public static void EmitConvert(XamlEmitContextWithLocals <IXamlILEmitter, XamlILNodeEmitResult> context, IXamlLineInfo node, IXamlType what, IXamlType to, Func <bool, IXamlILEmitter> ld) { if (what.Equals(to)) { ld(false); } else if (what == XamlPseudoType.Null) { if (to.IsValueType) { if (to.GenericTypeDefinition?.Equals(context.Configuration.WellKnownTypes.NullableT) == true) { using (var loc = context.GetLocalOfType(to)) ld(false) .Pop() .Ldloca(loc.Local) .Emit(OpCodes.Initobj, to) .Ldloc(loc.Local); } else { throw new XamlLoadException("Unable to convert {x:Null} to " + to.GetFqn(), node); } } else { ld(false); } } else if (what.IsValueType && to.IsValueType) { if (to.IsNullableOf(what)) { ld(false).Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, to.Constructors.First(c => c.Parameters.Count == 1 && c.Parameters[0].Equals(what))); } else if (what.IsNullableOf(what)) { ld(true) .EmitCall(what.FindMethod(m => m.Name == "get_Value")); } else { throw new XamlLoadException( $"Don't know how to convert value type {what.GetFullName()} to value type {to.GetFullName()}", node); } } else if (!to.IsValueType && what.IsValueType) { if (!to.IsAssignableFrom(what)) { throw new XamlLoadException( $"Don't know how to convert value type {what.GetFullName()} to reference type {to.GetFullName()}", node); } ld(false).Box(what); } else if (to.IsValueType && !what.IsValueType) { if (!(what.Namespace == "System" && what.Name == "Object")) { throw new XamlLoadException( $"Don't know how to convert reference type {what.GetFullName()} to value type {to.GetFullName()}", node); } ld(false).Unbox_Any(to); } else { if (to.IsAssignableFrom(what)) { // Downcast, always safe ld(false); } else if (what.IsInterface || what.IsAssignableFrom(to)) { // Upcast or cast from interface, might throw InvalidCastException ld(false).Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, to); } else { // Types are completely unrelated, e. g. string to List<int> conversion attempt throw new XamlLoadException( $"Don't know how to convert reference type {what.GetFullName()} to reference type {to.GetFullName()}", node); } } }