public static async Task SetupTransientTenant(FeatureContext context)
            // This needs to run after the ServiceProvider has been constructed
            IServiceProvider provider       = ContainerBindings.GetServiceProvider(context);
            ITenantProvider  tenantProvider = provider.GetRequiredService <ITenantProvider>();

            // In order to ensure the Cosmos aspects of the Tenancy setup are fully configured, we need to resolve
            // the ITenantCosmosContainerFactory, which triggers setting default config to the root tenant.
            // HACK: This is a hack until we can come up with a better way of handling deferred initialisation.
            provider.GetRequiredService <ITenantCosmosContainerFactory>();

            ITenant rootTenant      = tenantProvider.Root;
            ITenant transientTenant = await tenantProvider.CreateChildTenantAsync(rootTenant.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            CosmosConfiguration config = rootTenant.GetDefaultCosmosConfiguration() ?? new CosmosConfiguration();

            config.DatabaseName          = "endjinspecssharedthroughput";
            config.DisableTenantIdPrefix = true;

            await tenantProvider.UpdateTenantAsync(transientTenant).ConfigureAwait(false);
