private void CompleteDirective( ITypeInitializationContext context, DirectiveDescription description, HashSet <string> processed) { DirectiveReference reference = DirectiveReference.FromDescription(description); DirectiveType directiveType = context.GetDirectiveType(reference); if (directiveType != null) { if (!processed.Add(directiveType.Name) && !directiveType.IsRepeatable) { context.ReportError(new SchemaError( $"The specified directive `@{directiveType.Name}` " + "is unique and cannot be added twice.", context.Type as INamedType)); } else if (directiveType.Locations.Contains(_location)) { _directives.Add(Directive.FromDescription( directiveType, description, _source)); } else { context.ReportError(new SchemaError( $"The specified directive `@{directiveType.Name}` " + "is not allowed on the current location " + $"`{_location}`.", context.Type as INamedType)); } } }
private void CompleteDirecive( ITypeInitializationContext context, DirectiveDescription description) { DirectiveReference reference = DirectiveReference.FromDescription(description); DirectiveType type = context.GetDirectiveType(reference); if (type != null) { if (type.Locations.Contains(_location)) { _directives.Add( Directive.FromDescription(type, description, _source)); } else { context.ReportError(new SchemaError( $"The specified directive `{type.Name}` is not " + $"allowed on the current location `{_location}`.", context.Type)); } } }