        public override void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
            var             sitecoreUserLoggedIn = Context.IsLoggedIn;
            string          key           = String.Empty;
            ClaimsPrincipal federatedUser = null;

            key = IdentityHelper.GetAuthTokenFromCookie();

            // only check if domain is not equal to the sitecore domain
            // TODO: can be removed if we are logging in with claims as well for editors
            if (!Context.Domain.Name.Equals("sitecore"))
                federatedUser = IdentityHelper.GetCurrentClaimsPrincipal() as ClaimsPrincipal;

                // algorithm:
                // 1 - if user is not logged in AND claimscookie is missing, return: anonymous visit -> handle in pipeline
                // 2 - if only claimscookie is available, delete this cookie -> handled by owin
                // 3 - if only ID in Database is available (not possible to check) -> handled by timer
                // 4 - if cookie, fedID and no sitecore ID is available -> redirect to login page, handled by sitecore
                // 5 - if only .ASPXAUTH cookiue is available (Context.IsLoggedIn) -> logout and redirect -> pipeline
                // 6 - if claimscookie, no fed ID and sitecore login is availalbe: logout and redirect -> pipeline
                // 7-  if no claimscookie, no fed ID and sitecore login available: logout and redirect -> pipeline.
                // handled by

                // 1 - anonymous
                if (!Context.IsLoggedIn && String.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                // 5 & 7 - pipeline if user is logged in
                else if (Context.IsLoggedIn && String.IsNullOrEmpty(key))

                // 6 - pipeline
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && Context.IsLoggedIn && federatedUser == null)

                // 8 all identities available
                // check if identity matches.
                // if not: redirect. Otherwise: return
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key) && Context.IsLoggedIn && federatedUser != null)
                    var user = Context.User;

                    // compare identities
                    // if not equal, , there is a cookie mismatch:
                    //      remove tokens,
                    //      logout sitecore user and
                    //      redirect to loginpage.
                    if (!user.Name.Equals(String.Format("{0}\\{1}", Context.Domain.Name, federatedUser.Identity.Name)))
                // several options:
                // Callback from the federated Identity provider, or an unexpected situation
                    // Callback from the identity provider
                    // entry from /login, auth context
                    if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.PathAndQuery.StartsWith("/login", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                    // For all other situations:
                    //Log to database for other situation