public static bool ShouldInterrupt(this WoWUnit unit, int minTime, int timeLeft) { if (Me.Specialization == WoWSpec.DemonHunterVengeance) { if ((unit.IsCasting || unit.IsCastingHealingSpell) && unit.CanInterruptCurrentSpellCast) { // if casting, healing or channeling, and can interrupt //L.debugLog("Unit: " + unit.SafeName + " is casting and can interrupt"); double castingForHowLong = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - unit.CurrentCastStartTime.Ticks).TotalMilliseconds; L.debugLog("Unit: " + unit.SafeName + " is casting and can interrupt. castingForHowLong: " + castingForHowLong + ", timeLeft: " + unit.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds); if (minTime > 0 && timeLeft > 0) { if (castingForHowLong >= minTime && unit.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds < timeLeft) { L.debugLog("Should interrupt now"); return(true); } } else { if ((minTime > 0 && castingForHowLong >= minTime) || (timeLeft > 0 && unit.CurrentCastTimeLeft.TotalMilliseconds < timeLeft)) { L.debugLog("Should interrupt now"); return(true); } } } } return(false); }
private static void WriteDebugLuaEvents(LuaEventArgs args) { int i = 0; foreach (var arg in args.Args) { L.debugLog("Arg[{0}]:{1}", i, arg); i += 1; } }
private bool GetNewTarget() { if (!Me.CurrentTarget.IsValidCombatUnit() && !HK.RotationOnlyOn) { var newUnits = U.activeEnemies(Me.Location, 50f).OrderBy(u => u.Distance).ThenBy(u => u.HealthPercent); L.debugLog("Number of new units: " + newUnits.Count()); if (newUnits != null) { var newUnit = newUnits.FirstOrDefault(); if (newUnit != null) { L.pullMobLog(string.Format($"Switch target to {newUnit.SafeName} at {newUnit.Distance.ToString("F0")} yds @ {newUnit.HealthPercent.ToString("F0")}% HP"), Core.Helpers.Common.TargetColor); newUnit.Target(); return(true); } } } return(false); }
public Vector3 FindLocation(Vector3 ptOrigin) { DateTime startFind = DateTime.UtcNow; int countPointsChecked = 0; int countFailDiff = 0; int countFailTrace = 0; int countFailToPointNav = 0; int countFailRange = 0; int countFailSafe = 0; int countFailToPointLoS = 0; int countFailToMobLoS = 0; TimeSpan spanTrace = TimeSpan.Zero; TimeSpan spanNav = TimeSpan.Zero; double furthestNearMobDistSqr = 0f; Vector3 ptFurthest = Vector3.Zero; float facingFurthest = 0f; bool reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob = CheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && Me.GotTarget; Vector3 ptAdjOrigin = ptOrigin; // ptAdjOrigin.Z += 1f; // comment out origin adjustment since using GetTraceLinePos() Vector3 ptDestination = new Vector3(); List <Vector3> mobLocations = new List <Vector3>(); float arcIncrement = ((float)Math.PI * 2) / RaysToCheck; mobLocations = AllEnemyMobLocationsToCheck; double minSafeDistSqr = MinSafeDistance * MinSafeDistance; float baseDestinationFacing; if (PreferredDirection == Direction.None && MobToRunFrom != null) { baseDestinationFacing = Styx.Helpers.WoWMathHelper.CalculateNeededFacing(MobToRunFrom.Location, Me.Location); } else if (PreferredDirection == Direction.Frontwards) { baseDestinationFacing = Me.RenderFacing; } else // if (PreferredDirection == Disengage.Direction.Backwards) { baseDestinationFacing = Me.RenderFacing + (float)Math.PI; } L.debugLog("SafeArea: facing {0:F0} degrees, looking for safespot towards {1:F0} degrees", C.DefensiveColor, WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(Me.RenderFacing), WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(baseDestinationFacing) ); for (int arcIndex = 0; arcIndex < RaysToCheck; arcIndex++) { // rather than tracing around the circle, toggle between clockwise and counter clockwise for each test // .. so we favor a position furthest away from mob float checkFacing = baseDestinationFacing; if ((arcIndex & 1) == 0) { checkFacing += arcIncrement * (arcIndex >> 1); } else { checkFacing -= arcIncrement * ((arcIndex >> 1) + 1); } checkFacing = WoWMathHelper.NormalizeRadian(checkFacing); for (float distFromOrigin = MinScanDistance; distFromOrigin <= MaxScanDistance; distFromOrigin += IncrementScanDistance) { countPointsChecked++; ptDestination = ptOrigin.RayCast(checkFacing, distFromOrigin); L.debugLog("SafeArea: checking {0:F1} degrees at {1:F1} yds", WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin); DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; bool failTrace = MeshTraceline(Me.Location, ptDestination); spanTrace += DateTime.UtcNow - start; bool failNav; if (DirectPathOnly) { failNav = failTrace; spanNav = spanTrace; } else { start = DateTime.UtcNow; failNav = false; //failNav = !Navigator.CanNavigateFully(Me.Location, ptDestination); spanNav += DateTime.UtcNow - start; } if (failTrace) { countFailTrace++; } if (failTrace != failNav) { countFailDiff++; } if (failNav) { // L.debugLog( Color.Cyan, "Safe Location failed navigation check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin); countFailToPointNav++; continue; } Vector3 ptNearest = NearestMobLoc(ptDestination, mobLocations); if (ptNearest == Vector3.Zero) { if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < minSafeDistSqr) { furthestNearMobDistSqr = minSafeDistSqr; ptFurthest = ptDestination; // set best available if others fail facingFurthest = checkFacing; } } else { double mobDistSqr = ptDestination.Distance2DSquared(ptNearest); if (furthestNearMobDistSqr < mobDistSqr) { furthestNearMobDistSqr = mobDistSqr; ptFurthest = ptDestination; // set best available if others fail facingFurthest = checkFacing; } if (mobDistSqr <= minSafeDistSqr) { countFailSafe++; continue; } } if (reallyCheckRangeToLineOfSightMob && RangeToLineOfSightMob < ptDestination.Distance(LineOfSightMob.Location) - LineOfSightMob.MeleeDistance()) { countFailRange++; continue; } if (CheckLineOfSightToSafeLocation) { Vector3 ptAdjDest = ptDestination; ptAdjDest.Z += 1f; if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptAdjOrigin, ptAdjDest)) { // L.debugLog( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin); countFailToPointLoS++; continue; } } if (CheckSpellLineOfSightToMob && LineOfSightMob != null) { if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSpellSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.GetTraceLinePos())) { if (!Styx.WoWInternals.World.GameWorld.IsInLineOfSight(ptDestination, LineOfSightMob.GetTraceLinePos())) { // L.debugLog( Color.Cyan, "Mob-free location failed line of sight check for degrees={0:F1} dist={1:F1}", degreesFrom, distFromOrigin); countFailToMobLoS++; continue; } } } L.debugLog("SafeArea: Found mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) at degrees={1:F1} dist={2:F1} on point check# {3} at {4}, {5}, {6}", MinSafeDistance, WoWMathHelper.RadiansToDegrees(checkFacing), distFromOrigin, countPointsChecked, ptDestination.X, ptDestination.Y, ptDestination.Z); L.debugLog("SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds); L.debugLog("SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds); L.debugLog("SafeArea: stats for ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds ({2} checked, {3} nav, {4} not safe, {5} range, {6} pt los, {7} mob los, {8} mesh trace)", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance, countPointsChecked, countFailToPointNav, countFailSafe, countFailRange, countFailToPointLoS, countFailToMobLoS, countFailTrace); return(ptDestination); } } L.debugLog("SafeArea: No mob-free location ({0:F1} yd radius) found within {1:F1} yds ({2} checked, {3} nav, {4} not safe, {5} range, {6} pt los, {7} mob los, {8} mesh trace)", MinSafeDistance, MaxScanDistance, countPointsChecked, countFailToPointNav, countFailSafe, countFailRange, countFailToPointLoS, countFailToMobLoS, countFailTrace); if (ChooseSafestAvailable && ptFurthest != Vector3.Zero) { L.debugLog("SafeArea: choosing best available spot in {0:F1} yd radius where closest mob is {1:F1} yds", MinSafeDistance, Math.Sqrt(furthestNearMobDistSqr)); L.debugLog("SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds); L.debugLog("SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds); return(ChooseSafestAvailable ? ptFurthest : Vector3.Zero); } L.debugLog("SafeArea: processing took {0:F0} ms", (DateTime.UtcNow - startFind).TotalMilliseconds); L.debugLog("SafeArea: meshtrace took {0:F0} ms / fullynav took {1:F0} ms", spanTrace.TotalMilliseconds, spanNav.TotalMilliseconds); return(Vector3.Zero); }
public static async Task <bool> SingleTarget() { // we only want to use the single target rotation after the open rotation is finished. if (await S.CastGround(SB.MetamorphosisSpell, C.CombatColor, UseMetamorphosisCD(false))) { return(true); } if (await RushST()) { return(true); } #region Single-Target Vengeful Retreat //use it if we have Prepared talent differently if (await S.GCD(SB.VengefulRetreat, C.CombatColor, HS.HavocVengefulReatreatSingleTarget && C.MissingPower > 30 && (FelRushCheckCharge(true)) && T.HavocPrepared && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST1", sleep: false)) //{ felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.Restart(); C.fallingTimeout.Restart(); return true; } { return(true); } // use it if we DO NOT have Prepared talent without Fury check if (await S.GCD(SB.VengefulRetreat, C.CombatColor, HS.HavocVengefulReatreatAoe && (FelRushCheckCharge(true)) && !T.HavocPrepared && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST2", sleep: false)) //{ felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.Restart(); C.fallingTimeout.Restart(); return true; } { return(true); } #endregion #region Single-Target Fel Rush // use this in combination with vengeful retreat //if (await S.Cast(SB.FelRush, C.CombatColor, HS.HavocFelRushSingleTarget && S.OnCooldown(SB.VengefulRetreat) // //&& felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.ElapsedMilliseconds <= 2000 // && T.HavocFelMastery // && Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 18 // && C.MissingPower <= 30, //"ST 1")) //{ felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.Reset(); return true; } //{ return true; } // use to engage if (await S.Cast(SB.FelRush, C.CombatColor, HS.HavocFelRushSingleTarget && !Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget) && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 18, "ST 2")) //{ felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.Reset(); return true; } { return(true); } #endregion // if we have used vengeful retreat, don't do anything else until we fel rush //if (felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.IsRunning && felRushAfterVengefulRetreat.ElapsedMilliseconds <= 2000) { return true; } // fel rush, almost max charges and needs momentum if (await S.Cast(SB.FelRush, C.CombatColor, HS.HavocFelRushSingleTarget && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget) && FelRushAlmostMaxCharge() && NeedMomentum(true), "ST - Fel Rush for Momentum")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.EyeBeam, C.CombatColor, T.HavocDemonic && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 10, "ST - Demonic talent")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.FelEruption, C.CombatColor, T.HavocFelEruption && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 20, "ST")) { return(true); } L.debugLog(CanUseAbilityWithMomentum().ToString() + ", " + Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget).ToString() + ", " + UseFuryOfIllidariCD(false).ToString()); if (await S.Cast(SB.FuryOfTheIllidari, C.CombatColor, CanUseAbilityWithMomentum() && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget) && UseFuryOfIllidariCD(false), "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.BladeDance, C.CombatColor, CanUseAbilityWithMomentum() && T.HavocFirstBlood && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.FelBlade, C.CombatColor, C.MissingPower <= 30 && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 15, "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.ThrowGlaive, C.CombatColor, CanUseAbilityWithMomentum() && T.HavocBloodlet && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 30, "ST")) { return(true); } //if (await S.Cast(SB.FelBarrage, C.CombatColor, NeedMomentum() && T.HavocFelBarrage && S.GetCharges(SB.FelBarrage) >= 5, "ST")) { return true; } if (await S.Cast(SB.ChaosStrike, C.CombatColor, C.MissingPower <= 30 && Me.HasAnyTempAura("Metamorphosis") && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.EyeBeam, C.CombatColor, Me.HasAura(SB.AuraAnguishOfTheDeceiver) && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 10, "ST - Has Eye of the Deceiver Trait")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.ChaosStrike, C.CombatColor, C.MissingPower <= 30 && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.FelBarrage, C.CombatColor, CanUseAbilityWithMomentum() && T.HavocFelBarrage && S.GetCharges(SB.FelBarrage) >= 4 && CurrentTarget.Distance <= 30, "ST")) { return(true); } if (await S.Cast(SB.DemonsBite, C.CombatColor, !T.HavocDemonBlades && Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget) && !S.MaxChargesAvailable(SB.ThrowGlaive), "ST")) { return(true); } // melee range with Demon Blades if (await S.Cast(SB.ThrowGlaive, C.CombatColor, Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST")) { return(true); } // nothing else to do so let's throw a glaive if (await S.Cast(SB.ThrowGlaive, C.CombatColor, !Me.IsWithinMeleeRangeOf(CurrentTarget), "ST")) { return(true); } return(false); }