/// <summary> /// Очистить представление /// </summary> public override void Clear() { base.Clear(); maxID = 0; SchemeParams.SetToDefault(); ElementList.Clear(); ElementDict.Clear(); ImageDict.Clear(); CnlsFilter.Clear(); }
private void LoadMahjongPics() { var dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; ImageDict.Clear(); var suitCh = new string[] { "红桃", "方片", "草花", "黑桃", }; var rankNames = new string[] { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A" }; // 4张牌 var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) { for (var suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) { var suitC = suitCh[suit]; var rank = rankNames[i]; var fileName = $"{suitC}{rank}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(index++, bitmap); } } // 大小wang { var jokersName = new string[] { "小王", "大王" }; for (var suit = 0; suit < 2; suit++) { var joker = jokersName[suit]; var fileName = $"{joker}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(index++, bitmap); } } Auc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Buc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Cuc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Duc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); }
// update the view public void preview(object sender, EventArgs e) { Sales_Order createSalesOrder = (Sales_Order)((Button)sender).FindForm(); try { //start creating the PDF //Create a Catalog Dictionary CatalogDict catalogDict = new CatalogDict(); //Create a Page Tree Dictionary PageTreeDict pageTreeDict = new PageTreeDict(); //Create a Font Dictionary - Only the standard fonts Time, Helvetica and courier etc can be created by this method. //See Adobe doco for more info on other fonts FontDict TimesRoman = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesItalic = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesBold = new FontDict(); FontDict Courier = new FontDict(); //Create the info Dictionary InfoDict infoDict = new InfoDict(); //Create the font called Times Roman TimesRoman.CreateFontDict("T1", "Times-Roman"); //Create the font called Times Italic TimesItalic.CreateFontDict("T2", "Times-Italic"); //Create the font called Times Bold TimesBold.CreateFontDict("T3", "Times-Bold"); //Create the font called Courier Courier.CreateFontDict("T4", "Courier"); //Set the info Dictionary. xxx will be the invoice number infoDict.SetInfo("Sales Order xxx", "System Generated", "My Company Name"); //Create a utility object Utility pdfUtility = new Utility(); //Open a file specifying the file name as the output pdf file String FilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\SalesOrder.pdf"; FileStream file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create); int size = 0; file.Write(pdfUtility.GetHeader("1.5", out size), 0, size); file.Close(); //Finished the first step //Create a Page Dictionary , this represents a visible page PageDict page = new PageDict(); ContentDict content = new ContentDict(); //The page size object will hold all the page size information //also holds the dictionary objects for font, images etc. //A4 595,842 //Letter 612,792 PageSize pSize = new PageSize(612, 792); //A4 paper portrait in 1/72" measurements pSize.SetMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); //create the page main details page.CreatePage(pageTreeDict.objectNum, pSize); //add a page pageTreeDict.AddPage(page.objectNum); //add the fonts to this page page.AddResource(TimesRoman, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesItalic, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesBold, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(Courier, content.objectNum); //Create a Text And Table Object that presents the text elements in the page TextAndTables textAndtable = new TextAndTables(pSize); //create the reference to an image and the data that represents it String ImagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\logo.jpg"; //file path to image source ImageDict I1 = new ImageDict(); //new image dictionary object I1.CreateImageDict("I1", ImagePath); //create the object which describes the image page.AddImageResource(I1.PDFImageName, I1, content.objectNum); //create a reference where the PDF can identify which object //describes the image when we want to draw it on the page /* * draw the image to page (add the instruction to the content stream which says draw the image called I1 starting * at X = 269, Y = 20 and with an ACTUAL image size on the page of w = 144 and h = 100) */ PageImages pi = new PageImages(); content.SetStream(pi.ShowImage("I1", 400, 680, 155, 85)); //tell the PDF we want to draw an image called 'I1', where and what size String[] sAd = new String[6]; sAd = new ServiceAddress().get(createSalesOrder.getServiceAddressId()).Split(','); String[] client = new String[9]; client = new Client().get(new ClientContract().getClient(createSalesOrder.getServiceAddressId())).Split(','); //Add text to the page textAndtable.AddText(50, 100, "Work Order ID: " + createSalesOrder.getId(), 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); //textAndtable.AddText(50, 60, "Total: " + txtTotal.Text, 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 150, "General", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); //textAndtable.AddText(50, 160, "Label: ", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 170, "Client: " + client[0], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 180, "Phone: " + client[3], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 190, "Booked By: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 150, "Place and Time", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 160, "Service Address: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(370, 160, sAd[0], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(370, 170, sAd[3] + ", " + sAd[4] + ", " + sAd[5] + " " + sAd[1], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 180, "On-site Contact: " + sAd[2], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 190, "Start: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 200, "End: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 210, "Duration: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 230, "Special Instructions", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 240, "Call Ahead Required", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 250, "Crews Assigned", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 260, "None Assigned", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); //Add table to the page Align[] alignC = new Align[4]; alignC[0] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[1] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[2] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[3] = Align.CenterAlign; Align[] alignR = new Align[4]; alignR[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[1] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[2] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[3] = Align.LeftAlign; //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cellColor = new ColorSpec(196, 34, 34); ColorSpec lineColor = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); //Fill in the parameters for the table TableParams table = new TableParams(4, 235, 90, 75, 75); table.yPos = 550; table.xPos = 50; table.rowHeight = 15; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table, cellColor, Align.CenterAlign, 3); //After drawing table and text add them to the page content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); Align[] alignC2 = new Align[7]; alignC2[0] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[1] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[2] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[3] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[4] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[5] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[6] = Align.CenterAlign; Align[] alignR2 = new Align[7]; alignR2[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[1] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[2] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[3] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[4] = Align.RightAlign; alignR2[5] = Align.RightAlign; alignR2[6] = Align.RightAlign; TextAndTables textAndtable3 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cell2 = new ColorSpec(128, 128, 128); ColorSpec line2 = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); TableParams table3 = new TableParams(7, 15, 100, 160, 40, 40, 60, 60); table3.yPos = 510; table3.xPos = 50; table3.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable3.SetParams(table3, cell2, Align.CenterAlign, 3); textAndtable3.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignC2, true, "#", "Item", "Description", "Hours", "Qty", "Price", "Line Total"); content.SetStream(textAndtable3.EndTable(line2, true)); TextAndTables textAndtable4 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cell3 = new ColorSpec(255, 255, 255); ColorSpec line3 = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); TableParams table4 = new TableParams(7, 15, 100, 160, 40, 40, 60, 60); table4.yPos = 495; table4.xPos = 50; table4.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable4.SetParams(table4, cell3, Align.CenterAlign, 3); DataGridView dgvSalesOrder = createSalesOrder.getOrderItems(); for (int i = 0; i < dgvSalesOrder.Rows.Count - 1; i++) { textAndtable4.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignR2, false, dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[1].FormattedValue.ToString(), dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), (dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value == null || dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString() == "") ? "-" : dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString(), (dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value == null || dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString() == "") ? "-" : dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString(), dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString(), dgvSalesOrder.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value.ToString()); } content.SetStream(textAndtable4.EndTable(line3, true)); textAndtable.AddText(400, 650, "Subtotal: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 665, "HST(" + (tax * 100) + "%): ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 680, "Total: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); TextAndTables textAndtable5 = new TextAndTables(pSize); Align[] align = new Align[1]; align[0] = Align.RightAlign; //Specify the color for the cell and the line TableParams table5 = new TableParams(1, 60); table5.yPos = 152; table5.xPos = 100; table5.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable5.SetParams(table5, cell3, Align.RightAlign, 3); textAndtable5.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, false, createSalesOrder.getSubtotal()); textAndtable5.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, false, createSalesOrder.getHST()); content.SetStream(textAndtable5.EndTable(line3, true)); TextAndTables textAndtable6 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line TableParams table6 = new TableParams(1, 60); table6.yPos = 122; table6.xPos = 100; table6.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable6.SetParams(table6, cell2, Align.RightAlign, 3); textAndtable6.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, true, "$" + createSalesOrder.getTotal()); content.SetStream(textAndtable6.EndTable(line2, true)); content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndText()); //All done - send the information to the PDF file size = 0; file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(page.GetPageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(content.GetContentDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(catalogDict.GetCatalogDict(pageTreeDict.objectNum, file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pageTreeDict.GetPageTree(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesRoman.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesItalic.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesBold.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(Courier.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); //write image dict file.Write(I1.GetImageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(infoDict.GetInfoDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.CreateXrefTable(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.GetTrailer(catalogDict.objectNum, infoDict.objectNum, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); //Messages.Visible = true; Preview testDialog = new Preview(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\SalesOrder.pdf"); testDialog.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not display the document because " + ex.ToString()); } }
private void LoadMahjongPics() { var dir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; ImageDict.Clear(); // 条子 MJs7.png for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { var fileName = $"MJs{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.SOU1 + i - 1, bitmap); } // 筒子 MJt1.png for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { var fileName = $"MJt{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.PIN1 + i - 1, bitmap); } // 万子 MJw7.png for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) { var fileName = $"MJw{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.MAN1 + i - 1, bitmap); } // 风牌 MJf1.png for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var fileName = $"MJf{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.TON + i - 1, bitmap); } // 箭牌 中:MJd1.png, 发:MJd2.png,白:MJd3.png for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var fileName = $"MJd{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.HAK + i - 1, bitmap); } // 花牌 MJh8.png for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { var fileName = $"MJh{i}.png"; var path = System.IO.Path.Combine(dir, "images", fileName); var bitmap = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path)); ImageDict.Add(AgariIndex.FlowerBegin + i - 1, bitmap); } Auc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Buc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Cuc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); Duc.SetImageSrc(ImageDict, this); }
private void generateStatement() { try { //start creating the PDF //Create a Catalog Dictionary CatalogDict catalogDict = new CatalogDict(); //Create a Page Tree Dictionary PageTreeDict pageTreeDict = new PageTreeDict(); //Create a Font Dictionary - Only the standard fonts Time, Helvetica and courier etc can be created by this method. //See Adobe doco for more info on other fonts FontDict TimesRoman = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesItalic = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesBold = new FontDict(); FontDict Courier = new FontDict(); //Create the info Dictionary InfoDict infoDict = new InfoDict(); Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); //Create the font called Times Roman TimesRoman.CreateFontDict("T1", "Times-Roman"); //Create the font called Times Italic TimesItalic.CreateFontDict("T2", "Times-Italic"); //Create the font called Times Bold TimesBold.CreateFontDict("T3", "Times-Bold"); //Create the font called Courier Courier.CreateFontDict("T4", "Times-Roman"); //Set the info Dictionary. xxx will be the invoice number infoDict.SetInfo("Statement of " + cbClients.Text, "System Generated", "Fire-Alert"); //Create a utility object Utility pdfUtility = new Utility(); String FilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\Statement_" + cbClients.SelectedValue + ".pdf"; //Open a file specifying the file name as the output pdf file //String FilePath = @"C:\Users\Hassan\Desktop\Preview.pdf"; FileStream file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create); int size = 0; file.Write(pdfUtility.GetHeader("1.5", out size), 0, size); file.Close(); //Finished the first step //Create a Page Dictionary , this represents a visible page PageDict page = new PageDict(); ContentDict content = new ContentDict(); //The page size object will hold all the page size information //also holds the dictionary objects for font, images etc. //A4 595,842 //Letter 612,792 PageSize pSize = new PageSize(612, 792); //A4 paper portrait in 1/72" measurements pSize.SetMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); //create the page main details page.CreatePage(pageTreeDict.objectNum, pSize); //add a page pageTreeDict.AddPage(page.objectNum); //add the fonts to this page page.AddResource(TimesRoman, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesItalic, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesBold, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(Courier, content.objectNum); //Create a Text And Table Object that presents the text elements in the page TextAndTables textAndtable = new TextAndTables(pSize); //create the reference to an image and the data that represents it String ImagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\logo.jpg"; //file path to image source ImageDict I1 = new ImageDict(); //new image dictionary object I1.CreateImageDict("I1", ImagePath); //create the object which describes the image page.AddImageResource(I1.PDFImageName, I1, content.objectNum); //create a reference where the PDF can identify which object //describes the image when we want to draw it on the page /* * draw the image to page (add the instruction to the content stream which says draw the image called I1 starting * at X = 269, Y = 20 and with an ACTUAL image size on the page of w = 144 and h = 100) */ PageImages pi = new PageImages(); content.SetStream(pi.ShowImage("I1", 450, 690, 155, 85)); //tell the PDF we want to draw an image called 'I1', where and what size String clientInfo = new Client().get(cbClients.SelectedValue.ToString()); String[] client = new String[9]; client = clientInfo.Split(','); String franchiseeInfo = new Franchisee().get(new ClientContract().getFranchiseeOfClient(cbClients.SelectedValue.ToString())); String[] franchisee = new String[6]; franchisee = franchiseeInfo.Split(','); if (franchisee.Length < 6) { franchisee = new String[6] { "", "", "", "", "", "" } } ; String userInfo = new Users().get(userid.ToString()); String[] user = new String[4]; user = userInfo.Split(','); //Add text to the page textAndtable.AddText(260, 50, "STATEMENT", 20, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 80, franchisee[5], 16, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 90, franchisee[0], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 100, franchisee[2] + ", " + franchisee[3] + ", " + franchisee[4] + " " + franchisee[1], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 110, user[2], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); // textAndtable.AddText(50, 60, "Total: " + txtTotal.Text, 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 190, client[0], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 205, client[5], 10, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 215, client[1], 10, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 225, client[6] + ", " + client[7] + " " + client[2], 10, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 235, client[8], 10, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(430, 150, "PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH", 8, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(430, 160, "YOUR PAYMENT", 8, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 175, client[0], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(430, 210, "IF PAYING BY INVOICE CHECK", 8, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(430, 220, "INDIVIDUAL INVOICES PAID", 8, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(435, 240, "AMOUNT REMITTED __________", 8, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); Align[] alignC = new Align[1]; alignC[0] = Align.CenterAlign; //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cellColor = new ColorSpec(255, 255, 255); ColorSpec lineColor = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); //Fill in the parameters for the table TableParams table = new TableParams(1, 100); table.yPos = 700; table.xPos = 50; table.rowHeight = 15; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table, cellColor, Align.RightAlign, 3); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", alignC, false, "Statement Date"); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T4", alignC, false, DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); //After drawing table and text add them to the page content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); table.yPos = 630; table.xPos = 0; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table, cellColor, Align.CenterAlign, 3); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", alignC, false, "Statement Date"); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T4", alignC, false, DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); //After drawing table and text add them to the page content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); textAndtable.AddText(50, 275, "Page: 1", 10, "T4", Align.LeftAlign); Align[] alignC1 = new Align[5]; alignC1[0] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC1[1] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC1[2] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC1[3] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC1[4] = Align.CenterAlign; Align[] alignC2 = new Align[5]; alignC2[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignC2[1] = Align.LeftAlign; alignC2[2] = Align.RightAlign; alignC2[3] = Align.RightAlign; alignC2[4] = Align.CenterAlign; //Fill in the parameters for the table TableParams table2 = new TableParams(5, 150, 90, 90, 90, 40); table2.yPos = 510; table2.xPos = 37; table2.rowHeight = 15; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table2, cellColor, Align.LeftAlign, 3); // MessageBox.Show("\u221A"); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", alignC1, false, "Statement Date", "Invoice No.", "Balance", "Total Due", ""); String[] rows = new Invoice().getOutstandingInvoices(cbClients.SelectedValue.ToString()); double total = 0; double interestTotal = 0; double interest = 0; double below30 = 0; double between3160 = 0; double over60 = 0; DateTime interestDate = DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-30); for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) { String[] cells = new String[3]; cells = rows[i].Split(','); total += Convert.ToDouble(cells[2]); if (Convert.ToDateTime(cells[0]) < interestDate) { interestTotal += Convert.ToDouble(cells[2]); } if (Convert.ToDateTime(cells[0]) > interestDate) { below30 += Convert.ToDouble(cells[2]); } if (Convert.ToDateTime(cells[0]) < DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-30) && Convert.ToDateTime(cells[0]) >= DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-60)) { between3160 += Convert.ToDouble(cells[2]); } if (Convert.ToDateTime(cells[0]) < DateTime.Today.Date.AddDays(-60)) { over60 += Convert.ToDouble(cells[2]); } Console.WriteLine(cells[0] + " " + cells[1]); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T4", alignC2, false, cells[0], cells[1], "$" + cells[2], "$" + total.ToString(), ""); } interest = interestTotal * 0.02; total += interest; below30 += interest; textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T4", alignC2, false, "2% interest on balance over 30 days", "", "$" + (interest).ToString(), "$" + total.ToString(), ""); //After drawing table and text add them to the page content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); Align[] alignC3 = new Align[5]; alignC3[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignC3[1] = Align.RightAlign; alignC3[2] = Align.RightAlign; alignC3[3] = Align.RightAlign; alignC3[4] = Align.CenterAlign; //Fill in the parameters for the table 120,100,100,100,40 = 460 TableParams table3 = new TableParams(5, 100, 90, 90, 90, 90); table3.yPos = 100; table3.xPos = 37; table3.rowHeight = 15; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table3, cellColor, Align.LeftAlign, 3); // MessageBox.Show("\u221A"); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", alignC3, false, "Age", "Current ", "31-60 ", "Over 60 ", "Total"); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", alignC3, false, "Amount", below30.ToString(), between3160.ToString(), over60.ToString(), total.ToString()); content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndText()); //All done - send the information to the PDF file size = 0; file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(page.GetPageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(content.GetContentDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(catalogDict.GetCatalogDict(pageTreeDict.objectNum, file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pageTreeDict.GetPageTree(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesRoman.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesItalic.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesBold.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(Courier.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); //write image dict file.Write(I1.GetImageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(infoDict.GetInfoDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.CreateXrefTable(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.GetTrailer(catalogDict.objectNum, infoDict.objectNum, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not display the document because " + ex.ToString()); } }
// update the view public void Preview(String address, String clientInfo, String franchiseeInfo) { try { //start creating the PDF //Create a Catalog Dictionary CatalogDict catalogDict = new CatalogDict(); //Create a Page Tree Dictionary PageTreeDict pageTreeDict = new PageTreeDict(); //Create a Font Dictionary - Only the standard fonts Time, Helvetica and courier etc can be created by this method. //See Adobe doco for more info on other fonts FontDict TimesRoman = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesItalic = new FontDict(); FontDict TimesBold = new FontDict(); FontDict Courier = new FontDict(); //Create the info Dictionary InfoDict infoDict = new InfoDict(); Invoice invoice = new Invoice(); //Create the font called Times Roman TimesRoman.CreateFontDict("T1", "Times-Roman"); //Create the font called Times Italic TimesItalic.CreateFontDict("T2", "Times-Italic"); //Create the font called Times Bold TimesBold.CreateFontDict("T3", "Times-Bold"); //Create the font called Courier Courier.CreateFontDict("T4", "Courier"); //Set the info Dictionary. xxx will be the invoice number infoDict.SetInfo("Invoice " + invoice.getID(), "System Generated", "Fire-Alert"); //Create a utility object Utility pdfUtility = new Utility(); String FilePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\Invoice.pdf"; //Open a file specifying the file name as the output pdf file FileStream file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create); int size = 0; file.Write(pdfUtility.GetHeader("1.5", out size), 0, size); file.Close(); //Finished the first step //Create a Page Dictionary , this represents a visible page PageDict page = new PageDict(); ContentDict content = new ContentDict(); //The page size object will hold all the page size information //also holds the dictionary objects for font, images etc. //A4 595,842 //Letter 612,792 PageSize pSize = new PageSize(612, 792); //A4 paper portrait in 1/72" measurements pSize.SetMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); //create the page main details page.CreatePage(pageTreeDict.objectNum, pSize); //add a page pageTreeDict.AddPage(page.objectNum); //add the fonts to this page page.AddResource(TimesRoman, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesItalic, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(TimesBold, content.objectNum); page.AddResource(Courier, content.objectNum); //Create a Text And Table Object that presents the text elements in the page TextAndTables textAndtable = new TextAndTables(pSize); //create the reference to an image and the data that represents it String ImagePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\logo.jpg"; //file path to image source ImageDict I1 = new ImageDict(); //new image dictionary object I1.CreateImageDict("I1", ImagePath); //create the object which describes the image page.AddImageResource(I1.PDFImageName, I1, content.objectNum); //create a reference where the PDF can identify which object //describes the image when we want to draw it on the page /* * draw the image to page (add the instruction to the content stream which says draw the image called I1 starting * at X = 269, Y = 20 and with an ACTUAL image size on the page of w = 144 and h = 100) */ PageImages pi = new PageImages(); content.SetStream(pi.ShowImage("I1", 400, 680, 155, 85)); //tell the PDF we want to draw an image called 'I1', where and what size String[] sAd = new String[6]; sAd = address.Split(','); String[] client = new String[9]; client = clientInfo.Split(','); String[] franchisee = new String[6]; franchisee = franchiseeInfo.Split(','); String userInfo = new Users().get(userid.ToString()); String[] user = new String[4]; user = userInfo.Split(','); //Add text to the page textAndtable.AddText(50, 50, "Invoice: " + invoice.getID(), 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 60, "Total: " + txtTotal.Text, 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 100, "Bill To: " + client[0], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 110, client[4], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 120, client[6] + ", " + client[7] + ", " + client[8] + " " + client[2], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 130, "Primary Contact: " + client[5], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 140, "Ph: " + client[3], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 100, "Forward Payment To: ", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 110, franchisee[5], 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 120, franchisee[0], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 130, franchisee[2] + ", " + franchisee[3] + ", " + franchisee[4] + " " + franchisee[1], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 140, "Contact: " + user[0] + " " + user[1], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 150, "Ph: " + user[2], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 160, "Email: " + user[3], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(300, 170, "Web: http://www.fire-alert.ca", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 150, "WO, ID: " + txtSalesOrder.SelectedValue.ToString(), 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 160, "Service Address: ", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 170, sAd[0], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); // textAndtable.AddText(50, 180, sAd[1], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 180, sAd[3] + ", " + sAd[4] + ", " + sAd[5] + " " + sAd[1], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 190, "On-site Contact: ", 10, "T3", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 200, sAd[2], 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(50, 210, "Date of Service: ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); //Add table to the page Align[] alignC = new Align[4]; alignC[0] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[1] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[2] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC[3] = Align.CenterAlign; Align[] alignR = new Align[4]; alignR[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[1] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[2] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR[3] = Align.LeftAlign; //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cellColor = new ColorSpec(196, 34, 34); ColorSpec lineColor = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); //Fill in the parameters for the table TableParams table = new TableParams(4, 235, 90, 75, 75); table.yPos = 550; table.xPos = 50; table.rowHeight = 15; //Set the parameters of this table textAndtable.SetParams(table, cellColor, Align.CenterAlign, 3); textAndtable.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignC, true, "Terms", "Purchase Order", "Date Issued", "Due Date"); //After drawing table and text add them to the page content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndTable(lineColor, true)); TextAndTables textAndtable2 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cell1 = new ColorSpec(255, 255, 255); ColorSpec line1 = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); TableParams table2 = new TableParams(4, 235, 90, 75, 75); table2.yPos = 535; table2.xPos = 50; table2.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable2.SetParams(table2, cell1, Align.CenterAlign, 3); textAndtable2.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignR, false, "Net" + txtTerm.Text, txtSalesOrder.SelectedValue.ToString(), Issued.Value.ToShortDateString(), Issued.Value.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(txtTerm.Text)).ToShortDateString()); content.SetStream(textAndtable2.EndTable(line1, true)); Align[] alignC2 = new Align[7]; alignC2[0] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[1] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[2] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[3] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[4] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[5] = Align.CenterAlign; alignC2[6] = Align.CenterAlign; Align[] alignR2 = new Align[7]; alignR2[0] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[1] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[2] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[3] = Align.LeftAlign; alignR2[4] = Align.RightAlign; alignR2[5] = Align.RightAlign; alignR2[6] = Align.RightAlign; TextAndTables textAndtable3 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cell2 = new ColorSpec(196, 34, 34); ColorSpec line2 = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); TableParams table3 = new TableParams(7, 15, 100, 160, 40, 40, 60, 60); table3.yPos = 510; table3.xPos = 50; table3.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable3.SetParams(table3, cell2, Align.CenterAlign, 3); textAndtable3.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignC2, true, "#", "Item", "Description", "Hours", "Qty", "Price", "Line Total"); content.SetStream(textAndtable3.EndTable(line2, true)); TextAndTables textAndtable4 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line ColorSpec cell3 = new ColorSpec(255, 255, 255); ColorSpec line3 = new ColorSpec(1, 1, 1); TableParams table4 = new TableParams(7, 15, 100, 160, 40, 40, 60, 60); table4.yPos = 495; table4.xPos = 50; table4.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable4.SetParams(table4, cell3, Align.CenterAlign, 3); for (int i = 0; i < dataGridView1.Rows.Count; i++) { textAndtable4.AddRow(false, 8, "T3", alignR2, false, dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString(), dataGridView1.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value.ToString()); } content.SetStream(textAndtable4.EndTable(line3, true)); textAndtable.AddText(400, 650, "Subtotal ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 665, "HST ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 680, "Total ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 695, "Payment Made ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); textAndtable.AddText(400, 710, "Balance Due ", 10, "T1", Align.LeftAlign); TextAndTables textAndtable5 = new TextAndTables(pSize); Align[] align = new Align[1]; align[0] = Align.RightAlign; //Specify the color for the cell and the line TableParams table5 = new TableParams(1, 60); table5.yPos = 152; table5.xPos = 100; table5.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable5.SetParams(table5, cell3, Align.RightAlign, 3); textAndtable5.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, false, txtSub.Text); textAndtable5.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, false, txtTax.Text); content.SetStream(textAndtable5.EndTable(line3, true)); TextAndTables textAndtable6 = new TextAndTables(pSize); //Specify the color for the cell and the line TableParams table6 = new TableParams(1, 60); table6.yPos = 122; table6.xPos = 100; table6.rowHeight = 15; textAndtable6.SetParams(table6, cell2, Align.RightAlign, 3); textAndtable6.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, true, txtTotal.Text); if (txtAmount.Text == "") { txtAmount.Text = "$0.00"; } textAndtable6.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, true, "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(txtAmount.Text.Replace("$", ""))))); textAndtable6.AddRow(false, 10, "T3", align, true, "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(txtTotal.Text.Replace("$", "")) - Convert.ToDouble(txtAmount.Text.Replace("$", "")), 2))); content.SetStream(textAndtable6.EndTable(line2, true)); content.SetStream(textAndtable.EndText()); //All done - send the information to the PDF file size = 0; file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(page.GetPageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(content.GetContentDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); file = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Append); file.Write(catalogDict.GetCatalogDict(pageTreeDict.objectNum, file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pageTreeDict.GetPageTree(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesRoman.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesItalic.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(TimesBold.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(Courier.GetFontDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); //write image dict file.Write(I1.GetImageDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(infoDict.GetInfoDict(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.CreateXrefTable(file.Length, out size), 0, size); file.Write(pdfUtility.GetTrailer(catalogDict.objectNum, infoDict.objectNum, out size), 0, size); file.Close(); //Messages.Visible = true; Preview testDialog = new Preview(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory) + "\\Resources\\Invoice.pdf"); testDialog.ShowDialog(this); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Could not display the document with the incorrect Information"); } }