public OpenFileDialog(DocumentProviderImpl impl, IWdApi api, IWsMessage wsMessage, IWdDocumentRepository _mWDDocRepo, WdConfigurator configurator) { _wsMessage = wsMessage; _api = api; this._mWDDocRepo = _mWDDocRepo; _configurator = configurator; _dpImpl = impl; }
public WdSession(IWdApi _api) { _mApi = _api; try { // WDAPI_Init() processes message loop and it is causes different bad things in DEltaView, so run it in new thread with empty message queue var t = new ManualResetEvent(false); var th = new Thread(() => { m_SessionHandle = _mApi.WDAPI_Init(m_SessionId); t.Set(); }); th.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); th.Start(); t.WaitOne(); } catch (AggregateException ex) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); throw new WdSessionException(ex.InnerException); } CheckSesionHandle(m_SessionHandle); }
public WdDocumentRepository(IWdApi wdApi) { _wdApi = wdApi; }
public WdSessionFactory(IWdApi _api) { this._mApi = _api; }
public SaveFileDialog(IWdApi api, IWsMessage wsMessage, WdConfigurator configurator) { _mApi = api; _mWsMessage = wsMessage; _configurator = configurator; }