public IceClientTransportSink(string url) { IceChannelUtils.ParseIceURL(url, out _host, out _port, out _objectUri); Ice.TcpEndpoint te = new Ice.TcpEndpoint(_host, _port); _e = Ice.Manager.GetManager().GetEndpoint(te); }
public IceChannel(int port) { Ice.TcpEndpoint te = new Ice.TcpEndpoint("localhost", port); te.Incoming = true; _svrChannel = new IceServerChannel(te); _cltChannel = new IceClientChannel(); }
public IceClientTransportSink (string url) { IceChannelUtils.ParseIceURL (url, out _host, out _port, out _objectUri); Ice.TcpEndpoint te = new Ice.TcpEndpoint (_host, _port); _e = Ice.Manager.GetManager().GetEndpoint (te); }
public virtual void WriteProxy(object o, Type ot) { if (!RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(o)) { Console.WriteLine("o {0} ot {1} is not transparent proxy!", o, ot); throw new InvalidOperationException("object which is not a transparent proxy passed to WriteProxy, type " + ot); } ObjRef or = RemotingServices.GetObjRefForProxy((System.MarshalByRefObject)o); Ice.Identity proxy_ident = new Ice.Identity(or.URI.StartsWith("/") ? or.URI.Substring(1) : or.URI); Ice.Endpoint proxy_ep = null; foreach (object cdo in or.ChannelInfo.ChannelData) { ChannelDataStore cd = cdo as ChannelDataStore; if (cd == null) { continue; } foreach (string ch_uri in cd.ChannelUris) { string host; int port; string uri; if (IceChannelUtils.ParseIceURL(ch_uri, out host, out port, out uri)) { proxy_ep = new Ice.TcpEndpoint(host, port); proxy_ep.Incoming = true; break; } } } if (proxy_ep == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Couldn't find valid Ice endpoint/channel for " + o); } Ice.ProxyData pd = new Ice.ProxyData(); = proxy_ident; pd.facet = new string[0]; pd.mode = ProxyMode.Twoway; // FIXME -- do I need to send multiple proxy things here? = false; WriteStruct(pd); WriteSize(1); // one endpoint follows // tcp endpoint encapsulation WriteObject((short)1); // it's a TCP endpoint BeginEncapsulation(); Ice.TcpEndpoint te = proxy_ep as Ice.TcpEndpoint; Write(; WriteObject(te.port); WriteObject(te.timeout); WriteObject(te.compress); EndEncapsulation(); }
public string[] GetUrlsForUri(string uri) { Ice.TcpEndpoint te = _e as Ice.TcpEndpoint; if (te == null) { return(null); } string[] ret = new string[1]; ret[0] = "ice://" + + ":" + te.port + "/" + uri; return(ret); }
public void StartListening(object data) { Ice.TcpEndpoint te = _e as Ice.TcpEndpoint; if (_listenerThread == null) { _listener.Start(); if (te.port == 0) { te.port = ((IPEndPoint)_listener.LocalEndpoint).Port; _channelData.ChannelUris = new string[1]; _channelData.ChannelUris[0] = "ice://" + + ":" + te.port; } _listenerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenerThread)); _listenerThread.Start(); } }
private void ListenerThread() { if (_e is Ice.TcpEndpoint) { // loop and accept socket connections, then convert them // into Endpoints, and instantiate a ReceiverDispatcher for // them. while (true) { Socket clientSocket = _listener.AcceptSocket(); Ice.Endpoint ne = (Ice.Endpoint)_e.Clone(); Ice.TcpEndpoint tcpep = ne as Ice.TcpEndpoint; if (tcpep == null) { throw new NotSupportedException("Only TCP endpoints are supported"); } tcpep.Socket = clientSocket; if (tcpep.HasConnection) { // validate the connection MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Ice.ProtocolWriter pw = new Ice.ProtocolWriter(ms); pw.BeginMessage(MessageType.ValidateConnection); pw.EndMessage(); ms.WriteTo(tcpep.Stream); } tcpep.ReceiverDispatcher = new Ice.ReceiverDispatcher(tcpep, new MessageRequestDelegate(MessageRequestHandler)); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException("ListenerThread managed to get a non-Tcp Ice.Endpoint"); } }
public IceChannel(int port) { Ice.TcpEndpoint te = new Ice.TcpEndpoint ("localhost", port); te.Incoming = true; _svrChannel = new IceServerChannel (te); _cltChannel = new IceClientChannel (); }
public virtual void WriteProxy (object o, Type ot) { if (!RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy (o)) { Console.WriteLine ("o {0} ot {1} is not transparent proxy!", o, ot); throw new InvalidOperationException ("object which is not a transparent proxy passed to WriteProxy, type " + ot); } ObjRef or = RemotingServices.GetObjRefForProxy ((System.MarshalByRefObject) o); Ice.Identity proxy_ident = new Ice.Identity (or.URI.StartsWith("/") ? or.URI.Substring(1) : or.URI); Ice.Endpoint proxy_ep = null; foreach (object cdo in or.ChannelInfo.ChannelData) { ChannelDataStore cd = cdo as ChannelDataStore; if (cd == null) continue; foreach (string ch_uri in cd.ChannelUris) { string host; int port; string uri; if (IceChannelUtils.ParseIceURL (ch_uri, out host, out port, out uri)) { proxy_ep = new Ice.TcpEndpoint (host, port); proxy_ep.Incoming = true; break; } } } if (proxy_ep == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Couldn't find valid Ice endpoint/channel for " + o); } Ice.ProxyData pd = new Ice.ProxyData(); = proxy_ident; pd.facet = new string[0]; pd.mode = ProxyMode.Twoway; // FIXME -- do I need to send multiple proxy things here? = false; WriteStruct (pd); WriteSize (1); // one endpoint follows // tcp endpoint encapsulation WriteObject ((short) 1); // it's a TCP endpoint BeginEncapsulation(); Ice.TcpEndpoint te = proxy_ep as Ice.TcpEndpoint; Write (; WriteObject (te.port); WriteObject (te.timeout); WriteObject (te.compress); EndEncapsulation(); }