        //Runs when item is clicked.
        //We should be able to avoid loading actual ToolboxItem instances and their
        //associated assemblies until they are activated.
        public override void Activate(object host)
            IDesignerHost desHost = host as IDesignerHost;

            if (desHost == null)
                throw new Exception("This ToolboxItem should not have been shown for this host. System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem requires a host of type System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost");

            //web controls have sample HTML that need to be deserialised
            //TODO: Fix WebControlToolboxItem so we don't have to mess around with type lookups and attributes here
            if ((item is System.Web.UI.Design.WebControlToolboxItem) && host is AspNetEdit.Editor.ComponentModel.DesignerHost)
                AspNetEdit.Editor.ComponentModel.DesignerHost aspDesHost = (AspNetEdit.Editor.ComponentModel.DesignerHost)desHost;

                if (item.AssemblyName != null && item.TypeName != null)
                    //look up and register the type
                    ITypeResolutionService typeRes = (ITypeResolutionService)aspDesHost.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
                    Type controlType = typeRes.GetType(item.TypeName, true);

                    //read the WebControlToolboxItem data from the attribute
                    AttributeCollection atts = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(controlType);
                    System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute tda = (System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)atts[typeof(System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)];

                    //if it's present
                    if (tda != null && tda.Data.Length > 0)
                        //look up the tag's prefix and insert it into the data
                        System.Web.UI.Design.IWebFormReferenceManager webRef = aspDesHost.GetService(typeof(System.Web.UI.Design.IWebFormReferenceManager)) as System.Web.UI.Design.IWebFormReferenceManager;
                        if (webRef == null)
                            throw new Exception("Host does not provide an IWebFormReferenceManager");
                        string aspText = String.Format(tda.Data, webRef.GetTagPrefix(controlType));
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Toolbox processing ASP.NET item data: " + aspText);

                        //and add it to the document

            //No ToolboxDataAttribute? Get the ToolboxItem to create the components itself
        private void handleToolboxNode(ItemToolboxNode node)
            ToolboxItemToolboxNode tiNode = node as ToolboxItemToolboxNode;

            if (tiNode != null)
                //load the type into this process and get the ToolboxItem
                System.Drawing.Design.ToolboxItem ti = tiNode.GetToolboxItem();

                //web controls have sample HTML that need to be deserialised, in a ToolboxDataAttribute
                //TODO: Fix WebControlToolboxItem and (mono classlib's use of it) so we don't have to mess around with type lookups and attributes here
                if (ti.AssemblyName != null && ti.TypeName != null)
                    //look up and register the type
                    ITypeResolutionService typeRes = (ITypeResolutionService)designerHost.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
                    Type controlType = typeRes.GetType(ti.TypeName, true);

                    //read the WebControlToolboxItem data from the attribute
                    AttributeCollection atts = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(controlType);

                    System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute tda = (System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)atts [typeof(System.Web.UI.ToolboxDataAttribute)];

                    //if it's present
                    if (tda != null && tda.Data.Length > 0)
                        //look up the tag's prefix and insert it into the data
                        WebFormReferenceManager webRef = designerHost.GetService(typeof(WebFormReferenceManager)) as WebFormReferenceManager;
                        if (webRef == null)
                            throw new Exception("Host does not provide an IWebFormReferenceManager");
                        string aspText = String.Format(tda.Data, webRef.GetTagPrefix(controlType));
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Toolbox processing ASP.NET item data: " + aspText);

                        //and add it to the document

                //No ToolboxDataAttribute? Get the ToolboxItem to create the components itself
        protected virtual Type GetType(IDesignerHost host, AssemblyName assemblyName, string typeName, bool reference)
            if (typeName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeName");

            if (host == null)

            //get ITypeResolutionService from host, as we have no other IServiceProvider here
            ITypeResolutionService typeRes = host.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
            Type type = null;

            if (typeRes != null)
                //TODO: Using Assembly loader to throw errors. Silent fail and return null?
                typeRes.GetAssembly(assemblyName, true);
                if (reference)
                type = typeRes.GetType(typeName, true);
                Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                if (assembly != null)
                    type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a type space object from a JSON representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">JSON representation of the type space.</param>
        /// <param name="typeResolutionService">Type resolution service. Can be null.</param>
        /// <returns>Type space for the given JSON representation.</returns>
        public static TypeSpace FromJson(Json.Expression expression, ITypeResolutionService typeResolutionService)
            // Referencing mscorlib for default lookups. See SimpleTypeDef.FromJson for the
            // special treatment of this assembly in order to shorten names in serialization
            // payload.
            if (typeResolutionService != null)
                typeResolutionService.ReferenceAssembly(typeof(int).Assembly.GetName() /* mscorlib */);

            // Inverse of ToJson.
            var defs = ((Json.ArrayExpression)expression).Elements;

            // First, get enough type reference objects to support the full range of ordinals.
            var typeRefs = Enumerable.Range(0, defs.Count).Select(i => new TypeRef(i)).ToArray();

            // Using a findRef delegate, we can now import the type definitions. Notice this
            // assumes that type references are in a fixed zero-based range.
            var findRef  = new Func <Json.Expression, TypeRef>(r => typeRefs[TypeRef.FromJson(r).Ordinal]);
            var typeDefs = defs.Select(def => TypeDef.FromJson(def, findRef, typeResolutionService)).ToArray();

            // Next, we associate all of the type references with their corresponding definition,
            // again based on ordinal number indexes.
            var j = 0;

            foreach (var typeDef in typeDefs)
                var typeRef = typeRefs[j++];
                typeRef.Definition = typeDef;

            // The first phase of defining the type space consists of compilation of the types,
            // resulting in recreation of structural types. Entries are added to the type def
            // table to allow for Lookup calls during deserialization of the expression tree.
            var res             = new TypeSpace();
            var structuralTypes = new List <StructuralTypeDef>();

            foreach (var typeRef in typeRefs)
                var def = typeRef.Definition;
                res._typeDefs[typeRef] = def;
                def.Compile(res._compiler, typeResolutionService);

                // Structural types need a separate compilation stage in order to "freeze" the
                // reconstructed types. See comment below for more information.
                if (def is StructuralTypeDef std)

            // Second stage of compilation, triggering the CreateType on TypeBuilder to cause
            // final construction of the types.
            foreach (var structuralType in structuralTypes)
                structuralType.ToType(); // side-effect described above

            // The following piece of code can be re-enabled for debugging purposes in order to
            // see a Type-based index for type references. This is only needed for serialization,
            // so we eliminate this step for deserialization.

             * foreach (var typeRef in typeRefs)
             * {
             *  var type = typeRef.Definition.ToType();
             *  res._typeRefs[type] = typeRef;
             * }

        public static Activity[] DeserializeActivitiesFromDataObject(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IDataObject dataObj, bool addReference)
            IDesignerHost designerHost = (IDesignerHost)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));

            if (designerHost == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("IDesignerHost is missing.");

            if (dataObj == null)
                return new Activity[] { }

            object      data       = dataObj.GetData(CF_DESIGNER);
            ICollection activities = null;

            if (data is Stream)
                BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();

                ((Stream)data).Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                object serializationData = formatter.Deserialize((Stream)data);
                if (serializationData is SerializationStore)
                    // get component serialization service
                    ComponentSerializationService css = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ComponentSerializationService)) as ComponentSerializationService;
                    if (css == null)
                        throw new Exception("ComponentSerializationService is missing.");

                    // deserialize data
                    activities = css.Deserialize((SerializationStore)serializationData);
                // Now check for a toolbox item.
                IToolboxService ts = (IToolboxService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IToolboxService));
                if (ts != null && ts.IsSupported(dataObj, designerHost))
                    ToolboxItem toolBoxItem = ts.DeserializeToolboxItem(dataObj, designerHost);
                    if (toolBoxItem != null)
                        // this will make sure that we add the assembly reference to project
                        if (addReference && toolBoxItem.AssemblyName != null)
                            ITypeResolutionService trs = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService)) as ITypeResolutionService;
                            if (trs != null)

                        ActivityToolboxItem ActivityToolboxItem = toolBoxItem as ActivityToolboxItem;
                        if (addReference && ActivityToolboxItem != null)
                            activities = ActivityToolboxItem.CreateComponentsWithUI(designerHost);
                            activities = toolBoxItem.CreateComponents(designerHost);

            return((activities != null) ? (Activity[])(new ArrayList(activities).ToArray(typeof(Activity))) : new Activity[] { });
        protected virtual Type GetType(IDesignerHost host, AssemblyName assemblyName, string typeName, bool reference)
            ITypeResolutionService ts = null;
            Type type = null;

            if (typeName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeName");

            if (host != null)
                ts = (ITypeResolutionService)host.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));

            if (ts != null)
                if (reference)
                    if (assemblyName != null)
                        type = ts.GetType(typeName);
                        // Just try loading the type.  If we succeed, then use this as the
                        // reference.
                        type = ts.GetType(typeName);
                        if (type == null)
                            type = Type.GetType(typeName);
                        if (type != null)
                    if (assemblyName != null)
                        Assembly a = ts.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
                        if (a != null)
                            type = a.GetType(typeName);

                    if (type == null)
                        type = ts.GetType(typeName);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))
                    if (assemblyName != null)
                        Assembly a = null;
                        try {
                            a = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                        catch (FileNotFoundException) {
                        catch (BadImageFormatException) {
                        catch (IOException) {

                        if (a == null && assemblyName.CodeBase != null && assemblyName.CodeBase.Length > 0)
                            try {
                                a = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName.CodeBase);
                            catch (FileNotFoundException) {
                            catch (BadImageFormatException) {
                            catch (IOException) {

                        if (a != null)
                            type = a.GetType(typeName);

                    if (type == null)
                        type = Type.GetType(typeName, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the necessary components associated with this data adapter instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="host">The designer host</param>
        /// <returns>The components created by this toolbox item</returns>
        protected override IComponent[] CreateComponentsCore(IDesignerHost host)
            DbProviderFactory fact = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory("Npgsql");

            DbDataAdapter dataAdapter = fact.CreateDataAdapter();
            IContainer    container   = host.Container;

            using (DbCommand adapterCommand = fact.CreateCommand())
                adapterCommand.DesignTimeVisible = false;
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand        = (DbCommand)((ICloneable)adapterCommand).Clone();
                container.Add(dataAdapter.SelectCommand, GenerateName(container, "SelectCommand"));

                dataAdapter.InsertCommand = (DbCommand)((ICloneable)adapterCommand).Clone();
                container.Add(dataAdapter.InsertCommand, GenerateName(container, "InsertCommand"));

                dataAdapter.UpdateCommand = (DbCommand)((ICloneable)adapterCommand).Clone();
                container.Add(dataAdapter.UpdateCommand, GenerateName(container, "UpdateCommand"));

                dataAdapter.DeleteCommand = (DbCommand)((ICloneable)adapterCommand).Clone();
                container.Add(dataAdapter.DeleteCommand, GenerateName(container, "DeleteCommand"));

            ITypeResolutionService typeResService = (ITypeResolutionService)host.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));

            if (typeResService != null)


            List <IComponent> list = new List <IComponent>();


            // Show the connection wizard if we have a type for it
            if (_wizard != null)
                using (Form wizard = (Form)Activator.CreateInstance(_wizard, new object[] { host, dataAdapter }))

            if (dataAdapter.SelectCommand != null)
            if (dataAdapter.InsertCommand != null)
            if (dataAdapter.DeleteCommand != null)
            if (dataAdapter.UpdateCommand != null)

        protected virtual Type GetType(IDesignerHost host, System.Reflection.AssemblyName assemblyName, string typeName, bool reference)
            ITypeResolutionService service = null;
            Type type = null;

            if (typeName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("typeName");
            if (host != null)
                service = (ITypeResolutionService)host.GetService(typeof(ITypeResolutionService));
            if (service != null)
                if (reference)
                    if (assemblyName != null)
                    type = service.GetType(typeName);
                    if (type == null)
                        type = Type.GetType(typeName);
                    if (type != null)
                if (assemblyName != null)
                    Assembly assembly = service.GetAssembly(assemblyName);
                    if (assembly != null)
                        type = assembly.GetType(typeName);
                if (type == null)
                    type = service.GetType(typeName);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName))
                if (assemblyName != null)
                    Assembly assembly2 = null;
                        assembly2 = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException)
                    catch (BadImageFormatException)
                    catch (IOException)
                    if (((assembly2 == null) && (assemblyName.CodeBase != null)) && (assemblyName.CodeBase.Length > 0))
                            assembly2 = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyName.CodeBase);
                        catch (FileNotFoundException)
                        catch (BadImageFormatException)
                        catch (IOException)
                    if (assembly2 != null)
                        type = assembly2.GetType(typeName);
                if (type == null)
                    type = Type.GetType(typeName, false);
        CreateComponentsCore(IDesignerHost host)
            const string     prefix = VSNETConst.shortTitle;          // "Ingres"
            IContainer       designerHostContainer = host.Container;
            ArrayList        newComponents         = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList        newCommandComponents  = new ArrayList();
            string           name;
            IngresConnection connection;
            IngresCommand    providerCommand;

            if (designerHostContainer == null)              // safety check

            IngresDataAdapter dataAdapter = new IngresDataAdapter();

            // Once a reference to an assembly has been added to this service,
            // this service can load types from names that
            // do not specify an assembly.
            ITypeResolutionService resService =

            System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = dataAdapter.GetType().Module.Assembly;

            if (resService != null)
                // set the assembly name to load types from

            name = DesignerNameManager.CreateUniqueName(
                designerHostContainer, prefix, "DataAdapter");
                designerHostContainer.Add(dataAdapter, name);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                string exMsg = ex.ToString() +
                               "\nRemove IngresDataAdapter component '" + name + "'" +
                               " that is defined outside of the designer. ";
                MessageBox.Show(exMsg, "Add " + name + " failed");

            string [] commandName = new String []

            providerCommand = new IngresCommand();                 // SELECT
            providerCommand.DesignTimeVisible = false;
            dataAdapter.SelectCommand         = providerCommand;

            providerCommand = new IngresCommand();                 // INSERT
            providerCommand.DesignTimeVisible = false;
            dataAdapter.InsertCommand         = providerCommand;

            providerCommand = new IngresCommand();                 // UPDATE
            providerCommand.DesignTimeVisible = false;
            dataAdapter.UpdateCommand         = providerCommand;

            providerCommand = new IngresCommand();                 // DELETE
            providerCommand.DesignTimeVisible = false;
            dataAdapter.DeleteCommand         = providerCommand;

            // invoke the wizard to create the connection and query
            // pass VS.NET IDesignerHost host so we can add Connection
            DataAdapterWizard wizard = new DataAdapterWizard(dataAdapter, host);

            // The DataAdapterWizard called the ConnectionEditor and
            // gave the Wizard and Editor a chance to create the Connection
            // object and SELECT statement, or to cancel out.
            // If not cancelled, add the Connection object to
            // the VS.NET component tray if not already done.
            if (dataAdapter.SelectCommand != null &&
                dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection != null)
                connection = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection;
                name       = DesignerNameManager.CreateUniqueName(
                    designerHostContainer, prefix, "Connection");
                //add the connection to the VS.NET component tray
                designerHostContainer.Add(connection, name);

            // add the four Command objects (each with a unique name)
            // to the designer's components tray
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                name = DesignerNameManager.CreateUniqueName(
                    designerHostContainer, prefix, commandName[i]);
                    (IComponent)newCommandComponents[i], name);
            }              // end for loop thru command components

            string s = "Creating component list for " + this.GetType() + "?\n";

            //return base.CreateComponentsCore(host);
        }  // CreateComponentsCore
        // InvokeMethods the currently selected method, if any, when
        // the InvokeMethod button is pressed.
        private void InvokeMethod(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the GetAssembly or GetPathofAssembly radio button
            // is selected.
            if (this.radioButton1.Checked || this.radioButton2.Checked || this.radioButton4.Checked)
                if (this.entryBox.Text.Length == 0)
                    // If there is no assembly name specified, display status message.
                    this.infoBox.Text = "You must enter the name of the assembly to retrieve.";
                else if (rs != null)
                    // Create a System.Reflection.AssemblyName
                    // for the entered text.
                    AssemblyName name = new AssemblyName();
                    name.Name = this.entryBox.Text.Trim();

                    // If the GetAssembly radio button is checked...
                    if (this.radioButton1.Checked)
                        // Use the ITypeResolutionService to attempt to
                        // resolve an assembly reference.
                        Assembly a = rs.GetAssembly(name, false);
                        // If an assembly matching the specified name was not
                        // located in the GAC or local project references,
                        // display a message.
                        if (a == null)
                            this.infoBox.Text = "The " + this.entryBox.Text + " assembly could not be located.";
                            // An assembly matching the specified name was located.
                            // Builds a list of types.
                            Type[]        types = a.GetTypes();
                            StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
                                sb.Append(types[i].FullName + "\r\n");
                            string path = rs.GetPathOfAssembly(name);
                            // Displays assembly information and a list of types contained in the assembly.
                            this.infoBox.Text = "Assembly located:\r\n\r\n" + a.FullName + "\r\n  at: " + path + "\r\n\r\nAssembly types:\r\n\r\n" + sb.ToString();
                    else if (this.radioButton2.Checked)
                        string path = rs.GetPathOfAssembly(name);
                        if (path != null)
                            this.infoBox.Text = "Assembly located at:\r\n" + path;
                            this.infoBox.Text = "Assembly was not located.";
                    else if (this.radioButton4.Checked)
                        Assembly a = null;
                            // Add a reference to the assembly to the
                            // current project.
                            // Use the ITypeResolutionService to attempt
                            // to resolve an assembly reference.
                            a = rs.GetAssembly(name, false);
                            // Catch this exception so that the exception
                            // does not interrupt control behavior.
                        // If an assembly matching the specified name was not
                        // located in the GAC or local project references,
                        // display a message.
                        if (a == null)
                            this.infoBox.Text = "The " + this.entryBox.Text + " assembly could not be located.";
                            this.infoBox.Text = "A reference to the " + a.FullName + " assembly has been added to the project's referenced assemblies.";
            else if (this.radioButton3.Checked)
                if (this.entryBox.Text.Length == 0)
                    // If there is no type name specified, display a
                    // status message.
                    this.infoBox.Text = "You must enter the name of the type to retrieve.";
                else if (rs != null)
                    Type type = null;
                        type = rs.GetType(this.entryBox.Text, false, true);
                        // Consume exceptions raised during GetType call
                    if (type != null)
                        // Display type information.
                        this.infoBox.Text = "Type: " + type.FullName + " located.\r\n  Namespace: " + type.Namespace + "\r\n" + type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
                        this.infoBox.Text = "Type not located.";
 /// <summary>
 /// See <see cref="ITypeResolutionService.ReferenceAssembly"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public override void ReferenceAssembly(AssemblyName name)