private void buildWorkbook(IWorkbook wb) { ISheet sh = wb.CreateSheet(); IRow row1 = sh.CreateRow(0); IRow row2 = sh.CreateRow(1); row3 = sh.CreateRow(2); row1.CreateCell(0, CellType.Numeric); row1.CreateCell(1, CellType.Numeric); row2.CreateCell(0, CellType.Numeric); row2.CreateCell(1, CellType.Numeric); row3.CreateCell(0); row3.CreateCell(1); CellReference a1 = new CellReference("A1"); CellReference a2 = new CellReference("A2"); CellReference b1 = new CellReference("B1"); CellReference b2 = new CellReference("B2"); sh.GetRow(a1.Row).GetCell(a1.Col).SetCellValue(35); sh.GetRow(a2.Row).GetCell(a2.Col).SetCellValue(0); sh.GetRow(b1.Row).GetCell(b1.Col).CellFormula = (/*setter*/"A1/A2"); sh.GetRow(b2.Row).GetCell(b2.Col).CellFormula = (/*setter*/"NA()"); Evaluator = wb.GetCreationHelper().CreateFormulaEvaluator(); }
private void FillData(IWorkbook p_wb) { ISheet sheet = p_wb.CreateSheet("sheet123"); sheet.RowSumsBelow = (/*setter*/false); int i; for (i = 0; i < ROWS_NUMBER; i++) { IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(i); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(i + 1); } i = 1; while (i < ROWS_NUMBER) { int end = i + (GROUP_SIZE - 2); int start = i; // natural order // int start = end - 1; // reverse order while (start < end) { // natural order // while (start >= i) { // reverse order sheet.GroupRow(start, end); //o_groupsNumber++; bool collapsed = IsCollapsed(); //System.out.Println("Set group " + start + "->" + end + " to " + collapsed); sheet.SetRowGroupCollapsed(start, collapsed); start++; // natural order // start--; // reverse order } i += GROUP_SIZE; } }
public bool Init() { if (!File.Exists(m_StrategyName)) { m_StrategyWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); m_StrategySheet = (ISheet)m_StrategyWorkBook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow Row = m_StrategySheet.CreateRow(0); Row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("-500"); Row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("-450"); Row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("-400"); Row.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("-350"); Row.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("-300"); Row.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("-250"); Row.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("-200"); Row.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("-150"); Row.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("-100"); Row.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("-50"); Row.CreateCell(10).SetCellValue("0"); Row.CreateCell(11).SetCellValue("50"); Row.CreateCell(12).SetCellValue("100"); Row.CreateCell(13).SetCellValue("150"); Row.CreateCell(14).SetCellValue("200"); Row.CreateCell(15).SetCellValue("250"); Row.CreateCell(16).SetCellValue("300"); Row.CreateCell(17).SetCellValue("350"); Row.CreateCell(18).SetCellValue("400"); Row.CreateCell(19).SetCellValue("450"); Row.CreateCell(20).SetCellValue("500"); return true; } return false; }
private void Confirm(IWorkbook wb) { ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("new sheet"); cell11 = sheet.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell11.SetCellType(CellType.Formula); Confirm("PROPER(\"hi there\")", "Hi There"); Confirm("PROPER(\"what's up\")", "What'S Up"); Confirm("PROPER(\"I DON'T TH!NK SO!\")", "I Don'T Th!Nk So!"); Confirm("PROPER(\"dr\u00dcb\u00f6'\u00e4 \u00e9lo\u015f|\u00eb\u00e8 \")", "Dr\u00fcb\u00f6'\u00c4 \u00c9lo\u015f|\u00cb\u00e8 "); Confirm("PROPER(\"hi123 the123re\")", "Hi123 The123Re"); Confirm("PROPER(\"-\")", "-"); Confirm("PROPER(\"!\u00a7$\")", "!\u00a7$"); Confirm("PROPER(\"/&%\")", "/&%"); // also test longer string StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("A"); StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder("A"); for (int i = 1; i < 254; i++) { builder.Append((char)(65 + (i % 26))); expected.Append((char)(97 + (i % 26))); } Confirm("PROPER(\"" + builder.ToString() + "\")", expected.ToString()); }
public SheetWriter(IWorkbook wb) { ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); WriteHeaderRow(wb, sheet); _sheet = sheet; _rowIndex = 1; }
public EntryKillsTeamSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Name", CellType.String }, { "Total", CellType.Numeric }, { "Win", CellType.Numeric }, { "Loss", CellType.Numeric }, { "Ratio", CellType.String } }; Demo = demo; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Entry Kills Teams"); }
public OpenKillsPlayerSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Name", CellType.String }, { "SteamID", CellType.String }, { "Total", CellType.Numeric }, { "Win", CellType.Numeric }, { "Loss", CellType.Numeric }, { "Ratio", CellType.String } }; Demo = demo; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Open Kills Players"); }
public PlayersSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Name", CellType.String }, { "SteamID", CellType.String }, { "Rank", CellType.Numeric }, { "Team", CellType.String }, { "Kills", CellType.Numeric }, { "Assists", CellType.Numeric }, { "Deaths", CellType.Numeric }, { "K/D", CellType.Numeric }, { "HS", CellType.Numeric }, { "HS%", CellType.Numeric }, { "Team kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Entry kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric }, { "MVP", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score", CellType.Numeric }, { "Rating", CellType.Numeric }, { "KPR", CellType.Numeric }, { "APR", CellType.Numeric }, { "DPR", CellType.Numeric }, { "ADR", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDH", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDA", CellType.Numeric }, { "5K", CellType.Numeric }, { "4K", CellType.Numeric }, { "3K", CellType.Numeric }, { "2K", CellType.Numeric }, { "1K", CellType.Numeric }, { "Crouch kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Jump kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v1", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v2", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v3", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v4", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v5", CellType.Numeric }, { "Flashbang", CellType.Numeric }, { "Smoke", CellType.Numeric }, { "HE", CellType.Numeric }, { "Decoy", CellType.Numeric }, { "Molotov", CellType.Numeric }, { "Incendiary", CellType.Numeric }, { "VAC", CellType.Boolean }, { "OW", CellType.Boolean }, }; Demo = demo; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Players"); }
public EntryKillsRoundSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Number", CellType.Numeric }, { "Killer Name", CellType.String}, { "Killer SteamID", CellType.String }, { "Killed Name", CellType.String }, { "Killed SteamID", CellType.String }, { "Weapon", CellType.String }, { "Result", CellType.String } }; Demo = demo; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Entry Kills Rounds"); }
public GeneralSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List<Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Filename", CellType.String }, { "Type", CellType.String }, { "Source", CellType.String }, { "Map", CellType.String }, { "Hostname", CellType.String }, { "Client", CellType.String }, { "Server Tickrate", CellType.Numeric }, { "Framerate", CellType.Numeric }, { "Duration", CellType.Numeric }, { "Name team 1", CellType.String }, { "Name team 2", CellType.String }, { "Score team 1", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score team 2", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score 1st half team 1", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score 1st half team 2", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score 2nd half team 1", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score 2nd half team 2", CellType.Numeric }, { "Winner", CellType.String }, { "Kills", CellType.Numeric }, { "Assists", CellType.Numeric }, { "5K", CellType.Numeric }, { "4K", CellType.Numeric }, { "3K", CellType.Numeric }, { "2K", CellType.Numeric }, { "1K", CellType.Numeric }, { "Average Damage Per Round", CellType.Numeric }, { "Total Damage Health", CellType.Numeric }, { "Total Damage Armor", CellType.Numeric }, { "Clutch", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb Defused", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb Exploded", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb Planted", CellType.Numeric }, { "Flashbang", CellType.Numeric }, { "Smoke", CellType.Numeric }, { "HE", CellType.Numeric }, { "Decoy", CellType.Numeric }, { "Molotov", CellType.Numeric }, { "Incendiary", CellType.Numeric }, { "Shots", CellType.Numeric }, { "Hits", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round", CellType.Numeric }, { "Comment", CellType.String }, { "Cheater", CellType.Boolean } }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("General"); }
public WeaponsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List<Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>() { {"Name", CellType.String}, {"Kills", CellType.Numeric}, {"Damage health", CellType.Numeric}, {"Damage armor", CellType.Numeric}, {"Shots", CellType.Numeric}, {"Hits", CellType.Numeric}, {"Accuracy %", CellType.Numeric} }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Weapons"); }
public void Init() { if (!File.Exists(m_sFileName)) { m_StrategyWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); m_StrategySheet = (ISheet)m_StrategyWorkBook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow Row = m_StrategySheet.CreateRow(0); int nCount = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair<int, int> kp in m_DicLetter) { Row.CreateCell(nCount).SetCellValue(kp.Key); nCount++; } } }
public void LoadExcel() { m_OrderLogWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); m_OrderLogSheet = (ISheet)m_OrderLogWorkBook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow Row = m_OrderLogSheet.CreateRow(0); Row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("日期"); Row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("策略"); Row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("停利"); Row.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("停損"); Row.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("多空"); Row.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("口數"); Row.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("成交價"); Row.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("獲利"); Row.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("結果"); Row.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("其他"); }
public TeamsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List<Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>() { {"Name", CellType.String}, {"Match", CellType.Numeric}, {"Win", CellType.Numeric}, {"Lost", CellType.Numeric}, {"Kills", CellType.Numeric}, {"Deaths", CellType.Numeric}, {"Assists", CellType.Numeric}, {"Rounds", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round lost", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round CT win", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round CT lost", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round T win", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round T lost", CellType.Numeric}, {"Win pistol round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Win eco round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Win semi-eco round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Win force-buy round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb exploded", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted on A", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted on B", CellType.Numeric}, {"5K", CellType.Numeric}, {"4K", CellType.Numeric}, {"3K", CellType.Numeric}, {"2K", CellType.Numeric}, {"1K", CellType.Numeric}, {"Jump kill", CellType.Numeric}, {"Crouch kill", CellType.Numeric}, {"Flash", CellType.Numeric}, {"HE", CellType.Numeric}, {"Smoke", CellType.Numeric}, {"Molotov", CellType.Numeric}, {"Incendiary", CellType.Numeric}, {"Decoy", CellType.Numeric}, }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Teams"); }
public SheetLimits(IWorkbook workbook, string date) { this.workbook = workbook; = date; sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(date + "-Лимиты"); summedCells = new List<int>(); cellStyles = new CellStyles(workbook); styleInnerHeading = cellStyles.InnerHeadline(); styleHeading = cellStyles.Heading(); styleHeadingSum = cellStyles.HeadingSum(); styleHeadline = cellStyles.Headline(); styleTable = cellStyles.LimitsTable(); styleDouble = cellStyles.LimitsDouble(); styleDoubleBold = cellStyles.LimitsDoubleBold(); styleCorpColor = cellStyles.CorpColor(); styleLimitsDoubleSum = cellStyles.LimitsDoubleSum(); styleResultHeadline = cellStyles.ResultHeadline(); }
public void TestRemoveArrayFormula() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); CellRangeAddress range = new CellRangeAddress(3, 5, 2, 2); Assert.AreEqual("C4:C6", range.FormatAsString()); ICellRange <ICell> cr = sheet.SetArrayFormula("SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)", range); Assert.AreEqual(3, cr.Size); // remove the formula cells in C4:C6 ICellRange <ICell> dcells = sheet.RemoveArrayFormula(cr.TopLeftCell); // RemoveArrayFormula should return the same cells as SetArrayFormula Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.Equals(cr.FlattenedCells, dcells.FlattenedCells)); foreach (ICell acell in cr) { Assert.IsFalse(acell.IsPartOfArrayFormulaGroup); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Blank, acell.CellType); } // cells C4:C6 are not included in array formula, // invocation of sheet.RemoveArrayFormula on any of them throws ArgumentException foreach (ICell acell in cr) { try { sheet.RemoveArrayFormula(acell); Assert.Fail("expected exception"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { String ref1 = new CellReference(acell).FormatAsString(); Assert.AreEqual("Cell " + ref1 + " is not part of an array formula.", e.Message); } } }
public void TestFormulaStyle() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet s = wb.CreateSheet("testSheet1"); IRow r = null; ICell c = null; ICellStyle cs = wb.CreateCellStyle(); IFont f = wb.CreateFont(); f.FontHeightInPoints = 20; f.Color = (IndexedColors.RED.Index); f.Boldweight = (int)FontBoldWeight.BOLD; f.FontName = "Arial Unicode MS"; cs.FillBackgroundColor = 3; cs.SetFont(f); cs.BorderTop = BorderStyle.THIN; cs.BorderRight = BorderStyle.THIN; cs.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.THIN; cs.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.THIN; r = s.CreateRow(0); c = r.CreateCell(0); c.CellStyle = cs; c.CellFormula = ("2*3"); wb = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb); s = wb.GetSheetAt(0); r = s.GetRow(0); c = r.GetCell(0); Assert.IsTrue((c.CellType == CellType.FORMULA), "Formula Cell at 0,0"); cs = c.CellStyle; Assert.IsNotNull(cs, "Formula Cell Style"); Assert.IsTrue((cs.FontIndex == f.Index), "Font Index Matches"); Assert.IsTrue((cs.BorderTop == BorderStyle.THIN), "Top Border"); Assert.IsTrue((cs.BorderLeft == BorderStyle.THIN), "Left Border"); Assert.IsTrue((cs.BorderRight == BorderStyle.THIN), "Right Border"); Assert.IsTrue((cs.BorderBottom == BorderStyle.THIN), "Bottom Border"); }
public void TestCopyHyperlink() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ICreationHelper createHelper = wb.GetCreationHelper(); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Hyperlinks"); IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0); ICell cell1, cell2; IHyperlink link1, link2; //URL cell1 = row.CreateCell(0); cell2 = row.CreateCell(1); cell1.SetCellValue("URL Link"); link1 = createHelper.CreateHyperlink(HyperlinkType.Url); link1.Address = (""); cell1.Hyperlink = (link1); link2 = CopyHyperlink(link1); // Change address (type is not changeable) link2.Address = (""); cell2.Hyperlink = (link2); // Make sure hyperlinks were deep-copied, and modifying one does not modify the other. Assert.AreNotSame(link1, link2); Assert.AreNotEqual(link1, link2); Assert.AreEqual("", link1.Address); Assert.AreEqual("", link2.Address); Assert.AreEqual(link1, cell1.Hyperlink); Assert.AreEqual(link2, cell2.Hyperlink); // Make sure both hyperlinks were added to the sheet List <IHyperlink> actualHyperlinks = sheet.GetHyperlinkList(); Assert.AreEqual(2, actualHyperlinks.Count); Assert.AreEqual(link1, actualHyperlinks[0]); Assert.AreEqual(link2, actualHyperlinks[1]); wb.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 由DataSet导出Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="sourceDs">要导出数据的DataSet</param> /// <param name="sheetName">工作表名称</param> /// <param name="excelType">工资表类型</param> /// <returns>Excel工作表</returns> private static Stream ExportDataSetToExcel(DataSet sourceDs, ExcelType excelType, String sheetName) { IWorkbook workbook = GetIWorkbook(excelType); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); String[] sheetNames = sheetName.Split(','); for (Int32 i = 0; i < sheetNames.Length; i++) { ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetNames[i]); IRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); // handling header. foreach (DataColumn column in sourceDs.Tables[i].Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); } // handling value. Int32 rowIndex = 1; foreach (DataRow row in sourceDs.Tables[i].Rows) { IRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); foreach (DataColumn column in sourceDs.Tables[i].Columns) { dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(row[column].ToString()); } rowIndex++; } } workbook.Write(ms); ms.Flush(); //ms.Position = 0; workbook = null; return(ms); }
public void TestFormulaStyle() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet s = wb.CreateSheet("testSheet1"); IRow r = null; ICell c = null; ICellStyle cs = wb.CreateCellStyle(); IFont f = wb.CreateFont(); f.FontHeightInPoints = 20; f.Color = (HSSFColor.Red.Index); f.Boldweight = (int)FontBoldWeight.Bold; f.FontName = "Arial Unicode MS"; cs.FillBackgroundColor = 3; cs.SetFont(f); cs.BorderTop = BorderStyle.Thin; cs.BorderRight = BorderStyle.Thin; cs.BorderLeft = BorderStyle.Thin; cs.BorderBottom = BorderStyle.Thin; r = s.CreateRow(0); c = r.CreateCell(0); c.CellStyle = cs; c.CellFormula = ("2*3"); wb = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb); s = wb.GetSheetAt(0); r = s.GetRow(0); c = r.GetCell(0); Assert.AreEqual(c.CellType, CellType.Formula, "Formula Cell at 0,0"); cs = c.CellStyle; Assert.IsNotNull(cs, "Formula Cell Style"); Assert.AreEqual(f.Index, cs.FontIndex, "Font Index Matches"); Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.Thin, cs.BorderTop, "Top Border"); Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.Thin, cs.BorderLeft, "Left Border"); Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.Thin, cs.BorderRight, "Right Border"); Assert.AreEqual(BorderStyle.Thin, cs.BorderBottom, "Bottom Border"); }
private ErrorInfo SaveExcelSheet(int getudoyyyymm, List <DailyAttendanceData> item, IWorkbook workbook_old, out IWorkbook workbook) { workbook = workbook_old; var errorinfo = new ErrorInfo(); try { var sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(getudoyyyymm.ToString()); int rowcount = item.Count; this.GetHeaderAttendanceData(sheet); for (int i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { var record = new DailyAttendanceData(); IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(i + 1); ICell cell_GetudoYYYYMM = row.CreateCell(0); cell_GetudoYYYYMM.SetCellValue(item[i].GetudoYYYYMM); ICell cell_Day = row.CreateCell(1); cell_Day.SetCellValue(item[i].Day); ICell cell_DayKBN = row.CreateCell(2); cell_DayKBN.SetCellValue((int)item[i].DayKBN); ICell cell_PlanMMSS_Start = row.CreateCell(3); cell_PlanMMSS_Start.SetCellValue(item[i].PlanMMSS_Start.ToString()); ICell cell_PlanMMSS_END = row.CreateCell(4); cell_PlanMMSS_END.SetCellValue(item[i].PlanMMSS_END.ToString()); ICell cell_ResultMMSS_Start = row.CreateCell(5); cell_ResultMMSS_Start.SetCellValue(item[i].ResultMMSS_Start.ToString()); ICell cell_ResultMMSS_END = row.CreateCell(6); cell_ResultMMSS_END.SetCellValue(item[i].ResultMMSS_END.ToString()); ICell cell_Bikou = row.CreateCell(7); cell_Bikou.SetCellValue(item[i].Bikou); } } catch (Exception ex) { errorinfo.HasError = true; errorinfo.ErrorReason = ex.Message; } return(errorinfo); }
public void TestAutoCreateOtherCells() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow row1 = sheet.CreateRow(0); ICell cellA1 = row1.CreateCell(0); ICell cellB1 = row1.CreateCell(1); String formula = "42"; sheet.SetArrayFormula(formula, CellRangeAddress.ValueOf("A1:B2")); Assert.AreEqual(formula, cellA1.CellFormula); Assert.AreEqual(formula, cellB1.CellFormula); IRow row2 = sheet.GetRow(1); Assert.IsNotNull(row2); Assert.AreEqual(formula, row2.GetCell(0).CellFormula); Assert.AreEqual(formula, row2.GetCell(1).CellFormula); workbook.Close(); }
public MapsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List <Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary <string, CellType>() { { "Name", CellType.String }, { "Match", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win CT", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win T", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win pistol round", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win eco", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win Semi-eco", CellType.Numeric }, { "Round win force-buy", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb exploded", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted on A", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted on B", CellType.Numeric } }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Maps"); }
public void TestMergedCells() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(); IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0); sheet.AddMergedRegion(CellRangeAddress.ValueOf("A1:B1")); ICell cell0 = row.CreateCell(0); cell0.SetCellValue("Apache Software Foundation"); int defaulWidth = sheet.GetColumnWidth(0); sheet.AutoSizeColumn(0); // column is unChanged if merged regions are ignored (Excel like behavior) Assert.AreEqual(defaulWidth, sheet.GetColumnWidth(0)); sheet.AutoSizeColumn(0, true); Assert.IsTrue(sheet.GetColumnWidth(0) > defaulWidth); }
public MapsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List<Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>() { {"Name", CellType.String}, {"Match", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win CT", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win T", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win pistol round", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win eco", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win Semi-eco", CellType.Numeric}, {"Round win force-buy", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb exploded", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted on A", CellType.Numeric}, {"Bomb planted on B", CellType.Numeric} }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Maps"); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="workbook"></param> /// <param name="dataTable"></param> /// <param name="setTableHead"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ISheet DataTableToSheet(IWorkbook workbook, DataTable dataTable, Func <IWorkbook, ISheet, int> setTableHead = null) { var sheet = dataTable.TableName.MIsNullOrEmpty() ? workbook.CreateSheet() : workbook.CreateSheet(dataTable.TableName); var rowNum = 0; if (setTableHead != null) { rowNum = setTableHead(workbook, sheet); } var columnNum = dataTable.Columns.Count; foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows) { var row = sheet.CreateRow(rowNum++); for (var i = 0; i < columnNum; i++) { var cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(dr[i].ToString()); } } return(sheet); }
public void TestExternalFunctions() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sh = wb.CreateSheet(); ICell cell1 = sh.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell1.CellFormula = ("ISODD(1)+ISEVEN(2)"); // functions from the Excel Analysis Toolpack Assert.AreEqual("ISODD(1)+ISEVEN(2)", cell1.CellFormula); ICell cell2 = sh.CreateRow(1).CreateCell(0); try { cell2.CellFormula = ("MYBASEEXTFUNC(\"B1\")"); Assert.Fail("Should fail because MYBASEEXTFUNC is an unknown function"); } catch (FormulaParseException) { ; //expected } wb.AddToolPack(customToolpack); cell2.CellFormula = ("MYBASEEXTFUNC(\"B1\")"); Assert.AreEqual("MYBASEEXTFUNC(\"B1\")", cell2.CellFormula); ICell cell3 = sh.CreateRow(2).CreateCell(0); cell3.CellFormula = ("MYBASEEXTFUNC2(\"C1\")&\"-\"&A2"); //where A2 is defined above Assert.AreEqual("MYBASEEXTFUNC2(\"C1\")&\"-\"&A2", cell3.CellFormula); IFormulaEvaluator Evaluator = wb.GetCreationHelper().CreateFormulaEvaluator(); Assert.AreEqual(2.0, Evaluator.Evaluate(cell1).NumberValue); Assert.AreEqual("B1abc", Evaluator.Evaluate(cell2).StringValue); Assert.AreEqual("C1abc2-B1abc", Evaluator.Evaluate(cell3).StringValue); }
/// <summary> /// DataTable转成Excel文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="SourceTable"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void DataTableToExcel(DataTable dt, string ExcelPath) { IWorkbook workbook = CreateWorkbook(ExcelPath); if (workbook == null) { return; } ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.TableName) ? "Sheet1" : dt.TableName); //建立Eexcel表头行 IRow headerRow = sheet.CreateRow(0); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { headerRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(column.ColumnName); } //数据 int rowIndex = 1; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { IRow dataRow = sheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); foreach (DataColumn column in dt.Columns) { dataRow.CreateCell(column.Ordinal).SetCellValue(row[column].ToString()); } rowIndex++; } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(ExcelPath))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(ExcelPath)); } using (FileStream file = new FileStream(ExcelPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { workbook.Write(file); file.Flush(); } }
public bool Init() { if (!File.Exists(m_StrategyName)) { m_StrategyWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); m_StrategySheet = (ISheet)m_StrategyWorkBook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow Row = m_StrategySheet.CreateRow(0); Row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("策略名稱"); Row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("停利"); Row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("停損"); Row.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("總次數"); Row.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("成功機率"); Row.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("期望值"); Row.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("近2年次數"); Row.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("近2年成功率"); Row.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("近2年期望值"); Row.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("多/空"); return true; } return false; }
private void Confirm(IWorkbook wb) { ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("new sheet"); cell11 = sheet.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell11.SetCellType(CellType.Formula); Confirm("PROPER(\"hi there\")", "Hi There"); //simple case Confirm("PROPER(\"what's up\")", "What'S Up"); //apostrophes are treated as word breaks Confirm("PROPER(\"I DON'T TH!NK SO!\")", "I Don'T Th!Nk So!"); //capitalization is ignored, special punctuation is treated as a word break Confirm("PROPER(\"dr\u00dcb\u00f6'\u00e4 \u00e9lo\u015f|\u00eb\u00e8 \")", "Dr\u00fcb\u00f6'\u00c4 \u00c9lo\u015f|\u00cb\u00e8 "); Confirm("PROPER(\"hi123 the123re\")", "Hi123 The123Re"); //numbers are treated as word breaks Confirm("PROPER(\"-\")", "-"); //nothing happens with ascii punctuation that is not upper or lower case Confirm("PROPER(\"!\u00a7$\")", "!\u00a7$"); //nothing happens with unicode punctuation (section sign) that is not upper or lower case Confirm("PROPER(\"/&%\")", "/&%"); //nothing happens with ascii punctuation that is not upper or lower case Confirm("PROPER(\"Apache POI\")", "Apache Poi"); //acronyms are not special Confirm("PROPER(\" hello world\")", " Hello World"); //leading whitespace is ignored String scharfes = "\u00df"; //German lowercase eszett, scharfes s, sharp s Confirm("PROPER(\"stra" + scharfes + "e\")", "Stra" + scharfes + "e"); // CURRENTLY FAILS: result: "SSUnd"+scharfes // LibreOffice behavior: "Sund"+scharfes // Excel 2013 behavior: ??? //Confirm("PROPER(\"" + scharfes + "und" + scharfes + "\")", "SSund" + scharfes); Confirm("PROPER(\"" + scharfes + "und" + scharfes + "\")", "ßund" + scharfes); //should be ß in .net framework // also test longer string StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("A"); StringBuilder expected = new StringBuilder("A"); for (int i = 1; i < 254; i++) { builder.Append((char)(65 + (i % 26))); expected.Append((char)(97 + (i % 26))); } Confirm("PROPER(\"" + builder.ToString() + "\")", expected.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel /// </summary> /// <param name="dts">数据表集合</param> /// <param name="type">文件类型</param> /// <param name="isWriteColumnHeader">是否将列标题写入</param> /// <returns>Excel</returns> public static IWorkbook Export( IEnumerable <DataTable> dts, FileType type, bool isWriteColumnHeader) { ISheet sheet = null; IWorkbook workbook = GetWorkbook(type); dts.ForEach(t => { var index = isWriteColumnHeader ? 1 : 0; var sheetName = t.TableName.IsNullOrEmpty() ? ("Sheet" + index) : t.TableName; sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName); if (isWriteColumnHeader) { var row = sheet.CreateRow(0); var columnIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t.Columns.Count; i++) { row.CreateCell(columnIndex, CellType.String).SetCellValue(t.Columns[columnIndex].ColumnName); row.Cells[columnIndex].SetColumnWidth(); columnIndex++; } } for (int i = 0; i < t.Rows.Count; i++) { var row = sheet.CreateRow(index); var columnIndex = 0; for (int j = 0; j < t.Columns.Count; j++) { row.CreateCell(columnIndex, CellType.String).SetCellValue(t.Rows[i][columnIndex].ToString()); row.Cells[columnIndex].SetColumnWidth(); columnIndex++; } index++; } }); return(workbook); }
private static void CreateBuildDetailsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, IEnumerable <QueuedBuildStatus> entries) { var buildsDetailsSheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Builds details"); var builds = entries.GroupBy(e => e.Id).Select(g => new { Id = g.Key, Elements = g.ToArray() }).Select(g => new { g.Id, Beginning = g.Elements.Min(e => e.Timestamp), Ending = g.Elements.Max(e => e.Timestamp), g.Elements.First().Type, g.Elements.First().Branch }).ToArray(); var rowIndex = 0; var row = buildsDetailsSheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Build id"); row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("Beginning queue timestamp"); row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("Ending queue timestamp"); row.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("Queue duration"); row.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("Build type"); row.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("Branch"); foreach (var status in builds) { rowIndex++; var statusRow = buildsDetailsSheet.CreateRow(rowIndex); statusRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(status.Id); statusRow.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(status.Beginning); statusRow.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue(status.Ending); statusRow.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue((DateTime.Parse(status.Ending) - DateTime.Parse(status.Beginning)).TotalMinutes); statusRow.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue(status.Type); statusRow.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue(status.Branch); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes cell value on a sheet in an Excel file. /// </summary> /// <param name="sheetName">Sheet name where the cell is located.</param> /// <param name="cellName">Cell address.</param> /// <param name="cellValue">Value to write in cell.</param> public void CreateExcel(string sheetName, string cellName, string cellValue) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { using (FileStream str = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); excelWSheet = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName); var cr = new CellReference(cellName); row = excelWSheet.GetRow(cr.Row); cell = row.GetCell(cr.Col); cell.SetCellValue(cellValue); workbook.Write(str); str.Flush(); str.Close(); } } else { using (FileStream rstr = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(rstr); excelWSheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName); using (FileStream wstr = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { var cr = new CellReference(cellName); row = excelWSheet.GetRow(cr.Row); cell = row.GetCell(cr.Col); cell.SetCellValue(cellValue); //Debug.Print(cell.ToString()); workbook.Write(wstr); wstr.Flush(); wstr.Close(); } rstr.Close(); } } }
/** * Test writing a file with large number of unique strings, * open resulting file in Excel to check results! * @param num the number of strings to generate */ public void BaseTest15375(int num) { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet(); ICreationHelper factory = wb.GetCreationHelper(); String tmp1 = null; String tmp2 = null; String tmp3 = null; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { tmp1 = "Test1" + i; tmp2 = "Test2" + i; tmp3 = "Test3" + i; IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(i); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(factory.CreateRichTextString(tmp1)); cell = row.CreateCell(1); cell.SetCellValue(factory.CreateRichTextString(tmp2)); cell = row.CreateCell(2); cell.SetCellValue(factory.CreateRichTextString(tmp3)); } wb = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { tmp1 = "Test1" + i; tmp2 = "Test2" + i; tmp3 = "Test3" + i; IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); Assert.AreEqual(tmp1, row.GetCell(0).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual(tmp2, row.GetCell(1).StringCellValue); Assert.AreEqual(tmp3, row.GetCell(2).StringCellValue); } }
/// <summary> /// 导出Excel /// </summary> private byte[] Export(ExportOption exportOption, IWorkbook workbook, DataSet dataSet) { string[] tableHeaders = exportOption.Header.SplitTextBySemicolonChar(); string[] sheetNames = exportOption.SheetName.SplitTextBySemicolonChar(); string[] titles = exportOption.Title.SplitTextBySemicolonChar(); ICellStyle titleStyle = this.titleStyleFunc(workbook); ICellStyle headerStyle = this.headerStyleFunc(workbook); ICellStyle contentStyle = this.styleFunc(workbook); for (int sheetIndex = 0; sheetIndex < sheetNames.Length; sheetIndex++) { ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetNames[sheetIndex]); var rowInfo = this.CreateTitleAndHeader(tableHeaders, titles, sheetIndex, sheet, titleStyle, headerStyle); int rowIndex = rowInfo.headerRowCount + rowInfo.titleRowCount; this.CreateDataContent(sheetIndex, rowIndex, sheet, contentStyle, dataSet); } return(workbook.ConvertWorkBookToBytes()); }
public ISheet FromDataTable(DataTable dt, int FirstRowIndex, bool OutputTitle) { Debug.Assert(FirstRowIndex >= 0); Debug.Assert(dt != null); //设置SheetName HSSFSheet sheet = Workbook.CreateSheet() as HSSFSheet; int sheetidx = Workbook.GetSheetIndex(sheet); Workbook.SetSheetName(sheetidx, dt.TableName); int RowIndex = BeforeTitle(sheet); //输出标题行 RowIndex += FirstRowIndex; if (OutputTitle) { IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowIndex); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; i++) { ICell cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.SetCellValue(dt.Columns[i].ColumnName); } RowIndex++; } //输出数据 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(RowIndex); for (int j = 0; j < dt.Columns.Count; j++) { //TODO::需要针对类型转换 ICell cell = row.CreateCell(j); cell.SetCellValue(dt.Rows[i][j].ToString()); } RowIndex++; } AfterFootbar(sheet); return(sheet); }
public RoundsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Number", CellType.Numeric }, { "Tick", CellType.Numeric}, { "Duration (s)", CellType.Numeric}, { "Winner Clan Name", CellType.String }, { "Winner", CellType.String }, { "End reason", CellType.String }, { "Type", CellType.String }, { "Side", CellType.String }, { "Team", CellType.String }, { "Kills", CellType.Numeric }, { "1K", CellType.Numeric }, { "2K", CellType.Numeric }, { "3K", CellType.Numeric }, { "4K", CellType.Numeric }, { "5K", CellType.Numeric }, { "Jump kills", CellType.Numeric }, { "ADP", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDH", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDA", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb Exploded", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric }, { "Start money team 1", CellType.Numeric }, { "Start money team 2", CellType.Numeric }, { "Equipement value team 1", CellType.Numeric }, { "Equipement value team 2", CellType.Numeric }, { "Flashbang", CellType.Numeric }, { "Smoke", CellType.Numeric }, { "HE", CellType.Numeric }, { "Decoy", CellType.Numeric }, { "Molotov", CellType.Numeric }, { "Incendiary", CellType.Numeric } }; Demo = demo; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Rounds"); }
public void TestNanAndInfInity() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet workSheet = wb.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow row = workSheet.CreateRow(0); ICell cell0 = row.CreateCell(0); cell0.SetCellValue(Double.NaN); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell0.CellType, "Double.NaN should change cell type to CELL_TYPE_ERROR"); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.NUM, FormulaError.ForInt(cell0.ErrorCellValue), "Double.NaN should change cell value to #NUM!"); ICell cell1 = row.CreateCell(1); cell1.SetCellValue(Double.PositiveInfinity); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell1.CellType, "Double.PositiveInfinity should change cell type to CELL_TYPE_ERROR"); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.DIV0, FormulaError.ForInt(cell1.ErrorCellValue), "Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY should change cell value to #DIV/0!"); ICell cell2 = row.CreateCell(2); cell2.SetCellValue(Double.NegativeInfinity); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell2.CellType, "Double.NegativeInfinity should change cell type to CELL_TYPE_ERROR"); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.DIV0, FormulaError.ForInt(cell2.ErrorCellValue), "Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY should change cell value to #DIV/0!"); wb = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb); row = wb.GetSheetAt(0).GetRow(0); cell0 = row.GetCell(0); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell0.CellType); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.NUM, FormulaError.ForInt(cell0.ErrorCellValue)); cell1 = row.GetCell(1); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell1.CellType); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.DIV0, FormulaError.ForInt(cell1.ErrorCellValue)); cell2 = row.GetCell(2); Assert.AreEqual(CellType.Error, cell2.CellType); Assert.AreEqual(FormulaError.DIV0, FormulaError.ForInt(cell2.ErrorCellValue)); }
public void ShowInPaneManyRowsBug55248() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Sheet 1"); sheet.ShowInPane(0, 0); int i; for (i = ROW_COUNT / 2; i < ROW_COUNT; i++) { sheet.CreateRow(i); sheet.ShowInPane(i, 0); // this one fails: sheet.ShowInPane((short)i, 0); } i = 0; sheet.ShowInPane(i, i); IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(workbook); CheckRowCount(wb); }
public void TestPrintArea() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet1 = workbook.CreateSheet("Test Print Area"); String sheetName1 = sheet1.SheetName; // workbook.SetPrintArea(0, reference); workbook.SetPrintArea(0, 1, 5, 4, 9); String retrievedPrintArea = workbook.GetPrintArea(0); Assert.AreEqual("'" + sheetName1 + "'!$B$5:$F$10", retrievedPrintArea); String reference = "$A$1:$B$1"; workbook.SetPrintArea(0, reference); retrievedPrintArea = workbook.GetPrintArea(0); Assert.AreEqual("'" + sheetName1 + "'!" + reference, retrievedPrintArea); workbook.RemovePrintArea(0); Assert.IsNull(workbook.GetPrintArea(0)); workbook.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// write objects to worksheet /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">any type of model</typeparam> /// <param name="sheetIndex">the worksheet index</param> /// <param name="sheetName">the worksheet name</param> /// <param name="objects">the arry of object</param> public void Draw <T>(int sheetIndex, string sheetName, params T[] objects) { if (objects == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("objects"); } var type = typeof(T); var objAttr = type.GetCustomAttribute <NPOIObjectAttribute>() ?? new NPOIObjectAttribute(); var drawings = GetColumnDrawings(type); var sheet = Workbook.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) { sheet = Workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName); DrawHeader(drawings, sheet, objAttr.HeaderRowIndex); } for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++) { var obj = objects[i]; DrawRow(drawings, sheet, objAttr.StartIndex + i, obj); } }
public void TestLastCellNumIsCorrectAfterAddCell_bug43901() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("test"); IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0); // New row has last col -1 Assert.AreEqual(-1, row.LastCellNum); if (row.LastCellNum == 0) { Assert.Fail("Identified bug 43901"); } // Create two cells, will return one higher // than that for the last number row.CreateCell(0); Assert.AreEqual(1, row.LastCellNum); row.CreateCell(255); Assert.AreEqual(256, row.LastCellNum); workbook.Close(); }
public void Test55265() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); try { DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter(); IDataFormat fmt = wb.CreateDataFormat(); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet(); IRow r = sheet.CreateRow(0); ICellStyle cs = wb.CreateCellStyle(); cs.DataFormat = (fmt.GetFormat("#'##0")); ICell zero = r.CreateCell(0); zero.SetCellValue(0); zero.CellStyle = (cs); ICell sml = r.CreateCell(1); sml.SetCellValue(12); sml.CellStyle = (cs); ICell med = r.CreateCell(2); med.SetCellValue(1234); med.CellStyle = (cs); ICell lge = r.CreateCell(3); lge.SetCellValue(12345678); lge.CellStyle = (cs); Assert.AreEqual("0", formatter.FormatCellValue(zero)); Assert.AreEqual("12", formatter.FormatCellValue(sml)); Assert.AreEqual("1'234", formatter.FormatCellValue(med)); Assert.AreEqual("12'345'678", formatter.FormatCellValue(lge)); } finally { wb.Close(); } }
public void TestAutoSize_bug506819() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); BaseTestSheetAutosizeColumn.FixFonts(wb); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0); ICell cell0 = row.CreateCell(0); String longValue = ",, " + ",,, " + ",,, " + ",,, " + ",,, " + ",,,"; cell0.SetCellValue(longValue); sheet.AutoSizeColumn(0); Assert.AreEqual(255 * 256, sheet.GetColumnWidth(0)); // maximum column width is 255 characters sheet.SetColumnWidth(0, sheet.GetColumnWidth(0)); // Bug 506819 reports exception at this point }
private void backgroundWorker2_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { if (SelectedTag.Count == 0 || dataList.datas.Count == 0) { return; //测点没选中或者无数据直接return } workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); //创建Workbook对象 XSSFWorkbook 生成格式为.xlsx,HSSFWorkbook生成格式.xls ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("HistoryData"); //创建工作表 ICell cell; sheet.AutoSizeColumn(7, false); //处理hole表 IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(0);//在工作表中添加一行 cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("DateTime"); for (int i = 0; i < SelectedTag.Count; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i + 1); //从i+1列开始 cell.SetCellValue(Transformation(SelectedTag[i].Tag)); //设置当前测点的名称 } //循环将数据写入excel for (int i = 0; i < dataList.datas[0].Datas.Count; i++) { //注意顺序检查 row = sheet.CreateRow(i + 1);//创建一行 for (int j = 0; j < dataList.datas.Count; j++) { //创建时间列 if (j == 0) { cell = row.CreateCell(j); cell.SetCellValue(Comm.ConvertIntDateTime(dataList.datas[j].Datas[i].Timestamp * 1000).ToString()); } cell = row.CreateCell(j + 1);//从第二列开始 cell.SetCellValue(dataList.datas[j].Datas[i].Value); } } }
public void TestRepeatedEvaluation() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); IFormulaEvaluator fe = wb.GetCreationHelper().CreateFormulaEvaluator(); ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); IRow r = sheet.CreateRow(0); ICell c = r.CreateCell(0, CellType.Formula); // Create a value and check it c.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ "Date(2011,10,6)"); CellValue cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40822.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40822.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); // Change it c.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ "Date(2011,10,4)"); // Evaluate it, no change as the formula Evaluator // won't know to clear the cache cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40822.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); // Manually flush for this cell, and check fe.NotifySetFormula(c); cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40820.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); // Change again, without Notifying c.CellFormula = (/*setter*/ "Date(2010,10,4)"); cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40820.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); // Now manually clear all, will see the new value fe.ClearAllCachedResultValues(); cellValue = fe.Evaluate(c); Assert.AreEqual(40455.0, cellValue.NumberValue, 0.0); }
public void TestSheetHidden() { IWorkbook wb = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sh = wb.CreateSheet("MySheet"); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetHidden(0)); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetVeryHidden(0)); wb.SetSheetHidden(0, SheetState.Hidden); Assert.IsTrue(wb.IsSheetHidden(0)); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetVeryHidden(0)); wb.SetSheetHidden(0, SheetState.VeryHidden); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetHidden(0)); Assert.IsTrue(wb.IsSheetVeryHidden(0)); wb.SetSheetHidden(0, SheetState.Visible); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetHidden(0)); Assert.IsFalse(wb.IsSheetVeryHidden(0)); try { wb.SetSheetHidden(0, -1); Assert.Fail("expectd exception"); } catch (ArgumentException) { // ok } try { wb.SetSheetHidden(0, 3); Assert.Fail("expectd exception"); } catch (ArgumentException) { // ok } }
public void TestRowStyle() { IWorkbook workbook = _testDataProvider.CreateWorkbook(); ISheet sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("test"); IRow row1 = sheet.CreateRow(0); IRow row2 = sheet.CreateRow(1); // Won't be styled currently Assert.AreEqual(false, row1.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(false, row2.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(null, row1.RowStyle); Assert.AreEqual(null, row2.RowStyle); // Style one ICellStyle style = workbook.CreateCellStyle(); style.DataFormat = (/*setter*/ (short)4); row2.RowStyle = (/*setter*/ style); // Check Assert.AreEqual(false, row1.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(true, row2.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(null, row1.RowStyle); Assert.AreEqual(style, row2.RowStyle); // Save, load and re-check workbook = _testDataProvider.WriteOutAndReadBack(workbook); sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); row1 = sheet.GetRow(0); row2 = sheet.GetRow(1); style = workbook.GetCellStyleAt(style.Index); Assert.AreEqual(false, row1.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(true, row2.IsFormatted); Assert.AreEqual(null, row1.RowStyle); Assert.AreEqual(style, row2.RowStyle); Assert.AreEqual(4, style.DataFormat); }
public PlayersSheet(IWorkbook workbook, List<Demo> demos) { Headers = new Dictionary<string, CellType>(){ { "Name", CellType.String }, { "SteamID", CellType.String }, { "Match", CellType.Numeric }, { "Kills", CellType.Numeric }, { "Assists", CellType.Numeric }, { "Deaths", CellType.Numeric }, { "K/D", CellType.Numeric }, { "HS", CellType.Numeric }, { "HS%", CellType.Numeric }, { "Rounds", CellType.Numeric }, { "Rating", CellType.Numeric }, { "5K", CellType.Numeric }, { "4K", CellType.Numeric }, { "3K", CellType.Numeric }, { "2K", CellType.Numeric }, { "1K", CellType.Numeric }, { "Team kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Jump kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Crouch kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb planted", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb defused", CellType.Numeric }, { "Bomb exploded", CellType.Numeric }, { "MVP", CellType.Numeric }, { "Score", CellType.Numeric }, { "Clutch", CellType.Numeric }, { "Clutch lost", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v1", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v2", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v3", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v4", CellType.Numeric }, { "1v5", CellType.Numeric }, { "Entry kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Entry kill win", CellType.Numeric }, { "Entry kill lost", CellType.Numeric }, { "Entry kill win %", CellType.Numeric }, { "Open kill", CellType.Numeric }, { "Open kill win", CellType.Numeric }, { "Open kill lost", CellType.Numeric }, { "Open kill win %", CellType.Numeric }, { "KPR", CellType.Numeric }, { "APR", CellType.Numeric }, { "DPR", CellType.Numeric }, { "ADR", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDH", CellType.Numeric }, { "TDA", CellType.Numeric }, { "Flashbang thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "Smoke thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "HE thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "Decoy thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "Molotov thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "Incendiary thrown", CellType.Numeric }, { "Rank max", CellType.Numeric }, { "VAC", CellType.Boolean }, { "OW", CellType.Boolean } }; Demos = demos; Sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Players"); }
private static void AddNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(IWorkbook book, int sheet) { ISheet sht = book.CreateSheet("s" + sheet); for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) { IRow row = sht.CreateRow(r); for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) { ICell cel = row.CreateCell(c); cel.SetCellValue(sheet * 100 + r * 10 + c); } } }
private static ISheet GetOrCreateSheet (IWorkbook workbook, string sheetName) { var defaultSheetName = string.Format ("Sheet {0}", workbook.NumberOfSheets + 1); return workbook.CreateSheet (string.IsNullOrEmpty (sheetName) ? defaultSheetName : sheetName); }
private static Int32 WriteDataToSheet(Object data, ref IWorkbook wBook, String sheetName, Int32 startColumn, Int32 startRow, out Int32 maxRow) { Int32 result = 0; // row affected Int32 currentRow = startRow; Int32 currentColumn = startColumn; maxRow = 0; // check whether the sheet is already exis or not if (data != null && wBook != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sheetName)) { if (wBook.GetSheetIndex(sheetName) < 0) wBook.CreateSheet(sheetName); ISheet sheet = wBook.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet != null) { if (data.GetType().GetMethod("GetEnumerator") != null ) { IEnumerator enumerator = (IEnumerator) data.GetType().GetMethod("GetEnumerator").Invoke(data, null); Int32 count = (Int32) data.GetType().GetProperty("Count").GetValue(data); Int32 i = 0; while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { currentColumn = WriteDataToSheet(enumerator.Current, ref wBook, sheetName, currentColumn, currentRow, out currentRow); if (i < count - 1) { currentRow++; currentColumn = startColumn; } if (currentRow > maxRow) maxRow = currentRow; else currentRow = maxRow; i++; } } else { PropertyInfo [] propInfos = data.GetType().GetProperties(); if (propInfos != null && propInfos.Count() > 0) { foreach (var propInfo in propInfos) { ColumnName colNameAttribute = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute<ColumnName>(true); Skipped skippedAttribute = propInfo.GetCustomAttribute<Skipped>(true); String fieldFormat = (propInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DateFormat>(true) != null) ? propInfo.GetCustomAttribute<DateFormat>(true).Format : ""; String columnName = ""; String fieldName = propInfo.Name; Type fieldType = propInfo.PropertyType; Object fieldValue = propInfo.GetValue(data); if (skippedAttribute == null || (skippedAttribute != null && !skippedAttribute.IsSkipped(sheetName))) { if (!SystemTypes.Contains(fieldType) && !fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>))) { Int32 curMaxRow = 0; currentColumn = WriteDataToSheet(fieldValue, ref wBook, sheetName, currentColumn, currentRow, out curMaxRow); if (curMaxRow > maxRow) maxRow = curMaxRow; } else { // Get Attributes[ if (colNameAttribute != null) columnName = colNameAttribute.Name; else columnName = propInfo.Name; // write header if this is the first row if (currentRow == 0) WriteToCell(ref sheet, currentRow, currentColumn, columnName); // write the data if (currentRow == 0) WriteToCell(ref sheet, currentRow + 1, currentColumn, fieldValue, fieldFormat); else WriteToCell(ref sheet, currentRow, currentColumn, fieldValue, fieldFormat); currentColumn++; } } } // add current row if (currentRow == 0) currentRow = 1; // we must write header and the first data row if (currentRow > maxRow) maxRow = currentRow; } } } result = currentColumn; } return result; }
internal void WriteToCobie(IWorkbook workbook, TextWriter log, string version = "UK2012") { var mappings = GetMapping(GetType(), version).ToList(); if (!mappings.Any()) { log.WriteLine("There are no mappings for a type '{0}'", GetType().Name); return; } //get or create a sheet var sheetName = GetSheetName(GetType(), version); var sheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName) ?? workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName); //write columns foreach (var mapping in mappings) { int rowNum; if (!int.TryParse(mapping.Column, out rowNum)) { log.WriteLine( "Metadata are expected to be defined in a single column with numbered rows. This mapping ({0}) doesn't contain row number.", version); continue; } rowNum--; //convert number to index var row = sheet.GetRow(rowNum) ?? sheet.CreateRow(rowNum); //header cell; var headerCell = row.GetCell(0) ?? row.CreateCell(0); if(headerCell.CellType == CellType.Blank) headerCell.SetCellValue(mapping.Header); //value cell var cell = row.GetCell(1) ?? row.CreateCell(1); var info = GetType().GetProperty(mapping.Path); if (info == null) { log.WriteLine("Property {0} is not defined in {1}", mapping.Path, GetType().Name); continue; } var value = (info.GetValue(this) as string) ?? "n/a"; cell.SetCellValue(value); } }
/// <summary> /// 将DataTable数据导入到excel中 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">要导入的数据</param> /// <param name="isColumnWritten">DataTable的列名是否要导入</param> /// <param name="sheetName">要导入的excel的sheet的名称</param> /// <returns>导入数据行数(包含列名那一行)</returns> public int MonthlyStatementDataTableToExcel(string strFilename, Dictionary<int, SelfNPOICell[]> data1, Dictionary<int, SelfNPOICell[]> data2) { ISheet sheet1 = null; ISheet sheet2 = null; string sheetName1 = "Sheet1"; string sheetName2 = "Sheet2"; try { if (workbook == null) { workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); sheet1 = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName1); sheet2 = workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName2); } MSWriteToSheet1(data1, sheet1); MSWriteToSheet2(data2, sheet2); var context = HttpContext.Current; context.Response.ContentType = "application/"; context.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("attachment;filename={0}", strFilename)); //context.Response.Clear(); MemoryStream file = new MemoryStream(); workbook.Write(file); //写入到excel context.Response.BinaryWrite(file.GetBuffer()); context.Response.End(); return 0; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.Message); return -1; } }
private void GenerateReport(IWorkbook workbook) { JobTracker jobtracker = new JobTracker(); List<JobTracker> projectList = jobtracker.GetDistinctProjectListIncludingForApproval(Convert.ToDateTime(txtBoxFrom.Text+ " 00:00:00"), Convert.ToDateTime(txtBoxTo.Text+" 23:59:59")); int currentrow = 1; IDataFormat format = workbook.CreateDataFormat(); ICellStyle fontBoldNoBorder = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false,false); ICellStyle fontBoldAllBorder = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false); ICellStyle fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, false); fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00);\"-\""); ICellStyle fontBoldTopBottom = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, false, true, false, true, true, false, false, false); fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, true, true, true, true, false, false, false); fontBoldAllBorder.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00);\"-\""); ICellStyle fontNormalBorderLeftRight = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false); fontBoldAllBorder.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center; ICellStyle fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, false, true,true, false, false, false, false); ICellStyle fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false); fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00);\"-\""); ICellStyle fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom = CreateSheetStyle(workbook, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, false); fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom.DataFormat = format.GetFormat("$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00);\"-\""); //fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.None; //fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; //fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; //fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.None; //fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; //fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.Thin; //fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.None; ISheet sheetReport = workbook.GetSheet("Report"); foreach (JobTracker project in projectList) { //Running Total Variable double runningNTApproved = 0; double runningNTForApproval = 0; double runningOTApproved = 0; double runningOTForApproval = 0; double runningNTApprovedCost = 0; double runningNTForApprovalCost = 0; double runningOTApprovedCost = 0; double runningOTForApprovalCost = 0; string jobheader = project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.HWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : "HW SO: " + project.HWNo; jobheader += project.SWNo == null ? "" : project.SWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : jobheader == "" ? "SW SO: " + project.SWNo : "; SW SO: " + project.SWNo; jobheader += project.EvalNo == null ? "" : project.EvalNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : jobheader == "" ? "EVAL NO: " + project.EvalNo : "; EVAL NO: " + project.EvalNo; currentrow += 2; IRow row = sheetReport.CreateRow(currentrow++); ICell cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue(jobheader); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; } #region Header Upper Row row = sheetReport.CreateRow(currentrow); cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("JobStage"); cell = row.CreateCell(1); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Time"); for (int i = 2; i < 5; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; } cell = row.CreateCell(5); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Labor Cost"); for (int i = 6; i < 9; i++) { cell = row.CreateCell(i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; } cell = row.CreateCell(9); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Total"); cell = row.CreateCell(10); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; //Merging sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow -1, currentrow-1, 0, 10)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow,currentrow,1,4)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow,currentrow,5,8)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow,currentrow,9,10)); #endregion #region Header Lower Row row = sheetReport.CreateRow(++currentrow); cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i+=4) { cell = row.CreateCell(1 + i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Normal Time(Approved)"); cell = row.CreateCell(2 + i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Normal Time(For Approval)"); cell = row.CreateCell(3 + i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Overtime(Approved)"); cell = row.CreateCell(4 + i); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Overtime(For Approved)"); } cell = row.CreateCell(9); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Time"); cell = row.CreateCell(10); cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; cell.SetCellValue("Cost"); //Merging sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow - 1, currentrow, 0, 0)); #endregion #region Data List<JobTracker> uniqueJobType = jobtracker.GetUniqueComputedJobType(project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.HWNo.Trim(), project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.SWNo.Trim()); #region DETAIL Page ISheet detailSheet = workbook.CreateSheet(jobheader.Replace(":","")); int detailRowCount = 0; IRow detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); detailRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(jobheader); detailRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldNoBorder; detailRowCount++; detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); detailRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Labor Cost"); detailRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldNoBorder; detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); string[] detailHeader = { "Department","Name", "Job Task", "Start Time", "End Time","Date", "Remarks","Status", "Normal Time","Overtime", "Normal Time Cost","Overtime Cost" }; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(i); detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; detailCell.SetCellValue(detailHeader[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < uniqueJobType.Count; i++) { row = sheetReport.CreateRow(++currentrow); cell = row.CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue(uniqueJobType[i].jobtype); if (i < uniqueJobType.Count - 1) { cell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRight; } else { cell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom; } List<JobTracker> data = jobtracker.GetJobTrackerListWithJobTypeIdHWSO(Convert.ToInt32(uniqueJobType[i].JobTypeId), project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.HWNo.Trim(), project.SWNo == null ? "" : project.SWNo.Trim(), true); double ntApproved = 0; double ntForApproval = 0; double otApproved = 0; double otForApproval = 0; double ntApprovedCost = 0; double ntForApprovalCost = 0; double otApprovedCost = 0; double otForApprovalCost = 0; for (int x = 0; x < data.Count;x++ ) { detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); if (data[x].Status == "Approved") { ntApproved += data[x].normalmins; otApproved += data[x].otmins; ntApprovedCost += data[x].normalcost; otApprovedCost += data[x].otcost; } else if (data[x].Status == "For Approval") { ntForApproval += data[x].normalmins; otForApproval += data[x].otmins; ntForApprovalCost += data[x].normalcost; otForApprovalCost += data[x].otcost; } for (int y = 0; y < 12; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].department); else if (y == 1) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].fullname); else if (y == 2) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].jobtype); else if (y == 3) detailCell.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(data[x].StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt")); else if (y == 4) detailCell.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(data[x].EndTime).ToString("hh:mm tt")); else if (y == 5) detailCell.SetCellValue(Convert.ToDateTime(data[x].ScheduleDate).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy")); else if (y == 6) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].Remarks); else if (y == 7) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].Status); else if (y == 8) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].normalhours.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : data[x].normalhours); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].othours.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : data[x].othours); else if (y == 10) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].normalcost); else if (y == 11) detailCell.SetCellValue(data[x].otcost); if (x == data.Count - 1 && i == uniqueJobType.Count -1) { if (y < 10) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom; } else { if (y < 10) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRight; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight; } } } #endregion #region GETTING THE TIME //Running Time runningNTApproved += ntApproved; runningNTForApproval += ntForApproval; runningOTApproved += otApproved; runningOTForApproval += otForApproval; runningNTApprovedCost += ntApprovedCost; runningNTForApprovalCost += ntForApprovalCost; runningOTApprovedCost += otApprovedCost; runningOTForApprovalCost += otForApprovalCost; string NTApproved = GenerateTimeConsumed(ntApproved); string NTForApproval = GenerateTimeConsumed(ntForApproval); string OTApproved = GenerateTimeConsumed(otApproved); string OTForApproval = GenerateTimeConsumed(otForApproval); string StotalTime = GenerateTimeConsumed(ntApproved + otApproved + ntForApproval + otForApproval); #endregion for (int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { cell = row.CreateCell(j); if (j == 1) cell.SetCellValue(NTApproved.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : NTApproved.Trim()); else if (j == 2) cell.SetCellValue(NTForApproval.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : NTForApproval.Trim()); else if (j == 3) cell.SetCellValue(OTApproved.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : OTApproved.Trim()); else if (j == 4) cell.SetCellValue(OTForApproval.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : OTForApproval.Trim()); else if (j == 5) cell.SetCellValue(ntApprovedCost); else if (j == 6) cell.SetCellValue(ntForApprovalCost); else if (j == 7) cell.SetCellValue(otApprovedCost); else if (j == 8) cell.SetCellValue(otForApprovalCost); else if (j == 9) cell.SetCellValue(StotalTime.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : StotalTime.Trim()); else if (j == 10) cell.SetCellValue(ntForApprovalCost + ntApprovedCost + otApprovedCost + otForApprovalCost); if (i < uniqueJobType.Count - 1) { if(j < 5 || j == 9) cell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRight; else cell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight; } else { if (j < 5 || j == 9) cell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom; else cell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom; } } } #endregion #region TOTAL, MATERIAL COST, OUTSIDE SERVICE string projNTApproved = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningNTApproved); string projNTForApproval = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningNTForApproval); string projOTApproved = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningOTApproved); string projOTForApproval = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningOTForApproval); string projTotalTime = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningNTApproved + runningNTForApproval + runningOTApproved + runningOTForApproval); string projNTTotal = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningNTApproved + runningNTForApproval); string projOTTotal = GenerateTimeConsumed(runningOTApproved + runningOTForApproval); #region DETAIL TOTAL detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); for (int y = 0; y < 12; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue("TOTAL"); else if (y == 8) detailCell.SetCellValue(projNTTotal.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projNTTotal.Trim()); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOTTotal.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projOTTotal.Trim()); else if (y == 10) detailCell.SetCellValue(runningNTApprovedCost + runningNTForApprovalCost); else if (y == 11) detailCell.SetCellValue(runningOTApprovedCost + runningOTForApprovalCost); if (y < 10) detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder; } #endregion #region MATERIAL COST MaterialCost materialCost = new MaterialCost(); List<MaterialCost> projMaterialCost = new List<MaterialCost>(); projMaterialCost = materialCost.GetMaterialCost(project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.HWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.HWNo, project.SWNo == null ? "" : project.SWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.SWNo, project.EvalNo == null ? "" : project.EvalNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.EvalNo); double totalmaterialBookedCost = 0; double totalmaterialActualCost = 0; if (projMaterialCost.Count > 0) { detailRowCount++; //Blank Row #region HEADER detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); detailRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Material Cost"); detailRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldNoBorder; string[] materialHeader = { "Item", "Description", "Part Number", "Booked Quantity", "Booked Unit Cost", "Booked Extended Cost", "Actual Quantity", "Actual Unit Cost", "Actual Extended Cost","Cost Overrun (Underrun)" }; detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(i); detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; detailCell.SetCellValue(materialHeader[i]); } #endregion #region DETAIL for (int i = 0; i < projMaterialCost.Count; i++) { detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); double bookcost = projMaterialCost[i].BookedQuantity * projMaterialCost[i].BookedUnitCost; double actualcost = projMaterialCost[i].ActualUnitCost * projMaterialCost[i].ActualQuantity; for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue(i + 1); else if (y == 1) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].PartDescription); else if (y == 2) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].PartNo); else if (y == 3) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].BookedQuantity); else if (y == 4) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].BookedUnitCost); else if (y == 5) detailCell.SetCellValue(bookcost); else if (y == 6) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].ActualQuantity); else if (y == 7) detailCell.SetCellValue(projMaterialCost[i].ActualUnitCost); else if (y == 8) detailCell.SetCellValue(actualcost); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(actualcost - bookcost); if (i < projMaterialCost.Count - 1) { if (y < 4 || y == 6) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRight; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight; } else { if (y < 4 || y == 6) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom; } } totalmaterialBookedCost += bookcost; totalmaterialActualCost += actualcost; } #endregion #region TOTAL detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue("TOTAL"); else if (y == 5) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialBookedCost); else if (y == 8) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialActualCost); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialActualCost - totalmaterialBookedCost); if (y == 5 || y == 8 || y == 9) detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; } #endregion } #endregion #region OUTSIDE SERVICE OutsideService outsideServiceCost = new OutsideService(); List<OutsideService> projOutServCost = new List<OutsideService>(); projOutServCost = outsideServiceCost.GetOutsideServiceCost(project.HWNo == null ? "" : project.HWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.HWNo, project.SWNo == null ? "" : project.SWNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.SWNo, project.EvalNo == null ? "" : project.EvalNo.Trim() == "" ? "" : project.EvalNo); double totalOutServBookedCost = 0; double totalOutServActualCost = 0; if (projOutServCost.Count > 0) { detailRowCount++; //Blank Row #region HEADER detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); detailRow.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Outside Service Cost"); detailRow.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldNoBorder; string[] outsideServiceHeader = { "Item","Type", "Description", "Vendor", "Booked Quantity", "Booked Unit Cost", "Booked Extended Cost", "Actual Quantity", "Actual Unit Cost", "Actual Extended Cost", "Cost Overrun (Underrun)" }; detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(i); detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; detailCell.SetCellValue(outsideServiceHeader[i]); } #endregion #region DETAIL for (int i = 0; i < projOutServCost.Count; i++) { detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); double bookcost = projOutServCost[i].BookedQuantity * projOutServCost[i].BookedUnitCost; double actualcost = projOutServCost[i].ActualUnitCost * projOutServCost[i].ActualQuantity; for (int y = 0; y < 11; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue(i + 1); else if (y == 1) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].PartType); else if (y == 2) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].PartDescription); else if (y == 3) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].Vendor); else if (y == 4) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].BookedQuantity); else if (y == 5) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].BookedUnitCost); else if (y == 6) detailCell.SetCellValue(bookcost); else if (y == 7) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].ActualQuantity); else if (y == 8) detailCell.SetCellValue(projOutServCost[i].ActualUnitCost); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(actualcost); else if (y == 10) detailCell.SetCellValue(actualcost - bookcost); if (i < projMaterialCost.Count - 1) { if (y < 5 || y == 7) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRight; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRight; } else { if (y < 5 || y == 7) detailCell.CellStyle = fontNormalBorderLeftRightBottom; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBorderLeftRightBottom; } } totalOutServBookedCost += bookcost; totalOutServActualCost += actualcost; } #endregion #region TOTAL detailRow = detailSheet.CreateRow(detailRowCount++); for (int y = 0; y < 11; y++) { ICell detailCell = detailRow.CreateCell(y); if (y == 0) detailCell.SetCellValue("TOTAL"); else if (y == 6) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalOutServBookedCost); else if (y == 9) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalOutServActualCost); else if (y == 10) detailCell.SetCellValue(totalOutServActualCost - totalOutServBookedCost); if (y == 6 || y == 9 || y == 10) detailCell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder; else detailCell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; } #endregion } #endregion row = sheetReport.CreateRow(++currentrow); for (int j = 0; j < 11; j++) { cell = row.CreateCell(j); if (j == 0) cell.SetCellValue("Total Labor Cost"); else if (j == 1) cell.SetCellValue(projNTApproved.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projNTApproved.Trim()); else if (j == 2) cell.SetCellValue(projNTForApproval.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projNTForApproval.Trim()); else if (j == 3) cell.SetCellValue(projOTApproved.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projOTApproved.Trim()); else if (j == 4) cell.SetCellValue(projOTForApproval.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projOTForApproval.Trim()); else if (j == 5) cell.SetCellValue(runningNTApprovedCost); else if (j == 6) cell.SetCellValue(runningNTForApprovalCost); else if (j == 7) cell.SetCellValue(runningOTApprovedCost); else if (j == 8) cell.SetCellValue(runningOTForApprovalCost); else if (j == 9) cell.SetCellValue(projTotalTime.Trim() == "0 min" ? "-" : projTotalTime.Trim()); else if (j == 10) cell.SetCellValue(runningNTApprovedCost + runningNTForApprovalCost + runningOTApprovedCost + runningOTForApprovalCost); if (j < 5 || j == 9) cell.CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; else cell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldAllBorder; } row = sheetReport.CreateRow(++currentrow); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Material Cost"); row.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; for (int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { cell = row.CreateCell(j); if (j == 1) cell.SetCellValue("Booked Cost:"); else if (j == 2) cell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialBookedCost); else if (j == 4) cell.SetCellValue("Actual Cost:"); else if (j == 5) cell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialActualCost); else if (j == 7) cell.SetCellValue("Cost Overrun (Underrun)"); else if (j == 8) cell.SetCellValue(totalmaterialActualCost - totalmaterialBookedCost); if (j == 1 || j == 4 || j == 7) cell.CellStyle = fontBoldTopBottom; else cell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom; } sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 2, 3)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 5, 6)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 8, 10)); row = sheetReport.CreateRow(++currentrow); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Outside Service Cost"); row.GetCell(0).CellStyle = fontBoldAllBorder; for (int j = 1; j < 11; j++) { cell = row.CreateCell(j); if (j == 1) cell.SetCellValue("Booked Cost:"); else if (j == 2) cell.SetCellValue(totalOutServBookedCost); else if (j == 4) cell.SetCellValue("Actual Cost:"); else if (j == 5) cell.SetCellValue(totalOutServActualCost); else if (j == 7) cell.SetCellValue("Cost Overrun (Underrun)"); else if (j == 8) cell.SetCellValue(totalOutServActualCost - totalOutServBookedCost); if (j == 1 || j == 4 || j == 7) cell.CellStyle = fontBoldTopBottom; else cell.CellStyle = fontCurrencyBoldRigthBottom; } sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 2, 3)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 5, 6)); sheetReport.AddMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(currentrow, currentrow, 8, 10)); #endregion } }
public GeneralSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { _demo = demo; _sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("General"); }
private static void AddListValidations(WorkbookFormatter wf, IWorkbook wb) { String cellStrValue = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v x y z w 0 1 2 3 4 " + "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v x y z w 0 1 2 3 4 " + "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v x y z w 0 1 2 3 4 " + "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p r s t u v x y z w 0 1 2 3 4 "; String dataSheetName = "list_data"; // "List" Data Validation type ISheet fSheet = wf.CreateSheet("Lists"); ISheet dataSheet = wb.CreateSheet(dataSheetName); wf.CreateDVTypeRow("Explicit lists - list items are explicitly provided"); wf.CreateDVDescriptionRow("Disadvantage - sum of item's length should be less than 255 characters"); wf.CreateHeaderRow(); ValidationAdder va = wf.CreateValidationAdder(null, ValidationType.LIST); String listValsDescr = "POIFS,HSSF,HWPF,HPSF"; String[] listVals = listValsDescr.Split(",".ToCharArray()); va.AddListValidation(listVals, null, listValsDescr, false, false); va.AddListValidation(listVals, null, listValsDescr, false, true); va.AddListValidation(listVals, null, listValsDescr, true, false); va.AddListValidation(listVals, null, listValsDescr, true, true); wf.CreateDVTypeRow("Reference lists - list items are taken from others cells"); wf.CreateDVDescriptionRow("Advantage - no restriction regarding the sum of item's length"); wf.CreateHeaderRow(); va = wf.CreateValidationAdder(null, ValidationType.LIST); String strFormula = "$A$30:$A$39"; va.AddListValidation(null, strFormula, strFormula, false, false); strFormula = dataSheetName + "!$A$1:$A$10"; va.AddListValidation(null, strFormula, strFormula, false, false); IName namedRange = wb.CreateName(); namedRange.NameName = (/*setter*/"myName"); namedRange.RefersToFormula = (/*setter*/dataSheetName + "!$A$2:$A$7"); strFormula = "myName"; va.AddListValidation(null, strFormula, strFormula, false, false); strFormula = "offset(myName, 2, 1, 4, 2)"; // Note about last param '2': // - Excel expects single row or single column when entered in UI, but process this OK otherwise va.AddListValidation(null, strFormula, strFormula, false, false); // add list data on same sheet for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IRow currRow = fSheet.CreateRow(i + 29); SetCellValue(currRow.CreateCell(0), cellStrValue); } // add list data on another sheet for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { IRow currRow = dataSheet.CreateRow(i + 0); SetCellValue(currRow.CreateCell(0), "Data a" + i); SetCellValue(currRow.CreateCell(1), "Data b" + i); SetCellValue(currRow.CreateCell(2), "Data c" + i); } }
private bool LoadExcelFile(string sFilePath) { if (File.Exists(sFilePath)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { m_StrategyWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); m_StrategySheet = (ISheet)m_StrategyWorkBook.GetSheetAt(0); } return true; } else { m_StrategyWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(); m_StrategySheet = (ISheet)m_StrategyWorkBook.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); return true; } }
public OpenKillsRoundSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { _demo = demo; _sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Open Kills Rounds"); }
public RoundsSheet(IWorkbook workbook, Demo demo) { _demo = demo; _sheet = workbook.CreateSheet("Rounds"); }