public int OnLinkClicked(int iField, int iLinkIndex) { TextFinder startFinder = delegate(string text, int startIndex) { return(text.IndexOf("@", startIndex)); }; TextFinder endFinder = delegate(string text, int startIndex) { return(text.IndexOf("@", startIndex + 1)); }; Span span = FindNthSpan(_comment, iLinkIndex, startFinder, endFinder); if (span != null) { IVsWebBrowsingService browser = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; IVsWindowFrame frame = null; int hr = browser.Navigate(_comment.Substring(span.Start + 1, span.Length - 2), 0, out frame); Debug.Assert(hr == VSConstants.S_OK, "Navigate did not return S_OK."); return(VSConstants.S_OK); } else { Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid link index sent to OnLinkClicked."); return(VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG); } }
/// <summary> /// Open a URL within Visual Studio using the <see cref="IVsWebBrowsingService"/> service /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The URL to display</param> public static void OpenUrl(string url) { IVsWindowFrame frame; IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowsingService = GetServiceFromPackage <IVsWebBrowsingService, SVsWebBrowsingService>(true); bool useExternalBrowser = false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { return; } var options = SandcastleBuilderPackage.Instance.GeneralOptions; if (options != null) { useExternalBrowser = options.UseExternalWebBrowser; } if (!useExternalBrowser && webBrowsingService != null) { ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(webBrowsingService.Navigate(url, 0, out frame)); if (frame != null) { frame.Show(); } } else { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url); } }
/// <summary> /// The OpenReport. /// </summary> /// <param name="webBrowserSvc">The webBrowserSvc<see cref="IVsWebBrowsingService"/>.</param> /// <param name="report">The report<see cref="string"/>.</param> private void OpenReport(IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowserSvc, string report) { // ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); try { ThreadHelper.Generic.BeginInvoke(() => webBrowserSvc.Navigate(report, 0, out _)); } catch { } }
private void Navigate(string url) { IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowsingService = this.GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; if (webBrowsingService != null) { IVsWindowFrame frame; ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(webBrowsingService.Navigate(url, 0, out frame)); } }
public void OpenInBrowser(string url) { IVsWebBrowsingService service = (IVsWebBrowsingService)GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)); if (service != null) { IVsWindowFrame frame = null; service.Navigate(url, (uint)(__VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_WebURLOnly | __VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_ForceNew), out frame); frame.Show(); } }
public void NavigateToIssue(string id) { var url = store.GetValueProperty <ReTrackSettingsReSharper, string>(lifetime, x => x.YouTrackUrl); string path = string.Format("{0}/issue/{1}", url.Value, id); IVsWindowFrame _; if (wbs != null) { wbs.Navigate(path, 0, out _); } }
private void OpenWebPage(string url) { // Open the specified URL in Visual Studio's built-in web browser. IVsWebBrowsingService service = (IVsWebBrowsingService)GetService( typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)); if (service != null) { IVsWindowFrame frame; service.Navigate(url, (uint)__VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_ForceNew, out frame); } }
public void OpenInBrowser(string url) { ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.Run(async delegate { await ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); IVsWebBrowsingService service = await GetServiceAsync(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; if (service != null) { IVsWindowFrame frame = null; service.Navigate(url, (uint)(__VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_WebURLOnly | __VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_ForceNew), out frame); frame.Show(); } }); }
private void Navigate(string yUMLExpression) { string url = "" + yUMLExpression; string tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".htm"; using (var sw = File.CreateText(tempFileName)) { sw.Write(string.Format("<html><body><img src=\"{0}\" /><br /><br />yUML Expression: <b>{1}</b></body></html>", url, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(yUMLExpression))); } IVsWebBrowsingService browser = GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; IVsWindowFrame newWnd; browser.Navigate(tempFileName, (uint)__VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_ForceNew, out newWnd); }
private void HandleNavigateToVsBaseServicesExtension(object sender, EventArgs e) { IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowsingService = GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; if (webBrowsingService != null) { IVsWindowFrame windowFrame; webBrowsingService.Navigate("", 0, out windowFrame); return; } IVsUIShellOpenDocument openDocument = GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument; if (openDocument != null) { openDocument.OpenStandardPreviewer(0, "", VSPREVIEWRESOLUTION.PR_Default, 0); return; } }
private void HandleNavigateToVsBaseServicesExtension(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string vsbaseDebugExtensionLocation = ""; IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowsingService = GetService <SVsWebBrowsingService, IVsWebBrowsingService>(); if (webBrowsingService != null) { IVsWindowFrame windowFrame; webBrowsingService.Navigate(vsbaseDebugExtensionLocation, 0, out windowFrame); return; } IVsUIShellOpenDocument openDocument = GetService <SVsUIShellOpenDocument, IVsUIShellOpenDocument>(); if (openDocument != null) { openDocument.OpenStandardPreviewer(0, vsbaseDebugExtensionLocation, VSPREVIEWRESOLUTION.PR_Default, 0); } }
private async Task ShowHtmlAsync(string url) { const uint REUSE_EXISTING_BROWSER_IF_AVAILABLE = 0; await Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(url)) { await _output.WriteLineAsync(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, LocalizedStrings.CannotSaveReport, url)).ConfigureAwait(false); } else if (_browserService == null) { await _output.WriteLineAsync(LocalizedStrings.CannotViewReport).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { var errCode = _browserService.Navigate(url, REUSE_EXISTING_BROWSER_IF_AVAILABLE, out _); } }
private async Task ShowHtmlAsync(string url) { const uint REUSE_EXISTING_BROWSER_IF_AVAILABLE = 0; await Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.ThreadHelper.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(); if (!_fileSystem.FileExists(url)) { _output.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.CannotSaveReport, url); } else if (_browserService == null) { _output.WriteLine(LocalizedStrings.CannotViewReport); } else { IVsWindowFrame browserFrame; var errCode = _browserService.Navigate(url, REUSE_EXISTING_BROWSER_IF_AVAILABLE, out browserFrame); } }
private void DoOpenVsBrowser(WebBrowserRole role, string url) { IVsWindowFrame frame; IVsWebBrowser wb; var guid = GetRoleGuid(role); if (guid == Guid.Empty) { _wbs.Navigate(url, (uint)__VSWBNAVIGATEFLAGS.VSNWB_ForceNew, out frame); } else { var flags = (uint)(__VSCREATEWEBBROWSER.VSCWB_AutoShow | __VSCREATEWEBBROWSER.VSCWB_ForceNew | __VSCREATEWEBBROWSER.VSCWB_StartCustom | __VSCREATEWEBBROWSER.VSCWB_ReuseExisting); var title = GetRoleWindowTitle(role); _wbs.CreateWebBrowser(flags, guid, title, url, null, out wb, out frame); } }
internal static void ShowError(string message, string document, string helpSubPage = "", int lineNo = 0, int column = 0) { ErrorTask task = new ErrorTask() { Category = TaskCategory.Misc, ErrorCategory = TaskErrorCategory.Error, Text = message }; DTE dte = (DTE)(_serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(DTE))); IServiceProvider serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(dte as Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider); if (document != null) { task.Document = document; task.Navigate += (s, e) => { try { IVsUIHierarchy hierarchy; uint itemID; IVsWindowFrame docFrame; IVsTextView textView; VsShell.OpenDocument(serviceProvider, document, Guids.LOGVIEWID_Code, out hierarchy, out itemID, out docFrame, out textView); ThrowOnFailure(docFrame.Show()); if (textView != null) { ThrowOnFailure(textView.SetCaretPos(lineNo, column)); } }catch (Exception) { // don't trow crazy exceptions when trying to navigate to errors } }; } task.Help += (s, e) => { var mainPage = ""; var errorUrl = mainPage; if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(helpSubPage)) { errorUrl += helpSubPage; } IVsWebBrowsingService webBrowsingService = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; if (webBrowsingService != null) { IVsWindowFrame windowFrame; webBrowsingService.Navigate(errorUrl, 0, out windowFrame); return; } IVsUIShellOpenDocument openDocument = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShellOpenDocument)) as IVsUIShellOpenDocument; if (openDocument != null) { openDocument.OpenStandardPreviewer(0, errorUrl, VSPREVIEWRESOLUTION.PR_Default, 0); return; } }; _paketErrorProvider.Tasks.Add(task); _paketErrorProvider.Show(); _paketErrorProvider.BringToFront(); }
internal static void GotoSource(this LocationInfo location, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, GeneroLanguageVersion languageVersion) { if (location.Line > 0 && location.Column > 0) { VSGeneroPackage.NavigateTo( location.FilePath, Guid.Empty, location.Line - 1, location.Column - 1); } else if (location.DefinitionURL != null) { var urlStr = location.GetUrlString(languageVersion); Uri definitionUrl; if (Uri.TryCreate(urlStr, UriKind.Absolute, out definitionUrl)) { if (serviceProvider != null) { IVsWebBrowsingService service = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsWebBrowsingService)) as IVsWebBrowsingService; if (service != null) { if (VSGeneroPackage.Instance.AdvancedOptions4GL.OpenExternalBrowser) { __VSCREATEWEBBROWSER createFlags = __VSCREATEWEBBROWSER.VSCWB_AutoShow; VSPREVIEWRESOLUTION resolution = VSPREVIEWRESOLUTION.PR_Default; int result = ErrorHandler.CallWithCOMConvention(() => service.CreateExternalWebBrowser((uint)createFlags, resolution, definitionUrl.AbsoluteUri)); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(result)) { return; } } else { IVsWindowFrame ppFrame; int result = ErrorHandler.CallWithCOMConvention(() => service.Navigate(definitionUrl.AbsoluteUri, 0, out ppFrame)); if (ErrorHandler.Succeeded(result)) { return; } } } } // Fall back to Shell Execute, but only for http or https URIs if (definitionUrl.Scheme != "http" && definitionUrl.Scheme != "https") { return; } try { Process.Start(definitionUrl.AbsoluteUri); } catch (Win32Exception) { } catch (FileNotFoundException) { } } } else { VSGeneroPackage.NavigateTo(location.FilePath, Guid.Empty, location.Index); } }
/// <summary> /// Launches the specified Url either in the internal VS browser or the /// user's default web browser. /// </summary> /// <param name="browserService">VS's browser service for interacting with the internal browser.</param> /// <param name="launchUrl">Url to launch.</param> /// <param name="useInternalBrowser">true to use the internal browser; false to use the default browser.</param> private void LaunchWebBrowser(IVsWebBrowsingService browserService, string launchUrl, bool useInternalBrowser) { try { if (useInternalBrowser == true) { // if set to use internal browser, then navigate via the browser service. IVsWindowFrame ppFrame; // passing 0 to the NavigateFlags allows the browser service to reuse open instances // of the internal browser. browserService.Navigate(launchUrl, 0, out ppFrame); } else { // if not, launch the user's default browser by starting a new one. StartInfo.FileName = launchUrl; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(StartInfo); } } catch { // if the process could not be started, show an error. MessageBox.Show("Cannot launch this url.", "Extension Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }