        public async Task <Tuple <ErrorResponse, Template> > CreateProjectAssociationAsync(string templateId, string projectId)
            if (projectId == null || templateId == null)
                return(new Tuple <ErrorResponse, Template>(new ErrorResponse(400.2, $"Neither the 'Template Id' nor the 'Project Id' can be null."), null));
            else if (templateId.Length != 24)
                return(new Tuple <ErrorResponse, Template>(new ErrorResponse(400.2, $"The Template Id string has to be in the BSON Id format."), null));

            await repository.AddProjectByTemplateIdAsync(templateId, projectId);

            var updatedTemplate = await repository.GetByIdAsync(templateId);

            await eventSourceManager.UpdateTemplateEvent(updatedTemplate);

            return(new Tuple <ErrorResponse, Template>(null, updatedTemplate));