        /// <summary>
        /// Aggregates all the color data for a given mesh vertex index.
        /// Checks overlapping verticies for vertex color data and collects it in the provided
        /// collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureCoords">Texture coordinates to treat as colors.</param>
        /// <param name="vertexColorVertices">The vertices that contain the color information.</param>
        /// <param name="vertices">The main vertices.</param>
        /// <param name="vertIndexToCheck">The index of the vertices being checked.</param>
        /// <param name="colorsToAdd">The collection of colors to add to.</param>
        /// <param name="coordToColorConversionStrategy">The strategy to use for converting the texture coordinates to colors.</param>
        /// <returns>The number of colors added to the collection.</returns>
        private static int AggregateVertexColorsForIndex(Vector2[] textureCoords, Vector3[] vertexColorVertices, Vector3[] vertices, int vertIndexToCheck, ICollection <Color> colorsToAdd, IUVToColorConversionStrategy coordToColorConversionStrategy)
            if (textureCoords == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textureCoords");
            if (vertexColorVertices == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vertexColorVertices");
            if (vertices == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices");
            if (colorsToAdd == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("colorsToAdd");
            if (coordToColorConversionStrategy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("coordToColorConversionStrategy");
            if (vertIndexToCheck < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("vertIndexToCheck", "The vertex index to check cannot be less than 0.");

            int count = colorsToAdd.Count;

            //So for each vertex we want to find one that matches in the vertex color mesh
            //so that we we assign the color to the texture mesh
            for (int colorVertIndex = 0; colorVertIndex < textureCoords.Length && colorVertIndex < vertices.Length; colorVertIndex++)
                //If it's within distance (don't assume same position) then we should consider it a match and aggregate the color at this point
                if (!(Vector3.Distance(vertexColorVertices[vertIndexToCheck], vertices[colorVertIndex]) <= Vector3.kEpsilon * 10))


            return(colorsToAdd.Count - count);
        private Color ParseCoordinatesToColor(IList <GameObject> vertexColoredGameObjectList, GameObject currentVertexColoredGameObject,
                                              Mesh vertexColorMesh, Vector2[] textureCoords, Vector3[] tmVertices, Vector3[] vertexColoredVertices, int vertIndex, IUVToColorConversionStrategy coordToColorConversionStrategy)
            List <Color> colorsToAdd = new List <Color>(10);

            AggregateVertexColorsForIndex(textureCoords, tmVertices, vertexColoredVertices, vertIndex, colorsToAdd, coordToColorConversionStrategy);

            if (useVertexBlending)
                //Now we need to check nearby meshes to see if we share points and should blend/average vertex colors with them
                //This can be done efficiently using bounding box volume distance comparisions
                IEnumerable <Mesh> nearbyUnswappedMeshes = vertexColoredGameObjectList
                                                           .Where(go => go != currentVertexColoredGameObject)
                                                           .Select(go => go.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh)
                                                           .Where(m => m.bounds.Intersects(vertexColorMesh.bounds));

                //Then once we've gathered all nearby meshes we can perform the same process against each mesh to blend colors
                //TODO: This is insanely costly N^3. Could be VERY slow for large meshes nearby large meshes
                foreach (Mesh m in nearbyUnswappedMeshes)
                    Vector3[] nearbyVertices      = m.vertices;
                    Vector2[] nearbyUVColorCoords = m.uv;

                    //For performance we should only be interested in vertices that are contained in nearby bounding boxes
                    if (!m.bounds.Contains(tmVertices[vertIndex]))

                    AggregateVertexColorsForIndex(nearbyUVColorCoords, tmVertices, nearbyVertices, vertIndex, colorsToAdd, coordToColorConversionStrategy);
