/// <summary>
 ///   Builds a windows XbimMatrix3D from a CartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name = "ct3D"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static XbimMatrix3D ToMatrix3D(this IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform ct3D, ConcurrentDictionary <int, Object> maps = null)
     if (maps == null)
         object transform;
         if (maps.TryGetValue(ct3D.EntityLabel, out transform)) //already converted it just return cached
         XbimMatrix3D matrix = ConvertCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform(ct3D);
         maps.TryAdd(ct3D.EntityLabel, matrix);
        private static XbimMatrix3D ConvertCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform ct3D)
            XbimVector3D u3; //Z Axis Direction
            XbimVector3D u2; //X Axis Direction
            XbimVector3D u1; //Y axis direction

            if (ct3D.Axis3 != null)
                IfcDirection dir = ct3D.Axis3;
                u3 = new XbimVector3D(dir.DirectionRatios[0], dir.DirectionRatios[1], dir.DirectionRatios[2]);
                u3 = new XbimVector3D(0, 0, 1);
            if (ct3D.Axis1 != null)
                IfcDirection dir = ct3D.Axis1;
                u1 = new XbimVector3D(dir.DirectionRatios[0], dir.DirectionRatios[1], dir.DirectionRatios[2]);
                XbimVector3D defXDir = new XbimVector3D(1, 0, 0);
                u1 = u3 != defXDir ? defXDir : new XbimVector3D(0, 1, 0);
            XbimVector3D xVec  = XbimVector3D.Multiply(XbimVector3D.DotProduct(u1, u3), u3);
            XbimVector3D xAxis = XbimVector3D.Subtract(u1, xVec);


            if (ct3D.Axis2 != null)
                IfcDirection dir = ct3D.Axis2;
                u2 = new XbimVector3D(dir.DirectionRatios[0], dir.DirectionRatios[1], dir.DirectionRatios[2]);
                u2 = new XbimVector3D(0, 1, 0);

            XbimVector3D tmp   = XbimVector3D.Multiply(XbimVector3D.DotProduct(u2, u3), u3);
            XbimVector3D yAxis = XbimVector3D.Subtract(u2, tmp);

            tmp   = XbimVector3D.Multiply(XbimVector3D.DotProduct(u2, xAxis), xAxis);
            yAxis = XbimVector3D.Subtract(yAxis, tmp);
            u2 = yAxis;
            u1 = xAxis;

            XbimPoint3D lo = ct3D.LocalOrigin.XbimPoint3D(); //local origin

            XbimMatrix3D matrix = new XbimMatrix3D(u1.X, u1.Y, u1.Z, 0,
                                                   u2.X, u2.Y, u2.Z, 0,
                                                   u3.X, u3.Y, u3.Z, 0,
                                                   lo.X, lo.Y, lo.Z, 1);

            matrix.Scale(new XbimVector3D(ct3D.Scl, ct3D.Scl2, ct3D.Scl3));

        public static Entity getEntityFromIfcRepresentationItem(IfcRepresentationItem reprItem, ViewportLayout viewportLayout1 = null, Transformation entityTrs = null)
            Entity result = null;

            if (reprItem is IfcBooleanClippingResult)
                IfcBooleanClippingResult bcr = (IfcBooleanClippingResult)reprItem;

                result = getSolidFromIfcBooleanClippingResult(bcr);
            else if (reprItem is IfcCurve)
                result = (Entity)getICurveFromIfcCurve((IfcCurve)reprItem, viewportLayout1, entityTrs);
            else if (reprItem is IfcExtrudedAreaSolid)
                IfcExtrudedAreaSolid extrAreaSolid = (IfcExtrudedAreaSolid)reprItem;

                // if (!viewportLayout1.Blocks.ContainsKey(extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString()))
                    Plane pln = Conversion.getPlaneFromPosition(extrAreaSolid.Position);

                    Align3D align = new Align3D(Plane.XY, pln);

                    IfcDirection dir = extrAreaSolid.ExtrudedDirection;

                    Vector3D extDir = new Vector3D(dir.DirectionRatioX, dir.DirectionRatioY, dir.DirectionRatioZ);

                    //extDir.TransformBy(trs * align2);

                    devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region region = getRegionFromIfcProfileDef(extrAreaSolid.SweptArea, viewportLayout1);

                    if (region != null)
                        //region.TransformBy(trs * align2);

                        result = region.ExtrudeAsMesh(extDir * extrAreaSolid.Depth, 0.1, Mesh.natureType.Plain); // 0.1 tolerance must be computed according to object size

                        //viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(result, 1);
                        //Block b = new Block();
                        //viewportLayout1.Blocks.Add(extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString(), b);
                // BlockReference br = new IfcBlockReference(trs, extrAreaSolid.Index.ToString());
                // viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(br, 0, Color.Gray);
            else if (reprItem is IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel)
                IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel fbs = (IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel)reprItem;

                result = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcConnectedFaceSet cfs in fbs.FbsmFaces)
                    Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                    foreach (IfcFace face in cfs.CfsFaces)
                        Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                        List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                        foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)        // al massimo 2 ? profilo esterno e interno
                            // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                            if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                                IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                                IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                        if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                            Mesh local;

                            List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                            foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                                boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));

                            local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                            global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine
                    ((Mesh)result).MergeWith(global, true);
            else if (reprItem is IfcFacetedBrep)  //controllare
                IfcFacetedBrep facBrep = (IfcFacetedBrep)reprItem;

                IfcClosedShell cs = facBrep.Outer;

                Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcFace face in cs.CfsFaces)
                    Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                    List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                    foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)
                        // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                        if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                            IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                            IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                            List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                            outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                            if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                            IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                            IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                            List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                            Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                            if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                    if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                        Mesh local;

                        List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                        boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                        foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));
                        local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                        global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine

                result = global;
            //else if (repItem is IfcBoundingBox)
            //    IfcBoundingBox bBox = (IfcBoundingBox)iRep.Items[0];
            //    m = Mesh.CreateBox(bBox.XDim, bBox.YDim, bBox.ZDim);
            //    m.Translate(bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1, bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1, bBox.Corner.Coordinates.Item1);
            else if (reprItem is IfcMappedItem)
                IfcMappedItem mapItem = (IfcMappedItem)reprItem;

                if (!viewportLayout1.Blocks.ContainsKey("MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString()))
                    IfcRepresentationMap reprMapSource = mapItem.MappingSource;

                    Entity mapSource = getEntityFromIfcRepresentation(reprMapSource.MappedRepresentation, viewportLayout1, entityTrs);

                    Block b = new Block();

                    if (mapSource != null)
                        Plane pln = getPlaneFromPosition((IfcPlacement)reprMapSource.MappingOrigin);

                        Align3D algn = new Align3D(Plane.XY, pln);



                    viewportLayout1.Blocks.Add("MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString(), b);

                IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D iTrs = (IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D)mapItem.MappingTarget;

                Point3D org = new Point3D(iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item1, iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item2, iTrs.LocalOrigin.Coordinates.Item3);

                Vector3D vectorX;

                if (iTrs.Axis1 != null)
                    vectorX = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis1.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorX = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
                vectorX = vectorX * iTrs.Scale;

                Vector3D vectorY;

                if (iTrs.Axis2 != null)
                    vectorY = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis2.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorY = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);

                Vector3D vectorZ;

                if (iTrs.Axis1 != null)
                    vectorZ = new Vector3D(iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioX, iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioY, iTrs.Axis3.DirectionRatioZ);
                    vectorZ = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);

                if (iTrs is IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform)
                    IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform nut = (IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform)iTrs;

                    vectorY = vectorY * nut.Scale2;

                    vectorZ = vectorZ * nut.Scale3;

                Transformation targetTrs = new Transformation(org, vectorX, vectorY, vectorZ);

                result = new IfcBlockReference(targetTrs, "MappingSource " + mapItem.MappingSource.Index.ToString());
            else if (reprItem is IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel)
                IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel sbs = (IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel)reprItem;

                result = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                foreach (IfcShell cfs in sbs.SbsmBoundary)
                    Mesh global = new Mesh(0, 0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                    foreach (IfcFace face in cfs.CfsFaces)
                        Point3D[] outerPoints = null;

                        List <Point3D[]> innerPointsList = new List <Point3D[]>();

                        foreach (IfcFaceBound fb in face.Bounds)        // al massimo 2 ? profilo esterno e interno
                            // bool sense = ifb.mOrientation;

                            if (fb is IfcFaceOuterBound)
                                IfcFaceOuterBound ifob = (IfcFaceOuterBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop pl = (IfcPolyloop)fb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < pl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(pl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                outerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!outerPoints[0].Equals(outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref outerPoints, outerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    outerPoints[outerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)outerPoints[0].Clone();
                                IfcFaceBound ifb = (IfcFaceBound)fb;

                                IfcPolyloop inPl = (IfcPolyloop)ifb.Bound;

                                List <Point3D> pLIst = new List <Point3D>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < inPl.Polygon.Count; i++)
                                    Point3D p = getPoint3DFromIfcCartesianPoint(inPl.Polygon[i]);

                                    if (!pLIst.Contains(p))                     // non copio punti uguali !!

                                Point3D[] innerPoints = pLIst.ToArray();

                                if (!innerPoints[0].Equals(innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1]))
                                    Array.Resize(ref innerPoints, innerPoints.Length + 1);

                                    innerPoints[innerPoints.Length - 1] = (Point3D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

                        if (outerPoints.Length > 3)
                            Mesh local;

                            List <LinearPath> boundLp = new List <LinearPath>();

                            boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(outerPoints));

                            foreach (Point3D[] innerPoints in innerPointsList)
                                boundLp.Add(new LinearPath(innerPoints));

                            //devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region localRegion = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray());


                            //viewportLayout1.Entities.Add(localRegion, 1);

                            local = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(boundLp.ToArray()).ConvertToMesh(0, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

                            global.MergeWith(local, true); // fonde i vertici, sarebbe meglio farla una volta sola alla fine
                    ((Mesh)result).MergeWith(global, true);
                if (!debug.Contains("IfcRepresentationItem not supported: " + reprItem.KeyWord))
                    debug += "IfcRepresentationItem not supported: " + reprItem.KeyWord + "\n";

            if (result != null)
                Color color;
                if (tryGetColorFromIfcRepresentationItem(reprItem, out color))
                    result.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;

                    result.Color = color;
                    result.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byParent;
