        private int tmdPrimitivePacketHashCode(TMDPrimitivePacket p)
            var hashCode = p.Flags.GetHashCode();

            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.Options.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.Type.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.ILen.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.OLen.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.PacketData.Vertices.Length.GetHashCode();

            IColoredPrimitivePacket coloredPacket = p.PacketData as IColoredPrimitivePacket;

            if (coloredPacket != null)
                foreach (var col in coloredPacket.Colors)
                    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ col.GetHashCode();

            ILitPrimitivePacket litPacket = p.PacketData as ILitPrimitivePacket;

            if (litPacket != null)
                foreach (var norm in litPacket.Normals)
                    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ norm.GetHashCode();

            ITexturedPrimitivePacket texturedPacket = p.PacketData as ITexturedPrimitivePacket;

            if (texturedPacket != null)
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ texturedPacket.Texture.TexturePageNumber.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ texturedPacket.Texture.ColorMode.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ texturedPacket.Texture.AlphaBlendRate.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ texturedPacket.ColorLookup.XPosition.GetHashCode();
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ texturedPacket.ColorLookup.YPosition.GetHashCode();
                foreach (var uv in texturedPacket.UVs)
                    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ uv.GetHashCode();

            foreach (var vert in p.PacketData.Vertices)
                hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ vert.GetHashCode();
            hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ p.SpriteSize.GetHashCode();
        public Mesh CreateTMDObjectMesh(TMDObject obj)

            foreach (var prim in obj.Primitives)
                // currently only polygon primitives are supported
                if (prim.Type != TMDPrimitivePacket.Types.POLYGON)

                // figure out which index list to use based on whether or not this primitive is alpha blended
                List <int> indicesList = (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.AlphaBlended) != 0
                    ? _alphaBlendIndices
                    : _indices;

                // get interfaces for different packet types from LibLSD
                IPrimitivePacket         primitivePacket         = prim.PacketData;
                ITexturedPrimitivePacket texturedPrimitivePacket = prim.PacketData as ITexturedPrimitivePacket;
                IColoredPrimitivePacket  coloredPrimitivePacket  = prim.PacketData as IColoredPrimitivePacket;
                ILitPrimitivePacket      litPrimitivePacket      = prim.PacketData as ILitPrimitivePacket;

                for (int i = 0; i < primitivePacket.Vertices.Length; i++)
                    // get index into vertices array
                    int vertIndex = primitivePacket.Vertices[i];
                    _packetIndices[i] = _verts.Count;

                    // create variables for each of the vertex types
                    Vec3    vertPos     = obj.Vertices[vertIndex];
                    Vector3 vec3VertPos = new Vector3(vertPos.X, -vertPos.Y, vertPos.Z) / 2048f;
                    Color32 vertCol     = Color.white;
                    Vector3 vertNorm    = Vector3.zero;
                    Vector2 vertUV      = Vector2.one;

                    // handle packet colour
                    if (coloredPrimitivePacket != null)
                        Vec3 packetVertCol =
                            coloredPrimitivePacket.Colors[coloredPrimitivePacket.Colors.Length > 1 ? i : 0];
                        vertCol = new Color(packetVertCol.X, packetVertCol.Y, packetVertCol.Z);
                        if (vertCol.r > 0 && vertCol.g > 0 && vertCol.b > 0 &&
                            (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.Textured) == 0 &&
                            (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.AlphaBlended) != 0)
                            vertCol.a = 127;

                    // handle packet normals
                    if (litPrimitivePacket != null)
                        TMDNormal packetVertNorm =
                            obj.Normals[litPrimitivePacket.Normals[litPrimitivePacket.Normals.Length > 1 ? i : 0]];
                        vertNorm = new Vector3(packetVertNorm.X, packetVertNorm.Y, packetVertNorm.Z);

                    // handle packet UVs
                    if (texturedPrimitivePacket != null)
                        // calculate which texture page we're on
                        int texPage = texturedPrimitivePacket.Texture.TexturePageNumber;

                        int texPageXPos = ((texPage % 16) * 128) - 640;
                        int texPageYPos = texPage < 16 ? 256 : 0;

                        // derive UV coords from the texture page
                        int   uvIndex  = i * 2;
                        int   vramXPos = texPageXPos + texturedPrimitivePacket.UVs[uvIndex];
                        int   vramYPos = texPageYPos + (256 - texturedPrimitivePacket.UVs[uvIndex + 1]);
                        float uCoord   = vramXPos / (float)PsxVram.VRAM_WIDTH;
                        float vCoord   = vramYPos / (float)PsxVram.VRAM_HEIGHT;

                        vertUV = new Vector2(uCoord, vCoord);

                        // check for overlapping UVs and fix them slightly
                        foreach (var uv in _uvs)
                            if (uv.Equals(vertUV))
                                vertUV += new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f);

                    // add all computed aspects of vertex to lists
                // we want to add extra indices if this primitive is a quad (to triangulate)
                bool isQuad = (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.Quad) != 0;


                if (isQuad)

                // if this primitive is double sided we want to add more vertices with opposite winding order
                if ((prim.Flags & TMDPrimitivePacket.PrimitiveFlags.DoubleSided) != 0)

                    if (isQuad)

                // add the indices to the list

            Mesh result = new Mesh();

            result.SetUVs(0, _uvs);

            // regular mesh
            if (_indices.Count >= 3)
                result.SetTriangles(_indices, 0, false, 0);

            // alpha blended mesh
            if (_alphaBlendIndices.Count >= 3)
                result.subMeshCount = 2;
                result.SetTriangles(_alphaBlendIndices, 1, false, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a mesh from an object stored inside a TMD model file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The TMD object to create a mesh from.</param>
        /// <returns>The Mesh created from the object.</returns>
        public static Mesh MeshFromTMDObject(TMDObject obj)
            // create the mesh, and lists of vertices, normals, colors, uvs, and indices
            Mesh           result            = new Mesh();
            List <Vector3> verts             = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector3> normals           = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Color32> colors            = new List <Color32>();
            List <Vector2> uvs               = new List <Vector2>();
            List <int>     indices           = new List <int>();
            List <int>     alphaBlendIndices = new List <int>(); // alpha blended polygons are stored in a submesh

            // TMD objects are built from 'primitives'
            foreach (var prim in obj.Primitives)
                // currently only polygon primitives are supported
                if (prim.Type != TMDPrimitivePacket.Types.POLYGON)

                // check which index list to use based on whether this primitive is alpha blended or not
                List <int> indicesList = (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.AlphaBlended) != 0
                    ? alphaBlendIndices
                    : indices;

                // get interfaces for different packet types from LibLSD
                IPrimitivePacket         primitivePacket         = prim.PacketData;
                ITexturedPrimitivePacket texturedPrimitivePacket = prim.PacketData as ITexturedPrimitivePacket;
                IColoredPrimitivePacket  coloredPrimitivePacket  = prim.PacketData as IColoredPrimitivePacket;
                ILitPrimitivePacket      litPrimitivePacket      = prim.PacketData as ILitPrimitivePacket;

                // for each vertex in the primitive
                List <int> polyIndices   = new List <int>();
                int[]      packetIndices = new int[primitivePacket.Vertices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < primitivePacket.Vertices.Length; i++)
                    // get its index into the vertices array
                    int vertIndex = primitivePacket.Vertices[i];
                    packetIndices[i] = verts.Count;

                    // create variables for each of the vertex types
                    Vec3    vertPos     = obj.Vertices[vertIndex];
                    Vector3 vec3VertPos = new Vector3(vertPos.X, -vertPos.Y, vertPos.Z) / 2048f;
                    Color32 vertCol     = Color.white;
                    Vector3 vertNorm    = Vector3.zero;
                    Vector2 vertUV      = Vector2.one;

                    // handle packet colour
                    if (coloredPrimitivePacket != null)
                        Vec3 packetVertCol =
                            coloredPrimitivePacket.Colors[coloredPrimitivePacket.Colors.Length > 1 ? i : 0];
                        vertCol = new Color(packetVertCol.X, packetVertCol.Y, packetVertCol.Z);
                        if (vertCol.r > 0 && vertCol.g > 0 && vertCol.b > 0 &&
                            (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.Textured) == 0 &&
                            (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.AlphaBlended) != 0)
                            vertCol.a = 127;

                    // handle packet normals
                    if (litPrimitivePacket != null)
                        TMDNormal packetVertNorm =
                            obj.Normals[litPrimitivePacket.Normals[litPrimitivePacket.Normals.Length > 1 ? i : 0]];
                        vertNorm = new Vector3(packetVertNorm.X, packetVertNorm.Y, packetVertNorm.Z);

                    // handle packet UVs
                    if (texturedPrimitivePacket != null)
                        // calculate which texture page we're on
                        int texPage = texturedPrimitivePacket.Texture.TexturePageNumber;

                        int texPageXPos = ((texPage % 16) * 128) - 640;
                        int texPageYPos = texPage < 16 ? 256 : 0;

                        // derive UV coords from the texture page
                        int   uvIndex  = i * 2;
                        int   vramXPos = texPageXPos + texturedPrimitivePacket.UVs[uvIndex];
                        int   vramYPos = texPageYPos + (256 - texturedPrimitivePacket.UVs[uvIndex + 1]);
                        float uCoord   = vramXPos / (float)PsxVram.VRAM_WIDTH;
                        float vCoord   = vramYPos / (float)PsxVram.VRAM_HEIGHT;

                        vertUV = new Vector2(uCoord, vCoord);

                        // check for overlapping UVs and fix them slightly
                        foreach (var uv in uvs)
                            if (uv.Equals(vertUV))
                                vertUV += new Vector2(0.0001f, 0.0001f);

                    // add all computed aspects of vertex to lists

                // we want to add extra indices if this primitive is a quad (to triangulate)
                bool isQuad = (prim.Options & TMDPrimitivePacket.OptionsFlags.Quad) != 0;


                if (isQuad)

                // if this primitive is double sided we want to add more vertices with opposite winding order
                if ((prim.Flags & TMDPrimitivePacket.PrimitiveFlags.DoubleSided) != 0)

                    if (isQuad)

                // add the indices to the list

            // set the mesh arrays
            result.vertices = verts.ToArray();
            result.normals  = normals.ToArray();
            result.colors32 = colors.ToArray();
            result.uv       = uvs.ToArray();

            // regular mesh
            if (indices.Count >= 3)
                result.SetTriangles(indices, 0, false, 0);

            // alpha blended mesh
            if (alphaBlendIndices.Count >= 3)
                result.subMeshCount = 2;
                result.SetTriangles(alphaBlendIndices, 1, false, 0);

