public Outro(IRenderView renderView, OutroData outroData, Font outroFont, Font outroFontLarge, Action finishAction) { this.finishAction = finishAction; this.outroData = outroData; this.outroFont = outroFont; this.outroFontLarge = outroFontLarge; this.renderView = renderView; renderLayer = renderView.GetLayer(Layer.OutroGraphics); picture = renderView.SpriteFactory.Create(160, 128, true, 1) as ILayerSprite; picture.Layer = renderLayer; picture.PaletteIndex = paletteOffset = renderView.GraphicProvider.FirstOutroPaletteIndex; picture.Visible = false; renderTextFactory = renderView.RenderTextFactory; textProcessor = renderView.TextProcessor; fadeArea = renderView.ColoredRectFactory.Create(Global.VirtualScreenWidth, Global.VirtualScreenHeight, Color.Black, 255); fadeArea.Layer = renderView.GetLayer(Layer.Effects); fadeArea.X = 0; fadeArea.Y = 0; fadeArea.Visible = false; graphicInfos = outroData.GraphicInfos; EnsureTextures(renderView, outroData, outroFont, outroFontLarge); }
internal static TagCloud GetTagCloud(string text, ICloudLayoter layoter, ITextProcessor textProcessor, IWordsMetric wordsMetric) { var metric = wordsMetric.GetMetric(textProcessor.GetLiterals(text)); return(new TagCloud(metric, layoter)); }
public bool AddItem(Room room, InventoryItem item, out InventoryItem droppedItem, ITextProcessor textProcessor) { Guard.NullParameter(room, () => room); Guard.NullParameter(item, () => item); return AddItem(room.Name, item, out droppedItem, textProcessor); }
public BookContentProcessor( ITextProcessor textProcessor, ISentenceFactory sentenceFactory) { _textProcessor = textProcessor; _sentenceFactory = sentenceFactory; }
void DoJob() { _counter = new Counter (); if (_files.Count == 0)//get input from stdin { using (var sr = new StreamReader (Console.OpenStandardInput (), input_encoding)) { _counter.Process (sr); } } else { WalkFileEntries (_files, f => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (extension) || f.EndsWith ("." + extension)) { using(var sr = new StreamReader(f,input_encoding)) { _counter.Process (sr); } } }); } }
public void OneTimeSetUp() { var mock = new Mock <ITextProcessor>(); mock.Setup(p => p.Process(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns((string v) => v); _textProcessorMock = mock.Object; }
public static IEnumerable <string> GetNormalizedWordsEnumerable( this ITextProcessor textProcessor, string text) { return(textProcessor.GetWordsEnumerable(text) .Select(word => textProcessor.NormalizeWord(word)) .Where(word => word.Length > 0) .Distinct()); }
public static IEnumerable <string> GetSentencesEnumerable( this ITextProcessor textProcessor, string text, LanguageInformation languageInformation) { return(textProcessor.GetSentencesEnumerable(text) .Where(sentence => languageInformation.IsAllLettersAllowed(sentence))); }
public void SetUp() { _embeddedContentVisitorFactoryMock = A.Fake <IEmbeddedContentVisitorFactory>(); _embeddedContetnRegexSettingsMock = A.Fake <IEmbeddedContentRegexSettings>(); _textProcessorMock = A.Fake <ITextProcessor>(); _settingsBundleMock = A.Fake <ISettingsBundle>(); _itemFactoryMock = A.Fake <IDocumentItemFactory>(); }
public SentenceQuery( LibraryDbContext dbContext, ITextProcessor textProcessor, string language) { _dbContext = dbContext; _textProcessor = textProcessor; _language = language; }
private void SetTagInfo(OptionsTagInfo info) { processor = TextProcessorAssosiation .GetProcessor(SkipSpaces(info.Processor)); metric = WordsMetricAssosiation .GetMetric(SkipSpaces(info.Metric)); layoter = CloudLayoterAssosiation .GetCloudLayoter(SkipSpaces(info.Layoter), SkipSpaces(info.PointGetter)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Initialize(); ITextSource textSource = null; IResultWriter resultWriter = null; ITextProcessor textProcessor = null; #if version1 //Проверяем наличие модулей if (sourses.Length == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Not found any SourceModule"); return; } if (writers.Length == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Not found any SourceModule"); return; } if (processors.Length == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Not found any SourceModule"); return; } #endif //Получаем название модулей и загружаем var textSourceName = SelectModuleName("Select a source of text", sourses); var resultWriterName = SelectModuleName("Select method of write result", writers); var textProcessorName = SelectModuleName("Select method of word processing", processors); #if version2 textSourceModule.SetNecessaryType(textSourceName); resultWriterModule.SetNecessaryType(resultWriterName); textProcessorModule.SetNecessaryType(textProcessorName); kernel = new StandardKernel(new NinjectModule[] { textSourceModule, resultWriterModule, textProcessorModule }); #endif textSource = kernel.Get <ITextSource>(textSourceName); resultWriter = kernel.Get <IResultWriter>(resultWriterName); textProcessor = kernel.Get <ITextProcessor>(textProcessorName); //Запускаем обработку текста var spinner = new ConsoleSpiner(); spinner.Start("Processing"); IWorker worker = new SimpleWorker(textSource, resultWriter, textProcessor); var d = worker.ExecuteAsync().Result; spinner.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("All done. Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public InMemoryStore(IDictionary <string, string> sourceDictionary, ITextProcessor textProcessor) { if (sourceDictionary == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceDictionary)); } Store = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>(sourceDictionary); TextProcessor = textProcessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textProcessor)); }
public IEmbeddedContentVisitor CreateVisitor(IDocumentItemFactory itemFactory, IPropertiesFactory propertiesFactory, ITextProcessor textProcessor) { _itemFactory = itemFactory; _propertiesFactory = propertiesFactory; _textProcessor = textProcessor; GeneratedParagraph = _itemFactory.CreateParagraphUnit(LockTypeFlags.Unlocked).Source; _currentContainer = GeneratedParagraph; return(this); }
public static IEnumerable <string> GetNormalizedWordsEnumerable( this ITextProcessor textProcessor, string text, LanguageInformation languageInformation) { return(textProcessor.GetWordsEnumerable(text) .Select(word => textProcessor.NormalizeWord(word)) .Where(word => languageInformation.IsAllLettersAllowed(word)) .Where(word => word.Length > 0) .Distinct()); }
public BawBagBot(BawBagBotConfiguration configuration) { Guard.NullParameter(configuration, () => configuration); _configuration = configuration; _store = new DocumentStore { ConnectionStringName = "RavenDB" }; _randomProvider = new RandomNumberProvider(); _inventoryManager = new InventoryManager(5, _store, _randomProvider); _textProcessor = new TextProcessor(); _dateTimeProvider = new DefaultDateTimeProvider(); _rooms = new Dictionary<string, Room>(); _botAddressedMatcher = new Regex("^@?" + _configuration.JabbrNick + "[,: ](.*)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); }
public BookImporter( IBookRepository bookStore, ISentenceRepository sentenceRepository, ITextProcessor textProcessor, ILanguageProvider languageProvider, IBookContentProcessor bookContentProcessor, ILogger <BookImporter> logger) { _bookStore = bookStore; _sentenceRepository = sentenceRepository; _textProcessor = textProcessor; _languageProvider = languageProvider; _bookContentProcessor = bookContentProcessor; _logger = logger; }
public TextcMessageReceiver( ITextProcessor textProcessor, IContextProvider contextProvider, IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = null) { if (textProcessor == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textProcessor)); } if (contextProvider == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contextProvider)); } _textProcessor = textProcessor; _contextProvider = contextProvider; _exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; }
public IList <IToken> Process(ITextProcessor input) { return(Tokenize(input.Presentation)); /*var accum = new StringBuilder(); * var outp = new List<IToken>(); * * var code = input.Presentation.Aggregate("", (s, s1) => s + s1); * var length = code.Length; * for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) * { * if (code[i] == ' ') * { * accum.Clear(); * while (i < length - 1 && code[i] == ' ') * i++; * } * if (i + 1 == length) break; * * accum.Append(code[i]); * var accumStr = accum.ToString(); * * if (ops.Contains(accumStr)) * { * outp.Add(new ExampleToken(accumStr, "Operation")); * accum.Clear(); * } * else if (singleOps.Contains(accumStr)) * { * outp.Add(new ExampleToken(accumStr, "Single Operation")); * accum.Clear(); * } * else if (Regex.IsMatch(accumStr, @"^e?(([a-d]x)|([sd]i))$")) * { * outp.Add(new ExampleToken(accumStr, "Register")); * accum.Clear(); * } * else if (accumStr == ",") * { * outp.Add(new ExampleToken(",", "Comma")); * accum.Clear(); * } * } * * return outp;*/ }
public void OneTimeSetup() { var mock = new Mock <ITextProcessor>(); mock.Setup(p => p.Process(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns((string v) => v); _textProcessor = mock.Object; var connectionString = new ConnectionString { Filename = DataFilename, }; _db = new LiteDatabase(connectionString, BsonMapper.Global); _repository = new DataRepository(DataFilename); }
public void SetUp() { _itemFactoryMock = A.Fake <IDocumentItemFactory>(); _propertiesFactoryMock = A.Fake <IPropertiesFactory>(); _textProcessorMock = A.Fake <ITextProcessor>(); _sourceParagraphMock = A.Fake <IParagraph>(); _textMock = A.Fake <IText>(); var paragraphUnitMock = A.Fake <IParagraphUnit>(); A.CallTo(() => _itemFactoryMock.CreateParagraphUnit(LockTypeFlags.Unlocked)).Returns(paragraphUnitMock); A.CallTo(() => paragraphUnitMock.Source).Returns(_sourceParagraphMock); var propertiesMock = A.Fake <ITextProperties>(); A.CallTo(() => propertiesMock.Text).Returns(TexBeforeProcessing); A.CallTo(() => _textMock.Properties).Returns(propertiesMock); }
internal string GetOutput(IEnumerable <string> selectedItems, ITextProcessor textProcessor) { try { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); int count = selectedItems.Count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { textProcessor.AppendTextItem(i, count, selectedItems.ElementAt(i), buffer); } return(buffer.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { logService.Write(LogEntryType.Warning, "Error occured while appending text item in '{0}': {1}", textProcessor.GetType().Name, ex.Message); return(string.Empty); } }
public string GenerateTextReport(ITextProcessor txtProcessor) { string report = txtProcessor.AddHeader($"{this.customerName}'s Rental Record"); foreach (var rental in this.customerRentals) { var amount = rental.GetRentalAmount(); var title = txtProcessor.AddTitle(rental.GetItemTitle()); report += txtProcessor.AddLine($"{title}{amount}"); } var footerContent = txtProcessor.AddLine($"Amount owed is {this.totalAmount}"); footerContent += txtProcessor.Add($"{this.customerName} has {this.frequentRentPoints} frequent renter points"); report += txtProcessor.AddFooter(footerContent); return(report); }
public bool AddItem(string roomName, InventoryItem item, out InventoryItem droppedItem, ITextProcessor textProcessor) { Guard.NullParameter(roomName, () => roomName); Guard.NullParameter(item, () => item); using (var session = _documentStore.OpenSession()) { var inventory = session.Query<Inventory>().Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults()).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Room == roomName); if (inventory == null) { inventory = new Inventory { Room = roomName, Items = new List<InventoryItem>() }; session.Store(inventory); } droppedItem = null; if (inventory.Items.Any(x => textProcessor.SimplifiedEquals(x.Value, item.Value))) { session.SaveChanges(); return true; } if (inventory.Items.Count >= _inventoryCapacity) { var itemIndex = _randomNumberProvider.Next(_inventoryCapacity); droppedItem = inventory.Items[itemIndex]; inventory.Items.RemoveAt(itemIndex); } inventory.Items.Add(item); session.SaveChanges(); return false; } }
public xTextFile(string filePath) { this.words = new List <xWord>(); // this.frequencies = new List<xWordFrequencies>(); this.filePath = filePath; fileName = (new FileInfo(filePath)).Name; if (fileName.EndsWith(".doc")) { Processor = DocProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("docx")) { Processor = DocxProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("htm") || fileName.EndsWith("html")) { Processor = HtmlProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("odt")) { Processor = OdtProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("pdf")) { Processor = PdfProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("rtf")) { Processor = RtfProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("txt")) { Processor = TxtProcessor.GetInstance(); } else if (fileName.EndsWith("xlsx")) { Processor = XlsProcessor.GetInstance(); } }
public async Task RunAsync() { while (true) { ProviderOption providerOption = _providerSettingsProvider.GetProviderOption(); ProviderSettings providerSettings = _providerSettingsProvider.GetProviderSettings(providerOption); SaverOption saverOption = _saverSettingsProvider.GetSaverOptions(); SaverSettings saverSettings = _saverSettingsProvider.GetSaverSettings(saverOption); ProcessingOption processingOption = _processingSettingsProvider.GetProcessingOption(); ITextProvider provider = GetTextProvider(providerSettings); ITextProcessor processor = GetTextProcessor(processingOption); IProcessingResultSaver saver = GetResultSaver(saverSettings); var text = provider.GetTextAsync(CancellationToken.None); IProcessingResult result = await processor.GetResultAsync(text, CancellationToken.None); await saver.SaveAsync(result, CancellationToken.None); } }
public CommentAndStringProcessor(ITextProcessor textProcessor) : base(textProcessor) { }
public SentenceFactory(ITextProcessor textProcessor) { _textProcessor = textProcessor; }
public ResumePreprocess(IStopwordsFile stopwords, ITextProcessor textProcessor) : base(textProcessor) { this.stopwords = stopwords; }
public TextProcessorDecorator(ITextProcessor textProcessor) { this.textProcessor = textProcessor; }
public TfIdfCalc(ITextProcessor textProcessor) { this.textProcessor = textProcessor; }
public KeywordProcessor(ITextProcessor textProcessor, HashSet <string> keywords, string template) : base(textProcessor) { this.keywords = keywords; this.template = template; }
public void SetTextProcessor(ITextProcessor aTextProcessor) { this.mTextProcessor = aTextProcessor; }
public static ITextProcessor Then( this ITextProcessor first, ITextProcessor next) => first is DoNothing ? next : next is DoNothing ? first : new ChainedProcessor(first, next);
public SubtitlesBuilder Using(ITextProcessor processor) { this.Processing = this.Processing.Then(processor); return(this); }
public virtual void ProcessElement(ITextProcessor processor) { string [] words = processor.ProcessText(header+ " " +body); if (words.Length < 1) return; this.fullStemmed = words; }