        public ImageSheetRenderer(SlideDisplayModel display, ImageSheetModel sheet) : base(display, sheet)
            this.m_Sheet        = sheet;
            repaint_dispatcher_ = new EventQueue.PropertyEventDispatcher(this.SlideDisplay.EventQueue, this.Repaint);

            if (m_Sheet.Image == null)
                // we are looking at a background image
                if (this.m_Sheet.Deck != null)
                    this.m_Sheet.Deck.SlideContentAdded += new PropertyEventHandler(repaint_dispatcher_.Dispatcher);
                    //FIXME: This happened a couple of times.  Ignoring it is not the best fix.
                    Trace.WriteLine("Warning: ImageSheetModel.Deck was found to be null when creating ImageSheetRenderer.");
                //we're looking at an ImageIt image
                this.m_Sheet.Changed["Bounds"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(repaint_dispatcher_.Dispatcher));
                this.m_Sheet.Changed["Image"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(repaint_dispatcher_.Dispatcher));
                this.SlideDisplay.Changed["Slide"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(repaint_dispatcher_.Dispatcher));
        public static void InsertImage(Image image, SlideModel slide)
            int width = image.Width;
            int height = image.Height;
            int w = 0, h = 0;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot)) {
                w = slide.Bounds.Width;
                h = slide.Bounds.Height - 10;

            if (width > w)
                height = w * height / width;
                width  = w;
            if (height > h)
                width  = h * width / height;
                height = h;
            /// add 4 to the with of image box as padding
            height = (width + 4) * height / width;
            width += 4;

            Point position = new Point(Math.Max((w - width) / 2, 0), Math.Max((h - height) / 2, 10));

            ImageSheetModel imagesheet = new ImageSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), image, true, position, new Size(width, height), 0);

            imagesheet.Visible = true;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot)) {
        protected override bool UpdateTarget(ReceiveContext context)
            DeckModel deck = (this.Parent != null && this.Parent.Parent != null) ? this.Parent.Parent.Target as DeckModel : null;

            ImageSheetModel sheet = this.Target as ImageSheetModel;

            if (sheet == null)
                ///create our imagesheet based on what type of image it is
                if (image_ != null)
                    // ImageIt image
                    // RJA - added disposition setting (previously,  this was the default)
                    this.Target = sheet = new ImageSheetModel((Guid)this.TargetId, this.image_, this.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, false, this.Bounds.Location, this.Bounds.Size, this.Height);
                    ///make the image visible
                    sheet.Visible = true;
                    // Background image
                    this.Target = sheet = new ImageSheetModel(deck, ((Guid)this.TargetId), this.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, this.Bounds, this.MD5, this.Height);
            if (image_ != null)
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    sheet.Image = this.image_;

        public ImageSheetMessage(ImageSheetModel sheet, SheetCollection collection) : base(sheet, collection)
            if (sheet.Deck != null)
                // we are in background mode
                // MD5 is not a Published property of ImageSheetModel.
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    this.MD5 = sheet.MD5;

                // Do NOT try to serialize the ImageContent.  That is done by a separate DeckSlideContentMessage.
                // we are in ImageIt mode
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    this.image_ = sheet.Image;
        /// <summary>
        /// pre: image_sheet is an image that is to be on the slide (not a background image),
        /// and therefore it's .Image property is not null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image_sheet"></param>
        /// <param name="viewer"></param>
        /// <param name="image"></param>
        public ImageIt(ImageSheetModel image_sheet, MainSlideViewer viewer) : base(image_sheet, viewer)

            this.Parent = viewer;

            //HACK: I'm adding a control that doesn't exist on the ImageIt
            //because imageit has no control
            Control c = new Control();

            actual_control_ = c;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(image_sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                image_sheet_ = image_sheet;
                c.Size       = image_sheet.Bounds.Size;
            image_ratio_ = (float)(c.Width) / (float)(c.Height);

            c.Location = new Point(0, pnlTop.Height);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new QuickPoll and the associated slide (and deck)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The PresenterModel</param>
        /// <param name="role">The RoleModel</param>
        public static void CreateNewQuickPoll(PresenterModel model, RoleModel role)
            // Create the quickpoll
            QuickPollModel newQuickPoll = null;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(model.ViewerState.SyncRoot)) {
                newQuickPoll = new QuickPollModel(Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), model.ViewerState.PollStyle);

            // Get the Current Slide
            SlideModel oldSlide;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(role.SyncRoot)) {
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(((InstructorModel)role).CurrentDeckTraversal.SyncRoot)) {
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(((InstructorModel)role).CurrentDeckTraversal.Current.SyncRoot)) {
                        oldSlide = ((InstructorModel)role).CurrentDeckTraversal.Current.Slide;

            // Add a new QuickPoll to the model
            // NOTE: This should trigger a network message about the new QuickPoll
            // NOTE: Need to do this first before adding the sheet otherwise the
            //       public display will not be able to associate the sheet with
            //       this quick poll.
            using (model.Workspace.Lock()) {
                using (Synchronizer.Lock((~model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation).SyncRoot)) {
                    (~model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation).QuickPoll = newQuickPoll;

            // Add the quickpoll slide to the quickpoll
            using (model.Workspace.Lock()) {
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(model.Participant.SyncRoot)) {
                    DeckTraversalModel qpTraversal = null;
                    DeckModel          qpDeck      = null;

                    // Find the first quickpoll slidedeck.
                    foreach (DeckTraversalModel candidate in model.Workspace.DeckTraversals)
                        if ((candidate.Deck.Disposition & DeckDisposition.QuickPoll) != 0)
                            qpTraversal = candidate;
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(qpTraversal.SyncRoot)) {
                                qpDeck = qpTraversal.Deck;

                    // If there is no existing quickpoll deck, create one.
                    if (qpTraversal == null)
                        // Change the name of quickpoll according to the number of it
                        string qpName = "QuickPoll";
                        // NOTE: This code is duplicated in DecksMenu.CreateBlankWhiteboardDeckMenuItem.
                        qpDeck       = new DeckModel(Guid.NewGuid(), DeckDisposition.QuickPoll, qpName);
                        qpDeck.Group = Network.Groups.Group.Submissions;
                        qpTraversal  = new SlideDeckTraversalModel(Guid.NewGuid(), qpDeck);

                        if (model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation.Value != null)
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock((~model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation).SyncRoot)) {

                    // Add the slide
                    // TODO CMPRINCE: Associate the quickpoll with this slide
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(qpDeck.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Copy the values and sheets from the old slide to the new slide
                        // Get oldSlide's Guid
                        Guid oldId = Guid.Empty;
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(oldSlide.SyncRoot)) {
                            oldId = oldSlide.Id;
                        // Create the new slide to add
                        SlideModel newSlide = new SlideModel(Guid.NewGuid(), new LocalId(), SlideDisposition.Remote | SlideDisposition.StudentSubmission, DEFAULT_SLIDE_BOUNDS, oldId);

                        // Make a list of image content sheets that need to be added to the deck.
                        List <ImageSheetModel> images = new List <ImageSheetModel>();

                        // Update the fields of the slide
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(oldSlide.SyncRoot)) {
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot)) {
                                newSlide.Title               = oldSlide.Title;
                                newSlide.Bounds              = oldSlide.Bounds;
                                newSlide.Zoom                = oldSlide.Zoom;
                                newSlide.BackgroundColor     = oldSlide.BackgroundColor;
                                newSlide.SubmissionSlideGuid = oldSlide.SubmissionSlideGuid;
                                newSlide.SubmissionStyle     = oldSlide.SubmissionStyle;

                                // Copy all of the content sheets.
                                // Because ContentSheets do not change, there is no
                                // need to do a deep copy (special case for ImageSheetModels).
                                foreach (SheetModel s in oldSlide.ContentSheets)

                                    // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                                    ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                                    if (ism != null)

                                // Add the QuickPollSheet
                                newSlide.ContentSheets.Add(new QuickPollSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), newQuickPoll));

                                // Make a deep copy of all the ink sheets
                                foreach (SheetModel s in oldSlide.AnnotationSheets)
                                    SheetModel newSheet = SheetModel.SheetDeepCopyHelper(s);

                                    // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                                    ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                                    if (ism != null)

                        // Add the slide content to the deck.
                        foreach (ImageSheetModel ism in images)
                            System.Drawing.Image image = ism.Image;
                            if (image == null)
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.Deck.SyncRoot))
                                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.SyncRoot))
                                        image = ism.Deck.GetSlideContent(ism.MD5);
                            if (image != null)
                                qpDeck.AddSlideContent(ism.MD5, image);

                        // Add the slide to the deck.

                        // Add an entry to the deck traversal so that we can navigate to the slide
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(qpDeck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot)) {
                            TableOfContentsModel.Entry e = new TableOfContentsModel.Entry(Guid.NewGuid(), qpDeck.TableOfContents, newSlide);
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the current ink as a student submission slide
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object which sent this event, i.e. this class</param>
        /// <param name="args">The parameters for the property</param>
        private void HandleSendSubmission(object sender, PropertyEventArgs args)
            if (this.m_SendingLock)

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(SubmissionStatusModel.GetInstance().SyncRoot)) {
                SubmissionStatusModel.GetInstance().SubmissionStatus = SubmissionStatusModel.Status.NotReceived;

            ///declare variables we will be using
            UW.ClassroomPresenter.Network.Messages.Message pres, deck, slide, sheet;
            // Construct the message to send
            using (this.m_Model.Workspace.Lock()) {
                // Add the presentation
                if (this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation == null)
                ///the presentation message we will be sending
                pres       = new PresentationInformationMessage(this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation);
                pres.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                //Add the current deck model that corresponds to this slide deck at the remote location
                if ((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal) == null)
                using (Synchronizer.Lock((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).SyncRoot)) {
                    DeckModel dModel = (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Deck;
                    foreach (DeckPairModel match in this.m_Model.Workspace.DeckMatches)
                        ///check to see if the decks are the same
                        if (match.LocalDeckTraversal.Deck == (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Deck)
                            dModel = match.RemoteDeckTraversal.Deck;
                    ///create the deck message from this matched deck
                    deck = new DeckInformationMessage(dModel);
                    ///make the deck a submission type deck.
                    deck.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                    ///tack this message onto the end.

                    ///add the particular slide we're on the to message.
                    if ((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current == null)
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Add the Slide Message
                        slide       = new StudentSubmissionSlideInformationMessage((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide, Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid());
                        slide.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        // Find the correct user ink layer to send
                        RealTimeInkSheetModel m_Sheet = null;
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (SheetModel s in (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.AnnotationSheets)
                            if (s is RealTimeInkSheetModel && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                m_Sheet = (RealTimeInkSheetModel)s;

                        // DEBUGGING
                        if (count > 1)
                            Debug.Assert(true, "Bad Count", "Bad");

                        // Find the existing ink on the slide
                        Ink extracted;
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                            // Ensure that each stroke has a Guid which will uniquely identify it on the remote side
                            foreach (Stroke stroke in m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes)
                                if (!stroke.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty))
                                    stroke.ExtendedProperties.Add(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                            // Extract all of the strokes
                            extracted = m_Sheet.Ink.ExtractStrokes(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes, ExtractFlags.CopyFromOriginal);

                        // Find the Realtime ink on the slide
                        RealTimeInkSheetModel newSheet = null;
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                            newSheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), m_Sheet.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, m_Sheet.Bounds);
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSheet.SyncRoot)) {
                                newSheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = m_Sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes;

                        // Add a message to *create* the student's RealTimeInkSheetModel on the instructor client (without any ink).
                        sheet       = SheetMessage.ForSheet(newSheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                        sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        //Scale the ink if necessary
                        if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)

                        // Add a message to copy the ink from the student's RealTimeInkSheetModel to the just-created sheet on the instructor.
                        sheet       = new InkSheetStrokesAddedMessage(newSheet, (Guid)slide.TargetId, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets, extracted);
                        sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        ///Add each text and image sheet into the message as children of the ink sheet if it is public
                        foreach (SheetModel s in (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.AnnotationSheets)
                            if (s is TextSheetModel && !(s is StatusLabel) && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                TextSheetModel text_sheet = (TextSheetModel)s;
                                text_sheet = (TextSheetModel)text_sheet.Clone();
                                ///some ugly code here due to synchronization
                                bool sheet_is_public;
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(text_sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                                    sheet_is_public = text_sheet.IsPublic;
                                if (sheet_is_public)
                                    TextSheetMessage t_message = new TextSheetMessage(text_sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                                    t_message.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                            if (s is ImageSheetModel && !(s is StatusLabel) && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                ImageSheetModel image_sheet = (ImageSheetModel)s;
                                image_sheet = (ImageSheetModel)image_sheet.Clone();
                                ImageSheetMessage i_message = new ImageSheetMessage(image_sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                                i_message.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                        //Lock the current sending.

                        // Send the message
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tfc"></param>
        /// <param name="shapes"></param>
        /// <param name="range"></param>
        /// <param name="deck"></param>
        /// <param name="slide"></param>
        /// <param name="disposition"></param>
        /// <param name="emfHeight"></param>
        /// <param name="startHeight">The starting height to place this sheet at</param>
        private static void ProcessLayer(List <TaggedShape> layer, TempFileCollection tfc, PowerPoint.Shapes shapes, Model.Presentation.DeckModel deck, Model.Presentation.SlideModel slide, float emfWidthRatio, float emfHeightRatio, int startHeight)
            if (layer.Count < 1)

            //Create the image
            int[] range = PPTDeckIO.BuildIntRange(layer);
            PowerPoint.ShapeRange sr = shapes.Range(range);

            PowerPoint.PpShapeFormat format;
            string fileExt    = "";
            bool   bitmapMode = layer[0].isImage;

            if (bitmapMode)
                format  = PowerPoint.PpShapeFormat.ppShapeFormatJPG;
                fileExt = "jpg";
                format  = PowerPoint.PpShapeFormat.ppShapeFormatEMF;
                fileExt = "emf";

            //Generate a new filename
            string dirpath  = tfc.BasePath;
            string filename = PPTDeckIO.GenerateFilename();

            filename = dirpath + "\\" + filename + "." + fileExt;
            while (File.Exists(filename))
                filename = PPTDeckIO.GenerateFilename();
                filename = dirpath + "\\" + filename + "." + fileExt;
            sr.Export(filename, format, 0, 0,
            tfc.AddFile(filename, false);
            //Compute the MD5 of the BG
            FileStream fs          = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            MD5        md5Provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] md5 = md5Provider.ComputeHash(fs);
            fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            Image image = Image.FromStream(fs);

            if (bitmapMode)
                image = DisassociateBitmap(image);

            //Calculate the geometry
            int xCoord = 0;
            int yCoord = 0;
            int width  = 0;
            int height = 0;

            PPTDeckIO.CalculateGeometry(image, shapes, range, emfWidthRatio, emfHeightRatio, ref xCoord, ref yCoord, ref width, ref height);
            //Create the ImageSheet
            ImageSheetModel sheet = new ImageSheetModel(deck, Guid.NewGuid(), layer[0].disp,
                                                        new Rectangle(xCoord, yCoord, width, height), (ByteArray)md5, startHeight);

            //Add the ImageSheet to the Slide
            //Add the Image+MD5 to the deck
            deck.AddSlideContent((ByteArray)md5, image);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a slide model from a powerpoint slide
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageSetup"></param>
        /// <param name="pptpm"></param>
        /// <param name="deck"></param>
        /// <param name="tempFileCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="dirpath"></param>
        /// <param name="currentSlide"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static SlideModel CreateSlide(PowerPoint.PageSetup pageSetup, PPTPaneManagement.PPTPaneManager pptpm, DeckModel deck, TempFileCollection tempFileCollection, string dirpath, PowerPoint._Slide currentSlide)
            int   slideWidth  = (int)pageSetup.SlideWidth;  //Standard = 720  => 6000
            int   slideHeight = (int)pageSetup.SlideHeight; //Standard = 540  => 4500
            float emfWidth    = slideWidth * 25 / 3;
            float emfHeight   = slideHeight * 25 / 3;

            PowerPoint.Shapes currentShapes = currentSlide.Shapes;

            List <TaggedShape> taggedShapeList = PPTDeckIO.BuildTaggedShapeList(currentShapes, pptpm);

            //Create a new SlideModel
            SlideModel newSlideModel = new SlideModel(Guid.NewGuid(), new LocalId(), SlideDisposition.Empty, new Rectangle(0, 0, slideWidth, slideHeight));

            //Lock it
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlideModel.SyncRoot)) {
                //Set the slide's title
                newSlideModel.Title = PPTDeckIO.FindSlideTitle(taggedShapeList);


                //Create the Background image
                //Generate a new filename
                string filename   = PPTDeckIO.GenerateFilename();
                bool   bitmapMode = true;
                if (bitmapMode)
                    filename = dirpath + "\\" + filename + ".JPG";
                    currentSlide.Export(filename, "JPG", 0, 0);

                    // Need to also export as EMF to get the size of the slide in inches
                    currentSlide.Export(filename + "_TEMP", "EMF", 0, 0);
                    tempFileCollection.AddFile(filename + "_TEMP", false);
                    filename = dirpath + "\\" + filename + ".emf";
                    currentSlide.Export(filename, "EMF", 0, 0);
                tempFileCollection.AddFile(filename, false);

                //Compute the MD5 of the BG
                FileStream fs          = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                MD5        md5Provider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                byte[]     md5         = md5Provider.ComputeHash(fs);
                fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                Image image = Image.FromStream(fs);
                if (bitmapMode)
                    image = DisassociateBitmap(image);

                // Open the EMF version if we used a bitmap to get the conversion
                if (bitmapMode)
                    FileStream fsEMF     = new FileStream(filename + "_TEMP", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    Image      image_emf = Image.FromStream(fsEMF);
                    emfWidth  = image_emf.Width;
                    emfHeight = image_emf.Height;
                    emfWidth  = image.Width;
                    emfHeight = image.Height;

                //Create the ImageSheet
                ImageSheetModel sheet = new ImageSheetModel(deck, Guid.NewGuid(), Model.Presentation.SheetDisposition.Background,
                                                            new Rectangle(0, 0, slideWidth, slideHeight), (ByteArray)md5, 1);
                //Add the ImageSheet to the Slide
                //Add the Image+MD5 to the deck
                deck.AddSlideContent((ByteArray)md5, image);

                // Restore visibility - this makes everything visible - a bug?

                List <List <TaggedShape> > layerList = PPTDeckIO.SeparateIntoLayers(taggedShapeList);

                int startHeight = 2;
                foreach (List <TaggedShape> layer in layerList)
                    PPTDeckIO.ProcessLayer(layer, tempFileCollection, currentShapes, deck, newSlideModel,
                                           slideWidth / emfWidth, slideHeight / emfHeight, startHeight++);

                //Add SlideModel to the deck
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="deckIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="slideIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="strokes">SimpleWebInk objects that make up the strokes.</param>
        public void HandleStudentSubmission(object server, int deckIndex, int slideIndex, ArrayList strokes)
            SlideModel slide = null;
            DeckModel  deck  = null;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.SyncRoot))
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].SyncRoot))
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Current.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Get the slide model
                        slide = this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Current.Slide;

                    deck = this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Deck;

            // Get the student submissions deck or create it if it doesn't exist
            DeckModel ssDeck = this.m_Presentation.GetStudentSubmissionDeck();

            if (ssDeck == null)
                // Create the student submissions deck
                Guid ssGuid          = new Guid("{78696D29-AA11-4c5b-BCF8-8E6406077FD4}");
                Guid ssTraversalGuid = new Guid("{4884044B-DAE1-4249-AEF2-3A2304F52E97}");
                ssDeck              = new DeckModel(ssGuid, DeckDisposition.StudentSubmission, "Student Submissions");
                ssDeck.Group        = Group.Submissions;
                ssDeck.current_subs = true;
//                AddLocalRef(ssGuid, ssDeck);
                DeckTraversalModel traversal = new SlideDeckTraversalModel(ssTraversalGuid, ssDeck);
//                AddLocalRef(ssTraversalGuid, traversal);

                // Add the new student submission deck to the presentation
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.SyncRoot)) {

            // Create the new slide to add
            SlideModel newSlide = new SlideModel(new Guid(), new LocalId(), SlideDisposition.Remote | SlideDisposition.StudentSubmission);

            // Make a list of image content sheets that need to be added to the deck.
            List <ImageSheetModel> images = new List <ImageSheetModel>();

            // Update the fields of the slide
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot))
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot))
                    newSlide.Title               = slide.Title;
                    newSlide.Bounds              = slide.Bounds;
                    newSlide.Zoom                = slide.Zoom;
                    newSlide.BackgroundColor     = slide.BackgroundColor;
                    newSlide.BackgroundTemplate  = slide.BackgroundTemplate;
                    newSlide.SubmissionSlideGuid = slide.SubmissionSlideGuid;
                    newSlide.SubmissionStyle     = slide.SubmissionStyle;

                    //If the slide background is null, then update the slide background with deck setting
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(deck.SyncRoot))
                        if (slide.BackgroundColor == System.Drawing.Color.Empty)
                            newSlide.BackgroundColor = deck.DeckBackgroundColor;
                        if (slide.BackgroundTemplate == null)
                            newSlide.BackgroundTemplate = deck.DeckBackgroundTemplate;

                    // Copy all of the content sheets.
                    // Because ContentSheets do not change, there is no
                    // need to do a deep copy (special case for ImageSheetModels).
                    foreach (SheetModel s in slide.ContentSheets)

                        // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                        ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                        if (ism != null)

                    // Make a deep copy of all the ink sheets
                    foreach (SheetModel s in slide.AnnotationSheets)
                        SheetModel newSheet = UW.ClassroomPresenter.Model.Presentation.SheetModel.SheetDeepRemoteCopyHelper(s);

                        // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                        ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                        if (ism != null)

            // Add the slide content to the deck.
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.SyncRoot)) {
                foreach (ImageSheetModel ism in images)
                    System.Drawing.Image image = ism.Image;
                    if (image == null)
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.Deck.SyncRoot))
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.SyncRoot))
                                image = ism.Deck.GetSlideContent(ism.MD5);
                    if (image != null)
                        ssDeck.AddSlideContent(ism.MD5, image);

                // Add the slide to the deck.

            // Add an entry to the deck traversal so that we can navigate to the slide
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot)) {
                TableOfContentsModel.Entry e = new TableOfContentsModel.Entry(new Guid(), ssDeck.TableOfContents, newSlide);

            // Add the ink to the slide now
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot))
                RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(new Guid(), SheetDisposition.All | SheetDisposition.Remote, newSlide.Bounds);

                // Add the sheet

                // Now add the ink
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot))
                    foreach (SimpleWebInk stroke in strokes)
                        Microsoft.Ink.Stroke s = sheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.Pts);
                        s.DrawingAttributes.Color =
                            System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(stroke.R, stroke.G, stroke.B);
                        s.DrawingAttributes.RasterOperation =
                            (stroke.Opacity < 255) ?
                            Microsoft.Ink.RasterOperation.MaskPen :
                        s.DrawingAttributes.Width = stroke.Width * 30.00f;
 public ImageSheetUndoService(EventQueue dispatcher, UndoModel undo, DeckModel deck, SlideModel slide, ImageSheetModel sheet) : base(undo, deck, slide, sheet)
     // There are currently no published properties of ImageSheetModel, other than those handled by the base class.
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the receipt of this message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context of the receiver from which the message was sent</param>
        protected override bool UpdateTarget(ReceiveContext context)
            // Add logging of slide change events
            string machine_name = "";
            string machine_guid = "";
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(context.Participant.SyncRoot)) {
                machine_name = context.Participant.HumanName;
                machine_guid = context.Participant.Guid.ToString();

            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("SUBMISSION RCVD ({0}): Machine -- {1}, GUID -- {2}", System.DateTime.Now.Ticks, machine_name, machine_guid));

            SlideModel slide = this.Target as SlideModel;
            // Only create student submissions from slides that exist on the client machine
            // TODO CMPRINCE: Should we create these anyway???
            if (slide != null)
                // Get the student submissions deck
                DeckModel ssDeck = GetPresentationStudentSubmissionsDeck();
                if (ssDeck != null)
                    // Check if this entry already exists
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot)) {
                        foreach (TableOfContentsModel.Entry ent in ssDeck.TableOfContents.Entries)
                            if (ent.Id == this.TOCEntryGuid)
                                this.Target = ent.Slide;

                    // Create the new slide to add
                    SlideModel newSlide = new SlideModel(this.SlideGuid, this.LocalId, SlideDisposition.Remote | SlideDisposition.StudentSubmission, this.Bounds, (Guid)this.TargetId);
                    this.Target = newSlide;

                    // Make a list of image content sheets that need to be added to the deck.
                    List <ImageSheetModel> images = new List <ImageSheetModel>();

                    // Update the fields of the slide
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot)) {
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot)) {
                            newSlide.Title               = this.Title;
                            newSlide.Bounds              = this.Bounds;
                            newSlide.Zoom                = this.Zoom;
                            newSlide.BackgroundColor     = this.SlideBackgroundColor;
                            newSlide.BackgroundTemplate  = this.SlideBackgroundTemplate;
                            newSlide.SubmissionSlideGuid = this.SubmissionSlideGuid;
                            newSlide.SubmissionStyle     = this.SubmissionStyle;

                            //If the slide background is null, then update the slide background with deck setting
                            if (this.SlideBackgroundColor == Color.Empty && this.Parent is DeckInformationMessage)
                                newSlide.BackgroundColor = ((DeckInformationMessage)this.Parent).DeckBackgroundColor;
                            if (this.SlideBackgroundTemplate == null && this.Parent is DeckInformationMessage)
                                newSlide.BackgroundTemplate = ((DeckInformationMessage)this.Parent).DeckBackgroundTemplate;

                            // Copy all of the content sheets.
                            // Because ContentSheets do not change, there is no
                            // need to do a deep copy (special case for ImageSheetModels).
                            foreach (SheetModel s in slide.ContentSheets)

                                // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                                ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                                if (ism != null)

                            // Make a deep copy of all the ink sheets
                            foreach (SheetModel s in slide.AnnotationSheets)
                                SheetModel newSheet = UW.ClassroomPresenter.Model.Presentation.SheetModel.SheetDeepRemoteCopyHelper(s);

                                // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                                ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                                if (ism != null)

                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Add the slide content to the deck.
                        foreach (ImageSheetModel ism in images)
                            Image image = ism.Image;
                            if (image == null)
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.Deck.SyncRoot))
                                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.SyncRoot))
                                        image = ism.Deck.GetSlideContent(ism.MD5);
                            if (image != null)
                                ssDeck.AddSlideContent(ism.MD5, image);

                        // Add the slide to the deck.
                        AddLocalRef(newSlide.Id, newSlide);

                    // Add an entry to the deck traversal so that we can navigate to the slide
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot)) {
                        TableOfContentsModel.Entry e = new TableOfContentsModel.Entry(this.TOCEntryGuid, ssDeck.TableOfContents, newSlide);
                        AddLocalRef(e.Id, e);

            // Fix Bug 803: "Erased ink and text still shows up in student submissions".
            // We've updated our target with 'newSheet', which is NOT the real target!
            // Child messages should be able to access this target, but we don't want to
            // save the 'newSheet' in the targets table.  We want to keep the original sheet.
 public ImageSheetNetworkService(SendingQueue sender, PresentationModel presentation, DeckModel deck, SlideModel slide, ImageSheetModel sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection selector) :
     base(sender, presentation, deck, slide, sheet, selector)
     this.sheet_       = sheet;
     this.m_SlideModel = slide;