ItemFull}"",""{ im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13)}"",""{cooo}"",""{PrintDateFixedShort}"",""{itemDescMinusNumerical}"",""{useAltTemplate.CustProdId}"",""{secondBcString}"",""{lilDigits}"",""{bigDigits}"",""{dat.UsebyLang}"",""{dat.CrewNum}"",""{wtStr}"""); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "USFoods_Opt_Format-3") { int firstDigit = im.ItemDesc.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray()); if (firstDigit > 5) { firstDigit -= 1; } string itemDescMinusNumerical = im.ItemDesc.Substring(0, firstDigit); sb.Append($@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{useAltTemplate.AlterLabel}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{dat.PrinterName}"" /R=3 /P /C={dat.Qty.ToString()}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.Append($@"""{ im.ItemFull}"",""{ im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13)}"",""{cooo}"",""{PrintDateFixed}"",""{itemDescMinusNumerical}"",""{useAltTemplate.CustProdId}"",""{secondBcString}"",""{lilDigits}"",""{bigDigits}"",""{dat.UsebyLang}"",""{dat.CrewNum}"",""{wtStr}"""); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "USFoods_Opt_Format_3BG") { int firstDigit = im.ItemDesc.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray()); if (firstDigit > 5) { firstDigit -= 1; } string itemDescMinusNumerical = im.ItemDesc.Substring(0, firstDigit); sb.Append($@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{useAltTemplate.AlterLabel}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{dat.PrinterName}"" /R=3 /P /C={dat.Qty.ToString()}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.Append($@"""{ im.ItemFull}"",""{ im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13)}"",""{cooo}"",""{PrintDateFixed}"",""{itemDescMinusNumerical}"",""{useAltTemplate.CustProdId}"",""{secondBcString}"",""{lilDigits}"",""{bigDigits}"",""{PrintDateFixed}"",""{dat.CrewNum}"",""{wtStr}"""); } else if (useAltTemplate.AlterLabel == "Base4by2designXtraNote") { int firstDigit = im.ItemDesc.IndexOfAny("0123456789".ToCharArray()); if (firstDigit > 5) { firstDigit -= 1; } string itemDescMinusNumerical = im.ItemDesc.Substring(0, firstDigit); sb.Append($@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{useAltTemplate.AlterLabel}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{dat.PrinterName}"" /R=3 /P /C={dat.Qty.ToString()}"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, PrintDate, im.ItemDesc, dat.SrcAddress, secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, dat.UsebyLang, im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum); } else { sb.AppendFormat(@"%BTW% /AF=""C:\Bottomline Technologies\BarTender\Forms\{0}.btw"" /D=""%Trigger File Name%"" /PRN=""{1}"" /R=3 /P /C={2}", btwFile, dat.PrinterName, dat.Qty.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("%END%"); sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\",\"{5}\",\"{6}\",\"{7}\",\"{8}\",\"{9}\",\"{10}\",\"{11}\",\"{12}\",\"{13}\"", im.ItemFull, im.GTIN.Substring(0, 13), cooo, fakeJulian, im.ItemDesc, dat.SrcAddress, secondBcString, im.BrandFull, dat.Shift, lilDigits, bigDigits, "", im.WalmartCode, dat.CrewNum); } } } sb.AppendLine(); try { File.WriteAllText(@"\\mann-forms\Data\FileFromMannLabels.csv", sb.ToString()); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } finally { db.Dispose(); } } } else { return(BadRequest("Item Not found")); } } } }