async Task CycleParcele(string fileName, MemoryStream stream) { var x = await Importer.GetDTOs <OutputParcela>(stream, fileName, new ImportConfig(), excelConfiguration); object locker = new object(); var tarlale = new ConcurrentBag <Tarla>(context.Tarlale); Parallel.ForEach(x, y => { var z = new Parcela(); var i = new Imobil(); var a = new Adresa() { SIRSUP = 180019, SIRUTA = 180019, Intravilan = false }; i.Parcele.Add(z); i.Adresa = a; lock (locker) { context.Imobile.Add(i); //context.Imobile.Add(i); } z.FromDTO(y, tarlale); //z.Imobil = new Imobil(); //i.Parcele.Add(z); }); }
static IEnumerable <string> ExportImobil(Imobil imobil, string nrCadGeneral, string sector, string nrCad) { var result = new List <string>(); var parcela = imobil.Parcele.FirstOrDefault(); var observatii = imobil.Observatii; if (parcela.Tarla != null && parcela.Tarla.Diminuata && parcela.Suprafata.HasValue) { observatii = $"Suprafata din act: {parcela.Suprafata.Value} mp. {observatii}"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(observatii)) { result.Add($"#0033#{observatii}"); } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("#01#"); builder.Append(nrCadGeneral).Append('|'); builder.Append(sector).Append('|'); builder.Append('0').Append('|'); //cooperativizata builder.Append('1').Append('|'); //dunno builder.Append(imobil.IdentificatorElectronic).Append('|'); builder.Append(nrCad).Append('|'); builder.Append(imobil.NumarCarteFunciara).Append('|'); builder.Append('1').Append('|'); //neimprejmuit builder.Append(parcela.Tarla != null && parcela.Tarla.Diminuata ? 1 : 0).Append('|'); //suprafatadiminuata builder.Append(imobil.NumarTopografic).Append('|'); //adresa result.Add(builder.ToString()); return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Imobil e2 = new Imobil(ImobilType.Apartment); Imobil e3 = new Imobil(ImobilType.SingleRoom); Imobil e1 = new Imobil(ImobilType.House); e2.set_price_apartment(); e1.set_price_house(); e3.set_price_singleroom(); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("||Please select the type of place you want : ||"); Console.WriteLine("||1)House ||"); Console.WriteLine("||2)Apartment ||"); Console.WriteLine("||3)Single Room ||"); Console.WriteLine("||(select 1, 2 or 3) ||"); int select = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (select == 1) { Console.WriteLine("||You selected: " + e1.ImobilType + " ||"); Console.WriteLine("||How many floors do want ? ||"); Console.WriteLine("||1)Single floor ||"); Console.WriteLine("||2)Two floors ||"); Console.WriteLine("||3)Two floors and attic ||"); Console.WriteLine("||(select 1, 2 or 3) ||"); int nr_rooms = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("||The price is: " + e1.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms) + "$ ||"); Console.WriteLine("||Our commission is: " + e1.CalculateCoomission(e1.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms)) + "$ :) "); } if (select == 3) { Console.WriteLine("||You selected: " + e3.ImobilType + " ||"); Console.WriteLine("||How many square feet do you want ? ||"); Console.WriteLine("||1)20 ||"); Console.WriteLine("||2)25 ||"); Console.WriteLine("||3)25 and balcony || "); Console.WriteLine("||(select 1, 2 or 3) ||"); int nr_rooms = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("||The price is: " + e3.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms) + "$ ||"); Console.WriteLine("||Our commission is: " + e3.CalculateCoomission(e3.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms)) + "$ :) "); } if (select == 2) { Console.WriteLine("||You selected: " + e2.ImobilType + " ||"); Console.WriteLine("||How many rooms do you want ? ||"); Console.WriteLine("||1)Two rooms ||"); Console.WriteLine("||2)Three rooms ||"); Console.WriteLine("||3)Four rooms || "); Console.WriteLine("||(select 1, 2 or 3) ||"); int nr_rooms = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("||The price is: " + e2.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms) + "$ ||"); Console.WriteLine("||Our commission is: " + e2.CalculateCoomission(e2.CalculatePrice(nr_rooms)) + "$ :) "); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Problema 1 Animal cutu = new Animal("caine", "negru", 2); Animal gaina = new Animal("gaine", "alba", 22); Animal tigru = new Animal("tigru", "galben", 7); Imobil apartament = new Imobil("bloc"); apartament.nrEtaje = 10; apartament.pret = 2222.2; }
static List <string> ExportPozitia(Imobil imobil) { var result = new List <string>(); var iPt3 = imobil.InscrieriDetaliu.Where(x => x.ParteaCF == 3).Select(y => y.Pozitia.Value); if (iPt3.Any()) { result.Add("#7773#" + string.Join("", iPt3.Select(x => $"{x}|"))); } var iPt2 = imobil.InscrieriDetaliu.Where(x => x.ParteaCF == 2).Select(y => y.Pozitia.Value); if (iPt2.Any()) { result.Add("#7772#" + string.Join("", iPt2.Select(x => $"{x}|"))); } return(result); }