public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = false; m_VideoController = videoController; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucMakeDarkFlatField(this); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; return(true); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoContoller, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoContoller; m_FramePlayer = framePlayer; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucSpectroscopy(this, (VideoController)videoContoller, m_SpectroscopyController, framePlayer); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; m_OperationState = SpectroscopyState.ChoosingStar; SelectedStar = null; SelectedAnglePoint = Point.Empty; m_OriginalWidth = framePlayer.Video.Width; m_OriginalHeight = framePlayer.Video.Height; m_OriginalVideoFrame = new Rectangle(0, 0, m_OriginalWidth, m_OriginalHeight); return(true); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, System.Windows.Forms.Panel controlPanel, Model.Video.IFramePlayer framePlayer, System.Windows.Forms.Form topForm) { m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucConvertVideoToAav(this, (VideoController)videoController); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; TangraContext.Current.CanPlayVideo = false; m_VideoController.UpdateViews(); m_Converting = false; return(true); }
public TestVideoMediaStreamSource(IVideoController videoController, ushort ssrcId, int frameWidth, int frameHeight) { this.frameWidth = frameWidth; this.frameHeight = frameHeight; this.videoController = videoController; this.ssrcId = ssrcId; }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_Status = ConvertVideoToFitsState.Configuring; m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; // We don't allow loading of calibration frames for now. Doing so with complicate the export TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = false; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucConvertVideoToFits(this, (VideoController)videoController); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; return(true); }
private void MainWindow_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (_video != null) { _video.StopVideo(); _video = null; } }
public VideoMediaStreamSource(IVideoController videoController, IVideoQualityController videoQualityController, ushort ssrcId, int frameWidth, int frameHeight) { _frameWidth = frameWidth; _frameHeight = frameHeight; _videoController = videoController; _videoQualityController = videoQualityController; _ssrcId = ssrcId; }
public void ShowModal(IVideoController videoController) { var frm = new frmAavStatusChannelOnlyView((VideoController)videoController, m_AAV); frm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent; ((VideoController)videoController).ShowForm(frm); }
public void Initialize(TimestampOCRData initializationData, IVideoController videoController, int performanceMode) { m_InitializationData = initializationData; m_VideoController = videoController; m_Processor = null; m_UseNativePreProcessing = performanceMode > 0; m_ForceErrorReport = initializationData.ForceErrorReport; m_CalibrationImages.Clear(); }
public LCStateMachine(ReduceLightCurveOperation videoOperation, IVideoController videoController) { m_VideoController = videoController; VideoOperation = videoOperation; m_CurrentStateObject = new LCStateSelectMeasuringStars(this); m_CurrentState = LightCurvesState.SelectMeasuringStars; m_CurrentStateObject.Initialize(); }
public frmGenerateStarFieldVideoModel(IVideoController videoController) : this() { m_VideoController = videoController; cbxVideoFormat.SelectedIndex = 0; cbxAAVIntegration.SelectedIndex = 5; cbxPhotometricFilter.SelectedIndex = 3; m_SimulatedDarkFrame = null; }
public VideoProvider(IDatabaseProvider dbProvider) { if (dbProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbProvider)); } _dbProvider = dbProvider; _videoController = new VideoController(); }
internal VtiTimeStampComposer(VideoFormat?format, int integratedAAVFrames, bool evenBeforeOdd, bool duplicatedFields, IVideoController videoController, ICalibrationErrorProcessor calibrationErrorProcessor, Func <uint[]> getCurrImageQuery) { m_VideoFormat = format; m_IntegratedAAVFrames = integratedAAVFrames; m_VideoController = videoController; m_CalibrationErrorProcessor = calibrationErrorProcessor; m_GetCurrImageQuery = getCurrImageQuery; m_EvenBeforeOdd = evenBeforeOdd; m_DuplicatedFields = duplicatedFields; m_Corrector.Reset(m_VideoFormat); }
public MediaSinkFactory(IAudioController audioController, IVideoController videoController, MediaConfig mediaConfig, IMediaEnvironment mediaEnvironment, IVideoQualityController videoQualityController) { _audioController = audioController; _videoController = videoController; _mediaConfig = mediaConfig; _mediaEnvironment = mediaEnvironment; _videoQualityController = videoQualityController; }
internal ucLCFileInfo(LCFile lcFile, IVideoController videoController) { InitializeComponent(); m_lcFile = lcFile; m_VideoController = videoController; DisplayLCFileInfo(); // Only analogue video (or derived from it) has fields VideoFileFormat videoFileFormat = m_lcFile.Header.GetVideoFileFormat(); btnShowFields.Visible = videoFileFormat == VideoFileFormat.AVI || videoFileFormat.IsAAV(); m_ShowingFields = false; }
public PlateObjectResolver( IAstrometryController astrometryController, IVideoController videoController, AstroImage image, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry impSol, List <IStar> stars, double maxMagForAstrometry) { m_AstrometryController = astrometryController; m_VideoController = videoController; m_Image = image; m_Astrometry = impSol; m_Stars = stars; m_MaxMagForAstrometry = maxMagForAstrometry; }
public PlateObjectResolver( IAstrometryController astrometryController, IVideoController videoController, AstroImage image, LeastSquareFittedAstrometry impSol, List<IStar> stars, double maxMagForAstrometry) { m_AstrometryController = astrometryController; m_VideoController = videoController; m_Image = image; m_Astrometry = impSol; m_Stars = stars; m_MaxMagForAstrometry = maxMagForAstrometry; }
public void Initialize(SettingsBase settings) //throws Exception { //Get the Foscam camera type (MJPEG or HD) FoscamCameraType cameraType; string cameraTypeStr = (string)settings[VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_TYPE]; if (cameraTypeStr == null || cameraTypeStr == "") { cameraType = DEFAULT_CAMERA_TYPE; } else if (string.Equals(cameraTypeStr, SETTING_CAMERA_FOSCAM_HD, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cameraType = FoscamCameraType.FoscamHD; } else if (string.Equals(cameraTypeStr, SETTING_CAMERA_FOSCAM_MJPEG, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cameraType = FoscamCameraType.FoscamMJPEG; } else { throw new ArgumentNullException(VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_TYPE); } //Get the camera URL string url = (string)settings[VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_URL]; if (url == null || url == "") { throw new ArgumentNullException(VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_URL); } //Get the username string username = (string)settings[VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_USERNAME] ?? DEFAULT_USERNAME; //Get the password string password = (string)settings[VideoSettings.SETTING_CAMERA_PASSWORD] ?? DEFAULT_PASSWORD; //Create video controller _video = FoscamVideo.CreateFoscamVideoController(cameraType, url, username, password, DEFAULT_VLC_OPTIONS); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_Status = ConvertVideoToFitsState.Configuring; m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; // We don't allow loading of calibration frames for now. Doing so with complicate the export TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = false; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucConvertVideoToFits(this, (VideoController)videoController); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; if (topForm.Height < 736) { // Make sure all controls of the panel are visible topForm.Height = 736; } var videoFileFormat = m_VideoController.GetVideoFileFormat(); if (videoFileFormat == VideoFileFormat.AAV && m_VideoController.CurrentFrameIndex == m_VideoController.VideoFirstFrame) { m_VideoController.StepForward(); } return(true); }
public static bool CheckAndCorrectBadMaxPixelValue(string fileName, IVideoController videoController) { // MergeOverlappingAAVFiles(@"", @""); // FixOccuRecEveryFrameSavedInPeriod(fileName); // FixOccuRecEveryFrameNoLockedSavedInPeriod(fileName); try { byte aavVer; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs)) { int magic = rdr.ReadInt32(); if (magic != 0x46545346) { return(false); } aavVer = rdr.ReadByte(); } if (aavVer == 1) { return(ProcessAAVv1File(fileName, videoController)); } else if (aavVer == 2) { return(ProcessAAVv2File(fileName, videoController)); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(Model.Helpers.Extensions.GetFullStackTrace(ex)); return(false); } }
private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { FoscamCameraType cameraType = #if USE_FOSCAM_HD_CAMERA FoscamCameraType.FoscamHD; #else FoscamCameraType.FoscamMJPEG; #endif _video = FoscamVideo.CreateFoscamVideoController(cameraType, CAMERA_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD); _motion = FoscamMotion.CreateFoscamMotionController(cameraType, CAMERA_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD); _zoom = FoscamZoom.CreateFoscamZoomController(cameraType, CAMERA_URL, USERNAME, PASSWORD); if (_video != null) { UIElement player = _video.VideoDisplay; player.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, 0); //player.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, -1); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(player); _video.StartVideo(); } }
public static bool CheckAndCorrectBadMaxPixelValue(string fileName, IVideoController videoController) { try { byte aavVer; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs)) { int magic = rdr.ReadInt32(); if (magic != 0x46545346) { return(false); } aavVer = rdr.ReadByte(); } if (aavVer == 1) { return(ProcessAAVv1File(fileName, videoController)); } else if (aavVer == 2) { return(ProcessAAVv2File(fileName, videoController)); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.GetFullStackTrace()); return(false); } }
public BackgroundProvider(IVideoController videoController) { m_VideoController = videoController; }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, System.Windows.Forms.Panel controlPanel, Model.Video.IFramePlayer framePlayer, System.Windows.Forms.Form topForm) { m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucConvertVideoToAav(this, (VideoController)videoController); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; TangraContext.Current.CanPlayVideo = false; m_VideoController.UpdateViews(); m_Converting = false; return true; }
public void Initialize(TimestampOCRData initializationData, IVideoController videoController, int performanceMode) { m_InitializationData = initializationData; m_VideoController = videoController; }
public static StarMagnitudeFit PerformFit( IAstrometryController astrometryController, IVideoController videoController, int bitPix, uint maxSignalValue, FitInfo astrometricFit, TangraConfig.PhotometryReductionMethod photometryReductionMethod, TangraConfig.PsfQuadrature psfQuadrature, TangraConfig.PsfFittingMethod psfFittingMethod, TangraConfig.BackgroundMethod photometryBackgroundMethod, TangraConfig.PreProcessingFilter filter, List<IStar> catalogueStars, Guid magnitudeBandId, float encodingGamma, TangraConfig.KnownCameraResponse reverseCameraResponse, float? aperture, float? annulusInnerRadius, int? annulusMinPixels, ref float empericalPSFR0) { uint saturatedValue = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.GetSaturationForBpp(bitPix, maxSignalValue); MeasurementsHelper measurer = new MeasurementsHelper( bitPix, photometryBackgroundMethod, TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.SubPixelSquareSize, saturatedValue); measurer.SetCoreProperties( annulusInnerRadius ?? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.AnnulusInnerRadius, annulusMinPixels ?? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.AnnulusMinPixels, CorePhotometrySettings.Default.RejectionBackgroundPixelsStdDev, 2 /* TODO: This must be configurable */); var bgProvider = new BackgroundProvider(videoController); measurer.GetImagePixelsCallback += new MeasurementsHelper.GetImagePixelsDelegate(bgProvider.measurer_GetImagePixelsCallback); List<double> intencities = new List<double>(); List<double> magnitudes = new List<double>(); List<double> colours = new List<double>(); List<double> residuals = new List<double>(); List<bool> saturatedFlags = new List<bool>(); List<IStar> stars = new List<IStar>(); List<PSFFit> gaussians = new List<PSFFit>(); List<MagFitRecord> fitRecords = new List<MagFitRecord>(); AstroImage currentAstroImage = videoController.GetCurrentAstroImage(false); Rectangle osdRectToExclude = astrometryController.OSDRectToExclude; Rectangle rectToInclude = astrometryController.RectToInclude; bool limitByInclusion = astrometryController.LimitByInclusion; int matSize = CorePhotometrySettings.Default.MatrixSizeForCalibratedPhotometry; double a = double.NaN; double b = double.NaN; double c = double.NaN; int excludedStars = 0; double empericalFWHM = double.NaN; try { foreach (PlateConstStarPair pair in astrometricFit.AllStarPairs) { if (limitByInclusion && !rectToInclude.Contains((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y)) continue; if (!limitByInclusion && osdRectToExclude.Contains((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y)) continue; IStar star = catalogueStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == pair.StarNo); if (star == null || double.IsNaN(star.Mag) || star.Mag == 0) continue; uint[,] data = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y, matSize); PSFFit fit = new PSFFit((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y); fit.Fit(data, PSF_FIT_AREA_SIZE); if (!fit.IsSolved) continue; MagFitRecord record = new MagFitRecord(); record.Star = star; record.Pair = pair; record.PsfFit = fit; record.Saturation = IsSaturated(data, matSize, saturatedValue); if (!EXCLUDE_SATURATED_STARS || !record.Saturation) fitRecords.Add(record); } // We need the average R0 if it hasn't been determined yet if (float.IsNaN(empericalPSFR0)) { empericalPSFR0 = 0; foreach (MagFitRecord rec in fitRecords) { empericalPSFR0 += (float)rec.PsfFit.R0; } empericalPSFR0 /= fitRecords.Count; } empericalFWHM = 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Log(2)) * empericalPSFR0; foreach (MagFitRecord record in fitRecords) { ImagePixel center = new ImagePixel(255, record.Pair.x, record.Pair.y); int areaSize = filter == TangraConfig.PreProcessingFilter.NoFilter ? 17 : 19; int centerX = (int)Math.Round(center.XDouble); int centerY = (int)Math.Round(center.YDouble); uint[,] data = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels(centerX, centerY, areaSize); uint[,] backgroundPixels = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels(centerX, centerY, 35); measurer.MeasureObject( center, data, backgroundPixels, currentAstroImage.Pixelmap.BitPixCamera, filter, photometryReductionMethod, psfQuadrature, psfFittingMethod, aperture != null ? aperture.Value : (float)Aperture(record.PsfFit.FWHM), record.PsfFit.FWHM, (float)empericalFWHM, new FakeIMeasuredObject(record.PsfFit), null, null, false); double intensity = measurer.TotalReading - measurer.TotalBackground; if (intensity > 0) { var mag = record.Star.GetMagnitudeForBand(magnitudeBandId); var clr = record.Star.MagJ - record.Star.MagK; if (!double.IsNaN(mag) && !double.IsNaN(clr) && !double.IsInfinity(mag) && !double.IsInfinity(clr)) { intencities.Add(intensity); magnitudes.Add(record.Star.GetMagnitudeForBand(magnitudeBandId)); colours.Add(record.Star.MagJ - record.Star.MagK); gaussians.Add(record.PsfFit); stars.Add(record.Star); saturatedFlags.Add(measurer.HasSaturatedPixels || record.PsfFit.IMax >= measurer.SaturationValue); } } } // Remove stars with unusual PSF fit radii (once only) double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gaussians.Count; i++) { sum += gaussians[i].R0; } double averageR = sum / gaussians.Count; residuals.Clear(); sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gaussians.Count; i++) { residuals.Add(averageR - gaussians[i].R0); sum += (averageR - gaussians[i].R0) * (averageR - gaussians[i].R0); } double stdDev = Math.Sqrt(sum) / gaussians.Count; if (EXCLUDE_BAD_RESIDUALS) { for (int i = residuals.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Math.Abs(residuals[i]) > 6 * stdDev) { intencities.RemoveAt(i); magnitudes.RemoveAt(i); colours.RemoveAt(i); stars.RemoveAt(i); gaussians.RemoveAt(i); saturatedFlags.RemoveAt(i); } } } double maxResidual = Math.Max(0.1, TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.MaxResidualStellarMags); for (int itter = 1; itter <= MAX_ITERR; itter++) { residuals.Clear(); SafeMatrix A = new SafeMatrix(intencities.Count, 3); SafeMatrix X = new SafeMatrix(intencities.Count, 1); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < intencities.Count; i++) { A[idx, 0] = magnitudes[i]; A[idx, 1] = colours[i]; A[idx, 2] = 1; X[idx, 0] = -2.5 * Math.Log10(intencities[i]); idx++; } SafeMatrix a_T = A.Transpose(); SafeMatrix aa = a_T * A; SafeMatrix aa_inv = aa.Inverse(); SafeMatrix bx = (aa_inv * a_T) * X; double Ka = bx[0, 0]; double Kb = bx[1, 0]; double Kc = bx[2, 0]; // -2.5 * a * Log(Median-Intensity) = A * Mv + B * Mjk + C - b // -2.5 * Log(Median-Intensity) = Ka * Mv + Kb * Mjk + Kc // Mv = -2.5 * a * Log(Median-Intensity) - b * Mjk - c a = 1 / Ka; b = -Kb / Ka; c = -Kc / Ka; int starsExcludedThisTime = 0; if (EXCLUDE_BAD_RESIDUALS) { List<int> indexesToRemove = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < intencities.Count; i++) { double computed = a * -2.5 * Math.Log10(intencities[i]) + b * colours[i] + c; double diff = Math.Abs(computed - magnitudes[i]); if (itter < MAX_ITERR) { if (Math.Abs(diff) > maxResidual) { indexesToRemove.Add(i); } } else residuals.Add(diff); } for (int i = indexesToRemove.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int idxToRemove = indexesToRemove[i]; intencities.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); magnitudes.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); colours.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); stars.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); gaussians.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); saturatedFlags.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); excludedStars++; starsExcludedThisTime++; } } if (starsExcludedThisTime == 0) break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return new StarMagnitudeFit( currentAstroImage, bitPix, intencities, magnitudes, colours, stars, gaussians, new List<double>(), saturatedFlags, a, b, c, encodingGamma, reverseCameraResponse, excludedStars, filter, empericalFWHM, photometryReductionMethod, photometryBackgroundMethod, psfQuadrature, psfFittingMethod, measurer, aperture); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoContoller, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_NumberFramesWithBadTracking = 0; m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoContoller; m_ControlPanelHolder = controlPanel; var configForm = new frmSelectReductionType(m_VideoController, framePlayer); if (configForm.ShowDialog(topForm) == DialogResult.OK) { EnsureControlPanel(controlPanel); BeginConfiguration(); TangraContext.Current.CanChangeTool = true; if (m_VideoController.IsPlainAviVideo && !TangraConfig.Settings.Generic.OcrInitialSetupCompleted) { var frm = new frmChooseFirstTimeOcrSettings(); frm.ShowDialog(topForm); } return true; } TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = true; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = true; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = true; return false; }
private static bool ProcessAAVv1File(string fileName, IVideoController videoController) { Tuple <long, string> aavNormValTag; int expectedMaxPixelVal; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs)) { int magic = rdr.ReadInt32(); byte aavVer = rdr.ReadByte(); if (magic != 0x46545346 || aavVer != 1) { // Not an AAVv1 File return(false); } fs.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current); long systemTableOffs = rdr.ReadInt64(); long userTableOffs = rdr.ReadInt64(); fs.Seek(systemTableOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); var sysTags = ReadTagsVer1(rdr); fs.Seek(userTableOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); var userTags = ReadTagsVer1(rdr); if (!sysTags.ContainsKey("BITPIX") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("NATIVE-FRAME-RATE") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("AAV16-NORMVAL")) { return(false); } int bitPix = int.Parse(sysTags["BITPIX"].Item2); if (bitPix == 8) { // This is an 8-bit file and it is not affected by a MaxPixelValue issue. return(false); } double effectiveFrameRate = double.Parse(sysTags["EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE"].Item2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double nativeFrameRate = double.Parse(sysTags["NATIVE-FRAME-RATE"].Item2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); expectedMaxPixelVal = (int)Math.Round(256 * nativeFrameRate / effectiveFrameRate); if (sysTags.ContainsKey("AAV16-NORMVAL")) { aavNormValTag = sysTags["AAV16-NORMVAL"]; } else if (userTags.ContainsKey("AAV16-NORMVAL")) { aavNormValTag = userTags["AAV16-NORMVAL"]; } else { return(false); } int maxPixelValue = int.Parse(aavNormValTag.Item2); if (expectedMaxPixelVal >= maxPixelValue) { // The MaxPixelValue s correct for this file. Nothing to do return(false); } if (videoController.ShowMessageBox( string.Format("This AAV file appears to have an incorrect MaxPixelValue which can result in incorrectly displayed object brightness. Press 'Yes' to fix the MaxPixelValue to the correct value of {0}.", expectedMaxPixelVal), "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return(false); } } string expectedStringValue = expectedMaxPixelVal.ToString(); if (expectedStringValue.Length > aavNormValTag.Item2.Length) { videoController.ShowMessageBox(string.Format("Error changing MaxPixelValue from {0} to {1}", aavNormValTag.Item2, expectedMaxPixelVal), "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } expectedStringValue = expectedStringValue.PadLeft(aavNormValTag.Item2.Length, '0'); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) using (BinaryWriter wrt = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { fs.Seek(aavNormValTag.Item1 + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin); wrt.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(expectedStringValue)); } return(true); }
public static StarMagnitudeFit PerformFit( IAstrometryController astrometryController, IVideoController videoController, int bitPix, uint maxSignalValue, FitInfo astrometricFit, TangraConfig.PhotometryReductionMethod photometryReductionMethod, TangraConfig.PsfQuadrature psfQuadrature, TangraConfig.PsfFittingMethod psfFittingMethod, TangraConfig.BackgroundMethod photometryBackgroundMethod, TangraConfig.PreProcessingFilter filter, List <IStar> catalogueStars, Guid magnitudeBandId, float encodingGamma, TangraConfig.KnownCameraResponse reverseCameraResponse, float?aperture, float?annulusInnerRadius, int?annulusMinPixels, ref float empericalPSFR0) { uint saturatedValue = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.GetSaturationForBpp(bitPix, maxSignalValue); MeasurementsHelper measurer = new MeasurementsHelper( bitPix, photometryBackgroundMethod, TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.SubPixelSquareSize, saturatedValue); measurer.SetCoreProperties( annulusInnerRadius ?? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.AnnulusInnerRadius, annulusMinPixels ?? TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.AnnulusMinPixels, CorePhotometrySettings.Default.RejectionBackgroundPixelsStdDev, 2 /* TODO: This must be configurable */); var bgProvider = new BackgroundProvider(videoController); measurer.GetImagePixelsCallback += new MeasurementsHelper.GetImagePixelsDelegate(bgProvider.measurer_GetImagePixelsCallback); List <double> intencities = new List <double>(); List <double> magnitudes = new List <double>(); List <double> colours = new List <double>(); List <double> residuals = new List <double>(); List <bool> saturatedFlags = new List <bool>(); List <IStar> stars = new List <IStar>(); List <PSFFit> gaussians = new List <PSFFit>(); List <MagFitRecord> fitRecords = new List <MagFitRecord>(); AstroImage currentAstroImage = videoController.GetCurrentAstroImage(false); Rectangle osdRectToExclude = astrometryController.OSDRectToExclude; Rectangle rectToInclude = astrometryController.RectToInclude; bool limitByInclusion = astrometryController.LimitByInclusion; int matSize = CorePhotometrySettings.Default.MatrixSizeForCalibratedPhotometry; double a = double.NaN; double b = double.NaN; double c = double.NaN; int excludedStars = 0; double empericalFWHM = double.NaN; try { foreach (PlateConstStarPair pair in astrometricFit.AllStarPairs) { if (limitByInclusion && !rectToInclude.Contains((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y)) { continue; } if (!limitByInclusion && osdRectToExclude.Contains((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y)) { continue; } IStar star = catalogueStars.Find(s => s.StarNo == pair.StarNo); if (star == null || double.IsNaN(star.Mag) || star.Mag == 0) { continue; } uint[,] data = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y, matSize); PSFFit fit = new PSFFit((int)pair.x, (int)pair.y); fit.Fit(data, PSF_FIT_AREA_SIZE); if (!fit.IsSolved) { continue; } MagFitRecord record = new MagFitRecord(); record.Star = star; record.Pair = pair; record.PsfFit = fit; record.Saturation = IsSaturated(data, matSize, saturatedValue); if (!EXCLUDE_SATURATED_STARS || !record.Saturation) { fitRecords.Add(record); } } // We need the average R0 if it hasn't been determined yet if (float.IsNaN(empericalPSFR0)) { empericalPSFR0 = 0; foreach (MagFitRecord rec in fitRecords) { empericalPSFR0 += (float)rec.PsfFit.R0; } empericalPSFR0 /= fitRecords.Count; } empericalFWHM = 2 * Math.Sqrt(Math.Log(2)) * empericalPSFR0; foreach (MagFitRecord record in fitRecords) { ImagePixel center = new ImagePixel(255, record.Pair.x, record.Pair.y); int areaSize = filter == TangraConfig.PreProcessingFilter.NoFilter ? 17 : 19; int centerX = (int)Math.Round(center.XDouble); int centerY = (int)Math.Round(center.YDouble); uint[,] data = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels(centerX, centerY, areaSize); uint[,] backgroundPixels = currentAstroImage.GetMeasurableAreaPixels(centerX, centerY, 35); measurer.MeasureObject( center, data, backgroundPixels, currentAstroImage.Pixelmap.BitPixCamera, filter, photometryReductionMethod, psfQuadrature, psfFittingMethod, aperture != null ? aperture.Value : (float)Aperture(record.PsfFit.FWHM), record.PsfFit.FWHM, (float)empericalFWHM, new FakeIMeasuredObject(record.PsfFit), null, null, false); double intensity = measurer.TotalReading - measurer.TotalBackground; if (intensity > 0) { var mag = record.Star.GetMagnitudeForBand(magnitudeBandId); var clr = record.Star.MagJ - record.Star.MagK; if (!double.IsNaN(mag) && !double.IsNaN(clr) && !double.IsInfinity(mag) && !double.IsInfinity(clr)) { intencities.Add(intensity); magnitudes.Add(record.Star.GetMagnitudeForBand(magnitudeBandId)); colours.Add(record.Star.MagJ - record.Star.MagK); gaussians.Add(record.PsfFit); stars.Add(record.Star); saturatedFlags.Add(measurer.HasSaturatedPixels || record.PsfFit.IMax >= measurer.SaturationValue); } } } // Remove stars with unusual PSF fit radii (once only) double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gaussians.Count; i++) { sum += gaussians[i].R0; } double averageR = sum / gaussians.Count; residuals.Clear(); sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < gaussians.Count; i++) { residuals.Add(averageR - gaussians[i].R0); sum += (averageR - gaussians[i].R0) * (averageR - gaussians[i].R0); } double stdDev = Math.Sqrt(sum) / gaussians.Count; if (EXCLUDE_BAD_RESIDUALS) { for (int i = residuals.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Math.Abs(residuals[i]) > 6 * stdDev) { intencities.RemoveAt(i); magnitudes.RemoveAt(i); colours.RemoveAt(i); stars.RemoveAt(i); gaussians.RemoveAt(i); saturatedFlags.RemoveAt(i); } } } double maxResidual = Math.Max(0.1, TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.MaxResidualStellarMags); for (int itter = 1; itter <= MAX_ITERR; itter++) { residuals.Clear(); SafeMatrix A = new SafeMatrix(intencities.Count, 3); SafeMatrix X = new SafeMatrix(intencities.Count, 1); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < intencities.Count; i++) { A[idx, 0] = magnitudes[i]; A[idx, 1] = colours[i]; A[idx, 2] = 1; X[idx, 0] = -2.5 * Math.Log10(intencities[i]); idx++; } SafeMatrix a_T = A.Transpose(); SafeMatrix aa = a_T * A; SafeMatrix aa_inv = aa.Inverse(); SafeMatrix bx = (aa_inv * a_T) * X; double Ka = bx[0, 0]; double Kb = bx[1, 0]; double Kc = bx[2, 0]; // -2.5 * a * Log(Median-Intensity) = A * Mv + B * Mjk + C - b // -2.5 * Log(Median-Intensity) = Ka * Mv + Kb * Mjk + Kc // Mv = -2.5 * a * Log(Median-Intensity) - b * Mjk - c a = 1 / Ka; b = -Kb / Ka; c = -Kc / Ka; int starsExcludedThisTime = 0; if (EXCLUDE_BAD_RESIDUALS) { List <int> indexesToRemove = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < intencities.Count; i++) { double computed = a * -2.5 * Math.Log10(intencities[i]) + b * colours[i] + c; double diff = Math.Abs(computed - magnitudes[i]); if (itter < MAX_ITERR) { if (Math.Abs(diff) > maxResidual) { indexesToRemove.Add(i); } } else { residuals.Add(diff); } } for (int i = indexesToRemove.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int idxToRemove = indexesToRemove[i]; intencities.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); magnitudes.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); colours.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); stars.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); gaussians.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); saturatedFlags.RemoveAt(idxToRemove); excludedStars++; starsExcludedThisTime++; } } if (starsExcludedThisTime == 0) { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(new StarMagnitudeFit( currentAstroImage, bitPix, intencities, magnitudes, colours, stars, gaussians, new List <double>(), saturatedFlags, a, b, c, encodingGamma, reverseCameraResponse, excludedStars, filter, empericalFWHM, photometryReductionMethod, photometryBackgroundMethod, psfQuadrature, psfFittingMethod, measurer, aperture)); }
private static bool ProcessAAVv2File(string fileName, IVideoController videoController) { Tuple <long, string> currMaxPixelValue; Tuple <long, string> currMaxPixelValueImgSec; int expectedMaxPixelVal; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) using (BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs)) { int magic = rdr.ReadInt32(); byte aavVer = rdr.ReadByte(); if (magic != 0x46545346 || aavVer != 2) { // Not an AAVv2 File return(false); } fs.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current); long sysMetaOffs = rdr.ReadInt64(); long userMetaOffs = rdr.ReadInt64(); fs.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); string stream1 = ReadString(rdr); fs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Current); string stream2 = ReadString(rdr); fs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Current); rdr.ReadByte(); string section1 = ReadString(rdr); long imgSecOffs = rdr.ReadInt64(); if (stream1 != "MAIN" || stream2 != "CALIBRATION" || section1 != "IMAGE") { // Not a standard AAVv2 File return(false); } fs.Seek(sysMetaOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); var sysTags = ReadTags(rdr); fs.Seek(userMetaOffs, SeekOrigin.Begin); var userTags = ReadTags(rdr); foreach (var kvp in userTags) { sysTags[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } fs.Seek(imgSecOffs + 10, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte numLayouts = rdr.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i < numLayouts; i++) { fs.Seek(3, SeekOrigin.Current); int tagsCount = rdr.ReadByte(); ReadTags(rdr, tagsCount); } int imgTagsCnt = rdr.ReadByte(); var imgTags = ReadTags(rdr, imgTagsCnt); if (!sysTags.ContainsKey("BITPIX") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("NATIVE-FRAME-RATE") || !sysTags.ContainsKey("AAV16-NORMVAL") || !imgTags.ContainsKey("IMAGE-MAX-PIXEL-VALUE")) { return(false); } int bitPix = int.Parse(sysTags["BITPIX"].Item2); if (bitPix == 8) { // This is an 8-bit file and it is not affected by a MaxPixelValue issue. return(false); } double effectiveFrameRate = double.Parse(sysTags["EFFECTIVE-FRAME-RATE"].Item2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); double nativeFrameRate = double.Parse(sysTags["NATIVE-FRAME-RATE"].Item2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); expectedMaxPixelVal = (int)Math.Round(256 * nativeFrameRate / effectiveFrameRate); int maxPixelValue = int.Parse(sysTags["AAV16-NORMVAL"].Item2); int maxPixelValueImgSec = int.Parse(imgTags["IMAGE-MAX-PIXEL-VALUE"].Item2); if (expectedMaxPixelVal == maxPixelValue && expectedMaxPixelVal == maxPixelValueImgSec) { // The MaxPixelValue s correct for this file. Nothing to do return(false); } if (videoController.ShowMessageBox( string.Format("This AAV file appears to have an incorrect MaxPixelValue which can result in incorrectly displayed object brightness. Press 'Yes' to fix the MaxPixelValue to the correct value of {0}.", expectedMaxPixelVal), "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return(false); } currMaxPixelValue = sysTags["AAV16-NORMVAL"]; currMaxPixelValueImgSec = imgTags["IMAGE-MAX-PIXEL-VALUE"]; } string expectedStringValue = expectedMaxPixelVal.ToString(); if (expectedStringValue.Length > currMaxPixelValue.Item2.Length || expectedStringValue.Length > currMaxPixelValueImgSec.Item2.Length) { videoController.ShowMessageBox(string.Format("Error changing MaxPixelValue from {0}|{1} to {2}", currMaxPixelValue.Item2, currMaxPixelValueImgSec.Item2, expectedMaxPixelVal), "Tangra", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return(false); } expectedStringValue = expectedStringValue.PadLeft(currMaxPixelValue.Item2.Length, '0'); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) using (BinaryWriter wrt = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { fs.Seek(currMaxPixelValue.Item1 + 2, SeekOrigin.Begin); wrt.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(expectedStringValue)); fs.Seek(currMaxPixelValueImgSec.Item1 + 2, SeekOrigin.Begin); wrt.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(expectedStringValue)); } return(true); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_Status = ConvertVideoToFitsState.Configuring; m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; // We don't allow loading of calibration frames for now. Doing so with complicate the export TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = false; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucConvertVideoToFits(this, (VideoController)videoController); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; return true; }
public void NewMission(Location loc, Airframe plane, User user, Camera camera, IMavLinkListener callback, IVideoController videoController) { frmCreateMission createMission = new frmCreateMission(); if (createMission.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { IsLive = createMission.IsLive; if (createMission.IsLive) { missionReader = new MissionPlannerLiveConnector("", "56781", callback); if (missionReader.Open(false, DateTime.Now)) { mission = new Mission(loc, plane, user, camera, createMission.Description, createMission.VideoFile, createMission.LogFile); this.videoController = videoController; } } else { if (File.Exists(createMission.LogFile) && File.Exists(createMission.VideoFile)) { mission = new Mission(loc, plane, user, camera, createMission.Description, createMission.VideoFile, createMission.LogFile); missionReader = new MissionPlannerLogReader(createMission.LogFile, false, callback); this.videoController = videoController; } } } }
public void Initialize(TimestampOCRData initializationData, IVideoController videoController, int performanceMode) { m_InitializationData = initializationData; m_VideoController = videoController; m_Processor = null; m_UseNativePreProcessing = performanceMode > 0; m_ForceErrorReport = initializationData.ForceErrorReport; m_FrameStep = -1; m_CalibrationImages.Clear(); }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoContoller, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoContoller; m_FramePlayer = framePlayer; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock (m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucSpectroscopy(this, (VideoController)videoContoller, m_SpectroscopyController, framePlayer); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; m_OperationState = SpectroscopyState.ChoosingStar; SelectedStar = null; SelectedAnglePoint = Point.Empty; m_OriginalWidth = framePlayer.Video.Width; m_OriginalHeight = framePlayer.Video.Height; m_OriginalVideoFrame = new Rectangle(0, 0, m_OriginalWidth, m_OriginalHeight); return true; }
public bool InitializeOperation(IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanel, IFramePlayer framePlayer, Form topForm) { TangraContext.Current.CanLoadFlatFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadDarkFrame = false; TangraContext.Current.CanLoadBiasFrame = false; m_VideoController = videoController; if (m_ControlPanel == null) { lock(m_SyncRoot) { if (m_ControlPanel == null) { m_ControlPanel = new ucMakeDarkFlatField(this); } } } controlPanel.Controls.Clear(); controlPanel.Controls.Add(m_ControlPanel); m_ControlPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; return true; }
public VideoSinkAdapter(CaptureSource captureSource, IVideoController mediaController, IVideoQualityController videoQualityController) { CaptureSource = captureSource; _mediaController = mediaController; _videoQualityController = videoQualityController; }
internal void EnterViewLightCurveMode(LCFile lcFile, IVideoController videoController, Panel controlPanelHolder) { m_ControlPanelHolder = controlPanelHolder; m_VideoController = (VideoController)videoController; EnsureControlPanel(m_ControlPanelHolder); m_LightCurveController.SetLcFile(lcFile); m_Measuring = false; m_Refining = false; m_ViewingLightCurve = true; m_Configuring = false; m_StateMachine = new LCStateMachine(this, m_VideoController); m_StateMachine.ChangeState(LightCurvesState.Viewing); m_StateMachine.SelectedMeasuringStar = -1; m_StateMachine.SelectedObject = null; m_MeasurementInterval = 1; m_CurrFrameNo = -1; m_CurrFileName = null; m_ControlPanel.BeginConfiguration(m_StateMachine, m_VideoController); m_ControlPanel.SetupLCFileInfo(m_LightCurveController.LcFile); m_ControlPanel.UpdateState(); }