private void Context_InitComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IVulcanHandler handler = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IVulcanHandler>();

            // Clear static list so property mapping can be re-created.
            handler.DeletedIndices += ((IEnumerable <string> deletedIndices) =>

            if (_AttachmentSettings.Service.EnableAttachmentPlugins)
                //todo: future 5.x support uses
                // not which 2.x uses

                IVulcanClient client = handler.GetClient(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var           info   = client.NodesInfo();

                if (info?.Nodes?.Any(x => x.Value?.Plugins?.Any(y => string.Compare(y.Name, "mapper-attachments", true) == 0) == true) != true)
                    if (CurrentHostType != HostType.WebApplication ||
                        (CurrentHostType == HostType.WebApplication && HttpContext.Current?.IsDebuggingEnabled == true))
                        // Only throw exception if not a web application or is a web application with debug turned on
                        throw new Exception("No attachment plugin found, be sure to install the 'mapper-attachments' plugin on your Elastic Search Server!");
        void IVulcanPipelineInstaller.Install(IVulcanClient client)
            if (!_vulcanAttachmentIndexerSettings.EnableAttachmentPlugins || !client.Language.Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
            var info = client.NodesInfo();

            if (info?.Nodes?.Any(x => x.Value?.Plugins?.Any(y => string.Compare(y.Name, PluginName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) == true) != true)
                throw new Exception($"No attachment plugin found, be sure to install the '{PluginName}' plugin on your Elastic Search Server!");

#if NEST2
            // v2, to do, get all MediaData types that are allowed and loop them
            var mediaDataTypes = Core.Extensions.TypeExtensions.GetSearchTypesFor <MediaData>(t => t.IsAbstract == false);

            foreach (var mediaType in mediaDataTypes)
                var descriptors      = mediaType.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType <MediaDescriptorAttribute>();
                var extensionStrings = string.Join(",", descriptors.Select(x => x.ExtensionString ?? ""));
                var extensions       = extensionStrings.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var manualCheck      = MapAttachment?.Invoke(mediaType) ?? false;

                // only map ones we allow
                if (!extensions.Intersect(_vulcanAttachmentIndexerSettings.SupportedFileExtensions).Any() && !manualCheck)

                var response = client.Map <object>(m => m.
                                                   Index(client.IndexName). // was _all
                                                   Properties(props => props.
                                                              Attachment(s => s.Name(MediaContents)
                                                                         .FileField(ff => ff.Name("content").Store().TermVector(Nest.TermVectorOption.WithPositionsOffsets))

                if (!response.IsValid)
                    throw new Exception(response.DebugInformation);
#elif NEST5
// v5, use pipeline
            var response = client.PutPipeline(PipelineId, p => p
                                              .Description("Document attachment pipeline")
                                              .Processors(pr => pr
                                                          .Attachment <Nest.Attachment>(a => a

            if (!response.IsValid)
                throw new Exception(response.DebugInformation);