        internal static void GenerateData(STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building, bool openings)
            IfcMaterial         concrete         = new IfcMaterial(md, "Concrete", "", "");
            int                 thickness        = 200;
            IfcMaterialLayer    materialLayer    = new IfcMaterialLayer(md, concrete, thickness, false, "Core", "", "", 0);
            string              name             = thickness + "mm Concrete";
            IfcMaterialLayerSet materialLayerSet = new IfcMaterialLayerSet(md, materialLayer, name, "");

            materialLayerSet.Associates.GlobalId = "2l_enLhI93reVwnim9gXUq";
            md.NextObjectRecord = 300;
            IfcSlabType slabType = new IfcSlabType(md, new IfcElemTypeParams("0RSW$KKbzCZ9QaSm3GoEan", name, "", "", ""), materialLayerSet, null, IfcSlabTypeEnum.FLOOR);

            slabType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "3wwDcmW5T3HfafURQewdD0";
            PolyCurve polycurve = new PolyCurve();

            polycurve.Append(new Line(0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0));
            polycurve.Append(new Arc(new Point3d(1000, 0, 0), new Point3d(1400, 2000, 0), new Point3d(1000, 4000, 0)));
            polycurve.Append(new Line(1000, 4000, 0, 0, 4000, 0));
            polycurve.Append(new Arc(new Point3d(0, 4000, 0), new Point3d(-400, 2000, 0), new Point3d(0, 0, 0)));
            IfcSlabStandardCase slabStandardCase = new IfcSlabStandardCase(building, new IfcElemParams("1wAj$J2Az2V8wnBiVYd3bU", "", "", "", ""), slabType, polycurve, -200, true, null);

            slabStandardCase.Material.Associates.GlobalId = "3ESAzibgr9BvK9M75iV84w";
            if (openings)
                IfcCircleProfileDef    cpd     = new IfcCircleProfileDef(md, IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA, "100DIA", null, 50);
                IfcExtrudedAreaSolid   eas     = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(cpd, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md, new Plane(new Point3d(100, 300, -200), Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis)), new IfcDirection(md, 0, 0, 1), thickness);
                IfcOpeningStandardCase opening = new IfcOpeningStandardCase(slabStandardCase, new IfcElemParams("15RSTHd8nFVQWMRE7og7sd", "Opening", "", "", ""), null, eas);
                opening.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "0gqEDsyEzFXvY$fc_rUxyO";
                IfcRectangleProfileDef rpd = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(md, IfcProfileTypeEnum.AREA, "RecessRectangle", null, 500, 1000);
                eas = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(rpd, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md, new Plane(new Point3d(500, 1000, -50), Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis)), new IfcDirection(md, 0, 0, 1), 50);
                IfcOpeningElement recess = new IfcOpeningElement(slabStandardCase, new IfcElemParams("0w93HZ19H2D99zbAVNb4o2", "Recess", "", "", ""), eas, IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.RECESS);
                recess.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "3iUkij4q1DmxlXuHzQVJaM";
文件: Slab.cs 项目: mccune/IfcScript
		internal static void GenerateData(STPModelData md, IfcBuilding building,bool openings)
			IfcMaterial concrete = new IfcMaterial(md, "Concrete", "", "");
			int thickness = 200;
			IfcMaterialLayer materialLayer = new IfcMaterialLayer(md, concrete, thickness, false, "Core", "", "", 0);
			string name = thickness + "mm Concrete";
			IfcMaterialLayerSet materialLayerSet = new IfcMaterialLayerSet( materialLayer, name, "");
			materialLayerSet.Associates.GlobalId = "2l_enLhI93reVwnim9gXUq";
			md.NextObjectRecord = 300;
			IfcSlabType slabType = new IfcSlabType(name, materialLayerSet, IfcSlabTypeEnum.FLOOR) { GlobalId = "0RSW$KKbzCZ9QaSm3GoEan" };
			slabType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId = "3wwDcmW5T3HfafURQewdD0";
			PolyCurve polycurve = new PolyCurve();
			polycurve.Append(new Line(0, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 0));
			polycurve.Append(new Arc(new Point3d(1000, 0, 0), new Point3d(1400, 2000, 0), new Point3d(1000, 4000, 0)));
			polycurve.Append(new Line(1000, 4000, 0, 0, 4000, 0));
			polycurve.Append(new Arc(new Point3d(0, 4000, 0), new Point3d(-400, 2000, 0), new Point3d(0, 0, 0)));
			IfcSlabStandardCase slabStandardCase = new IfcSlabStandardCase(building, slabType, polycurve, -200, true, null) { GlobalId = "1wAj$J2Az2V8wnBiVYd3bU" };
			slabStandardCase.Material.Associates.GlobalId = "3ESAzibgr9BvK9M75iV84w";
			if (openings)
				IfcCircleProfileDef cpd = new IfcCircleProfileDef(md, "100DIA", 50);
				IfcExtrudedAreaSolid eas = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(cpd,new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md,new Plane(new Point3d(100,300,-200),Vector3d.XAxis,Vector3d.YAxis)),new IfcDirection(md,0,0,1),thickness);
				IfcOpeningStandardCase opening = new IfcOpeningStandardCase(slabStandardCase, null, eas) { GlobalId = "15RSTHd8nFVQWMRE7og7sd", Name = "Opening" };
				opening.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "0gqEDsyEzFXvY$fc_rUxyO";
				IfcRectangleProfileDef rpd = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(md, "RecessRectangle", 500, 1000);
				eas = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(rpd, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(md, new Plane(new Point3d(500, 1000, -50), Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis)), new IfcDirection(md, 0, 0, 1), 50);
				IfcOpeningElement recess = new IfcOpeningElement(slabStandardCase, eas, IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.RECESS) { GlobalId = "0w93HZ19H2D99zbAVNb4o2", Name = "Recess" };
				recess.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "3iUkij4q1DmxlXuHzQVJaM";
        internal static void GenerateInstance(IfcBuilding building, bool openings)
            DatabaseIfc db       = building.Database;
            IfcMaterial concrete = new IfcMaterial(db, "Concrete")
                Category = "Concrete"
            int thickness = 200;
            IfcMaterialLayer    materialLayer    = new IfcMaterialLayer(concrete, thickness, "Core");
            string              name             = thickness + "mm Concrete";
            IfcMaterialLayerSet materialLayerSet = new IfcMaterialLayerSet(materialLayer, name);

            db.NextObjectRecord = 300;
            IfcSlabType slabType = new IfcSlabType(name, materialLayerSet, IfcSlabTypeEnum.FLOOR);

            List <Coord2d> points = new List <Coord2d>()
                new Coord2d(0, 0), new Coord2d(1000, 0), new Coord2d(1400, 2000), new Coord2d(1000, 4000), new Coord2d(0, 4000), new Coord2d(-400, 2000)

            List <IfcSegmentIndexSelect> segments = new List <IfcSegmentIndexSelect>();

            segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(1, 2));
            segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(2, 3, 4));
            segments.Add(new IfcLineIndex(4, 5));
            segments.Add(new IfcArcIndex(5, 6, 1));
            IfcBoundedCurve          boundedCurve  = IfcBoundedCurve.Generate(db, points, segments);
            IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage layerSetUsage = new IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage(materialLayerSet, IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum.AXIS3, IfcDirectionSenseEnum.NEGATIVE, 0);
            IfcSlab slabStandardCase = new IfcSlabStandardCase(building, layerSetUsage, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 0, 0, 0)), new IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef("Slab Perimeter", boundedCurve))
                RelatingType = slabType

            slabStandardCase.RelatingType = slabType;
            if (openings)
                IfcCircleProfileDef    cpd     = new IfcCircleProfileDef(db, "100DIA", 50);
                IfcExtrudedAreaSolid   eas     = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(cpd, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 100, 300, -200)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), thickness);
                IfcOpeningStandardCase opening = new IfcOpeningStandardCase(slabStandardCase, null, eas)
                    Name = "Opening"
                IfcRectangleProfileDef rpd = new IfcRectangleProfileDef(db, "RecessRectangle", 500, 1000);
                eas = new IfcExtrudedAreaSolid(rpd, new IfcAxis2Placement3D(new IfcCartesianPoint(db, 500, 1000, -50)), new IfcDirection(db, 0, 0, 1), 50);
                IfcOpeningElement recess = new IfcOpeningElement(slabStandardCase, null, new IfcProductDefinitionShape(new IfcShapeRepresentation(eas)))
                    Name = "Recess", PredefinedType = IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum.RECESS

                //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
                opening.GlobalId = "15RSTHd8nFVQWMRE7og7sd";
                opening.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "0gqEDsyEzFXvY$fc_rUxyO";
                recess.GlobalId = "0w93HZ19H2D99zbAVNb4o2";
                recess.VoidsElement.GlobalId = "3iUkij4q1DmxlXuHzQVJaM";

            //Unique ids assigned to generate constant IfcScript  sample files, remove otherwise
            slabType.GlobalId                    = "0RSW$KKbzCZ9QaSm3GoEan";
            slabStandardCase.GlobalId            = "1wAj$J2Az2V8wnBiVYd3bU";
            materialLayerSet.Associates.GlobalId = "2l_enLhI93reVwnim9gXUq";
            slabType.ObjectTypeOf.GlobalId       = "3wwDcmW5T3HfafURQewdD0";
            slabStandardCase.MaterialSelect.Associates.GlobalId = "3ESAzibgr9BvK9M75iV84w";
 private static FloorType ToFloorType(this IfcSlabType slabType)
     throw new NotImplementedException();