        IDataTransform CreateTransformValueMapper <TSrc, TDst>(IValueMapper valueMapper, string inputColumn, string outputColumn)
            var            mapper = valueMapper.GetMapper <TSrc, TDst>();
            IDataTransform transform;

            // The lambda transform should be replaced by something which does not creates
            // multiple threads. The mapper calls a predictor and for some reason, the context is not
            // well preserved (rare bug).
            var view = LambdaColumnHelper.Create(_host, "PredictTransform", Source, inputColumn, outputColumn,
                                                 valueMapper.InputType, valueMapper.OutputType,
                                                 (in TSrc src, ref TDst dst) =>
                mapper(in src, ref dst);
        private ValueGetter <TDst> GetValueGetter <TSrc, TDst>(DataViewRow input, int colSrc)
            Contracts.Assert(ValueMapper != null);

            var featureGetter = input.GetGetter <TSrc>(input.Schema[colSrc]);
            var map           = ValueMapper.GetMapper <TSrc, TDst>();
            var features      = default(TSrc);

                ((ref TDst dst) =>
                featureGetter(ref features);
                map(in features, ref dst);
            public virtual ValueMapper <VBuffer <float>, VBuffer <float> > GetMapper()
                Contracts.Assert(_mappers != null);
                Contracts.Assert(_mappers.Length == 1);
                var             mapper = _mappers[0].GetMapper <VBuffer <float>, float>();
                VBuffer <float> inputs = new VBuffer <float>();

                float[]      labelClasses = _classes.Values.Select(c => _labelConverter(c)).ToArray();
                int          maxClass     = _dstIndices == null ? _classes.Length : _dstIndices.Max() + 1;
                bool         labelKey     = _labelKey;
                IValueMapper imapperFinal = _reclassificationPredictor == null ? null : _reclassificationPredictor as IValueMapper;
                var          mapperFinal  = _reclassificationPredictor == null ? null : imapperFinal.GetMapper <VBuffer <float>, VBuffer <float> >();
                var          tempOut      = new VBuffer <float>();

                if (_singleColumn)
                    if (labelKey)
                        for (int i = 0; i < labelClasses.Length; ++i)

                    // Only one new column added which contain the label.
                        ((in VBuffer <float> src, ref VBuffer <float> dst) =>
                        if (dst.Count != maxClass)
                            dst = new VBuffer <float>(maxClass, _classes.Length, new float[_classes.Length], _dstIndices);

                        var values = inputs.Values;
                        var indices = inputs.Indices;

                        if (src.IsDense)
                            if (values == null || values.Length <= src.Count)
                                values = new float[src.Length + 1];
                            Array.Copy(src.Values, values, src.Length);
                            Contracts.Assert(src.Indices == null);
                            inputs = new VBuffer <float>(src.Length + 1, values);
                            if (src.Indices == null)
                                if (src.Values == null)
                                    // All missing.
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _classes.Length; ++i)
                                        dst.Values[i] = 0;
                                    throw Contracts.Except("Inconsistency in input vector. Sparse vector with null indices.");
                            int nb = src.Count + 1;
                            if (values == null || values.Length < nb)
                                values = new float[nb];
                            if (indices == null || indices.Length < nb)
                                indices = new int[nb];
                            Array.Copy(src.Values, values, src.Count);
                            Array.Copy(src.Indices, indices, src.Count);
                            indices[src.Count] = src.Length;
                            inputs = new VBuffer <float>(src.Length + 1, src.Count + 1, values, indices);

                        for (int i = 0; i < _classes.Length; ++i)
                            inputs.Values[src.Count] = labelClasses[i];
                            mapper(in inputs, ref dst.Values[i]);

                        // Only if probabilities
                        // Normalize(dst.Values, _classes.Length);
                        #region debug
#if (DEBUG)
                        var dense = dst.DenseValues().ToArray();
                        if (dense.Length != maxClass)
                            throw Contracts.Except("Different dimension {0} != {1}-{2}", maxClass, dst.Length, dst.Count);

                        if (mapperFinal != null)
                            mapperFinal(in dst, ref tempOut);
                            dst = tempOut;