        public void Run(ImagesModel images, UploadBuffer constantBuffer, ITexture target)
            var dev = Device.Get();


            // src images
            for (int i = 0; i < images.NumImages; ++i)
                dev.Compute.SetShaderResource(i, images.Images[i].Image.View);

            for (int curMipmap = 0; curMipmap < images.NumMipmaps; ++curMipmap)
                var size = images.GetSize(curMipmap);

                // dst image
                dev.Compute.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, target.GetUaView(curMipmap));

                for (int curLayer = 0; curLayer < images.NumLayers; ++curLayer)
                    constantBuffer.SetData(new LayerLevelFilter {
                        Layer = curLayer, Level = curMipmap
                    dev.Compute.SetConstantBuffer(0, constantBuffer.Handle);
                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Width, builder.LocalSizeX),
                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Height, builder.LocalSizeY),
                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Depth, builder.LocalSizeZ));

            // remove images from unordered acces view slots (otherwise they can't be bound as srv later)
            dev.Compute.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// executes on iteration of the filter (for all layers and mipmaps)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">original images (might be used for texture bindings)</param>
        /// <param name="src">source texture</param>
        /// <param name="dst">destination texture</param>
        /// <param name="cbuffer">buffer that stores some runtime information</param>
        /// <param name="iteration">current filter iteration. Should be 0 if not separable. Should be 0 or 1 if separable (x- and y-direction pass) or 2 for z-direction pass</param>
        /// <remarks>make sure to call UpdateParamBuffer() if parameters have changed after the last invocation</remarks>
        internal void Run(ImagesModel image, ITexture src, ITexture dst, UploadBuffer cbuffer, int iteration)
            if (parent.IsSepa)
                Debug.Assert(iteration == 0 || iteration == 1 || iteration == 2);
                Debug.Assert(iteration == 0);

            // compatible textures?
            Debug.Assert(src.Is3D == is3D);
            Debug.Assert(dst.Is3D == is3D);

            var dev = Device.Get();


            // filter parameters (constant)
            if (paramBuffer != null)
                dev.Compute.SetConstantBuffer(1, paramBuffer.Handle);

            dev.Compute.SetShaderResource(1, src.View);

            for (int curMipmap = 0; curMipmap < image.NumMipmaps; ++curMipmap)
                // dst texture
                dev.Compute.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, dst.GetUaView(curMipmap));
                var size = image.GetSize(curMipmap);

                for (int curLayer = 0; curLayer < image.NumLayers; ++curLayer)
                    // src textures
                    dev.Compute.SetShaderResource(0, src.GetSrView(curLayer, curMipmap));
                    BindTextureParameters(image, curLayer, curMipmap);

                    cbuffer.SetData(new LayerLevelFilter
                        Layer   = curLayer,
                        Level   = curMipmap,
                        FilterX = iteration == 0?1:0,
                        FilterY = iteration == 1?1:0,
                        FilterZ = iteration == 2?1:0

                    dev.Compute.SetConstantBuffer(0, cbuffer.Handle);

                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Width, localSize),
                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Height, localSize),
                        Utility.Utility.DivideRoundUp(size.Depth, localSize));

            // remove texture bindings
            dev.Compute.SetUnorderedAccessView(0, null);
            dev.Compute.SetShaderResource(0, null);
            dev.Compute.SetShaderResource(1, null);