        private void Test(string Script, object[][] ExpectedOutput)
            Variables  v   = new Variables();
            Expression Exp = new Expression(Script);
            object     Obj = Exp.Evaluate(v);


            ObjectMatrix M = Obj as ObjectMatrix;
            int          NrRows, RowIndex;
            int          NrColumns, ColumnIndex;

            Assert.IsNotNull(M, "Object matrix expected.");
            Assert.AreEqual(NrRows = ExpectedOutput.Length, M.Rows, "Number of rows in response incorrect.");

            for (RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < NrRows; RowIndex++)
                object[] ExpectedRow = ExpectedOutput[RowIndex];
                IVector  Row         = M.GetRow(RowIndex);

                Assert.IsNotNull(Row, "Object row vector expected.");
                Assert.AreEqual(NrColumns = ExpectedRow.Length, Row.Dimension, "Number of columns in response incorrect.");

                for (ColumnIndex = 0; ColumnIndex < NrColumns; ColumnIndex++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ExpectedRow[ColumnIndex], Row.GetElement(ColumnIndex).AssociatedObjectValue);
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the vector index operator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Vector">Vector</param>
        /// <param name="Index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="Node">Node performing the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>Result</returns>
        public static IElement EvaluateIndex(IVector Vector, IElement Index, ScriptNode Node)
            if (Index is DoubleNumber RE)
                double d = RE.Value;
                if (d < 0 || d > int.MaxValue || d != Math.Truncate(d))
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Index must be a non-negative integer.", Node);


            if (Index.IsScalar)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Index must be a non-negative integer.", Node);
                LinkedList <IElement> Elements = new LinkedList <IElement>();

                foreach (IElement E in Index.ChildElements)
                    Elements.AddLast(EvaluateIndex(Vector, E, Node));

                return(Index.Encapsulate(Elements, Node));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            Type T = Arguments[0].AssociatedObjectValue as Type;

            if (T == null)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("First parameter must be a type.", this);

            int     Offset = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[1].AssociatedObjectValue);
            int     MaxCount = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[2].AssociatedObjectValue);
            object  FilterObj = Arguments[3].AssociatedObjectValue;
            Filter  Filter = FilterObj as Filter;
            IVector V = Arguments[4] as IVector;
            int     i, c = V.Dimension;

            string[] SortOrder = new string[c];

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                SortOrder[i] = V.GetElement(i).AssociatedObjectValue.ToString();

            if (Filter == null && FilterObj != null)
                Expression Exp = new Expression(FilterObj.ToString());
                Filter = this.Convert(Exp.Root, Variables);

            MethodInfo MI     = findMethodGeneric.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { T });
            object     Result = MI.Invoke(null, new object[] { Offset, MaxCount, Filter, SortOrder });

            if (Result is Task Task)

                PropertyInfo PI = Task.GetType().GetRuntimeProperty("Result");
                Result = PI.GetMethod.Invoke(Task, null);

            if (Result is IEnumerable E)
                LinkedList <IElement> Elements = new LinkedList <IElement>();
                IEnumerator           e        = E.GetEnumerator();
                while (e.MoveNext())

                return(new ObjectVector(Elements));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function on a vector argument.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Argument">Function argument.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement EvaluateVector(IVector Argument, Variables Variables)
            int i, c = Argument.Dimension;

            IElement[] E = new IElement[c];

            for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
                E[c - i - 1] = Argument.GetElement(i);

            return(Argument.Encapsulate(E, this));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Arguments">Function arguments.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            IVector Colors = Arguments[0] as IVector;
            int     c      = Colors.Dimension;

            if (c == 0)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("No colors defined.", this);

            if (c == 1)

            double p = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[1].AssociatedObjectValue);

            p *= c - 1;

            int Offset = (int)p;

            if (Offset < 0)
                Offset = 0;
            else if (Offset > c - 2)
                Offset = c - 2;

            p -= Offset;

            SKColor c1 = Graph.ToColor(Colors.GetElement(Offset).AssociatedObjectValue);
            SKColor c2 = Graph.ToColor(Colors.GetElement(Offset + 1).AssociatedObjectValue);

            return(new ObjectValue(Blend.BlendColors(c1, c2, p)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Argument">Function argument.</param>
        /// <param name="Variables">Variables collection.</param>
        /// <returns>Function result.</returns>
        public override IElement EvaluateVector(IVector Argument, Variables Variables)
            int     Width = 800;
            int     i, c = Argument.Dimension;
            object  Obj;
            SKColor cl;
            int     j;

            using (SKSurface Surface = SKSurface.Create(Width, 100, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul))
                SKCanvas Canvas = Surface.Canvas;

                for (i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                    j = i * c / Width;
                    if (j >= c)
                        j = c - 1;

                    Obj = Argument.GetElement(j).AssociatedObjectValue;
                    if (Obj is SKColor || Obj is string)
                        cl = Graph.ToColor(Obj);

                        SKPaint Pen = new SKPaint()
                            Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                            Color       = cl,
                            StrokeWidth = 1

                        Canvas.DrawLine(i, 0, i, 100, Pen);

                        Pen = null;

                return(new GraphBitmap(Surface.Snapshot()));
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            string ColorExpression = null;

            SKColor[]         Palette;
            double[]          Coefficients = null;
            Complex[]         CoefficientsZ = null;
            ILambdaExpression f = null;
            ScriptNode        fDef = null;
            double            rc, ic;
            double            dr;
            Complex           R;
            int     dimx, dimy;
            int     c = Arguments.Length;
            int     i = 0;
            object  Obj;
            Complex z;

            Obj = Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;
            if (Obj is Complex)
                z  = (Complex)Obj;
                rc = z.Real;
                ic = z.Imaginary;
                rc = Expression.ToDouble(Obj);
                ic = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i >= c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Insufficient parameters in call to NewtonSmoothFractal().", this);

            dr = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i < c && (Arguments[i] is DoubleNumber || Arguments[i] is ComplexNumber))
                R = Expression.ToComplex(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                R = Complex.One;

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c)
                if (Arguments[i] is DoubleVector)
                    Coefficients = (double[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;
                else if (Arguments[i] is ComplexVector)
                    CoefficientsZ = (Complex[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;

                /*else if (Parameters[i] is RealPolynomial)
                 *      Coefficients = ((RealPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;
                 * else if (Parameters[i] is ComplexPolynomial)
                 *      CoefficientsZ = ((ComplexPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;*/
                else if (Arguments[i] is IVector)
                    IVector Vector = (IVector)Arguments[i++];
                    int     j, d = Vector.Dimension;

                    CoefficientsZ = new Complex[d];
                    for (j = 0; j < d; j++)
                        CoefficientsZ[j] = Expression.ToComplex(Vector.GetElement(j).AssociatedObjectValue);
                else if (Arguments[i].AssociatedObjectValue is ILambdaExpression)
                    f = (ILambdaExpression)Arguments[i];
                    if (f.NrArguments != 1)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression in calls to NewtonSmoothFractal() must be of one variable.", this);

                    fDef = this.Arguments[i++];
                    throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Parameter " + (i + 1).ToString() +
                                                     " in call to NewtonSmoothFractal has to be a vector of numbers, containing coefficients " +
                                                     "of the polynomial to use. Now it was of type " + Arguments[i].GetType().FullName,
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Missing coefficients or lambda expression.", this);

            if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] != null && Arguments[i] is ObjectVector)
                ColorExpression = this.Arguments[i].SubExpression;
                Palette         = FractalGraph.ToPalette((ObjectVector)Arguments[i++]);
                Palette         = ColorModels.RandomLinearAnalogousHSL.CreatePalette(128, 4, out int Seed, this, Variables);
                ColorExpression = "RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(128,4," + Seed.ToString() + ")";

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c)
                dimx = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimx = 320;

            if (i < c)
                dimy = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimy = 200;

            if (i < c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Parameter mismatch in call to NewtonSmoothFractal(r,c,dr,Coefficients[,Palette][,dimx[,dimy]]).",

            if (dimx <= 0 || dimx > 5000 || dimy <= 0 || dimy > 5000)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Image size must be within 1x1 to 5000x5000", this);

            if (f != null)
                return(CalcNewtonSmooth(rc, ic, dr, R, f, fDef, Variables, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                        this, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                        new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, fDef, ColorExpression }));
            else if (CoefficientsZ != null)
                return(CalcNewtonSmooth(rc, ic, dr, R, CoefficientsZ, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                        this, Variables, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                        new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, CoefficientsZ, ColorExpression }));
                return(CalcNewtonSmooth(rc, ic, dr, R, Coefficients, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                        this, Variables, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                        new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, Coefficients, ColorExpression }));
        public override IElement Evaluate(IElement[] Arguments, Variables Variables)
            string ColorExpression = null;

            SKColor[] Palette;
            double[]  Coefficients = null;
            Complex[] CoefficientsZ = null;
            double    rc, ic;
            double    dr;
            Complex   R;
            int       dimx, dimy;
            int       c = Arguments.Length;
            int       i = 0;
            object    Obj;
            Complex   z;

            Obj = Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;
            if (Obj is Complex)
                z  = (Complex)Obj;
                rc = z.Real;
                ic = z.Imaginary;
                rc = Expression.ToDouble(Obj);
                ic = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i >= c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Insufficient parameters in call to NewtonBuilderFractal().", this);

            dr = Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);

            if (i < c && (Arguments[i] is DoubleNumber || Arguments[i] is ComplexNumber))
                R = Expression.ToComplex(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                R = Complex.One;

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c && Arguments[i] is DoubleVector)
                Coefficients = (double[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;

                int j, d = Coefficients.Length;

                CoefficientsZ = new Complex[d];
                for (j = 0; j < d; j++)
                    CoefficientsZ[j] = new Complex(Coefficients[j], 0);
            else if (i < c && Arguments[i] is ComplexVector)
                CoefficientsZ = (Complex[])Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue;

            /*else if (i < c && Parameters[i] is RealPolynomial)
             *  Coefficients = ((RealPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;
             * else if (i < c && Parameters[i] is ComplexPolynomial)
             *  CoefficientsZ = ((ComplexPolynomial)Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue).Coefficients;*/
            else if (i < c && Arguments[i] is IVector)
                IVector Vector = (IVector)Arguments[i++];
                int     j, d = Vector.Dimension;

                CoefficientsZ = new Complex[d];
                for (j = 0; j < d; j++)
                    CoefficientsZ[j] = Expression.ToComplex(Vector.GetElement(j).AssociatedObjectValue);
                CoefficientsZ = new Complex[0];

            if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] != null && Arguments[i] is ObjectVector)
                ColorExpression = this.Arguments[i].SubExpression;
                Palette         = FractalGraph.ToPalette((ObjectVector)Arguments[i++]);
                Palette         = ColorModels.RandomLinearAnalogousHSL.CreatePalette(128, 4, out int Seed, this, Variables);
                ColorExpression = "RandomLinearAnalogousHSL(128,4," + Seed.ToString() + ")";

                if (i < c && this.Arguments[i] == null)

            if (i < c)
                dimx = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimx = 320;

            if (i < c)
                dimy = (int)Expression.ToDouble(Arguments[i++].AssociatedObjectValue);
                dimy = 200;

            if (i < c)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Parameter mismatch in call to NewtonBuilderFractal(r,c,dr,Coefficients[,Palette][,dimx[,dimy]]).",

            if (dimx <= 0 || dimx > 5000 || dimy <= 0 || dimy > 5000)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Image size must be within 1x1 to 5000x5000", this);

            return(NewtonFractal.CalcNewton(rc, ic, dr, R, CoefficientsZ, Palette, dimx, dimy,
                                            this, this.FractalZoomScript,
                                            new object[] { Palette, dimx, dimy, R, CoefficientsZ, ColorExpression, rc, ic }));