public async Task Upload(Album album) { ImageEndpoint endpoint = new ImageEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); using (Stream src = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(album.Root, FileName))) { await endpoint.UploadImageStreamAsync(src, album.Id, Name); } }
public async Task Save() { if (!Directory.Exists(Root)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Root); } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Root, "syncurr.user.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this)); bool me = (await ImgurHelper.GetToken()).AccountId == Id; if (!me && !Properties.Settings.Default.Users.Contains(Root)) { Properties.Settings.Default.Users.Add(Root); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
public async Task FetchSubredditImage(EduardoContext context, string subredditName) { IGalleryItem img = await ImgurHelper.SearchImgurSubreddit(_credentials.ImgurClientId, _credentials.ImgurClientSecret, subredditName); if (img != null) { switch (img) { case GalleryAlbum album: await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(album.Link); break; case GalleryImage image: await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(image.Link); break; } } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**Could not find subreddit with name {subredditName}.**"); } }
public async Task SearchImgur(EduardoContext context, string searchQuery = null) { IGalleryItem img = await ImgurHelper.SearchImgur(_credentials.ImgurClientId, _credentials.ImgurClientSecret, searchQuery); if (img != null) { switch (img) { case GalleryAlbum album: await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(album.Link); break; case GalleryImage image: await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(image.Link); break; } } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**Could not find any images that match {searchQuery}**"); } }
protected override async Task DoSync(ProgressDialogController pdc) { if (Me?.Name == null) { if (User.Exists(Properties.Settings.Default.MeRoot)) { Me = User.Get(Properties.Settings.Default.MeRoot); } if (Me?.Name == null) { IOAuth2Token token = await ImgurHelper.GetToken(); Me = User.Create(Properties.Settings.Default.MeRoot, token.AccountUsername, token.AccountId); } } if (Me?.Name != null) { IsLoading = true; try { pdc.SetMessage(string.Format("synchronizing account\n\n{0}\n{1}", Me.Name, Me.Root)); await Me.Sync(this); } catch (Exception ex) { List <string> msgs = new List <string>(); while (ex != null) { msgs.Add(ex.Message); ex = ex.InnerException; } await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(this, "Failed to synchronize albums", string.Join("\n\n", msgs)); } IsLoading = false; } }
public async Task Sync(object context) { if (!Synchronize) { return; } await Task.Run(async() => { // get local files FileInfo[] local = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetFiles().Where(it => new string[] { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".bmp" }.Contains(it.Extension.ToLowerInvariant())).ToArray(); // get remote files AlbumEndpoint endpoint = new AlbumEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); ImgurAlbum = await endpoint.GetAlbumAsync(Id); bool owned = (await ImgurHelper.GetToken()).AccountId == ImgurAlbum.AccountId.ToString(); // (A) filter for files only in local (not in remote) FileInfo[] onlyLocal = local.Where(l => !ImgurAlbum.Images.Select(r => new Image(r)).Any(r => r.FileName == l.Name)).ToArray(); // (B) filter for files only in remote (not in local) Image[] onlyRemote = ImgurAlbum.Images.Select(r => new Image(r)).Where(r => !local.Any(l => r.FileName == l.Name)).ToArray(); if (owned) //own album { // upload files (A) where not in json FileInfo[] upload = onlyLocal.Where(l => !Images.Any(i => i == l.Name)).ToArray(); foreach (FileInfo img in upload) { Image image = new Image(); image.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(img.Name); image.Link = img.Name; await image.Upload(this); } // download files (B) where not in json Image[] download = onlyRemote.Where(r => !Images.Any(i => i == r.FileName)).ToArray(); foreach (Image img in download) { await img.Download(this); } // delete files (A) from local where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalImage) { FileInfo[] deleteLocal = onlyLocal.Where(l => Images.Any(i => i == l.Name)).ToArray(); foreach (FileInfo img in deleteLocal) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalImage) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local image?", img.FullName, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { File.Delete(img.FullName); } } } // delete files (B) from remote where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteRemoteImage) { Image[] deleteRemote = onlyRemote.Where(r => Images.Any(i => i == r.FileName)).ToArray(); foreach (Image img in deleteRemote) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteRemoteImage) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete Imgur image?", img.Name, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { await img.Delete(); } } } } else //not own album { // remove files (A) if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalImage) { foreach (FileInfo img in onlyLocal) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalImage) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local image?", img.FullName, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { File.Delete(img.FullName); } } } // download files (B) foreach (Image img in onlyRemote) { await img.Download(this); } } // update json string[] images = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetFiles().Where(it => new string[] { ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".bmp" }.Contains(it.Extension.ToLowerInvariant())).Select(it => it.Name).ToArray(); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { Images.Clear(); foreach (string img in images) { Images.Add(img); } }); Save(); }); }
public async Task Sync(object context) { await Task.Run(async() => { // get account AccountEndpoint endpoint = new AccountEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); ImgurUser = await endpoint.GetAccountAsync(Name); bool me = (await ImgurHelper.GetToken()).AccountId == ImgurUser.Id.ToString(); // get local albums Album[] local = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetDirectories().Where(it => it.Name[0] != '.').Select(it => Album.Get(it.FullName, "", null, true)).ToArray(); // get remote albums IAlbum[] remote = (await endpoint.GetAlbumsAsync(Name)).ToArray(); // (A) filter for albums with id only in local (not in remote) Album[] onlyLocal = local.Where(l => l.Id != null && !remote.Any(r => r.Id == l.Id)).ToArray(); // (B) filter for albums only in remote (not in local) IAlbum[] onlyRemote = remote.Where(r => !local.Any(l => l.Id == r.Id)).ToArray(); if (me) { // download albums (B) where not in json IAlbum[] download = onlyRemote.Where(r => !Albums.Any(a => a.Id == r.Id)).ToArray(); foreach (IAlbum album in download) { await Album.Get(Root, album.Title ?? album.Id, album.Id, true).Sync(context); } // delete albums (A) from local where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalFolder) { Album[] deleteLocal = onlyLocal.Where(l => Albums.Any(a => a.Id == l.Id && a.Synchronize)).ToArray(); foreach (Album album in deleteLocal) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local album?", album.Root, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { Directory.Delete(album.Root, true); } } } // delete albums (B) from remote where in json if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteRemoteFolder) { IAlbum[] deleteRemote = onlyRemote.Where(r => Albums.Any(a => a.Id == r.Id && a.Synchronize)).ToArray(); foreach (IAlbum album in deleteRemote) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteRemoteFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete Imgur album?", album.Title, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { await endpoint.DeleteAlbumAsync(album.Id, Name); } } } // create albums without id Album[] upload = local.Where(l => l.Id == null && l.Synchronize).ToArray(); foreach (Album album in upload) { AlbumEndpoint ep = new AlbumEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); IAlbum rAlbum = await ep.CreateAlbumAsync(album.Title); album.ImgurAlbum = rAlbum; await album.Sync(context); } } else { // remove albums (A) if (Properties.Settings.Default.DeleteLocalFolder) { foreach (Album album in onlyLocal.Where(it => it.Synchronize)) { bool ok = true; if (Properties.Settings.Default.AskDeleteLocalFolder) { MessageDialogResult result = await DialogCoordinator.Instance.ShowMessageAsync(context, "Delete local album?", album.Root, MessageDialogStyle.AffirmativeAndNegative); ok = result == MessageDialogResult.Affirmative; } if (ok) { album.Remove(); } } } // download albums (B) foreach (IAlbum album in onlyRemote) { await Album.Get(Root, album.Title ?? album.Id, album.Id, true).Sync(context); } } // udpate json AlbumRoots = new DirectoryInfo(Root).GetDirectories().Where(it => it.Name[0] != '.').Select(it => it.FullName).ToList(); Album[] albums = AlbumRoots.Select(it => Album.Get(it, "")).ToArray(); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action) delegate { Albums.Clear(); foreach (Album album in albums) { Albums.Add(album); } }); await Save(); // synchronize album images foreach (Album album in albums) { await album.Sync(context); } }); }
public void Process(Enums.Sources source, Enums.Classes classification = Enums.Classes.Any) { var url = ""; try { //Get the board URL. var board = Core.Constants.SourceUrls[source]; Helpers.LogMessage($"Starting Board: {board}"); var tabs = new List <string> { "top", "new", "" }; foreach (var tab in tabs) { var boardurl = $"{board}{tab}"; var lastPost = ""; //loop pages for (var x = 1; x <= Settings.MaxPages; x++) { if (x != 1) { url = $"?count={(x - 1) * 25}&after={lastPost}"; } Helpers.LogMessage($"Getting Page Contents for {boardurl}{url}"); var pageContents = Helpers.GetPageContents(boardurl + url); // - - get threads on pages //Helpers.LogMessage($"Getting Page Threads"); var threads = GetPageThreads(pageContents); //Helpers.LogMessage($"Threads found :: {threads.Count}"); if (!threads.Any()) { break; } //loop the threads on the this page foreach (var thread in threads) { var imagelink = thread.GetAttribute("data-domain"); var dataUrl = thread.GetAttribute("data-url"); try { if (imagelink == "") { var ext = dataUrl.Split("/").Last().Split(".").Last(); if (new[] { "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "gif", "png" }.Contains(ext)) { imagelink = ""; } } } catch { //do nothing } //determine the action to run switch (imagelink) { case "": //if domain = this is a direct link case "": //if domain = this is a direct link var image = new ImageDetail { IndexSource = source }; if (classification != Enums.Classes.Any) { image.Class = classification; } if (!GetImageUrl(thread, image)) { continue; } GetWhoStamp(thread, image); GetResolution(thread, image); GetTags(thread, image); try { image.ImageId = thread.GetAttribute("data-fullname"); image.ImageExtension = image.ImageUrl?.Split('/')?.Last()?.Split('.')?.Last() ?? ""; } catch { // pass } // - - - - check if images have been scrapped before if (ScrapeRepositories.ImageScrapeRepository.ExistsAsync(image.ImageId, imagelink == "" ? Enums.Sources.Imgur : source, CancellationToken.None).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { continue; } //Helpers.LogMessage($"Image not in Scrape Repo {image.ImageId}"); if (image != null) { ScrapeRepositories.Queue.Enqueue(image); } break; case "": //if domain = this is a gallery gotta go loop this shit ImgurHelper.ProcessImgurGallery(thread.GetAttribute("data-url") ?? "", source, classification); break; } } if (threads.Any()) { lastPost = threads.Last().GetAttribute("data-fullname"); } else { break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public string GetUrlSmallThumbnail(string imgurId, bool isHttps) { return(ImgurHelper.GetUrlSmallThumbnail(imgurId, isHttps)); }
public string GetUrlSmallSquare(string imgurId, bool isHttps) { return(ImgurHelper.GetUrlSmallSquare(imgurId, isHttps)); }
public string GetImgurUrl(string imgurId, bool isThumbnail, bool isHttps) { return(ImgurHelper.GetImgurUrl(imgurId, isThumbnail, isHttps)); }
public string GetFullResImageUrl(string imgurId, bool isHttps) { return(ImgurHelper.GetFullResImageUrl(imgurId, isHttps)); }
public string GetAlternateImageUrl(string url) { return(ImgurHelper.GetAlternateImageUrl(url)); }
public async Task Delete() { ImageEndpoint endpoint = new ImageEndpoint(await ImgurHelper.GetClient()); await endpoint.DeleteImageAsync(Id); }