        public IEnumerator <BestBetsMatch> GetEnumerator()
            // Create a list for the main category.
            var mainList =
                from item in new Array[1]
                select new { Synonym = _bestBet.Name, IsExact = _bestBet.IsExactMatch, IsNegated = false };

            // Create a list for each of the Include synonyms
            var includeList =
                from item in _bestBet.IncludeSynonyms
                select new { Synonym = item.Text, IsExact = item.IsExactMatch, IsNegated = false };

            // Create a list for each of the Exclude synonyms
            var excludeList =
                from item in _bestBet.ExcludeSynonyms
                select new { Synonym = item.Text, IsExact = item.IsExactMatch, IsNegated = true };

            // Combine the lists and return the actual BestBetMatch objects.
            // NOTE: The assumption is that there are no duplicates. Union would
            //       remove duplicates, but at the cost of additional processing.
            foreach (var item in mainList.Concat(includeList).Concat(excludeList))
                int tokenCount = -1;

                    //TODO: Uh, do we need to clean the synonym?????????
                    tokenCount = _tokenAnalyzer.GetTokenCount(item.Synonym);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(
                              "Error in getting token count for: "
                              + _bestBet.Name + ", Synonym: ," + item.Synonym, ex);

                // Return a new object each time rather than update an existing object
                // that might be referenced/used somewhere else.
                yield return(new BestBetsMatch()
                    Category = _bestBet.Name,
                    ContentID = _bestBet.ID,
                    Synonym = item.Synonym,
                    Language = _bestBet.Language,
                    IsNegated = item.IsNegated,
                    IsExact = item.IsExact,
                    TokenCount = tokenCount
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of the BestBet Category IDs that matched our term
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="language">The two-character language code to constrain the matches to</param>
        /// <param name="cleanedTerm">A term that have been cleaned of punctuation and special characters</param>
        /// <returns>An array of category ids</returns>
        public string[] GetMatches(string language, string cleanedTerm)
            // Step 2. Get Number of Tokens in the term
            int numTokens = _tokenAnalyzer.GetTokenCount(cleanedTerm);

            // Step 4. Iterate over the matches
            IEnumerable <BestBetsMatch> matches = GetBestBetMatches(

            // Step 5. Process the matches and extract only the category IDs we will
            // be returning to the client
            string[] validCategories = FilterValidCategories(matches, numTokens);
