/// <summary> /// Reads raw data. Puts spectra into a thread safe queue. Closes queue when done. Parses the rawfile-log into the statusLog object /// </summary> /// <param name="raw">Raw file</param> /// <param name="rawScanQueue">Thread safe queue</param> private void ReadRawFile(IXRawfile5 raw, BlockingCollection <RawScan> rawScanQueue) { int firstScanNumber = -1; raw.GetFirstSpectrumNumber(ref firstScanNumber); int lastScanNumber = -1; raw.GetLastSpectrumNumber(ref lastScanNumber); for (int scanNumber = firstScanNumber; scanNumber <= lastScanNumber; scanNumber++) { string scanFilter = null; raw.GetFilterForScanNum(scanNumber, ref scanFilter); //read scan header into key/value arrays object keyRef = null; object valueRef = null; int indexRef = 0; raw.GetTrailerExtraForScanNum(scanNumber, ref keyRef, ref valueRef, ref indexRef); string[] trailerKeys = (string[])keyRef; string[] trailerValues = (string[])valueRef; //read tic and base peak mass using dummy variables double tic = 0.0; int int1 = 0; int int2 = 0; int int3 = 0; double double1 = 0.0; double double2 = 0.0; double double3 = 0.0; double basePeakMass = 0.0; double double5 = 0.0; double double6 = 0.0; raw.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(scanNumber, ref int1, ref double1, ref double2, ref double3, ref tic, ref basePeakMass, ref double5, ref int2, ref int3, ref double6); //read data (mz,int,...) using dummy variables object labels_obj = null; object flags_obj = null; raw.GetLabelData(ref labels_obj, ref flags_obj, ref scanNumber); double[,] data = (double[, ])labels_obj; //read precursorMz double precursorMz = 0.0; raw.GetPrecursorMassForScanNum(scanNumber, 2, ref precursorMz); RawScan rawScan = new RawScan(scanNumber, scanFilter, tic, trailerKeys, trailerValues, data, precursorMz, basePeakMass); rawScanQueue.Add(rawScan); //read status log double rtLog = 0.0; object statuslogKeys = null; object statuslogValues = null; int statuslogN = 0; raw.GetStatusLogForScanNum(scanNumber, ref rtLog, ref statuslogKeys, ref statuslogValues, ref statuslogN); statusLog.Add(rtLog, (string[])statuslogKeys, (string[])statuslogValues); } rawScanQueue.CompleteAdding(); Log.Information("Read all spectra in base module"); }
public double GetTIC(int spectrumNumber) { int numberOfPackets = -1; double startTime = double.NaN; double lowMass = double.NaN; double highMass = double.NaN; double totalIonCurrent = double.NaN; double basePeakMass = double.NaN; double basePeakIntensity = double.NaN; int numberOfChannels = -1; int uniformTime = -1; double frequency = double.NaN; _rawConnection.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(spectrumNumber, ref numberOfPackets, ref startTime, ref lowMass, ref highMass, ref totalIonCurrent, ref basePeakMass, ref basePeakIntensity, ref numberOfChannels, ref uniformTime, ref frequency); return(totalIonCurrent); }
public void GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(int nScanNum, ref double dLowMass, ref double dHighMass, ref double dTIC, ref double dBasePeakMass, ref double dBasePeakIntensity) { int nPackets = 0; double dStartTime = 0.0; int nChannels = 0; int bUniformTime = 0; double dFrequency = 0.0; rawConnect.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(nScanNum, ref nPackets, ref dStartTime, ref dLowMass, ref dHighMass, ref dTIC, ref dBasePeakMass, ref dBasePeakIntensity, ref nChannels, ref bUniformTime, ref dFrequency); }
private void SaveDataToCdf(MsSpectrum spec, string fpath) { DataSetFactory.SearchFolder("Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.NetCDF4.dll"); DataSetFactory.SearchFolder("Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.dll"); DataSetFactory.SearchFolder("Microsoft.Research.Science.Data.Imperative.dll"); int nControllerType = 0; // 0 == mass spec device int nContorllerNumber = 1; // first MS device int totalNumScans = 0; // Number of scans int firstScanNumber = 0, lastScanNumber = -1; // Number of first and last scan string scanFilter = null; // Scan filter line int numDataPoints = -1; // points in both the m/z and intensity arrays double retentionTimeInMinutes = -1; double minObservedMZ = -1; double maxObservedMZ = -1; double totalIonCurrent = -1; double basePeakMZ = -1; double basePeakIntensity = -1; int channel = 0; // unused int uniformTime = 0; // unused double frequency = 0; // unused int arraySize = -1; object rawData = null; // rawData wil come as Double[,] object peakFlags = null; string szFilter = null; // No filter int intensityCutoffType = 1; // No cutoff int intensityCutoffValue = 0; // No cutoff int maxNumberOfPeaks = 0; // 0 : return all data peaks double centroidPeakWidth = 0; // No centroiding int centroidThisScan = 0; // No centroiding DateTime creationDate = DateTime.MinValue; var scanPath = Path.Combine(fpath, $"{spec.Id}.cdf"); var cdf = DataSet.Open(scanPath); cdf.IsAutocommitEnabled = false; AddMetadata(cdf); IXRawfile5 rawFile = (IXRawfile5) new MSFileReader_XRawfile(); rawFile.Open(spec.RawFilePath); rawFile.SetCurrentController(nControllerType, nContorllerNumber); rawFile.GetNumSpectra(ref totalNumScans); rawFile.GetFirstSpectrumNumber(ref firstScanNumber); rawFile.GetLastSpectrumNumber(ref lastScanNumber); rawFile.GetCreationDate(ref creationDate); var massVar = cdf.Add <double>("mass_values", new[] { "point_number" }); var intensities = cdf.Add <Int32>("intensity_values", new[] { "point_number" }); var acqTimeVar = cdf.Add <double>("scan_acquisition_time", new[] { "scan_number" }); var scIndexVar = cdf.Add <int>("scan_index", new[] { "scan_number" }); var scCountVar = cdf.Add <int>("point_count", new[] { "scan_number" }); var totalIntensityVar = cdf.Add <double>("total_intensity", new[] { "scan_number" }); massVar.Metadata["scale_factor"] = 1.0; intensities.Metadata["scale_factor"] = 1.0; try { var retTimes = new double[lastScanNumber]; var ticArr = new double[lastScanNumber]; var scanIndex = new Int32[lastScanNumber]; var pointCount = new Int32[lastScanNumber]; for (int curScanNum = firstScanNumber; curScanNum <= lastScanNumber; curScanNum++) { rawFile.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(curScanNum, ref numDataPoints, ref retentionTimeInMinutes, ref minObservedMZ, ref maxObservedMZ, ref totalIonCurrent, ref basePeakMZ, ref basePeakIntensity, ref channel, // unused ref uniformTime, // unused ref frequency // unused ); scanFilter = null; rawFile.GetFilterForScanNum(curScanNum, ref scanFilter); peakFlags = null; centroidPeakWidth = 0; arraySize = 0; intensityCutoffType = 1; intensityCutoffValue = (int)(0.001 * basePeakIntensity); rawFile.GetMassListFromScanNum( ref curScanNum, szFilter, // filter intensityCutoffType, // intensityCutoffType intensityCutoffValue, // intensityCutoffValue maxNumberOfPeaks, // maxNumberOfPeaks centroidThisScan, // centroid result? ref centroidPeakWidth, // centroidingPeakWidth ref rawData, // daw data ref peakFlags, // peakFlags ref arraySize); // array size ; var datArray = (Array)rawData; var massArr = new double[arraySize]; var intArr = new int[arraySize]; for (var j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) { massArr[j] = (double)datArray.GetValue(0, j); intArr[j] = Convert.ToInt32(datArray.GetValue(1, j)); } //Console.Write($"curScan = {curScanNum}\n"); var ind = curScanNum - 1; pointCount[ind] = arraySize; if (ind == 0) { scanIndex[ind] = 0; scanIndex[ind + 1] = arraySize; } else { scanIndex[ind] += scanIndex[ind - 1]; if (ind + 1 < lastScanNumber) { scanIndex[ind + 1] = arraySize; } } retTimes[ind] = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(retentionTimeInMinutes).TotalSeconds; ticArr[ind] = totalIonCurrent; massVar.Append(massArr); intensities.Append(intArr); rawData = null; } totalIntensityVar.PutData(ticArr); scIndexVar.PutData(scanIndex); acqTimeVar.PutData(retTimes); scCountVar.PutData(pointCount); cdf.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } finally { cdf.Dispose(); rawFile.Close(); } }
public static MsDataScan GetMsDataOneBasedScanFromThermoFile(IXRawfile5 theConnection, int nScanNumber, ThermoGlobalParams globalParams, IFilteringParams filterParams = null) { int pnNumPackets = 0; double pdLowMass = 0; double pdHighMass = 0; double pdTIC = 0; double pdBasePeakMass = 0; double pdBasePeakIntensity = 0; int pnNumChannels = 0; int pbUniformTime = 0; double pdFrequency = 0; double pdStartTime = 0; theConnection.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnNumPackets, ref pdStartTime, ref pdLowMass, ref pdHighMass, ref pdTIC, ref pdBasePeakMass, ref pdBasePeakIntensity, ref pnNumChannels, ref pbUniformTime, ref pdFrequency); double?ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra = null; double?injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra = null; double?precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra = null; int? chargeStatefromTrailierExtra = null; int? masterScanfromTrailierExtra = null; object pvarValues = null; object pvarLables = null; int pnArraySize = 0; theConnection.GetTrailerExtraForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pvarLables, ref pvarValues, ref pnArraySize); string[] labels = (string[])pvarLables; string[] values = (string[])pvarValues; for (int i = labels.GetLowerBound(0); i <= labels.GetUpperBound(0); i++) { if (labels[i].StartsWith("MS2 Isolation Width", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Ion Injection Time (ms)", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Monoisotopic M/Z", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra = double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (double?)null : double.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Charge State", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { chargeStatefromTrailierExtra = int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (int?)null : int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (labels[i].StartsWith("Master Scan Number", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { masterScanfromTrailierExtra = int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0 ? (int?)null : int.Parse(values[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } string pbstrFilter = null; theConnection.GetFilterForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pbstrFilter); int pnMSOrder = 0; theConnection.GetMSOrderForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnMSOrder); int pnMassAnalyzerType = 0; theConnection.GetMassAnalyzerTypeForScanNum(nScanNumber, ref pnMassAnalyzerType); object pvarNoisePacket = null; try //if there is no noise data { theConnection.GetNoiseData(ref pvarNoisePacket, nScanNumber); } catch { //pvarNoisePAcket is already null } double[,] noiseData = pvarNoisePacket as double[, ]; double[,] data; try { object pvarFlags = null; object pvarLabels = null; theConnection.GetLabelData(ref pvarLabels, ref pvarFlags, ref nScanNumber); data = pvarLabels as double[, ]; if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { throw new MzLibException("For spectrum number " + nScanNumber + " the data is null!"); } } catch (MzLibException) { // Warning: the masses reported by GetMassListFromScanNum when centroiding are not properly calibrated and thus could be off by 0.3 m/z or more double pdCentroidPeakWidth = 0; object pvarnMassList = null; object pvarPeakFlags = null; theConnection.GetMassListFromScanNum(ref nScanNumber, null, 0, 0, 0, 1, ref pdCentroidPeakWidth, ref pvarnMassList, ref pvarPeakFlags, ref pnArraySize); data = (double[, ])pvarnMassList; } MzSpectrum thermoSpectrum; if (filterParams != null && data.GetLength(1) > 0 && (filterParams.MinimumAllowedIntensityRatioToBasePeakM.HasValue || filterParams.NumberOfPeaksToKeepPerWindow.HasValue) && ((filterParams.ApplyTrimmingToMs1 && pnMSOrder == 1) || (filterParams.ApplyTrimmingToMsMs && pnMSOrder > 1))) { var count = data.GetLength(1); var mzArray = new double[count]; var intensityArray = new double[count]; Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, mzArray, 0, sizeof(double) * count); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, sizeof(double) * count, intensityArray, 0, sizeof(double) * count); if (filterParams.NumberOfWindows == null) { int numPeaks = TopNpeakHelper(ref intensityArray, ref mzArray, filterParams); //the following arrays are modified after TopN helper Array.Resize(ref intensityArray, numPeaks); Array.Resize(ref mzArray, numPeaks); } //Array reference passed by value, array calues will be modified after calling else { WindowModeHelper(ref intensityArray, ref mzArray, filterParams); } Array.Sort(mzArray, intensityArray); thermoSpectrum = new MzSpectrum(mzArray, intensityArray, false); } else { thermoSpectrum = new MzSpectrum(data); } MZAnalyzerType mzAnalyzerType; if ((ThermoMzAnalyzer)pnMassAnalyzerType == ThermoMzAnalyzer.FTMS) { mzAnalyzerType = MZAnalyzerType.Orbitrap; } else { mzAnalyzerType = MZAnalyzerType.Unknown; } string nativeId = "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=" + nScanNumber; if (pnMSOrder > 1) { int pnActivationType = 0; theConnection.GetActivationTypeForScanNum(nScanNumber, pnMSOrder, ref pnActivationType); // INITIALIZE globalParams.couldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1] (for dynamic connections that don't have it initialized yet) if (globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1].Equals(default(ManagedThermoHelperLayer.PrecursorInfo))) { var ok = new ManagedThermoHelperLayer.HelperClass(); globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1] = ok.GetSingleScanPrecursorInfo(nScanNumber, globalParams.FilePath); } var precursorInfo = globalParams.CouldBePrecursor[nScanNumber - 1]; // THIS METHOD IS BUGGY!!! DO NOT USE //theConnection.FindPrecursorMassInFullScan(nScanNumber, ref pnMasterScan, ref pdFoundMass, ref pdHeaderMass, ref pnChargeState); int oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = -1; if (precursorInfo.nScanNumber > 0) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = precursorInfo.nScanNumber; } else if (masterScanfromTrailierExtra.HasValue && masterScanfromTrailierExtra > 0) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = masterScanfromTrailierExtra.Value; } else { // we weren't able to get the precursor scan number, so we'll have to guess; // loop back to find precursor scan // (assumed to be the first scan before this scan with an MS order of this scan's MS order - 1) // e.g., if this is an MS2 scan, find the first MS1 scan before this and assume that's the precursor scan int scanOrder = globalParams.MsOrderByScan[nScanNumber - 1]; int precursorScanOrder = scanOrder - 1; for (int i = nScanNumber - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int msOrder = globalParams.MsOrderByScan[i]; if (msOrder == precursorScanOrder) { oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber = i + 1; break; } } } if (oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber == -1) { throw new MzLibException("Could not find precursor info for scan #" + nScanNumber); } int?selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = null; if (precursorInfo.nChargeState > 0) { selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = precursorInfo.nChargeState; } else if (chargeStatefromTrailierExtra.HasValue) { selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess = chargeStatefromTrailierExtra; } double?selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = null; if (precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra.HasValue && precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra.Value > 0) { selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = precursorMonoisotopicMZfromTrailierExtra; } if (precursorInfo.dMonoIsoMass > 0 && !selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz.HasValue) { selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz = precursorInfo.dMonoIsoMass; } Regex matcher; if (pbstrFilter.ToLower().Contains("msx")) { matcher = mFindParentIonOnlyMsx; } else { matcher = mFindParentIonOnlyNonMsx; } double selectedIonGuessMZ = double.Parse(matcher.Match(pbstrFilter).Groups["ParentMZ"].Value); // int? selectedIonChargeStateGuess, double? selectedIonIntensity, double? isolationMZ, double? isolationWidth, DissociationType dissociationType, int? oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, double? selectedIonMonoisotopicGuessMz, double? injectionTime, double[,] noiseData, string nativeId) // double TotalIonCurrent, double selectedIonMZ, int? selectedIonChargeStateGuess, double? selectedIonIntensity, double? isolationMZ, double? isolationWidth, DissociationType dissociationType, int? oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, double? selectedIonMonoisotopicGuessMz, double? injectionTime, double[,] noiseData, string nativeId) return(new MsDataScan( thermoSpectrum, nScanNumber, pnMSOrder, true, PolarityRegex.IsMatch(pbstrFilter) ? Polarity.Positive : Polarity.Negative, pdStartTime, new MzRange(pdLowMass, pdHighMass), pbstrFilter, mzAnalyzerType, pdTIC, injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra, noiseData, nativeId, selectedIonGuessMZ, selectedIonGuessChargeStateGuess, null, selectedIonGuessMZ, ms2isolationWidthFromTrailerExtra, (DissociationType)pnActivationType, oneBasedPrecursorScanNumber, selectedIonGuessMonoisotopicMz )); } else { return(new MsDataScan( thermoSpectrum, nScanNumber, 1, true, PolarityRegex.IsMatch(pbstrFilter) ? Polarity.Positive : Polarity.Negative, pdStartTime, new MzRange(pdLowMass, pdHighMass), pbstrFilter, mzAnalyzerType, pdTIC, injectionTimeFromTrailerExtra, noiseData, nativeId)); } }
private MassSpectrum GetSpectrumByScanNum(int scanNum) { //if (scanNum >= 24021 && scanNum <= 24021) //{ // return null; //} string scanFilter = null; _rawReader.GetFilterForScanNum(scanNum, ref scanFilter); // get scan type; int nScanType = 0; _rawReader.GetScanTypeForScanNum(scanNum, ref nScanType); // get scan header information of the spectrum; int numPackets = 0, numChannels = 0, uniformTime = 0; double startTime = 0, lowMass = 0, highMass = 0, tic = 0, basePeakMass = 0, basePeakIntensity = 0, frequency = 0; _rawReader.GetScanHeaderInfoForScanNum(scanNum, ref numPackets, ref startTime, ref lowMass, ref highMass, ref tic, ref basePeakMass, ref basePeakIntensity, ref numChannels, ref uniformTime, ref frequency); // get the instrument type; InstrumentType instrumentType = InstrumentType.ELSE; if (scanFilter.StartsWith("FTMS")) { instrumentType = InstrumentType.FTMS; } else if (scanFilter.StartsWith("ITMS")) { instrumentType = InstrumentType.ITMS; } // get MS spectrum list; string spectrumId = "controllerType=0 controllerNumber=1 scan=" + scanNum.ToString(); // get the retention time; double retentionTime = double.NaN; _rawReader.RTFromScanNum(scanNum, ref retentionTime); // get the ion injection time and the precursor information; object trailerLabelsObj = null; object trailerValuesObj = null; int trailer_array_size = -1; _rawReader.GetTrailerExtraForScanNum(scanNum, ref trailerLabelsObj, ref trailerValuesObj, ref trailer_array_size); string[] trailerLabels = (string[])trailerLabelsObj; string[] trailerValues = (string[])trailerValuesObj; double ionInjectionTime = 0; double precMz = 0; int precZ = 0; int precScanNum = 0; double isolationWindowSize = 0; for (int trailerIdx = trailerLabels.GetLowerBound(0); trailerIdx <= trailerLabels.GetUpperBound(0); trailerIdx++) { if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("Ion Injection Time")) { ionInjectionTime = double.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); } if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("Monoisotopic M/Z")) { precMz = double.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); } if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("Charge State")) { precZ = int.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); } if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("Master Scan Number")) { precScanNum = int.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); } if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("MS2 Isolation Width")) { isolationWindowSize = double.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); } } // get the analyzer temperature from the status log; object logLabelsObj = null; object logValuesObj = null; int pnArraySize = 0; _rawReader.GetStatusLogForScanNum(scanNum, 1.0, ref logLabelsObj, ref logValuesObj, ref pnArraySize); double analyzerTemperature = -1.0; if (logLabelsObj != null && logValuesObj != null) { string[] logLabels = (string[])logLabelsObj; string[] logValues = (string[])logValuesObj; for (int idx = logLabels.GetLowerBound(0); idx <= logLabels.GetUpperBound(0); idx++) { if (logLabels[idx].Contains("FT Analyzer Temp")) { analyzerTemperature = double.Parse(logValues[idx]); } if (logLabels[idx].Contains("Analyzer Temperature")) { analyzerTemperature = double.Parse(logValues[idx]); } } } // create an instance of MassSpectrum; List <Ion> peaks = null; MassSpectrum spectrum = new MassSpectrum( (int)scanNum, spectrumId, retentionTime, peaks, ionInjectionTime, instrumentType, scanFilter, analyzerTemperature, correctPrecMz); // check the MS level; if (scanFilter.Contains(" ms ")) { spectrum.MsLevel = 1; // do not filter peaks for MS1 as all peaks may be needed for later masss/charge correction; spectrum.Peaks = GetPeaks(scanNum, scanFilter, false); } else if (scanFilter.Contains(" ms2 ")) { spectrum.MsLevel = 2; int activationType = 0; //int pnNumMSOrders = 0; _rawReader.GetActivationTypeForScanNum(scanNum, spectrum.MsLevel, ref activationType); //_rawReader.GetNumberOfMSOrdersFromScanNum(scanNum, ref pnNumMSOrders); //_rawReader.GetIsolationWidthForScanNum(scanNum, pnNumMSOrders, ref isolationWindowSize); spectrum.IsolationWindowSize = isolationWindowSize; spectrum.ActivationMethod = (Activation)activationType; spectrum.Peaks = GetPeaks(scanNum, scanFilter, false); spectrum.Precursors = new List <Tuple <double, int> >(); spectrum.PrecursorIntensity = 0; spectrum.PrecursorScanNumber = precScanNum; // get the precMz from the filter; int begin = scanFilter.IndexOf(" ms2 ") + 5; int end = begin + 1, len = 1; while (end < scanFilter.Count() && (scanFilter[end] >= '0' && scanFilter[end] <= '9') || scanFilter[end] == '.') { end++; len++; } spectrum.PrecMzFromFilter = double.Parse(scanFilter.Substring(begin, len)); //Console.Write(bypassThermoAlgorithm); //Console.Write(precMz); if (precMz == 0 || bypassThermoAlgorithm) { precMz = spectrum.PrecMzFromFilter; } if (precZ == 0 && ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE) { foreach (int z in MS2_PRECURSOR_CHARGES) { spectrum.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(precMz, z)); } } else { spectrum.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(precMz, precZ)); } } else if (scanFilter.Contains(" ms3 ")) { spectrum.MsLevel = 3; if (precMz == 0) { int end = scanFilter.Count() - 1; while (end >= 0 && scanFilter[end] != '@') { end--; } int begin = end - 1, len = 1; while (begin >= 0 && (scanFilter[begin] >= '0' && scanFilter[begin] <= '9') || scanFilter[begin] == '.') { begin--; len++; } begin++; len--; precMz = double.Parse(scanFilter.Substring(begin, len)); } // TODO: MS3 spectrum mass/charge correction need to be taken care; spectrum.Precursors = new List <Tuple <double, int> >(); spectrum.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(precMz, precZ)); spectrum.Peaks = GetPeaks(scanNum, scanFilter, false); if (precMz < 0.01) { for (int trailerIdx = trailerLabels.GetLowerBound(0); trailerIdx <= trailerLabels.GetUpperBound(0); trailerIdx++) { if (trailerLabels[trailerIdx].StartsWith("SPS Mass 1")) { precMz = double.Parse(trailerValues[trailerIdx]); break; } } } spectrum.Precursors = new List <Tuple <double, int> >(); spectrum.PrecursorIntensity = double.NaN; spectrum.PrecursorScanNumber = precScanNum; int activationType = 0; _rawReader.GetActivationTypeForScanNum(scanNum, spectrum.MsLevel, ref activationType); spectrum.ActivationMethod = (Activation)activationType; if (precZ == 0 && ALWAYS_USE_PRECURSOR_CHARGE_STATE_RANGE) { int maxCharge = 0; foreach (int z in MS2_PRECURSOR_CHARGES) { if (maxCharge < z) { maxCharge = z; } } for (int z = 0; z <= maxCharge; z++) { spectrum.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(precMz, z)); } } else { spectrum.Precursors.Add(new Tuple <double, int>(precMz, precZ)); } } // get the isolation window size; //double isoWinSize = 0; //int numMSOrders = 0; //_rawReader.GetNumberOfMSOrdersFromScanNum(scanNum, ref numMSOrders); //for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) //{ // _rawReader.GetIsolationWidthForScanNum(scanNum, i, ref isoWinSize); // Console.WriteLine(i + "\t" + isoWinSize); //} //spectrum.IsolationWindowSize = isoWinSize; //_rawReader.GetIsolationWidthForScanNum(scanNum, spectrum.MsLevel, ref isoWinSize); //Console.WriteLine(spectrum.MsLevel + "\t" + isoWinSize); // set the scan header information; spectrum.TotIonCurrent = tic; spectrum.LowMz = lowMass; spectrum.HighMz = highMass; spectrum.BasePeakMz = basePeakMass; spectrum.BasePeakIntensity = basePeakIntensity; return(spectrum); }