        /// <summary>
        /// Reads in a number (only integers, not floats).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The character stream to be tokenized.</param>
        /// <param name="i">The current index offset.</param>
        /// <exception cref="TokenizerException">If the number is invalid,
        /// such as multiple decimal points or characters.</exception>
        private void ConsumeNumber(string text, ref int i)
            Assert(text != null);
            Assert(i < text.Length);

            ValidCharDelegate   validDel   = c => char.IsDigit(c);
            IllegalCharDelegate illegalDel = c => !(char.IsDigit(c) || VALID_SYMBOLS_AFTER_NUMBER.Contains(c));
            string tokenStr = ExtractElementToToken(text, ref i, validDel, illegalDel);

            // This function does not support floating point numbers. May be changed in the future.
            if (tokenStr.Contains('.'))
                throw new TokenizerException(lineNumber, charOffset, "Floating point numbers not supported.");

            int dummy = 0; // TryParse needs an 'out' variable, we don't use it though.

            if (!int.TryParse(tokenStr, out dummy))
                throw new TokenizerException(lineNumber, charOffset, $"Malformed number: {tokenStr}");

            tokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.Number, tokenStr, lineNumber, charOffset));
            charOffset += tokenStr.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Consumes a word from the file character stream. Advances the stream
        /// index after consuming some word.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">All the characters the tokenizer is tokenizing.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="i">The offset that this should consume the word from.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="TokenizerException">If there are bad characters
        /// in the word (like ab$d or he0p or some@) </exception>
        private void ConsumeWord(string text, ref int i)
            Assert(text != null);
            Assert(i < text.Length);

            ValidCharDelegate   del        = c => char.IsLetter(c);
            IllegalCharDelegate illegalDel = c => char.IsDigit(c) || c == '$' || c == '@';
            string tokenStr = ExtractElementToToken(text, ref i, del, illegalDel);

            tokens.Add(new Token(TokenType.Word, tokenStr, lineNumber, charOffset));
            charOffset += tokenStr.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the token based on the provided arguments. Increments the
        /// loop counter but not the charOffset/lineNumber.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The character stream to tokenize (in string
        /// format).</param>
        /// <param name="i">The character offset (will be modified).</param>
        /// <param name="ValidCharDel">A delegate to determine what is a valid
        /// character and thus part of the token.True means the character is
        /// accepted, false means it is not.</param>
        /// <param name="IllegalCharDel">A delegate, which may be null, whereby
        /// not being null will cause an exception to be thrown if it returns
        /// true.</param>
        /// <returns>The extracted token.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="TokenizerException">If IllegalCharDel is not null
        /// and it detects an illegal character.</exception>
        private string ExtractElementToToken(string text, ref int i, ValidCharDelegate ValidCharDel, IllegalCharDelegate IllegalCharDel)
            Assert(text != null);
            Assert(i < text.Length);
            Assert(ValidCharDel != null);

            char          c;
            bool          isValidChar    = false;
            int           tempCharOffset = charOffset;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder  = new StringBuilder();

                c = text[i];

                if (IllegalCharDel != null && IllegalCharDel(c))
                    throw new TokenizerException(lineNumber, tempCharOffset, $"Unexpected character: {c.ToString()}");

                isValidChar = ValidCharDel(c);
                if (isValidChar)
                    i++; // Only advance if it's a valid character.

            } while (i < text.Length && isValidChar);

            // Since the GenerateToken method for-loop will increment for us, we need to rewind prematurely.
            // When we rewind, we make it so that when the for-loop does increment i, it will then look at
            // the character that caused the above to terminate and assign that (or skip) as needed.

            Assert(stringBuilder.Length > 0);
            string wordStr = stringBuilder.ToString();
