private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { switch (propertyName) { case "#text": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case "#cdata-section": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case "#whitespace": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case "#significant-whitespace": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName[0] == '?') { CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); } else { ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } }
private void CreateInstruction(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName == "?xml") { string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { string text = reader.Value.ToString(); if (text != null) { if (XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map1 == null) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(3); dictionary.Add("@version", 0); dictionary.Add("@encoding", 1); dictionary.Add("@standalone", 2); XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map1 = dictionary; } int num; if (XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map1.TryGetValue(text, ref num)) { switch (num) { case 0: reader.Read(); version = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; case 1: reader.Read(); encoding = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; case 2: reader.Read(); standalone = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } } } throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } IXmlNode newChild = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); } else { IXmlNode newChild2 = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), reader.Value.ToString()); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild2); } }
private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { if (propertyName == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || propertyName[0] != '?') { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); return; } this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } else { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } return; } else if (propertyName == "#text") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); } else if (propertyName == "#cdata-section") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); } else if (propertyName == "#whitespace") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); } else { if (propertyName != "#significant-whitespace") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) || propertyName[0] != '?') { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); return; } this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } else { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } return; } currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); } }
private void CreateInstruction(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName != "?xml") { IXmlNode xmlNode = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), reader.Value.ToString()); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlNode); } else { string str = null; string str1 = null; string str2 = null; while (true) { if (!reader.Read() || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) { IXmlNode xmlNode1 = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(str, str1, str2); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlNode1); return; } else { string str3 = reader.Value.ToString(); if (str3 == null) { break; } if (str3 == "@version") { reader.Read(); str = reader.Value.ToString(); } else if (str3 == "@encoding") { reader.Read(); str1 = reader.Value.ToString(); } else if (str3 == "@standalone") { reader.Read(); str2 = reader.Value.ToString(); } else { break; } } } throw new JsonSerializationException(string.Concat("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: ", reader.Value)); } }
private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { if (propertyName != null) { if (XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map0 == null) { Dictionary <string, int> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, int>(4); dictionary.Add("#text", 0); dictionary.Add("#cdata-section", 1); dictionary.Add("#whitespace", 2); dictionary.Add("#significant-whitespace", 3); XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map0 = dictionary; } int num; if (XmlNodeConverter.< > f__switch$map0.TryGetValue(propertyName, ref num)) { switch (num) { case 0: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case 1: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case 2: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; case 3: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName.get_Chars(0) == '?') { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } else { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); return; } this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } }
private void DeserializeValue( JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { if (!(propertyName == "#text")) { if (!(propertyName == "#cdata-section")) { if (!(propertyName == "#whitespace")) { if (propertyName == "#significant-whitespace") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName[0] == '?') { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } else if (string.Equals(propertyName, "!DOCTYPE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.CreateDocumentType(reader, document, currentNode); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); } else { this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } } else { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } } else { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } } else { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } }
private void CreateInstruction( JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName == "?xml") { string version = (string)null; string encoding = (string)null; string standalone = (string)null; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { string str = reader.Value.ToString(); if (!(str == "@version")) { if (!(str == "@encoding")) { if (!(str == "@standalone")) { throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } reader.Read(); standalone = this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader); } else { reader.Read(); encoding = this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader); } } else { reader.Read(); version = this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader); } } IXmlNode xmlDeclaration = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlDeclaration); } else { IXmlNode processingInstruction = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader)); currentNode.AppendChild(processingInstruction); } }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement xmlElement = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlElement); int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, xmlElement); num++; } if (this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(xmlElement, document); } if (num == 1 && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { foreach (IXmlNode childNode in xmlElement.ChildNodes) { IXmlElement xmlElement1 = childNode as IXmlElement; if (xmlElement1 == null || !(xmlElement1.LocalName == propertyName)) { continue; } this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(xmlElement1, document); return; } } }
private void CreateElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string elementName, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string elementPrefix, Dictionary <string, string> attributeNameValues) { IXmlElement xmlElement = this.CreateElement(elementName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlElement); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> attributeNameValue in attributeNameValues) { string str = XmlConvert.EncodeName(attributeNameValue.Key); string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(attributeNameValue.Key); xmlElement.SetAttributeNode((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? document.CreateAttribute(str, manager.LookupNamespace(prefix) ?? string.Empty, attributeNameValue.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(str, attributeNameValue.Value))); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { string xmlValue = this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader); if (xmlValue != null) { xmlElement.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(xmlValue)); return; } } else if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Null) { if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); this.DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, xmlElement); manager.PopScope(); } manager.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, manager.DefaultNamespace); } }
public static void ToastImageAndText04(string t1, string t2, string t3, string imgsrc, string imgalt = "") { ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText04; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(t1)); if (t2 != null) { toastTextElements[1].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(t2)); } if (t3 != null) { toastTextElements[2].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(t3)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgsrc)) { XmlNodeList toastImgElement = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("image"); ((XmlElement)toastImgElement[0]).SetAttribute("src", imgsrc); ((XmlElement)toastImgElement[0]).SetAttribute("alt", imgalt); } IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("silent", "true"); toastNode?.AppendChild(audio); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
public static void Toast_Notification_For_Devs(string title, string subtitle) { try { ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastText02; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(title)); toastTextElements[1].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(subtitle)); IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", "MainPage.xaml"); XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("src", Memory.Toast_Sound); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(new ToastNotification(toastXml)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Toast notification for devs created " + "(" + title + " / " + subtitle + ")"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Greška pri registraciji \"Toast notification for devs\" za " + title + " (" + ex.Message + ")"); } }
public async void toastMessage(String message, int delay) { ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText01; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(message)); XmlNodeList toastImageAttributes = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("image"); //((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("src", ""); //((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("src", ""); ((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("src", ""); ((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("alt", "red graphic"); IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("duration", "short"); XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("src", "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.IM"); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", "{\"type\":\"toast\",\"param1\":\"12345\",\"param2\":\"67890\"}"); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); await Task.Delay(delay); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
private void ToastNotificationOptions_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ToastTemplateType toastType = ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText02; XmlDocument toastXML = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastType); XmlNodeList toastText = toastXML.GetElementsByTagName("text"); XmlNodeList toastImages = toastXML.GetElementsByTagName("image"); toastText[0].InnerText = "Funny cat"; toastText[1].InnerText = "This cat looks like it's trying to eat your face."; ((XmlElement)toastImages[0]).SetAttribute("src", "ms-appx:///Assets/10-XAML-CatImageSmall.png"); ((XmlElement)toastImages[0]).SetAttribute("alt", "Scary Cat Face"); //This is the options code, which is all optional based on your needs. IXmlNode toastNode = toastXML.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("duration", "long"); XmlElement audioNode = toastXML.CreateElement("audio"); audioNode.SetAttribute("src", "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.Looping.Alarm"); //Must be used when looping audio has been selected. audioNode.SetAttribute("loop", "true"); toastNode.AppendChild(audioNode); //You can append any text data you would like to the optional //launch property, but clicking a Toast message should drive //the user to something contextually relevant. ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", "<cat state='angry'><facebite state='true' /></cat>"); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXML); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
private void ReadArrayElements( JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement element1 = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild((IXmlNode)element1); int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, (IXmlNode)element1); ++num; } if (this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element1, document); } if (num != 1 || !this.WriteArrayAttribute) { return; } foreach (IXmlNode childNode in element1.ChildNodes) { if (childNode is IXmlElement element2 && element2.LocalName == propertyName) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element2, document); break; } } }
public Task PublishAsync(Song song, IPlaylist currentPlaylist, Uri albumArtUri, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { this.TilesInitialization(); return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { XmlDocument wideTileTemplate = this.GenerateWideTile(song, albumArtUri); XmlDocument squareTileTemplate = this.GenerateSquareTile(song); IXmlNode squareBindingNode = squareTileTemplate.GetElementsByTagName("binding").Item(0); IXmlNode visualNode = wideTileTemplate.GetElementsByTagName("visual").Item(0); if (visualNode != null && squareBindingNode != null) { visualNode.AppendChild(wideTileTemplate.ImportNode(squareBindingNode, true)); } var tileNotification = new TileNotification(wideTileTemplate) { ExpirationTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(song.Duration), Tag = CurrentSongTileTag }; TileUpdateManager.CreateTileUpdaterForApplication().Update(tileNotification); }, cancellationToken)); }
void InvokeSimpleToast(string messageReceived) { // GetTemplateContent returns a Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlDocument object containing // the toast XML XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText02); // You can use the methods from the XML document to specify all of the // required parameters for the toast XmlNodeList stringElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); stringElements.Item(0).AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode("Push notification message:")); stringElements.Item(1).AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(messageReceived)); // Audio tags are not included by default, so must be added to the // XML document string audioSrc = "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.IM"; XmlElement audioElement = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audioElement.SetAttribute("src", audioSrc); IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); toastNode.AppendChild(audioElement); // Create a toast from the Xml, then create a ToastNotifier object to show // the toast ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); OutputDebugString("edetocCCTSample_Tracing: PushNotifyTask Show Toast"); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
public static void Toast(string msg) { //1. create element ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText01; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); //2.设置消息文本 XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(msg)); //3. 图标 Windows.Data.Xml.Dom.XmlNodeList toastImageAttributes = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("image"); ((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("src", $"ms-appx:///Assets/StoreLogo.png"); ((XmlElement)toastImageAttributes[0]).SetAttribute("alt", "logo"); // 4. duration IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("duration", "short"); // 5. audio XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("src", $"ms-winsoundevent:Notification.SMS"); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); }
static IXmlNode AppendNode(IXmlNode parentNode, IXmlNode childNode) { IXmlNode appendedChild; ComFunctions.CheckHRESULT(parentNode.AppendChild(childNode, out appendedChild)); return(appendedChild); }
private void CreateElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string elementName, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string elementPrefix, Dictionary <string, string> attributeNameValues) { IXmlElement newChild = this.CreateElement(elementName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in attributeNameValues) { string qualifiedName = XmlConvert.EncodeName(pair.Key); string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(pair.Key); string text1 = manager.LookupNamespace(prefix); if (text1 == null) { } IXmlNode attribute = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? document.CreateAttribute(qualifiedName, string.Empty, pair.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(qualifiedName, pair.Value); newChild.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (((reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String) || (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer)) || (((reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float) || (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean)) || (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date))) { string text = this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader); if (text != null) { newChild.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(text)); } } else if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Null) { if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); this.DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, newChild); manager.PopScope(); } manager.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, manager.DefaultNamespace); } }
/// <summary> Works with Windows 10 because i do not install a startmenu entry, /// which is apparently needed on previous versions for desktop notifcations</summary> /// <param name="p_channel"></param> public void ShowNotification(IChannel p_channel) { try { XmlDocument notificationNode = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText04); //Text XmlNodeList nodeList = notificationNode.GetElementsByTagName("text"); nodeList[0].AppendChild(notificationNode.CreateTextNode(p_channel.Username)); nodeList[1].AppendChild(notificationNode.CreateTextNode(p_channel.Game)); nodeList[2].AppendChild(notificationNode.CreateTextNode(p_channel.Title)); //Play Notification true/false IXmlNode audioNode = notificationNode.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); XmlElement audioElement = notificationNode.CreateElement("audio"); audioElement.SetAttribute("silent", !Properties.Settings.Default.PlayNotificationSound ? "true" : "false"); audioNode.AppendChild(audioElement); //Channel Logo string logoPath = "file:///" + Utility.GetLogoPath(p_channel.Username, p_channel.Logo); XmlNodeList imageElements = notificationNode.GetElementsByTagName("image"); imageElements[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("src").NodeValue = logoPath; //Show ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(notificationNode); ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(APP_ID).Show(toast); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.LogTrace(ex.Message); } }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement newChild = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, newChild); num++; } if (this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(newChild, document); } if ((num == 1) && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { foreach (IXmlElement element2 in newChild.ChildNodes) { if ((element2 != null) && (element2.LocalName == propertyName)) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element2, document); break; } } } }
private void DeserializeNode(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, IXmlNode currentNode) { do { switch (reader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.StartConstructor: string propertyName1 = reader.Value.ToString(); while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndConstructor) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName1, currentNode); } break; case JsonToken.PropertyName: if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && document.DocumentElement != null) { throw new JsonSerializationException("JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName."); } string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString(); reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); ++num; } if (num == 1 && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(Enumerable.Single <IXmlElement>(CollectionUtils.CastValid <IXmlElement>((IEnumerable)currentNode.ChildNodes), (Func <IXmlElement, bool>)(n => n.LocalName == propertyName)), document); break; } else { break; } } else { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); break; } case JsonToken.Comment: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateComment((string)reader.Value)); break; case JsonToken.EndObject: return; case JsonToken.EndArray: return; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + (object)reader.TokenType); } }while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName || reader.Read()); }
public static void SendToast( string head, string text, DateTimeOffset dueTime, string launch) { ToastTemplateType toastTemplate = ToastTemplateType.ToastText02; XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(toastTemplate); XmlNodeList toastTextElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); toastTextElements[0].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(head)); toastTextElements[1].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode(text)); IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("src", "ms-winsoundevent:Notification.IM"); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); if (launch != null) { ((XmlElement)toastNode).SetAttribute("launch", launch); } ScheduledToastNotification scheduledToast = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastXml, dueTime); scheduledToast.Id = "Future_Toast"; ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier().AddToSchedule(scheduledToast); }
private void ReadElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { Dictionary <string, string> attributeNameValues = ReadAttributeElements(reader, manager); string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement element = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(element); // add attributes to newly created element foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> nameValue in attributeNameValues) { string attributePrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(nameValue.Key); IXmlNode attribute = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributePrefix)) ? document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(attributePrefix), nameValue.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, nameValue.Value); element.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((long)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((double)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((bool)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { DateTime d = (DateTime)reader.Value; element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString(d, DateTimeUtils.ToSerializationMode(d.Kind)))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { // empty element. do nothing } else { // finished element will have no children to deserialize if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, element); manager.PopScope(); } } }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement nestedArrayElement = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(nestedArrayElement); int count = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, nestedArrayElement); count++; } if (WriteArrayAttribute) { AddJsonArrayAttribute(nestedArrayElement, document); } if (count == 1 && WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement arrayElement = nestedArrayElement.ChildNodes.CastValid <IXmlElement>().Single(n => n.LocalName == propertyName); AddJsonArrayAttribute(arrayElement, document); } }
private void DeserializeNode(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, IXmlNode currentNode) { do { switch (reader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.PropertyName: if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && document.DocumentElement != null) { throw new JsonSerializationException("JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName."); } string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString(); reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { int count = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); count++; } if (count == 1 && WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement arrayElement = currentNode.ChildNodes.CastValid <IXmlElement>().Single(n => n.LocalName == propertyName); AddJsonArrayAttribute(arrayElement, document); } } else { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); } break; case JsonToken.StartConstructor: string constructorName = reader.Value.ToString(); while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndConstructor) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, constructorName, currentNode); } break; case JsonToken.Comment: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateComment((string)reader.Value)); break; case JsonToken.EndObject: case JsonToken.EndArray: return; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + reader.TokenType); } } while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName || reader.Read()); // don't read if current token is a property. token was already read when parsing element attributes }
//改变通知的声音 //the avaliable tones are here:Default,IM,Mail,Reminder,SMS,Looping.Alarm,Looping.Alarm2,Looping.Alarm3,Looping.Alarm4,Looping.Alarm5,Looping.Alarm6,Looping.Alarm7,Looping.Alarm8,Looping.Alarm9,Looping.Alarm10,Looping.Call,Looping.Call2,Looping.Call3,Looping.Call4,Looping.Call5,Looping.Call6,Looping.Call7,Looping.Call8,Looping.Call9,Looping.Call10 public ToastLib setToastTone(string tone) { XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("src", $"ms-winsoundevent:Notification." + tone); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); return(this); }
private void SetSilent(XmlDocument toastXml) { IXmlNode toastNode = toastXml.SelectSingleNode("/toast"); XmlElement audio = toastXml.CreateElement("audio"); audio.SetAttribute("silent", "true"); toastNode.AppendChild(audio); }
/// <summary> /// Clears the queue of currently scheduled notifications and schedules all notifications that should happen in the next 30 min. /// 30 min is chosen because our background task is guarenteed to run every 30 min (smallest possible interval). /// Each time the background task runs, it will call this function and set all notifications that should appear before the next time the task is able to run. /// </summary> public void ScheduleNotifications() { if (!HasMultipleModes) { // Don't try to schedule notitfications if the user has not set any modes return; } List <string> removedNotifications = new List <string>(); List <string> addedNotifications = new List <string>(); // First, clear the scheduled notification queue IReadOnlyList <ScheduledToastNotification> scheduledNotifications = _toastNotifier.GetScheduledToastNotifications(); foreach (ScheduledToastNotification notification in scheduledNotifications) { removedNotifications.Add(notification.DeliveryTime.ToString()); _toastNotifier.RemoveFromSchedule(notification); } // Clear any of our existing notifications from the user's action center // TODO: leaving this in for now to test. Want to make sure that past notifications fire properly //ToastNotificationManager.History.Clear(); if (State == TimerState.Running) { // Schedule all notifications that will appear in the next 30 min DateTimeOffset now = DateTimeOffset.Now; TimeSpan thirtyMin = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); ModeModel modeToNotifyEnd = CurrentMode; DateTimeOffset nextNotificationTime = now + GetTimeRemainingInCurrentMode(); while (nextNotificationTime - now < thirtyMin) { ModeModel nextMode = getNextMode(modeToNotifyEnd); XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText01); IXmlNode textNode = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text")[0]; textNode.AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode($"Time to {nextMode}! ({nextNotificationTime.ToString("t")})")); ScheduledToastNotification notification = new ScheduledToastNotification(toastXml, nextNotificationTime); _toastNotifier.AddToSchedule(notification); addedNotifications.Add(notification.DeliveryTime.ToString()); modeToNotifyEnd = nextMode; TimeSpan timeForMode = modeToNotifyEnd.TimeInMode; nextNotificationTime = nextNotificationTime + timeForMode; } } _lastDebugInfo = new DebugInfo() { LastRunTime = DateTime.Now, NotificationsScheduled = addedNotifications.ToArray(), ScheduledNotificationsRemoved = removedNotifications.ToArray() }; }
static void SetNodeValueString(string str, IXmlDocument xmldoc, IXmlNode node) { IXmlText textNode; int res = xmldoc.CreateTextNode(str, out textNode); ComFunctions.CheckHRESULT(res); IXmlNode textNodeAsNode = (IXmlNode)textNode; IXmlNode appendedChild; res = node.AppendChild(textNodeAsNode, out appendedChild); ComFunctions.CheckHRESULT(res); }
private void CreateInstruction(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName != "?xml") { IXmlNode newChild = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), reader.Value.ToString()); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); } else { string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; while (reader.Read() && (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)) { string str4 = reader.Value.ToString(); if (str4 != "@version") { if (str4 != "@encoding") { if (str4 != "@standalone") { throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } goto Label_008D; } } else { reader.Read(); version = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } reader.Read(); encoding = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; Label_008D: reader.Read(); standalone = reader.Value.ToString(); } IXmlNode newChild = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); } }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement element = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild((IXmlNode) element); int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, (IXmlNode) element); ++num; } if (this.WriteArrayAttribute) this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element, document); if (num != 1 || !this.WriteArrayAttribute) return; this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(Enumerable.Single<IXmlElement>(CollectionUtils.CastValid<IXmlElement>((IEnumerable) element.ChildNodes), (Func<IXmlElement, bool>) (n => n.LocalName == propertyName)), document); }
private static void AddHyperlink(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Convert href attribute into NavigateUri and TargetName string href = GetAttribute(htmlElement, "href"); if (href == null) { // When href attribute is missing - ignore the hyperlink AddSpanOrRun(xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, sourceContext); } else { // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink); ApplyLocalProperties(xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/false); string[] hrefParts = href.Split(new char[] { '#' }); if (hrefParts.Length > 0 && hrefParts[0].Trim().Length > 0) { xamlElement.SetAttribute(HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink_NavigateUri, hrefParts[0].Trim()); } if (hrefParts.Length == 2 && hrefParts[1].Trim().Length > 0) { xamlElement.SetAttribute(HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Hyperlink_TargetName, hrefParts[1].Trim()); } // Recurse into element subtree for (var htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling) { AddInline(xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlElement); } }
// Token: 0x060006EA RID: 1770 // RVA: 0x00038974 File Offset: 0x00036B74 private void CreateDocumentType(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode) { string name = null; string publicId = null; string systemId = null; string internalSubset = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) { break; } string a; if ((a = reader.Value.ToString()) != null) { if (a == "@name") { reader.Read(); name = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (a == "@public") { reader.Read(); publicId = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (a == "@system") { reader.Read(); systemId = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (a == "@internalSubset") { reader.Read(); internalSubset = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } } throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } IXmlNode newChild = document.CreateXmlDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); }
private void DeserializeNode(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, IXmlNode currentNode) { do { switch (reader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.StartConstructor: string propertyName1 = reader.Value.ToString(); while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndConstructor) this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName1, currentNode); break; case JsonToken.PropertyName: if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && document.DocumentElement != null) throw new JsonSerializationException("JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName."); string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString(); reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { int num = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); ++num; } if (num == 1 && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(Enumerable.Single<IXmlElement>(CollectionUtils.CastValid<IXmlElement>((IEnumerable) currentNode.ChildNodes), (Func<IXmlElement, bool>) (n => n.LocalName == propertyName)), document); break; } else break; } else { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); break; } case JsonToken.Comment: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateComment((string) reader.Value)); break; case JsonToken.EndObject: return; case JsonToken.EndArray: return; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + (object) reader.TokenType); } } while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName || reader.Read()); }
// ............................................................. // // Lists // // ............................................................. /// <summary> /// Converts Html ul or ol element into Xaml list element. During conversion if the ul/ol element has any children /// that are not li elements, they are ignored and not added to the list element /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// </param> /// <param name="htmlListElement"> /// XmlElement representing Html ul/ol element to be converted /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// properties inherited from parent context /// </param> /// /// <param name="sourceContext"></param> private static void AddList(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlListElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { string htmlListElementName = htmlListElement.LocalName.ToLower(); Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlListElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // Create Xaml List element XmlElement xamlListElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_List); // Set default list markers if (htmlListElementName == "ol") { // Ordered list xamlListElement.SetAttribute(Xaml_List_MarkerStyle, Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Decimal); } else { // Unordered list - all elements other than OL treated as unordered lists xamlListElement.SetAttribute(Xaml_List_MarkerStyle, Xaml_List_MarkerStyle_Disc); } // Apply local properties to list to set marker attribute if specified // TODO: Should we have separate list attribute processing function? ApplyLocalProperties(xamlListElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true); // Recurse into list subtree for (var htmlChildNode = htmlListElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling) { if (htmlChildNode.NodeType == NodeType.ElementNode && htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower() == "li") { sourceContext.Add(htmlChildNode); AddListItem(xamlListElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); Debug.Assert(sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlChildNode); sourceContext.RemoveAt(sourceContext.Count - 1); } else { // Not an li element. Add it to previous ListBoxItem // We need to append the content to the end // of a previous list item. } } // Add the List element to xaml tree - if it is not empty if (xamlListElement.HasChildNodes()) { xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlListElement); } }
private void CreateElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string elementName, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string elementPrefix, Dictionary<string, string> attributeNameValues) { IXmlElement element = CreateElement(elementName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(element); // add attributes to newly created element foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nameValue in attributeNameValues) { string attributePrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(nameValue.Key); IXmlNode attribute = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributePrefix)) ? document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(attributePrefix) ?? string.Empty, nameValue.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, nameValue.Value); element.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { // empty element. do nothing } else { // finished element will have no children to deserialize if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, element); manager.PopScope(); } manager.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, manager.DefaultNamespace); } }
private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { switch (propertyName) { case "#text": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case "#cdata-section": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case "#whitespace": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case "#significant-whitespace": currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); break; default: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && (int) propertyName[0] == 63) { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); break; } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); break; } else { this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); break; } } }
// Token: 0x060006E3 RID: 1763 // RVA: 0x000381B4 File Offset: 0x000363B4 private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { if (propertyName != null) { if (propertyName == "#text") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } if (propertyName == "#cdata-section") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } if (propertyName == "#whitespace") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } if (propertyName == "#significant-whitespace") { currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); return; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName[0] == '?') { this.CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); return; } if (string.Equals(propertyName, "!DOCTYPE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { this.CreateDocumentType(reader, document, currentNode); return; } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { this.ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); return; } this.ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); }
private static void AddSpanOrRun(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Decide what XAML element to use for this inline element. // Check whether it contains any nested inlines bool elementHasChildren = false; for (var htmlNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlNode != null; htmlNode = htmlNode.NextSibling) { if (htmlNode is XmlElement) { string htmlChildName = ((string)htmlNode.LocalName).ToLower(); if (HtmlSchema.IsInlineElement(htmlChildName) || HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement(htmlChildName) || htmlChildName == "img" || htmlChildName == "br" || htmlChildName == "hr") { elementHasChildren = true; break; } } } string xamlElementName = elementHasChildren ? HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Span : HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Run; // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, xamlElementName); ApplyLocalProperties(xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/false); // Recurse into element subtree for (var htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling) { AddInline(xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlElement); }
private void ReadElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) throw new JsonSerializationException("XmlNodeConverter cannot convert JSON with an empty property name to XML."); Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = this.ReadAttributeElements(reader, manager); string prefix1 = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); if (propertyName.StartsWith("@")) { string str1 = propertyName.Substring(1); string str2 = reader.Value.ToString(); string prefix2 = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(str1); IXmlNode attribute = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2) ? document.CreateAttribute(str1, manager.LookupNamespace(prefix2), str2) : document.CreateAttribute(str1, str2); ((IXmlElement) currentNode).SetAttributeNode(attribute); } else { IXmlElement element = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix1, manager); currentNode.AppendChild((IXmlNode) element); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> keyValuePair in dictionary) { string prefix2 = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(keyValuePair.Key); IXmlNode attribute = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2) ? document.CreateAttribute(keyValuePair.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(prefix2), keyValuePair.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value); element.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer || (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean) || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } else { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) return; manager.PushScope(); this.DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, (IXmlNode) element); manager.PopScope(); } } }
private void CreateInstruction(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName == DeclarationName) { string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { switch (reader.Value.ToString()) { case "@version": reader.Read(); version = reader.Value.ToString(); break; case "@encoding": reader.Read(); encoding = reader.Value.ToString(); break; case "@standalone": reader.Read(); standalone = reader.Value.ToString(); break; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } } IXmlNode declaration = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone); currentNode.AppendChild(declaration); } else { IXmlNode instruction = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), reader.Value.ToString()); currentNode.AppendChild(instruction); } }
// Token: 0x060006E9 RID: 1769 // RVA: 0x00038868 File Offset: 0x00036A68 private void CreateInstruction(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName) { if (propertyName == "?xml") { string version = null; string encoding = null; string standalone = null; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) { break; } string a; if ((a = reader.Value.ToString()) != null) { if (a == "@version") { reader.Read(); version = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (a == "@encoding") { reader.Read(); encoding = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } if (a == "@standalone") { reader.Read(); standalone = reader.Value.ToString(); continue; } } throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } IXmlNode newChild = document.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild); return; } IXmlNode newChild2 = document.CreateProcessingInstruction(propertyName.Substring(1), reader.Value.ToString()); currentNode.AppendChild(newChild2); }
// Token: 0x060006EC RID: 1772 // RVA: 0x00038AB8 File Offset: 0x00036CB8 private void DeserializeNode(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, IXmlNode currentNode) { JsonToken tokenType; while (true) { tokenType = reader.TokenType; switch (tokenType) { case JsonToken.StartConstructor: { string propertyName2 = reader.Value.ToString(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndConstructor) { break; } this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName2, currentNode); } goto IL_44; } case JsonToken.PropertyName: { if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && document.DocumentElement != null) { goto IL_17B; } string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString(); reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.StartArray) { this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); goto IL_44; } int num = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndArray) { break; } this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); num++; } if (num == 1 && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement element = Enumerable.Single<IXmlElement>(Enumerable.OfType<IXmlElement>(currentNode.ChildNodes), (IXmlElement n) => n.LocalName == propertyName); this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element, document); goto IL_44; } goto IL_44; } case JsonToken.Comment: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateComment((string)reader.Value)); goto IL_44; } break; IL_44: if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.PropertyName && !reader.Read()) { return; } } switch (tokenType) { case JsonToken.EndObject: case JsonToken.EndArray: return; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + reader.TokenType); } return; IL_17B: throw new JsonSerializationException("JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName."); }
private void ReadElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { Dictionary<string, string> attributeNameValues = ReadAttributeElements(reader, manager); string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement element = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(element); // add attributes to newly created element foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nameValue in attributeNameValues) { string attributePrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(nameValue.Key); IXmlNode attribute = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributePrefix)) ? document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(attributePrefix), nameValue.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, nameValue.Value); element.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((long)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((double)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString((bool)reader.Value))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { DateTime d = (DateTime)reader.Value; element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(XmlConvert.ToString(d, DateTimeUtils.ToSerializationMode(d.Kind)))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { // empty element. do nothing } else { // finished element will have no children to deserialize if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, element); manager.PopScope(); } } }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement nestedArrayElement = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(nestedArrayElement); while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, nestedArrayElement); } }
private void CreateDocumentType(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode) { string name = null; string publicId = null; string systemId = null; string internalSubset = null; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { switch (reader.Value.ToString()) { case "@name": reader.Read(); name = reader.Value.ToString(); break; case "@public": reader.Read(); publicId = reader.Value.ToString(); break; case "@system": reader.Read(); systemId = reader.Value.ToString(); break; case "@internalSubset": reader.Read(); internalSubset = reader.Value.ToString(); break; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected property name encountered while deserializing XmlDeclaration: " + reader.Value); } } IXmlNode documentType = document.CreateXmlDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset); currentNode.AppendChild(documentType); }
// Token: 0x060006E4 RID: 1764 // RVA: 0x000382C8 File Offset: 0x000364C8 private void ReadElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) { throw new JsonSerializationException("XmlNodeConverter cannot convert JSON with an empty property name to XML."); } Dictionary<string, string> dictionary = this.ReadAttributeElements(reader, manager); string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); if (StringUtils.StartsWith(propertyName, '@')) { string text = propertyName.Substring(1); string value = reader.Value.ToString(); string prefix2 = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(text); IXmlNode attributeNode = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix2)) ? document.CreateAttribute(text, manager.LookupNamespace(prefix2), value) : document.CreateAttribute(text, value); ((IXmlElement)currentNode).SetAttributeNode(attributeNode); return; } IXmlElement xmlElement = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlElement); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> current in dictionary) { string prefix3 = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(current.Key); IXmlNode attributeNode2 = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix3)) ? document.CreateAttribute(current.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(prefix3), current.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(current.Key, current.Value); xmlElement.SetAttributeNode(attributeNode2); } if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.String && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Integer && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Float && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Boolean) { if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.Date) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { return; } if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); this.DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, xmlElement); manager.PopScope(); } manager.RemoveNamespace(string.Empty, manager.DefaultNamespace); return; } } xmlElement.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(this.ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Paragraph element and adds all nodes starting from htmlNode /// converted to appropriate Inlines. /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// </param> /// <param name="htmlNode"> /// XmlElement starting a collection of implicitly wrapped inlines. /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// properties inherited from parent context /// </param> /// /// <param name="sourceContext"></param> /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// </param> /// <returns> /// The last htmlNode added to the implicit paragraph /// </returns> private static IXmlNode AddImplicitParagraph(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlNode, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Collect all non-block elements and wrap them into implicit Paragraph var xamlParagraph = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Paragraph); IXmlNode lastNodeProcessed = null; while (htmlNode != null) { if (htmlNode.NodeType == NodeType.CommentNode) { DefineInlineFragmentParent(htmlNode, null); } else if (htmlNode.NodeType == NodeType.TextNode) { if (((string)htmlNode.NodeValue).Trim().Length > 0) { AddTextRun(xamlParagraph, (string)htmlNode.NodeValue); } } else if (htmlNode is XmlElement) { string htmlChildName = ((string)htmlNode.LocalName).ToLower(); if (HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement(htmlChildName)) { // The sequence of non-blocked inlines ended. Stop implicit loop here. break; } else { AddInline(xamlParagraph, htmlNode, inheritedProperties, sourceContext); } } // Store last processed node to return it at the end lastNodeProcessed = htmlNode; htmlNode = htmlNode.NextSibling; } // Add the Paragraph to the parent // If only whitespaces and commens have been encountered, // then we have nothing to add in implicit paragraph; forget it. if (xamlParagraph.FirstChild != null) { xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlParagraph); } // Need to return last processed node return lastNodeProcessed; }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement nestedArrayElement = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(nestedArrayElement); int count = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, nestedArrayElement); count++; } if (WriteArrayAttribute) { AddJsonArrayAttribute(nestedArrayElement, document); } if (count == 1 && WriteArrayAttribute) { foreach (IXmlNode childNode in nestedArrayElement.ChildNodes) { IXmlElement element = childNode as IXmlElement; if (element != null && element.LocalName == propertyName) { AddJsonArrayAttribute(element, document); break; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts htmlLIElement into Xaml ListItem element, and appends it to the parent xamlListElement /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlListElement"> /// XmlElement representing Xaml List element to which the converted td/th should be added /// </param> /// <param name="htmlLIElement"> /// XmlElement representing Html li element to be converted /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// Properties inherited from parent context /// </param> private static void AddListItem(IXmlNode xamlListElement, IXmlNode htmlLIElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert(xamlListElement != null); Debug.Assert((string)xamlListElement.LocalName == Xaml_List); Debug.Assert(htmlLIElement != null); Debug.Assert(htmlLIElement.LocalName.ToLower() == "li"); Debug.Assert(inheritedProperties != null); Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlLIElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); XmlElement xamlListItemElement = xamlListElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_ListItem); // TODO: process local properties for li element // Process children of the ListItem for (var htmlChildNode = htmlLIElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null) { htmlChildNode = AddBlock(xamlListItemElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } // Add resulting ListBoxItem to a xaml parent xamlListElement.AppendChild(xamlListItemElement); }
// Token: 0x060006E6 RID: 1766 // RVA: 0x000385A8 File Offset: 0x000367A8 private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string prefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement xmlElement = this.CreateElement(propertyName, document, prefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(xmlElement); int num = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndArray) { break; } this.DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, xmlElement); num++; } if (this.WriteArrayAttribute) { this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(xmlElement, document); } if (num == 1 && this.WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement element = Enumerable.Single<IXmlElement>(Enumerable.OfType<IXmlElement>(xmlElement.ChildNodes), (IXmlElement n) => n.LocalName == propertyName); this.AddJsonArrayAttribute(element, document); } }
private void ReadElement(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, IXmlNode currentNode, string propertyName, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)) throw new JsonSerializationException("XmlNodeConverter cannot convert JSON with an empty property name to XML."); Dictionary<string, string> attributeNameValues = ReadAttributeElements(reader, manager); string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); if (propertyName.StartsWith("@")) { var attributeName = propertyName.Substring(1); var attributeValue = reader.Value.ToString(); var attributePrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(attributeName); var attribute = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributePrefix)) ? document.CreateAttribute(attributeName, manager.LookupNamespace(attributePrefix), attributeValue) : document.CreateAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); ((IXmlElement)currentNode).SetAttributeNode(attribute); } else { IXmlElement element = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(element); // add attributes to newly created element foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nameValue in attributeNameValues) { string attributePrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(nameValue.Key); IXmlNode attribute = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributePrefix)) ? document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, manager.LookupNamespace(attributePrefix), nameValue.Value) : document.CreateAttribute(nameValue.Key, nameValue.Value); element.SetAttributeNode(attribute); } if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Integer || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Float || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Boolean || reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Date) { element.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(ConvertTokenToXmlValue(reader))); } else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null) { // empty element. do nothing } else { // finished element will have no children to deserialize if (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject) { manager.PushScope(); DeserializeNode(reader, document, manager, element); manager.PopScope(); } } } }
// ............................................................. // // Tables // // ............................................................. /// <summary> /// Converts htmlTableElement to a Xaml Table element. Adds tbody elements if they are missing so /// that a resulting Xaml Table element is properly formed. /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// Parent xaml element to which a converted table must be added. /// </param> /// <param name="htmlTableElement"> /// XmlElement reprsenting the Html table element to be converted /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// Dictionary<string,string> representing properties inherited from parent context. /// </param> private static void AddTable(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlTableElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Parameter validation Debug.Assert(htmlTableElement.LocalName.ToLower() == "table"); Debug.Assert(xamlParentElement != null); Debug.Assert(inheritedProperties != null); // Create current properties to be used by children as inherited properties, set local properties Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlTableElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // TODO: process localProperties for tables to override defaults, decide cell spacing defaults // Check if the table contains only one cell - we want to take only its content var singleCell = GetCellFromSingleCellTable(htmlTableElement); if (singleCell != null) { // Need to push skipped table elements onto sourceContext sourceContext.Add(singleCell); // Add the cell's content directly to parent for (var htmlChildNode = singleCell.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null) { htmlChildNode = AddBlock(xamlParentElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } Debug.Assert(sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == singleCell); sourceContext.RemoveAt(sourceContext.Count - 1); } else { // Create xamlTableElement XmlElement xamlTableElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_Table); // Analyze table structure for column widths and rowspan attributes List<double> columnStarts = AnalyzeTableStructure(htmlTableElement); // Process COLGROUP & COL elements AddColumnInformation(htmlTableElement, xamlTableElement, columnStarts, currentProperties, sourceContext); // Process table body - TBODY and TR elements var htmlChildNode = htmlTableElement.FirstChild; while (htmlChildNode != null) { string htmlChildName = htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower(); // Process the element if (htmlChildName == "tbody" || htmlChildName == "thead" || htmlChildName == "tfoot") { // Add more special processing for TableHeader and TableFooter XmlElement xamlTableBodyElement = xamlTableElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_TableRowGroup); xamlTableElement.AppendChild(xamlTableBodyElement); sourceContext.Add(htmlChildNode); // Get properties of Html tbody element Dictionary<string,string> tbodyElementLocalProperties; Dictionary<string, string> tbodyElementCurrentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlChildNode, currentProperties, out tbodyElementLocalProperties, sourceContext); // TODO: apply local properties for tbody // Process children of htmlChildNode, which is tbody, for tr elements AddTableRowsToTableBody(xamlTableBodyElement, htmlChildNode.FirstChild, tbodyElementCurrentProperties, columnStarts, sourceContext); if (xamlTableBodyElement.HasChildNodes()) { xamlTableElement.AppendChild(xamlTableBodyElement); // else: if there is no TRs in this TBody, we simply ignore it } Debug.Assert(sourceContext.Count > 0 && sourceContext[sourceContext.Count - 1] == htmlChildNode); sourceContext.RemoveAt(sourceContext.Count - 1); htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } else if (htmlChildName == "tr") { // Tbody is not present, but tr element is present. Tr is wrapped in tbody XmlElement xamlTableBodyElement = xamlTableElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_TableRowGroup); // We use currentProperties of xamlTableElement when adding rows since the tbody element is artificially created and has // no properties of its own htmlChildNode = AddTableRowsToTableBody(xamlTableBodyElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, columnStarts, sourceContext); if (xamlTableBodyElement.HasChildNodes()) { xamlTableElement.AppendChild(xamlTableBodyElement); } } else { // Element is not tbody or tr. Ignore it. // TODO: add processing for thead, tfoot elements and recovery for td elements htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; } } if (xamlTableElement.HasChildNodes()) { xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlTableElement); } } }
private void DeserializeValue(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode) { switch (propertyName) { case TextName: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateTextNode(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case CDataName: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateCDataSection(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case WhitespaceName: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); break; case SignificantWhitespaceName: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateSignificantWhitespace(reader.Value.ToString())); break; default: // processing instructions and the xml declaration start with ? if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName) && propertyName[0] == '?') { CreateInstruction(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName); } else { if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { // handle nested arrays ReadArrayElements(reader, document, propertyName, currentNode, manager); return; } // have to wait until attributes have been parsed before creating element // attributes may contain namespace info used by the element ReadElement(reader, document, currentNode, propertyName, manager); } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Generates Paragraph element from P, H1-H7, Center etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// </param> /// <param name="htmlElement"> /// XmlElement representing Html element to be converted /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// properties inherited from parent context /// </param> /// /// <param name="sourceContext"></param> /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// </param> private static void AddParagraph(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Paragraph); ApplyLocalProperties(xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true); // Recurse into element subtree for (var htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling) { AddInline(xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } // Add the new element to the parent. xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlElement); }
private void ReadArrayElements(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, string propertyName, IXmlNode currentNode, XmlNamespaceManager manager) { string elementPrefix = MiscellaneousUtils.GetPrefix(propertyName); IXmlElement nestedArrayElement = CreateElement(propertyName, document, elementPrefix, manager); currentNode.AppendChild(nestedArrayElement); int count = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, nestedArrayElement); count++; } if (WriteArrayAttribute) { AddJsonArrayAttribute(nestedArrayElement, document); } if (count == 1 && WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement arrayElement = nestedArrayElement.ChildNodes.CastValid<IXmlElement>().Single(n => n.LocalName == propertyName); AddJsonArrayAttribute(arrayElement, document); } }
/// <summary> /// If li items are found without a parent ul/ol element in Html string, creates xamlListElement as their parent and adds /// them to it. If the previously added node to the same xamlParentElement was a List, adds the elements to that list. /// Otherwise, we create a new xamlListElement and add them to it. Elements are added as long as li elements appear sequentially. /// The first non-li or text node stops the addition. /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// Parent element for the list /// </param> /// <param name="htmlLIElement"> /// Start Html li element without parent list /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// Properties inherited from parent context /// </param> /// <returns> /// XmlElement representing the first non-li node in the input after one or more li's have been processed. /// </returns> private static IXmlNode AddOrphanListItems(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlLIElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { Debug.Assert(htmlLIElement.LocalName.ToLower() == "li"); IXmlNode lastProcessedListItemElement = null; // Find out the last element attached to the xamlParentElement, which is the previous sibling of this node var xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling = xamlParentElement.LastChild; IXmlNode xamlListElement; if (xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling != null && (string)xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling.LocalName == Xaml_List) { // Previously added Xaml element was a list. We will add the new li to it xamlListElement = xamlListItemElementPreviousSibling; } else { // No list element near. Create our own. xamlListElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, Xaml_List); xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlListElement); } var htmlChildNode = htmlLIElement; string htmlChildNodeName = htmlChildNode == null ? null : htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower(); // Current element properties missed here. //currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlLIElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, stylesheet); // Add li elements to the parent xamlListElement we created as long as they appear sequentially // Use properties inherited from xamlParentElement for context while (htmlChildNode != null && htmlChildNodeName == "li") { AddListItem(xamlListElement, htmlChildNode, inheritedProperties, sourceContext); lastProcessedListItemElement = htmlChildNode; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling; htmlChildNodeName = htmlChildNode == null ? null : htmlChildNode.LocalName.ToLower(); } return lastProcessedListItemElement; }
private void DeserializeNode(JsonReader reader, IXmlDocument document, XmlNamespaceManager manager, IXmlNode currentNode) { do { switch (reader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.PropertyName: if (currentNode.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document && document.DocumentElement != null) throw new JsonSerializationException("JSON root object has multiple properties. The root object must have a single property in order to create a valid XML document. Consider specifing a DeserializeRootElementName."); string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString(); reader.Read(); if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray) { int count = 0; while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); count++; } if (count == 1 && WriteArrayAttribute) { IXmlElement arrayElement = currentNode.ChildNodes.CastValid<IXmlElement>().Single(n => n.LocalName == propertyName); AddJsonArrayAttribute(arrayElement, document); } } else { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, propertyName, currentNode); } break; case JsonToken.StartConstructor: string constructorName = reader.Value.ToString(); while (reader.Read() && reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndConstructor) { DeserializeValue(reader, document, manager, constructorName, currentNode); } break; case JsonToken.Comment: currentNode.AppendChild(document.CreateComment((string)reader.Value)); break; case JsonToken.EndObject: case JsonToken.EndArray: return; default: throw new JsonSerializationException("Unexpected JsonToken when deserializing node: " + reader.TokenType); } } while (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName || reader.Read()); // don't read if current token is a property. token was already read when parsing element attributes }
// ............................................................. // // Text Flow Elements // // ............................................................. /// <summary> /// Generates Section or Paragraph element from DIV depending whether it contains any block elements or not /// </summary> /// <param name="xamlParentElement"> /// XmlElement representing Xaml parent to which the converted element should be added /// </param> /// <param name="htmlElement"> /// XmlElement representing Html element to be converted /// </param> /// <param name="inheritedProperties"> /// properties inherited from parent context /// </param> /// /// <param name="sourceContext"></param> /// true indicates that a content added by this call contains at least one block element /// </param> private static void AddSection(IXmlNode xamlParentElement, IXmlNode htmlElement, Dictionary<string, string> inheritedProperties, List<IXmlNode> sourceContext) { // Analyze the content of htmlElement to decide what xaml element to choose - Section or Paragraph. // If this Div has at least one block child then we need to use Section, otherwise use Paragraph bool htmlElementContainsBlocks = false; for (var htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode.NextSibling) { if (htmlChildNode is XmlElement) { string htmlChildName = ((string)htmlChildNode.LocalName).ToLower(); if (HtmlSchema.IsBlockElement(htmlChildName)) { htmlElementContainsBlocks = true; break; } } } if (!htmlElementContainsBlocks) { // The Div does not contain any block elements, so we can treat it as a Paragraph AddParagraph(xamlParentElement, htmlElement, inheritedProperties, sourceContext); } else { // The Div has some nested blocks, so we treat it as a Section // Create currentProperties as a compilation of local and inheritedProperties, set localProperties Dictionary<string,string> localProperties; Dictionary<string, string> currentProperties = GetElementProperties(htmlElement, inheritedProperties, out localProperties, sourceContext); // Create a XAML element corresponding to this html element XmlElement xamlElement = xamlParentElement.OwnerDocument.CreateElementNS(_xamlNamespace, HtmlToXamlConverter.Xaml_Section); ApplyLocalProperties(xamlElement, localProperties, /*isBlock:*/true); // Decide whether we can unwrap this element as not having any formatting significance. if (xamlElement.Attributes.Count == 0) { // This elements is a group of block elements whitout any additional formatting. // We can add blocks directly to xamlParentElement and avoid // creating unnecessary Sections nesting. xamlElement = xamlParentElement as XmlElement; } // Recurse into element subtree for (var htmlChildNode = htmlElement.FirstChild; htmlChildNode != null; htmlChildNode = htmlChildNode != null ? htmlChildNode.NextSibling : null) { htmlChildNode = AddBlock(xamlElement, htmlChildNode, currentProperties, sourceContext); } // Add the new element to the parent. if (xamlElement != xamlParentElement) { xamlParentElement.AppendChild(xamlElement); } } }