public void DownloadEntryAssets(Entry entry, string serverURL)
        // Check if Unity is supported
        //if (entry.getSupportedSDKs()[Entry.SDKs.UNITY.ordinal()])
        if (true)
            // Get hologram type
            Hologram.hologramType hologramType = entry.getHologram().getType();
            // Handle model hologram
            if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.MODEL_HOLOGRAM))
                // Get model names and ID
                ModelHologram modelHologram = (ModelHologram)entry.getHologram();

                List <string> filenames = new List <string>();
                if (modelHologram.getMaterialFilename() != null)
                if (modelHologram.getTextureFilenames() != null)

                List <string> fileStorageIDs = new List <string>();
                if (modelHologram.getMaterialStorageID() != null)
                if (modelHologram.getTextureStorageIDs() != null)

                // Import Options
                ImportOptions importOptions = ParseAdditionalData(entry.getAdditionalData());

                // Instantiate model based on type
                if (modelHologram.getFilename().EndsWith(".glb"))
                    // Instantiate model without downloading it
                    StartCoroutine(InstantiateModel(entry, filenames, importOptions));
                    // Download model files and then instantiate
                    StartCoroutine(DownloadFiles(entry, serverURL, filenames, fileStorageIDs, importOptions));
                // Handle video hologram
            else if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.VIDEO_HOLOGRAM))
                // Get video
                VideoHologram videoHologram = (VideoHologram)entry.getHologram();

                // Create primitive plane for the video to appear on
                GameObject videoPlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);

                // Set video plane position
                videoPlane.transform.parent   = this.gameObject.transform;
                videoPlane.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.position;

                // Set video plane size
                string value  = "";
                float  height = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("height", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;
                float  width  = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("width", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 2;

                // Scale video plane
                videoPlane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, height);

                // Attach VideoPlayer to video plane
                var videoPlayer = videoPlane.AddComponent <VideoPlayer>();
                videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false;

                // Attach a CustomBehaviour Component
                videoPlane.AddComponent <CustomBehaviour>().entry = entry;

                // Set gameobject name to video name
       = videoHologram.getFilename();

                // Set video URL
                videoPlayer.url = serverURL + "&file=" + videoHologram.getStorageID();

                // Play video

                // Mute
                if (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("mute", out value) && value.Equals("true"))
                    for (ushort i = 0; i < videoPlayer.controlledAudioTrackCount; ++i)
                        videoPlayer.SetDirectAudioMute(i, true);
                // Handle image hologram
            else if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.IMAGE_HOLOGRAM))
                // Get image
                ImageHologram imageHologram = (ImageHologram)entry.getHologram();

                // Create primitive plane for the image to appear on
                GameObject imagePlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);

                // Set image plane position
                imagePlane.transform.parent   = this.gameObject.transform;
                imagePlane.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.position;

                // Set image plane size
                string value  = "";
                float  height = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("height", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;
                float  width  = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("width", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;

                // Scale image plane
                imagePlane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, height);

                // Set gameobject name to image name
       = imageHologram.getFilename();

                // Set image URL
                string imageURL = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("compressedImageStorageID", out value)) ?
                                  serverURL + "&file=" + value :
                                  serverURL + "&file=" + imageHologram.getStorageID();

                // Download image file and then instantiate
                StartCoroutine(DownloadandInitiateImage(entry, imageURL, imagePlane));
    public void DownloadEntryAssets(Entry entry, string serverURL)
        Debug.Log("Download started");
            // StartCoroutine(FindLocation());
        catch (System.Exception e)
        FoundXPos = (float)LocationScript.XPosition;
        FoundYPos = (float)LocationScript.YPosition;
        echolocation.text = FoundXPos + ",  " + FoundYPos;

        // Check if Unity is supported
        //if (entry.getSupportedSDKs()[Entry.SDKs.UNITY.ordinal()])
        Debug.Log("Download entry assets " + Latitude);
        Target.targetType targetType = entry.getTarget().getType();
        if (targetType.Equals(Target.targetType.GEOLOCATION_TARGET))
            GeolocationTarget geolocationTarget = (GeolocationTarget)entry.getTarget();
            Debug.Log("float" + geolocationTarget.getLatitude());
            // Switch find location to a fixed update to every second or so
            if (Mathf.Sqrt((geolocationTarget.getLatitude() - FoundXPos) * (geolocationTarget.getLatitude() - FoundXPos) + (geolocationTarget.getLongitude() - FoundYPos) * (geolocationTarget.getLongitude() - FoundYPos)) < .001)
                /*  if ((42.335 < geolocationTarget.getLatitude() && geolocationTarget.getLatitude() < 42.337) &&
                 * (-71.089 > geolocationTarget.getLongitude() && geolocationTarget.getLongitude() > -71.091))
                 * {*/
                Debug.Log("passed if loop");
                echolocation.text = levelReached + ",  " + FoundXPos.ToString();
                location.text     = Input.location.lastData.timestamp.ToString();

                if (true)
                    // Get hologram type
                    Hologram.hologramType hologramType = entry.getHologram().getType();
                    // Handle model hologram
                    if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.MODEL_HOLOGRAM))
                        // Get model names and ID
                        ModelHologram modelHologram = (ModelHologram)entry.getHologram();

                        List <string> filenames = new List <string>();
                        if (modelHologram.getMaterialFilename() != null)
                        if (modelHologram.getTextureFilenames() != null)

                        List <string> fileStorageIDs = new List <string>();
                        if (modelHologram.getMaterialStorageID() != null)
                        if (modelHologram.getTextureStorageIDs() != null)

                        // Import Options
                        ImportOptions importOptions = ParseAdditionalData(entry.getAdditionalData());

                        // Instantiate model based on type
                        if (modelHologram.getFilename().EndsWith(".glb"))
                            // Instantiate model without downloading it
                            // LocationScript.FindLocation();
                            //if ((42.3388 < Input.location.lastData.latitude && Input.location.lastData.latitude < 42.3590) &&
                            //  (-71.0870 > Input.location.lastData.longitude && Input.location.lastData.longitude > -71.0875))
                            StartCoroutine(InstantiateModel(entry, filenames, importOptions));
                            // Download model files and then instantiate
                            StartCoroutine(DownloadFiles(entry, serverURL, filenames, fileStorageIDs, importOptions));
                        // Handle video hologram
                    else if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.VIDEO_HOLOGRAM))
                        // Get video
                        VideoHologram videoHologram = (VideoHologram)entry.getHologram();

                        // Create primitive plane for the video to appear on
                        GameObject videoPlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);

                        // Set video plane position
                        videoPlane.transform.parent   = this.gameObject.transform;
                        videoPlane.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.position;

                        // Set video plane size
                        string value  = "";
                        float  height = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("height", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;
                        float  width  = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("width", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 2;

                        // Scale video plane
                        videoPlane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, height);

                        // Attach VideoPlayer to video plane
                        var videoPlayer = videoPlane.AddComponent <VideoPlayer>();
                        videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false;

                        // Attach a CustomBehaviour Component
                        videoPlane.AddComponent <CustomBehaviour>().entry = entry;

                        // Set gameobject name to video name
               = videoHologram.getFilename();

                        // Set video URL
                        videoPlayer.url = serverURL + "&file=" + videoHologram.getStorageID();

                        // Play video

                        // Mute
                        if (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("mute", out value) && value.Equals("true"))
                            for (ushort i = 0; i < videoPlayer.controlledAudioTrackCount; ++i)
                                videoPlayer.SetDirectAudioMute(i, true);
                        // Handle image hologram
                    else if (hologramType.Equals(Hologram.hologramType.IMAGE_HOLOGRAM))
                        // Get image
                        ImageHologram imageHologram = (ImageHologram)entry.getHologram();

                        // Create primitive plane for the image to appear on
                        GameObject imagePlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane);

                        // Set image plane position
                        imagePlane.transform.parent   = this.gameObject.transform;
                        imagePlane.transform.position = this.gameObject.transform.position;

                        // Set image plane size
                        string value  = "";
                        float  height = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("height", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;
                        float  width  = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("width", out value)) ? float.Parse(value) * 0.01f : 1;

                        // Scale image plane
                        imagePlane.transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, height, height);

                        // Set gameobject name to image name
               = imageHologram.getFilename();

                        // Set image URL
                        string imageURL = (entry.getAdditionalData() != null && entry.getAdditionalData().TryGetValue("compressedImageStorageID", out value)) ?
                                          serverURL + "&file=" + value :
                                          serverURL + "&file=" + imageHologram.getStorageID();

                        // Download image file and then instantiate
                        StartCoroutine(DownloadandInitiateImage(entry, imageURL, imagePlane));