        public Model.Compile getStatus()
            Dictionary <string, string> result = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Ideone_Service client = new Ideone_Service();                                                // instantiating the stub

            Object[] ret = client.getSubmissionDetails(user, pass, link, false, true, true, true, true); // calling the method

            // filling result with data returned by testFunction
            foreach (object o in ret)
                if (o is XmlElement)
                    XmlNodeList x = ((XmlElement)o).ChildNodes;
                    result.Add(x.Item(0).InnerText, x.Item(1).InnerText);

            Model.Compile com = new Model.Compile();
            // checking if everything went ok
            if ("OK" == result["error"])
                int status = int.Parse(result["status"]);
                if (status != 0)
                    com.StatusCode = -1;
                    com.RunInfo    = "timeout";
                    int results = int.Parse(result["result"]);
                    switch (results)
                    case 0:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\nnot running – the submission has been created with run parameter set to false";

                    case 11:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\ncompilation   error   –   the   program   could   not   be executed due to compilation error";

                    case 12:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\nruntime error – the program finished because of  the runtime error, for example: division by zero,   array index out of bounds, uncaught exception Ideone API is powered ";                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

                    case 13:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\ntime limit exceeded – the program didn't stop before the time limit";

                    case 15:
                        com.StatusCode = 1;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\nsuccess";

                    case 17:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\nmemory limit exceeded – the program tried to use more memory than it is allowed to";

                    case 19:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\nillegal system call – the program tried to call illegal system function";

                    case 20:
                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.Result     = result["output"];
                        com.RunInfo    = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                         + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                         + "\ninternal   error   –   some   problem   occurred   on ideone.com; try to submit the program again and if that   fails   too,   then   please   contact   us   at [email protected]";

                        com.StatusCode = 0;
                        com.RunInfo    = "DONT HAVE THIS CASE";
                com.StatusCode = -2;
                com.RunInfo    = "ERROR";
        public Model.Compile getStatus()
            Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            Ideone_Service client = new Ideone_Service(); // instantiating the stub
            Object[] ret = client.getSubmissionDetails(user, pass, link,false,true,true,true,true); // calling the method

            // filling result with data returned by testFunction
            foreach (object o in ret)
                if (o is XmlElement)
                    XmlNodeList x = ((XmlElement)o).ChildNodes;
                    result.Add(x.Item(0).InnerText, x.Item(1).InnerText);

            Model.Compile com = new Model.Compile();
            // checking if everything went ok
            if ("OK" == result["error"])
                int status = int.Parse(result["status"]);
                if (status != 0)
                    com.StatusCode = -1;
                    com.RunInfo = "timeout";
                    return com;
                    int results = int.Parse(result["result"]);
                    switch (results)
                        case 0:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: "+result["time"]+"\nMemory used by the program: "+result["memory"]+"\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                +"\nnot running – the submission has been created with run parameter set to false";
                            return com;
                        case 11:
                             com.StatusCode = 0;
                             com.Result = result["output"];
                             com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                + "\ncompilation   error   –   the   program   could   not   be executed due to compilation error";
                            return com;
                        case 12:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                               + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                               + "\nruntime error – the program finished because of  the runtime error, for example: division by zero,   array index out of bounds, uncaught exception Ideone API is powered ";
                            return com;
                        case 13:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                + "\ntime limit exceeded – the program didn't stop before the time limit";
                            return com;
                        case 15:
                            com.StatusCode = 1;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                               + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                               + "\nsuccess";
                            return com;
                        case 17:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                + "\nmemory limit exceeded – the program tried to use more memory than it is allowed to";
                            return com;
                        case 19:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                + "\nillegal system call – the program tried to call illegal system function";
                            return com;
                        case 20:
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.Result = result["output"];
                            com.RunInfo = "Execution time in seconds: " + result["time"] + "\nMemory used by the program: " + result["memory"] + "\n"
                                + "input data: " + result["input"] + "\noutput:" + result["output"] + "\ncompilation information: " + result["cmpinfo"]
                                + "\ninternal   error   –   some   problem   occurred   on ideone.com; try to submit the program again and if that   fails   too,   then   please   contact   us   at [email protected]";
                            return com;
                            com.StatusCode = 0;
                            com.RunInfo = "DONT HAVE THIS CASE";
                            return com;
                com.StatusCode = -2;
                com.RunInfo = "ERROR";
                return com;