private Action <TracerBuilder> ConfigureOptions(ITracingOptions options, Action <TracerBuilder> configureTracer)
            return(builder =>
                Sampler sampler = null;
                if (options.AlwaysSample)
                    sampler = new AlwaysSampleSampler();
                else if (options.NeverSample)
                    sampler = new NeverSampleSampler();


                if (sampler != null)
                    ConfiguredSampler = sampler;

 protected AspNetCoreTracingObserver(string observerName, ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing, ILogger logger)
     : base(observerName, DIAGNOSTIC_NAME, logger)
     Options     = options;
     Tracing     = tracing;
     Propagation = tracing.PropagationComponent.TextFormat;
     Tracer      = tracing.Tracer;
     PathMatcher = new Regex(options.IngressIgnorePattern);
 protected HttpClientTracingObserver(string observerName, string diagnosticName, ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing, ILogger logger)
     : base(observerName, diagnosticName, logger)
     Options     = options;
     Tracing     = tracing;
     TextFormat  = tracing.TextFormat;
     Tracer      = tracing.Tracer;
     PathMatcher = new Regex(options.EgressIgnorePattern);
        private Vector3 GetReflectionColor(
            ISurface surface,
            Vector3 position,
            Vector3 reflectionDir,
            ITracingOptions tracingOptions,
            int depth,
            int sampleIndex)
            var ray = new Ray(position + reflectionDir * 0.001f, reflectionDir);

            return(surface.Reflect(position) * GetColorVectorForRay(ray, tracingOptions, depth + 1, sampleIndex));
        public OpenTelemetryTracing(ITracingOptions options, Action <TracerBuilder> configureTracer = null)
            var maxAttributes = options.MaxNumberOfAttributes > 0 ? options.MaxNumberOfAttributes : DefaultMaxAttributes;
            var maxEvents     = options.MaxNumberOfMessageEvents > 0 ? options.MaxNumberOfMessageEvents : DefaultMaxEvents;
            var maxLinks      = options.MaxNumberOfLinks > 0 ? options.MaxNumberOfLinks : DefaultMaxLinks;

            TracerConfiguration = new TracerConfiguration(maxAttributes, maxEvents, maxLinks);

            var factory = TracerFactory.Create(ConfigureOptions(options, configureTracer));

            Tracer = factory.GetTracer(options.Name);
        protected Color CastRay(Ray ray, ITracingOptions tracingOptions)
            Vector3 color = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < tracingOptions.SampleCount; i++)
                var c = GetColorVectorForRay(ray, tracingOptions, 0, i);
                c      = Vector3.Clamp(c, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One);
                color += c;
            color /= tracingOptions.SampleCount;
            return(new Color(color));
        public SceneRenderer(
            Game game,
            RayMarching rayMarching,
            ITracingOptions tracingOptions
            ) : base(game)
            _tracingOptions = tracingOptions;
            _rayMarching    = rayMarching;

            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice);
            _pixel       = new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            _pixel.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
        private Vector3 CalculateNaturalColor(
            Vector3 position,
            Vector3 intersectionNormal,
            ITracingOptions tracingOptions,
            ISurface surface,
            int sampleIndex)
            // use Phong shading model to determine color

            // use minimal ambient
            var color = new Vector3(0.2f);

            foreach (var light in tracingOptions.Scene.Lights)
                var offset = Vector3.Zero;
                if (sampleIndex > 0)
                    const float offsetFactor = 0.1f;
                    offset = new Vector3(-offsetFactor + offsetFactor * 2 * (float)_random.NextDouble(),
                                         -offsetFactor + offsetFactor * 2 * (float)_random.NextDouble(),
                                         -offsetFactor + offsetFactor * 2 * (float)_random.NextDouble());
                var lightDistance = light.Position + offset - position;
                var lightDir      = Vector3.Normalize(lightDistance);

                // check if light source is reachable from current position or not
                // must move away from object slightly, otherwise collision will be current point
                var ray = new Ray(position + lightDir * 0.001f, lightDir);
                var ix  = CheckIntersection(ray, tracingOptions.Scene);
                if (ix.HasValue)
                    var intersection = ix.Value;
                    var isInShadow   = intersection.Distance * intersection.Distance < lightDistance.LengthSquared();
                    if (isInShadow)

                var illumination = MathHelper.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(lightDir, intersectionNormal), 0, float.MaxValue);
                var c            = illumination * light.Color.ToVector3() * light.Intensity;
                color += c * surface.Diffuse(position);

                var specular = MathHelper.Clamp(Vector3.Dot(lightDir, intersectionNormal), 0, float.MaxValue);
                color += specular * c * (float)Math.Pow(specular, surface.Shininess) * surface.Specular(position);
            return(color / tracingOptions.Scene.Lights.Count);
        public void Draw(RenderTarget2D renderTarget, ITracingOptions tracingOptions, GameTime gameTime)

            // compute shader requires batching in power of 2, so must input next power of 2
            // shader will auto. discard anything outside of texture range
            var x = _pow.First(x => x >= renderTarget.Width);
            var y = _pow.First(y => y >= renderTarget.Height);

            var width  = renderTarget.Width - 1;
            var height = renderTarget.Height - 1;

            // inject parameters
            _shader.SetParameter("eye", tracingOptions.Camera.Position);
            _shader.SetParameter("direction", tracingOptions.Camera.Direction);
            _shader.SetParameter("time", (float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds);

            // hardcoded to chunks of 8x8 in compute shader
            _shader.Execute(x / 8, y / 8, 1);
        public override void Draw(RenderTarget2D renderTarget, ITracingOptions tracingOptions, GameTime gameTime)
            if (_buffer == null ||
                _buffer.Length != renderTarget.Width * renderTarget.Height)
                _buffer = new Color[renderTarget.Width * renderTarget.Height];

            for (int y = 0; y < renderTarget.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < renderTarget.Width; x++)
                    var ray = tracingOptions.Camera.GetRayForRasterPosition(x, y, renderTarget.Width - 1, renderTarget.Height - 1);
                    _buffer[x + y * renderTarget.Width] = CastRay(ray, tracingOptions);

            // TODO: SetData perf is "horrible"
            // compare against pixel/line drawing
        public OpenCensusTracing(ITracingOptions options, ISampler sampler = null)
            this.options = options;
            var builder = TraceParams.DEFAULT.ToBuilder();

            if (sampler != null)
            else if (options.AlwaysSample)
            else if (options.NeverSample)

            if (options.MaxNumberOfAnnotations > 0)

            if (options.MaxNumberOfAttributes > 0)

            if (options.MaxNumberOfLinks > 0)

            if (options.MaxNumberOfMessageEvents > 0)

        public override void Draw(RenderTarget2D renderTarget, ITracingOptions tracingOptions, GameTime gameTime)
            if (_buffer == null ||
                _buffer.Length != renderTarget.Width * renderTarget.Height)
                _buffer = new Color[renderTarget.Width * renderTarget.Height];

            var r = Parallel.For(0, renderTarget.Height, y =>
                for (int x = 0; x < renderTarget.Width; x++)
                    var ray = tracingOptions.Camera.GetRayForRasterPosition(x, y, renderTarget.Width - 1, renderTarget.Height - 1);
                    _buffer[x + y * renderTarget.Width] = CastRay(ray, tracingOptions);

            if (!r.IsCompleted)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Parallel loop must always complete");

        private Vector3 GetColorVectorForRay(Ray ray, ITracingOptions tracingOptions, int depth, int sampleIndex)
            var ix = CheckIntersection(ray, tracingOptions.Scene);

            if (!ix.HasValue)

            var intersection         = ix.Value;
            var intersectionLocation = ray.Position + ray.Direction * intersection.Distance;
            var intersectionNormal   = intersection.IntersectedObject.Normal(intersectionLocation);

            var color = CalculateNaturalColor(intersectionLocation, intersectionNormal, tracingOptions, intersection.IntersectedObject.Surface, sampleIndex);

            if (depth >= tracingOptions.ReflectionLimit)
                return(color * Vector3.One / 2f);
            // TODO: make feature of surface
            var reflectionDir = ray.Direction - 2 * Vector3.Dot(intersectionNormal, ray.Direction) * intersectionNormal;

            return(color + GetReflectionColor(intersection.IntersectedObject.Surface, intersectionLocation, reflectionDir, tracingOptions, depth + 1, sampleIndex));
        public SceneRenderer(
            Game game,
            PerformanceEvaluator performanceEvaluator,
            ITracingOptions tracingOptions,
            ICamera camera,
            IEnumerable <IRaytracer> raytracerBackends,
            Settings settings
            ) : base(game)
            _performanceEvaluator      = performanceEvaluator;
            _tracingOptions            = tracingOptions;
            _raytracingBackends        = raytracerBackends.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            _selectedRaytracingBackend = _raytracingBackends
                                         .FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name.Equals(settings.Compute.Backend, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) ??
                                         throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported backend {settings.Compute.Backend} requested. " +
                                                                         $"  Supported backends are: {string.Join(",", _raytracingBackends.Select(x => x.Name))}");

            _camera   = camera;
            _settings = settings;

            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice);
            _pixel       = new Texture2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1);
            _pixel.SetData(new[] { Color.White });
 public TracingLogProcessor(ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing)
     this.options = options;
     this.tracing = tracing;
 public InboundRequestObserver(string observerName, string diagnosticName, ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing, ILogger logger)
     : base(observerName, diagnosticName, options, tracing, logger)
     this.logger = logger;
 public TracingLogProcessor(ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing)
     _options = options;
     _tracing = tracing;
 public abstract void Draw(RenderTarget2D renderTarget, ITracingOptions tracingOptions, GameTime gameTime);
 public TracingLogProcessor(ITracingOptions options)
     _options = options;
 public AspNetCoreMvcActionObserver(ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing, ILogger <AspNetCoreMvcActionObserver> logger = null)
     : base(OBSERVER_NAME, options, tracing, logger)
 public HttpClientCoreObserver(ITracingOptions options, ITracing tracing, ILogger <HttpClientCoreObserver> logger = null)
     : base(OBSERVER_NAME, DIAGNOSTIC_NAME, options, tracing, logger)
 public OutboundRequestObserver(ITracingOptions tracingOptions, ITracing tracing, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
     : base(tracingOptions, tracing, loggerFactory.CreateLogger <OutboundRequestObserver>())